Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Basdevant J.-L., Dalibard J. — Quantum Mechanics |
Предметный указатель |
Radioactivity 343
Radius, Bohr XVII 216
Ramsauer effect 60 452
Ramsey fringes 354 495
Random variable 409
Range of a potential 366
Rayleigh 397
Recoil effect 341
Recoil velocity 341
Reduced density operator 444
Reduced mass 209 358
Reduced matrix element 272
Reduced wave function 211
Reduction of the wave packet 46 102 107
Reflection coefficient 56
Refraction index (neutron) 377
Relative motion 208 357
Relativistic effect 259 264
Representation, Heisenberg 355
Representation, mixed 169
Resonance, magnetic 239
Restriction of an operator 180
Riemann (function) 329
Rigid rotator 201
Ritz, W. 398
Rohrer, H. 405
Rosen, N. (EPR paradox) 274
Rotating field 240
Rotation operator 111 457
Rotation, group 246
Rotation, invariance 141 145 211
Rotation, molecule 200
Rotation, operator 156 246
Ruby maser 131
Rutherford 220 399
Rutherford, cross section 360 365
Rydberg 220 398
Rydberg constant XVII
Scalar operator 270
Scalar potential 301 337
Scalar product 90
Scattering 357
Scattering, amplitude 363 373
Scattering, coherent 370
Scattering, Coulomb 360 365
Scattering, cross section (Born approximation) 364
Scattering, hard sphere 360 378 497
Scattering, integral equation 374
Scattering, length 375
Scattering, low energy 375
Scattering, nucleus 371
Scattering, of a bound state 367 368
Scattering, state 63 372
Schrieffer, J.R. 405
Schroedinger, cat 108 111
Schroedinger, E. 3 17 32 404
Schroedinger, equation 31 58 103 438
Schwinger, J. 405
screening 386
Second order perturbation theory 181
Secular equations 180
Selection rule 213 272 339
Self-adjoint operator 93
Shockley, W.B. 405
Singlet state 254 276 313 326
Sinusoidal perturbation 335
Slater determinant 317
Snell's laws 296
SO(3) group 246
Sodium, spectrum 213
Sodium, yellow line 258
Solid 384
Solid, energy band 147
Sommerfeld, A. 208 400
Space, curved 296
Spatially periodic potential 146
Spectral decomposition 97
Spectral decomposition, principle 102
Spectral theorem 95
Spectroscopic notation 213
Spectrum, atom 398
Spectrum, vibration 5 69
Spherical coordinates 197 210
Spherical harmonics 198
Spin 204 231 400 439
Spin, observable 233
Spin, spin-statistic connection 315
Spin, total 252
Spin-1/2 305
Spin-1/2, polarization 447 501
Spin-orbit interaction 259
Spinor 170 246
Spontaneous emission 130 336 339
Spontaneous emission, atom 346
Spontaneous emission, nucleus 347
Square potential 70
Square well 71
Stability of matter 33
Star, neutron 394
Star, white dwarf 392
Stark effect 404
State 17
State variable 294
State, antisymmetric 317
State, asymptotic 361
State, bound 63
| State, coherent (or quasi-classical) 153 464
State, entangled 273
State, scattering 63 372
State, singlet 254 276 313 326
State, stationary 48 350
State, symmetric 316
State, triplet 254 313
State, unstable 343
State, vector 90
Stationary state 48 59 350
Statistical errors 413
Statistical mixture 439
Stern and Gerlach 157 204 236 400
Stern, O. 243 400
Stimulated emission 130 322 336
Strange quark 226
Structure, fine 258
Structure, hyperfine 261
Sturm and Liouville 73
SU(2) group 246
Superposition principle 21 101
Symmetric state 316
Symmetrization principle 316
Symmetry of the Hamiltonian 145
Teleportation 291 485
Tensor product 104 168 251
Theorem, Bloch 146
Theorem, Ehrenfest 138 172 174 203 298 300
Theorem, Levinson 498
Theorem, non cloning 285
Theorem, Parseval — Plancherel 424
Theorem, Sturm and Liouville 73
Theorem, virial 155
Theorem, Wigner — Eckart 271
Thermodynamic equilibrium 328 354 441 494
Thomas precession 261
Thomson, G.P. 404
Thomson, J.J. 399
Three-dimensional harmonic oscillator 87 454
Time dependent perturbation 332
Time-energy uncertainty relation 155 350
Tomonaga, S. 405
Top quark 226
Total spin 252
Townes, C. 131 405
Trace 436
Trace, partial 444
Transition probability 322 332 362
Transition, electric dipole 213 266
Transition, electromagnetic 336
Transition, magnetic dipole 266
Translation invariance 141 210
Translation operator 111 457
Transmission coefficient 56
triplet state 254 313
Tunnel effect 56 82
Tunnel effect, microscope 57
Two state system 115
Two-component wave function 170
Uhlenbeck, G. 232 401
Uncertainty relation 28 32 137 186
Uncertainty relation, fermions 323
Uncertainty relation, time-energy 155 350
Unitary operator 111 146 246
Unpolarized spin 439
Unstable state 343
Vacuum polarization 264
Van der Waals interaction 377 385
Variable, random 409
Variance 412
Variational method 183
Vector operator 271
Vector potential 301 306 337
Velocity, recoil 341
Vibration spectrum 5 69
Virial theorem 155
Volkov 396
Von Neumann detector 107
von Neumann, J. 3 89 404
Wave function 18 57
Wave function, radial, 211
Wave function, reduced, 211
Wave function, two component 170
Wave packet 24 362
Wave packet, broadening 27
Wave packet, Gaussian 38
Wave packet, spreading 34 37
Wave-like behaviour 15
Wave-particle duality 2
Wavelength, Compton XVII 216
Wavelength, de Broglie 2 382
White dwarf 392
Wieman, C. 405
Wien, W. 397
Wigner distribution 442
Wigner — Eckart theorem 271
Wigner — Weisskopf approximation 347
Wigner, E. 405
Yang, C.N. 405
Young (interferences) 6 304 308
Yukawa potential 365
Zeeman effect 203 265 269
Zeeman effect, anomalous 237 260 401
Zeno paradox 176 470
Zero energy resonance 498
zero point energy 68 87
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