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Silverman J.H. — Advanced Topics in the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves |
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Complex multiplication, Galois action, on j 112 122 166
Complex multiplication, generate ring of integers 95
Complex multiplication, good reduction 184
Complex multiplication, group of -torsion points 102 135
Complex multiplication, isogenous curves 178 180
Complex multiplication, Iwasawa theory 96
Complex multiplication, j-invariant 121 122 166
Complex multiplication, j-invariant, in 138
Complex multiplication, j-invariant, is algebraic 104
Complex multiplication, j-invariant, is integral 140 147 151 176 447
Complex multiplication, j-invariant, j = 0 102 107 177 180
Complex multiplication, j-invariant, j = 1728 101 107 138 185
Complex multiplication, j-invariant, j = 8000 110 180
Complex multiplication, j-invariant, j = —3375 111
Complex multiplication, L-series 171 175 185
Complex multiplication, lift of Frobenius map 130 132 162
Complex multiplication, main theorem 157 159 166
Complex multiplication, map F : Gal(/K) 112 121
Complex multiplication, number of points modulo 175
Complex multiplication, of degree two 109 141 179
Complex multiplication, ordinary reduction 179
Complex multiplication, potential good reduction 140 447
Complex multiplication, reduction mod 124 127 129 131
Complex multiplication, Tate module 179 186
Complex multiplication, torsion generates abelian extensions 108 135 148 149 166 168
Complex multiplication, transitive action, of Galois group 122
Complex multiplication, transitive action, of ideal class group 100 113
Complex multiplication, twist 183
Complex multiplication, Weber function 134 135
Complex multiplication, with 142 179
Complex multiplication,by 101 107 109 138 185
Complex structure 19
Components of fiber, group of 363 364
Components of fiber, multiplicity of 313
Components of fiber, non-reduced 313
Components of fiber, number on special fiber 363 364 389
Components of fiber, of a divisor 231
Components of fiber, of multiplicity one 402
Components of fiber, reducible 313
Components of fiber, singular 313
Conductor, bounded 404
Conductor, constant under isogeny 404
Conductor, divisor of an elliptic surface 287
Conductor, exponent of 363 364 380 389
Conductor, exponent of, bound for 385
Conductor, exponent of, computation of 389 407
Conductor, exponent of, less than discriminant 396
Conductor, exponent of, maximum value 387 407
Conductor, exponent of, over 2-adic field 407
Conductor, exponent of, over 3-adic field 407
Conductor, independent of l 381 405
Conductor, of a Grssencharacter 176
Conductor, of an abelian extension 117 118 123
Conductor, of an elliptic curve 379 — 388
Conductor, of an order 178
Conductor, of ray class field 117 118 129 135
Conductor, square-free 388
Conductor, Szpiro’s conjecture 287 388
Conductor, tame part 380 381 405
Conductor, wild part 380 381 405
Conductor-discriminant formula for ellip¬tic curves 389
Connected component of Nron model 326 361 401
Connected fibers 240 283 342 353
Contravariant functor 309
Correspondence 68
Correspondence, Hecke 68; see also Hecke operator
Correspondence, homothety 68
Correspondence, on set of lattices 68 90
Correspondence, ring of 70
Cox, D. 486
Cremona, J.E. 389
Criterion of Nron — Ogg — Shafarevich 362
Curve, ample divisor on 257 264
Curve, automorphism group 294
Curve, canonical divisor 27 87
Curve, differential form on 207
Curve, exceptional 236 344
Curve, height on 257 264 265
Curve, holomorphic differential on 198
Curve, homology of 198
Curve, hyperelliptic 287 486
Curve, Jacobian variety of 197 199 402
Curve, minimal proper regular model of 317 318 344 361
Curve, normal law on symmetric product 402
Curve, of genus two 287
Curve, Picard group of 192 195 199 402
Curve, projective 27 87
Curve, proper regular model of 317
Curve, symmetric product 229
Curve, uniformizer for 339
Curve; see also Riemann surface
Cusp 287 370
Cusp form 25 91; modular
Cusp form, action of Hecke operator 76 78 79 92
Cusp form, basis of eigenfunctions 78 80 92
Cusp form, dimension of space of 31
Cusp form, discriminant is a 26 31
Cusp form, Fourier coefficients of 79 80 81
Cusp form, L-series attached to 83 85 93
Cusp form, simultaneous eigenfunction 79 80 92
Cusp form, size of Fourier coefficients 81
Cusp form, space of () 31 78
Cusp form, spaces with dimension one 34
Cusp form, twisted by 93
Cusp form, twisted L-series attached to 94
Cusp, of H* 14
Cusp, of X(1) 14
Cusp, stabilizer of 15
Cyclotomic extension, unramified 383
Cyclotomic field 95 128 151
Cyclotomic field, is abelian 108 128 151
Decomposition group 116 331
Dedekind function 65
Dedekind function, transformation formula for 67 90
Dedekind domain 113 179
Dedekind domain, arithmetic surface over 311
Dedekind domain, is regular scheme 302
Dedekind reciprocity 67 90
Dedekind sum s(x,y) 66 89
Dedekind, R. 67
Degree map on divisors 197
Degree one prime, in ideal class 118 123 161
Degree, non-square is CM 143
Degree, of a CM isogeny 103 124
Degree, of a divisor 232 282
Degree, of isogeny is preserved under reduc¬tion 124
Deligne, P. 61 81
Dem’janenko, V.A. 265 269 271 485
Descent theorem 230
Descent, faithfully flat 338
Determinant, Deuring, M. 95 175
Determinant, homomorphism of group varieties 292
Determinant, kernel of 292
Diagonal, height associated to 285
Diagonal, is complete intersection 328
Diagonal, morphism 300 309 327
Different 176 386
Differential form 207
Differential form, associated to a modular function 28 31 87 91
Differential form, divisor of 27
Differential form, holomorphic 27
Differential form, invariant 43 183
Differential form, of the first kind 43
Differential form, of the second kind 43
Differential form, of the third kind 43
Differential form, on a curve 198
Differential form, on a Riemann surface 27
Differential form, on elliptic curve 43
Differential form, on H 26
Differential form, on X(1) 23
| Differential form, order of 27
Differential form, regular 27
Differential form, sheaf of relative 306
Dimension, of a point on a scheme 302
Dimension, of a scheme 302
Dimension, of Jacobian variety 197
Dimension, regular scheme of dimension one 302
Dirichlet character, primitive 93
Dirichlet series see also L-series
Dirichlet series, analytic continuation 83 94
Dirichlet series, attached to a cusp form 83 85
Dirichlet series, attached to a power series 80
Dirichlet series, Euler product expansion 80 92 172 173
Dirichlet series, functional equation 83 94
Dirichlet series, half-plane of convergence 83 94
Dirichlet series, relations satisfied by coefficients 80 92
Dirichlet’s theorem on primes in progres¬sions 118 123
Discrete subgroup of 422
Discrete subgroup of 422
Discrete valuation ring 328
Discrete valuation ring, arithmetic surface over 311
Discrete valuation ring, closed fiber over 300
Discrete valuation ring, generic fiber over 300
Discrete valuation ring, Henselian 330 401
Discrete valuation ring, Henselization of 331
Discrete valuation ring, smooth scheme over 304
Discrete valuation ring, special fiber over 300
Discrete valuation ring, strict Henselization of 331
Discrete valuation ring, strictly Henselian 330 402
Discrete valuation ring, unramified extension 399
Discriminant function, Fourier expansion 59 60 467 468
Discriminant, Fourier coefficients 482; see also Ramanujan function Ja¬cobi’s
Discriminant, is eigenfunction for Hecke operators 78 79
Discriminant, minimal 363 364 388 389 396
Discriminant, minimal, for elliptic surface 286
Discriminant, minimal, over 2-adic field 407
Discriminant, minimal, over 3-adic field 406
Discriminant, modular 26 31 32 62 89 135
Discriminant, of a cubic polynomial 62
Discriminant, of a Weierstrass equation 62 183 455 458 470 478
Discriminant, of isogenous curves 453
Discriminant, of Tate curve 377 423 424 473
Discriminant, product expansion 60 62 90 409 468
Discriminant, vanishes only at 32
Discriminant, weight 12 cusp form 26 31 32 34 66
div see Divisor group
Division polynomial 477
Divisor class group of 271
Divisor class group of a curve see Picard group
Divisor class group of a function field see Picard group
Divisor group 231
Divisor group, induced homomorphism 255
Divisor group, of a fibered surface 284
Divisor group, of a set 68
Divisor group, of a variety 255
Divisor group, of an arithmetic surface 339
Divisor, algebraic equivalence 254 285 486
Divisor, ample 233 257 258
Divisor, associated to a morphism 258
Divisor, canonical height 285
Divisor, components of 231
Divisor, degree of 232 282
Divisor, exceptional 344
Divisor, fibral 246 247 284 340
Divisor, group of 231
Divisor, height associated to 256 265
Divisor, horizontal 340
Divisor, integer part of 87
Divisor, intersection pairing 233 238
Divisor, is difference of very amples 261 284
Divisor, linear equivalence 232 339
Divisor, local equation 232 233
Divisor, minimal discriminant 286
Divisor, numerical equivalence 486
Divisor, of a differential form 27
Divisor, of a section 245
Divisor, of an elliptic function 45
Divisor, on a surface 231
Divisor, on an arithmetic surface 311 339
Divisor, positive 285 341
Divisor, principal 232 339
Divisor, self-intersection 234 238 243 283 342 349 351
Divisor, Serre’s theorem on ample 261
Divisor, transversal intersection 232 282
Divisor, very ample 257 261 284
Divisor, Weil 339
Domain of a rational map 204 279
Domain of morphism to group scheme 327 333 337
Dominant rational map 204 222 228
Dominant rational map, from smooth scheme to proper scheme 328
Dominant rational map, induces map on function fields 205
Dominant rational map, of elliptic surfaces 208
Dual graph of special fiber 353
Dual isogeny 67 125 229
Dual isogeny, of Nron model 400
Duplication formula 139 427 437
Duplication formula, for height 257
Duplication formula, for local height 456 471 475
Duplication formula, has degree four 458
Duplication formula, on an elliptic curve 210 214 457 471
Dynkin diagram 353
Effective bound for S-integer points 277 288
Eigenfunction, basis of 80 92
Eigenfunction, for Hecke operators 77
Eigenfunction, normalized 78 79 80 92 93
Eigenfunction, simultaneous for all ’s 78 79 80 92 93
Eisenstein series 25 91
Eisenstein series, 58
Eisenstein series, 25 31 32 55
Eisenstein series, and 26 35 58
Eisenstein series, and algebraically independent 88
Eisenstein series, and determine 35 88
Eisenstein series, algebra generated by 88
Eisenstein series, Fourier coefficients of 58
Eisenstein series, is a modular form 25
Eisenstein series, is eigenfunction for Hecke operators 78 93
Eisenstein series, normalized 58
Eisenstein series, q-expansion of 55
Eisenstein series, special value of 178
Eisenstein series, value at 25
Elkies, N. 487
Elliptic curve, automorphism group 183
Elliptic curve, bad reduction 185
Elliptic curve, classification of special fibers 350 352
Elliptic curve, conductor 363 364 388
Elliptic curve, Elliptic curve, addition formula 323
Elliptic curve, endomorphism of degree two 109 141
Elliptic curve, endomorphism ring R 98
Elliptic curve, endomorphisms are integral 448
Elliptic curve, existence of Nron model 325 332 335 337
Elliptic curve, field of definition 37 38
Elliptic curve, formal group 276
Elliptic curve, Galois conjugate 131
Elliptic curve, good reduction 184
Elliptic curve, Grssencharacter of 165 168 174 175
Elliptic curve, group of -torsion points 102 135
Elliptic curve, height over function field 212 213
Elliptic curve, homogeneous space of 199
Elliptic curve, invariant differential 43 97 134
Elliptic curve, is abelian variety 196
Elliptic curve, is group variety 291
Elliptic curve, isogeny 67 182 183
Elliptic curve, j- invariant, j = 8000 110 180
Elliptic curve, j- invariant, j = — 3375 111
Elliptic curve, j- invariant, non-integral has End(E) = 447
Elliptic curve, j-invariant, j = 0 102 107 177 180 280
Elliptic curve, j-invariant, j = 1728 101 107 138 185 280
Elliptic curve, l-adic representation 405 445
Elliptic curve, L-series 171 172 175 183 185 364
Elliptic curve, map to 134
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