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The art of woodworking: Restoring Antiques |
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Abrasives 118
Abrasives, making a pumice dispenser (Shop Tip) 133
Abrasives, Making a sandpaper cutting board (Shop Tip) 118
Abrasives, rubbing out finishes 130—131
Adhesives, breaking bonds 27—28
Adhesives, regluing joints 24 25 32
American Country style 23
Antiquing 138—139
Bleaching 125
Build It Yourself, cove cutting guides 82
Burn marks 98
Burn marks, scraping away burn (Shop Tip) 100
Burn-in knives 104
Butterfly keys 58—59
Cabinet doors 40
Cabinet doors, frame-and-panel doors, split panels 43
Cabinet doors, frame-and-panel doors, twisted 40—41
Cabinet doors, loose hinges 42
cabinets see also "Cabinet doors"
Cabinets, prying off the back of a cabinet (Shop Tip) 28
Cane seats 61—66
Carcases, regluing 40
Carved surfaces, applying stains 124
Carved surfaces, removing stripper residue from a carving (Shop Tip) 114
Chairs, armrests, split 52
Chairs, backs, split bent-wood backs 39 56—57
Chairs, legs, broken turned legs 52—53
Chairs, legs, copying a leg (Shop Tip) 77
Chairs, legs, loose stretchers 55
Chairs, legs, relipping 78—79
Chairs, legs, repairing split stretchers (Shop Tip) 55
Chairs, legs, reproducing turned legs 76—77
Chairs, legs, split cabriole legs 54
Chairs, regluiug 60
Chairs, seats, cane seats 61—66
Chairs, seats, rush scats 67—70
Chairs, seats, split 38 39 58—59
Chairs, seats, upholsterers seats 71—73
Chippendale style 19
Clamping, chairs 60
Clamping, chairs, armrests 52
Clamping, chairs, bent-wood backs 57
Clamping, chairs, frame-and-panel doors 43
Clamping, chairs, pedestal table legs 51
Clamping, chairs, tripod table legs 49—50
Clamps, prying joints apart 28
Cleaning techniques 17
Cleaning techniques, shellac finishes 111
Contoured surfaces, building up the edges 87
Contoured surfaces, reconstructing surface damage 107
Contoured surfaces, sanding 117
Contoured surfaces, stripping the finish 113
Corners, reconstructing surface damage 107
Corners, repairing 83—84
Decorated surfaces see also "Carved surfaces"
Decorated surfaces, damaged edges 85—86
Dents 98 105
Desks, leather inlay replacement 48—49
Desks, restoration 26
Disassembly of furniture 27—31
Disassembly of furniture, prying off the back of a cabinet (Shop Tip) 28
Doors 40
Doors, frame-and-panel doors, split panels 43
Doors, frame-and-panel doors, twisted 40—41
Doors, loose hinges 42
Dovetail joints, broken dovetails 34—35
Dovetail joints, regluing 24
Dovetail joints, tightening 34
Drawers 44
Drawers, strengthening a split drawer bottom (Shop Tip) 45
Drawers, worn sides 44—45
Drying oils 126 128
Enamel, stripping the finish 112—114
Fasteners, extracting 29—31
Federal period style 21
Felt inlay, replacement 39
finishes see also "Refinishing" "Shellac" "Stains "Stripping "Surface
Finishes, application 128—129
Finishes, drying oils 126 128
Finishes, filding 132 136—137
Finishes, french polishing 108 132—135
Finishes, identification 96—97
Finishes, lacquer 96 128
Finishes, maintenance 17
Finishes, polyurethane 96 127
Finishes, removing excess stain or finish from a brush (Shop Tip) 99
Finishes, repairs 95 98
Finishes, repairs, shellac sticks 94 103 104
Finishes, repairs, touch-up kits 98
Finishes, rubbing out 130—131
Finishes, scraping away a burn (Shop Tip) 100
Finishes, types 96
Finishes, varnish 96 127
Frame-and-panel doors, split panels 43
Frame-and-panel doors, twisted 40—41
Frank, George 10—11
French polishing 108 132—135
French provincial style 20
Furniture, antique value 13
Furniture, styles, 17th Century 18
Furniture, styles, American Country 23
Furniture, styles, Chippendale 19
Furniture, styles, Federal period 21
Furniture, styles, French provincial 20
Furniture, styles, Hepplewhite 20
Furniture, styles, Queen Anne 18
Furniture, styles, Shaker 22
Furniture, styles, Sheraton 21 17
Furniture, styles, Victorian 23
Gilding 132 136—137
Glues, breaking bonds 27—28
Glues, regluing joints 24 25 32
Hardware 138
heat guns 115
Hepplewhite style 20
Hinges, loose 42
Joints 25 see "Mortise-and-tenon
Joints, butterfly keys 58—59
Joints, dowel joints, pedestal table legs 51
Joints, regluing 24 25 32
Joints, tables 24 25
Lacquer 96 128
Landrey, Gregory J. 8—9
Leather inlay, replacement 48—49
legs see "Chairs" "Tables"
Levitan, Al 6—7
Liming 138 139
Methyl alcohol 27
| Molder/planers 75
Moldings 74 75 76 80—81
Moldings, cove cutting guides 82
Mortise-and-tenon joints, broken blind mortise-and-tenon 36—37
Mortise-and-tenon joints, broken round tenons 32—33
Mortise-and-tenon joints, increasing tenon diameter (Shop Tip) 33
Mortise-and-tenon joints, regluing 24 32
Mortise-and-tenon joints, sizing up a dowel (Shop Tip) 33
Mortise-and-tenon joints, wedging a loose through tenon (Shop Tip) 37
Nails, extracting 29 30
Oil finishes 96 126 128
Patching compounds 102
Penetrating oil 96
Pickling 138 139
Polyurethane 96 127
Pry bars 27
Pumice 130—131
Pumice, Making a pumice dispenser (Shop Tip) 133
Queen Anne style 18
Refinishing 109 see "Stripping
Refinishing, antiquing 138—139
Refinishing, bleaching 125
Refinishing, preparing surfaces 116
Refinishing, preparing surfaces, filling the grain 116 120
Refinishing, preparing surfaces, raising the grain 119
Refinishing, preparing surfaces, sanding 116 117
Refinishing, preparing surfaces, scraping 116
Regluing, joints 24 25 32
Repair strategy 26
Restoration 13 26 see "Surface
Restoration techniques, building up the edges of contoured surfaces 87
Restoration techniques, damaged corners 83—84
Restoration techniques, legs, copying a leg (Shop Tip) 77
Restoration techniques, legs, reproducing turned legs 76—77
Restoration techniques, legs, retipping 78—79
Restoration techniques, moldings 74 75 76 80—81
Rottenstone 130—131
Rubbing out 130—131
Rush seats 67—70
Safety precautions, stripping finishes 110
Sanding 116 117
Sandpaper, making a sandpaper cutting board (Shop Tip) 118
Scratches 103—104
Screwdrivers, increasing the torque of a screwdriver (Shop Tip) 31
Screws, extracting 30
Shaker style 22
Sheetz, Ron 6—7
Shellac 96 126 127
Shellac, cleaning the finish 111
Shellac, shellac slicks 94 103 104
Shellac, stripping the finish 111
Sheraton style 21
Shop Tips, furniture disassembly 28 31
Shop Tips, joint repair 33 37
Shop Tips, refinishing 113 114 118 119 133
Shop Tips, restoration techniques 77 91 93
Shop Tips, structural reinforcements 45 47 55
Shop Tips, surface damage 99 100 102 106
Solvents 109
Splinters, gluing back an edge splinter (Shop Tip) 102
Stains (blemishes) 98
Stains (blemishes), bleaching 125
Stains (blemishes), burn marks 98
Stains (blemishes), burn marks, scraping away a burn (Shop Tip ) 100
Stains (blemishes), rubbing away 99
Stains (blemishes), water rings 98 101
Stains (finishes) 121 123
Stains (finishes), application 100 122 124
Stains (finishes), dye stains 121 123
Stains (finishes), pigment stains 123
Stains (finishes), recipes 121
Stains (finishes), recipes, preparing a natural walnut stain (Shop Tip) 124
Stains (finishes), removing excess stain or finish from a brush (Shop Tip) 99
Stripping finishes 109
Stripping finishes, enamel 112—114
Stripping finishes, heat guns 115
Stripping finishes, removing stripper residue from a carving (Shop Tip) 114
Stripping finishes, safety precautions 110
Stripping finishes, shellac 111
Stripping finishes, using sawdust as a wiping aid (Shop Tip) 113
Surface damage see also "Stains (blemishes)"
Surface damage, contoured surfaces 107
Surface damage, corners 98 107
Surface damage, dents 98 105
Surface damage, dents, concentrating steam to lift a dent (Shop Tip) 106
Surface damage, edges 98 106
Surface damage, gluing back an edge splinter (Shop Tip) 102
Surface damage, scratches 103—104
Surface damage, wood plugs in holes 88
Tables 46
Tables, cupped tops 46—47
Tables, cupped tops, kerfing a tabletop with a router (Shop Tip) 47
Tables, damaged corners 83—84
Tables, felt coverings 39
Tables, joints 24 25 49—51
Tables, leather inlay replacement 48—49
Tables, legs, copying a leg (Shop Tip) 7
Tables, legs, damaged pedestal legs 51
Tables, legs, damaged tripod legs 49—50
Tables, legs, reproducing turned legs 76—77
Tables, legs, retipping 78—79
Tables, restoration 26
Tables, split tops 46 48
Tack cloths, making a tack cloth (Shop Tip) 119
Tools 14—16
Tools, burn-in knives 104
Tools, hand scrapers 116
Tools, heat guns 115
Tools, molder/planers 75
Tools, pry bars 27
Tools, screwdrivers, increasing the torque of a screwdriver (Shop Tip) 31
Tools, soldering irons 30 103 106
Tools, tack cloths, making a tack cloth (Shop Tip) 119
Turned legs 76—77
Upholstered seats 71—73
Varnish 96 127
Veneer 89
Veneer, blisters 92—93
Veneer, blisters, extracting grit from under veneer (Shop Tip) 91
Veneer, blisters, patching 89—90
Veneer, blisters, refastening hide-glued veneer (Shop Tip) 93
Victorian style 23
Water rings 98 101
Wax 96
Wood grain, filling 116 120
Wood grain, raising 119
Wood-patching compounds 102
Wooden pegs, extracting 31
Workshops 12
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