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Barone A., Paterno G. — Physics and aplication of the josephson effect |
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"Cos " term 39 47—49 153
a.c. Josephson effect 12 291—318
A.C. Josephson effect, inverse 353
Adiabatic approximation 137 139
Analog, long junction, mechanical 265—268 272—275 286—287
Analog, small junction, mechanical 123—126
Array structures 234 316 318
Array structures, microwave radiation in 316
Array structures, mixing and 330
Baecklund transformation 270
Bolometers 324
Bridge structures see also "Dayem bridges"
Bridge structures of constant thickness (C.T.B.) 177—179
Bridge structures, fabrication of 228—232
Bridge structures, Ginzburg Landau theory of 181—185
Bridge structures, proximity effect 23 180
Bridge structures, R.S.J. model in 181 187
Bridge structures, variable thickness (V.T.B.) 23 177—181
Coherence length for degenerate semiconductor layer 172
Coherence length for superconductor-normal metal interface 162
Computer elements 446—473
Computer elements, power dissipation for 471—472
Computer elements, power dissipation for, logic circuits 465—469
Computer elements, power dissipation for, memory cells 461—465
Coupling of Josephson junction to microstripline 315 349 352 353
Coupling of Josephson junction to resonant cavity 312
Critical fields for large junction 106 108 109
Cryotron tunneling, current steering for 455 457
Cryotron tunneling, flip-flop configuration 451—453
Cryotron, thin film 446—449
Cryotron, tunneling junction 449—451
Current density and vector potential 2
Current distribution in large junctions of one-dimensional geometry 96—112
Current distribution in large junctions, effects of geometrical configurations in 112—120
Current phase relation for bridge structures 182—185 191
Current phase relation, piecewise linear 114
Current phase relation, sinusoidal 11 19 69
Current steps, microwave induced, current source model for 305—309
Current steps, microwave induced, fluctuations effects on 293—294 350
Current steps, microwave induced, voltage source model for 291—293
Current steps, microwave induced, voltage standard and 347
Current steps, self-induced see "Self-resonant modes"
Cyclability, junctions thermal 199—205 225
Cyclability, point contact 232
Dayem bridges 23 178 228 229 see
Detection of electromagnetic radiation 318—330 see
Double-junction configuration see "Interferometer"
Electrodynamics of Josephson junction 19—22 235—290
electron-beam lithography 178 216—217
Energy functions for long junction 269—271
Energy gap 4 40 41
Energy gap, current biased junction and 136 138 140
Energy gap, enhancement of 194 307
Energy gap, paramagnetic impurities effects 60 63
Energy gap, single particle tunneling and 8
Energy gap, strong coupling effects on 57
Energy gap, sub-harmonic structures 186 191
Fabrication technology 198—234
Fluctuations, structural 91—95 225—226
Fluctuations, thermal 143—158
Flux flow in bridge structures 189—191
Flux flow in long junctions 264—271 273—288
Flux flow in metal barrier junctions 287 288
Flux flow, effects on voltage current characteristics 285—288
Flux quantum 17 71 108 110 354 366 400 420 462
Flux shuttle 465
Fluxoid 355
Fluxoid, quantization of 354—359 361 369
Fluxon dynamics 264—290 see
Fluxon dynamics, losses and bias effects on 274—278 287 288
Fluxon dynamics, perturbative analysis of 279—285
Free energy for junction barrier 18—19
Free energy for junction barrier, flux line and 108—109
Galvanometer 435
Gauge invariance 2—3 14—15
Gauge invariance, and broken symmetry 32
Ginzburg — Landau theory 1 167 169 181—183 185
Ginzburg — Landau theory, time-dependent 192
Green functions 30 162
Green functions, Fourier transform of 31
Ground plane effects 112 113 118
Inductance, equivalent, for Josephson junction 22 331 384 458
Interferometer 369—382
Interferometer of asymmetric two-junction configuration 375—382
Interferometer, as magnetometers 403—408
Interferometer, as memory cells 461—463
Interferometer, as switching devices 459—460
Interferometer, critical current for 18 371—372 376—382 406
Interferometer, fluxoid quantization in 369
Interferometer, magnetic field patterns for 17 378—382 406 460
Interferometer, metastable states in 373—375
Interferometer, practical configurations for 421—424 467
Interferometer, self-resonant steps in 466 467
Inverse scattering transform method 271
Jacobian elliptic functions 101 102 103 267 269 272 273
Josephson current density in magnetic field 14—17 70—72
Josephson current density, self field effects 102—103 106 107
Josephson current with paramagnetic impurities 59—65
Josephson current, enhancement of 187 194—195 307
Josephson current, magnetic field dependence of, for nonuniform current density distribution 79—95
Josephson current, magnetic field dependence of, for uniform current density distribution 74—79
Josephson current, magnetic field dependence of, in large junctions 96—120 175 177
Josephson current, magnetic field dependence of, in small junctions 69—95
Josephson current, measurement techniques of 66—68
Josephson current, temperature dependence of, and paramagnetic impurities 62—64
Josephson current, temperature dependence of, B.C.S. approximation 50—56
Josephson current, temperature dependence of, in bridge structures 183—185
Josephson current, temperature dependence of, in light-sensitive junctions 175—176
Josephson current, temperature dependence of, in proximity effect structures 164 167—168
Josephson current, temperature dependence of, strong coupling effects for 56—58
Josephson effect, constitutive relations of 11 15
Josephson effect, discovery of 1
Josephson effect, gapless superconductivity and 62
Josephson effect, microscopic theory of 25—39
Josephson effect, phenomenological theory of 9—14 181—182
Josephson junctions, characteristic impedance for electromagnetic radiation 309—310
Josephson junctions, different geometrical configurations of 112—120
Josephson junctions, long, electrodynamics of 264—290
Josephson junctions, mechanical analog see "Analog"
Josephson junctions, mixing in 324—330
Josephson penetration depth 20 69—70
Josephson penetration depth, temperature dependence of 99
Josephson radiation, detection of 13—14 318—330
Josephson radiation, emission of 309—318
Josephson radiation, emitted, harmonics in 313
Josephson radiation, linewidth of 313—315 317
Junction electrodes see "Superconductors"
Kramers — Kronig relations 34 37 47
Lift-off technique 214—216
Light-sensitive junctions, optical response of 173—174
Light-sensitive junctions, preparation of 224—225
Light-sensitive junctions, temperature dependence of 175—176
Logic functions 284 465—470 see
London penetration depth 15 16 20
London penetration depth, measure of 76
London penetration depth, temperature dependence of 99
London penetration depth, typical values of 200
Magnetic susceptibility measurements 437—439
Magnetocardiogram 439—441 443
Magnetoencephalogram 441 444 445
Magnetometers in feedback configuration 424—426
Magnetometers, applications of 434—445
Magnetometers, coupling to superconducting transformer 428
Magnetometers, d.c.-biased 403—408
Magnetometers, noise in 409—415
Magnetometers, r.f.-biased 398—403
Magnetometers, sensor configurations for 416—424
Magnetotellurics 445
Manley — Rowe relations 331 332
Memory cells 461—465
| Memory cells, flip-flop circuit as 461 469
Memory cells, flux quantization and 462 465
Memory cells, single flux quantum 462—465 469—470
Metal barrier junctions 161—169
Mixers, Josephson junction as 324—330
Mixing between harmonics 329—330
Noise power spectrum 158—160 413
Nonequilibrium superconductivity 191 193—195 307
Oxide tunneling barrier, d.c. glow discharge for 207—209 219—220
Oxide tunneling barrier, r.f. glow discharge for 210—211
Oxide tunneling barrier, thermal oxidation for 206—207 219—220
Pair current density see "Josephson current density"
Pair current, microscopic expression for 38—39
Pair density 9 36
Pair density with paramagnetic impurities 59 60 62
Pair density, and strong coupling 57
Pair density, B.C.S. approximation of 39 40 41
Pair tunneling, energy momentum diagram for 12
Parametric amplification 330—344
Parametric amplifiers, doubly degenerate 333—340
Parametric amplifiers, externally pumped 332—343
Parametric amplifiers, internally pumped 343—344
Parametric amplifiers, singly degenerate 340 342—343
Parametric inductance, Josephson junction 22 331 384 458
Parametric quantron 463—464
Penetration depth, Josephson 20 69—70 99
Penetration depth, London 15 16 20 76 99 200
Penetration depth, magnetic 16 69 235 238
Phase plane analysis 128—131 282 283
Phase slip process 191 193
photolithography 178 212—216
Physical constants determination of 345
Plasma frequency 21—22 48 123 336 340 342
Plasma frequency, parametric excitation of 340
Point contact devices 24 196—197
Point contact devices, fabrication of 232—234
Point contact devices, phenomenological theory for 181—182
Power dissipation in Josephson devices 465 469 470—473
Preparation procedure see "Fabrication technology"
proximity effect 23 141 161—169 175
Proximity-effect bridges, fabrication of 231
Quantum interference 18 369—382
Quantum interference devices see "Interferometers" "SQUID"
Quasiparticle current, microscopic expression of 37—38
Quasiparticle current, phenomenological expression of 7
Quasiparticle density 36
Quasiparticle density with paramagnetic impurities 59—61
Quasiparticle density, B.C.S. approximation of 40
Quasiparticle tunneling, energy momentum diagrams 4 6 8
Quasiparticle tunneling, microscopic theory of 25—47
Quasiparticle tunneling, phenomenological theory of 4—9
Quasiparticle tunneling, photon-assisted 298 310
Radiation detectors, narrow-band 324—330
Radiation detectors, wide-band 318—324
Resistive loop devices, d.c.-biased 429—431
Resistive loop devices, r.f.-biased 431—433
Resistively shunted junction model (R.S.J.) for bridges and point contacts 181—182
Resistively shunted junction model (R.S.J.), autonomous case 122—123 126—128 145
Resistively shunted junction model (R.S.J.), nonautonomous case 306
Resonant modes in tunneling junctions 235—263 350 see
Riedel peak 41 47
Riedel peak in current-biased junctions 138 139
Riedel peak, broadening of 49 303
Riedel peak, microwave-induced steps and 296—304
Self field in large junctions, approximate analysis of 96—100
Self field in large junctions, theoretical analysis of 100—112
Self-resonant modes for junction of infinite length 248—251
Self-resonant modes in bridge structures 188 191
Self-resonant modes in high Q junctions 256—263
Self-resonant modes in low Q junctions 238—248
Self-resonant modes in zero magnetic field see "Zero field step"
Self-resonant modes, non-uniform current density effects in 251—255
Semiconducting barrier junctions 169—177
Semiconducting barrier junctions, light-sensitive 172—177
Semiconductor barrier, fabrication of 222—228
Sine Gordon equation 264
Sine Gordon equation in two-dimensional junctions 288—290
Sine Gordon equation, solutions for finite boundary conditions of 271—274
Single-junction loop in applied magnetic field 362—364
Single-junction loop, as magnetometers 401
Single-junction loop, as memory elements 463—464
Single-junction loop, flux transitions in 364—369
Single-junction loop, fluxoid quantization in 359
Single-junction loop, free energy for 361
Single-junction loop, Gibbs free energy for 363 364
Single-junction loop, metastable states in 360—361
Single-junction loop, parametric inductance effect in 384—388
Single-junction loop, practical configurations for 416—421
Single-junction loop, r.f.-biased 383—403
Singularities current, microwave-induced see "Current steps"
Solder blob 24 421—422
Soliton solution of Sine Gordon equation 267 270 271
SQUID, d.c.-biased 403—408
SQUID, d.c.-biased, flux sensitivity of 408 415—416
SQUID, r.f.-biased 383—403
SQUID, r.f.-biased in dispersive mode 388—398
SQUID, r.f.-biased in dissipative mode 398—403
SQUID, r.f.-biased, flux sensitivity of 401 415—416
Subharmonic gap structure 186 191
SUPARAMP 333—340
Superconducting loop 354—382
Superconducting loop with single junction see "Single-junction loop"
Superconducting loop with two junctions see Interferometers"
Superconducting loop, fractional turn configuration for 418—419
Superconducting loop, Gibbs free energy for 355
Superconducting pairs, macroscopic wave function 2
Superconducting transformer 426—429
Superconductor-insulator-normal metalsuperconductor (S-I-N-S) structures 166—169
Superconductor-normal metal-superconductor (S-N-S) junctions 164—166
Superconductors, hard materials 204—205 220—221
Superconductors, soft metals 199—200 219
Superconductors, soft-metal alloys 200—204
Superconductors, typical parameters of 200
Switching devices, interferometer as 459—460
Switching time for junction gate 449—451 454—457
Switching time, external load effects on 456 457
Switching time, Josephson inductance effects on 458—459
Switching time, self-resonant modes and 457
Thermal fluctuations see "Fluctuations"
Thin films, superconducting see "Superconductors"
Thin-film patterning 211—218
Time reversal symmetry 27 59 65
Transmission line, Josephson junction as 235—238 264—290
Transmission line, wave velocity in 237
Transmission line, wavelength for electromagnetic radiation in 295
Tunneling current, microscopic expression of 21 28—34
Tunneling current, microscopic expression of, B.C.S. approximation 39—47
Tunneling current, microscopic expression of, for constant voltage 35
Tunneling junction in external microwave radiation 294—305
Tunneling junction with current bias 136—143
Tunneling junction with shunt resistance 135 153
Tunneling junction, capacitance 20 237
Tunneling junction, inductance 237
Tunneling junction, preparation of 198—211 218—222
Tunneling junction, quality factor Q for 245 350
Tunneling junction, switching time of 449—451 454 455 471 473
Tunneling junction, wave velocity in 20 237
Tunneling, Hamiltonian for 10 25—27
Voltage current characteristics 121—160
Voltage current characteristics for bridge structures 122 186—188
Voltage current characteristics for Josephson junction 13 134 285 286
Voltage current characteristics for light-sensitive junctions 173 174 224 225
Voltage current characteristics for metal barrier junctions 165 166
Voltage current characteristics in presence of thermal fluctuations 150—153
Voltage current characteristics of high-current density junctions 141
Voltage current characteristics, and R.S.J. model 127 131—135
Voltage current characteristics, measurement of 66—68
Voltage standard 344—352
Voltmeter 436
Vortex Motion see "Flux flow"
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