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Anderson P.W. — The theory of superconductivity in the high-Tc curprates |
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Korringa, J. 99 100
Kosterlitz — Thouless SC 42
Kosterlitz, M. 42
Kotliar, G. 177
Kramers — Kronig transform 27 38 64
Kubo formula (for conductivity), 158f 191
Kumar, N. 50 69 194—195
L.C.A.O. 14 15 207
L.C.A.O. down folding 15
Landau levels 198 428
Landau parameters, coefficients see “Fermi liquids”
Landau, L. 26
Landauer theory and formula for conductivity 61—62 158 191
Landauer, R. 37 62 158 192
Langer, J. 167
Larkin identity 199 200
Larkin, A. 8 72 131.
Laughlin, R. 8 179 180 427
Lee, P. A. 5 18 39 158 179 190 193 431
Lee, R. H. 8 41 56
Lee, T. D. 167
Leggett, A. J. 424
Liang, S.-D. 3 7 399
Lieb — Wu solution (of 1D Hubbard) 38 131—136
Lieb.E. 131ff 176
Ligand complex-ligand field 15 see
Lin, H. 238
List, B. 7
Littlewood, P. B. 231 222 428
Local-density approx 23
localization 36—37 70 189 385—392 433
Localization, L. and interactions 267
London, F. 125
Loram, G. 112
Lower Hubbard band 90 147 178
Lu, Y. 8
Ludwig, A. 48
Luther, A. A. 48 103 138 141 158 176 185 427
Luttinger liquid 4 5 6 22 33 36—40 47—49 99 103 111 116 131—151 163—202 209—237 243—248 255—264 295—306 see
Luttinger's theorem 29 36 98 157 166 see
Luttinger, J. M. 26 33 73 171
Luttinger-Ward identities 48 192
Lye, Y 7
Magnetic scattering see “Spin scattering” “Spin
Magneto-polarons (Shraiman — Siggia) 97
Mahan, G. D. 131
Majorana fermion 4 53 131
Malozemoff, A. 7 70
Marginal Fermi liquid 40 116 173 427—430
Marston, B. 7
Martin, B. 63
Mattis, D. 176
Mehran, F 7
Mele, S. 8 427
Metzner, W. 8 177
Microwave conductivity (in supercond. state) 119 231—232
Migdal, A. A. 26
Mihaly, L 7 81
Mila, F 100 223
Millis, A. 8 81 82 159 192
Mitzi, D. 7 226
Mixed valence 22
Momentum conservation (of IL interaction) 51
Momentum distribution n(k) 132 139
Morel, P. 43 121 123
Mott limit 36—37 81 195
Mott limit, constant see “Mott — Yoffe — Regel”
Mott transition, Mott metal insulator T. 427
Mott — Hubbard gap 178 see
Mott — Hubbard insulator = Mott insulator 4 13 18 19 28 21 34ff 46—47
Mott — Hubbard interaction 21 218—219
Mott, N. F 13 18 19 21 22 28 37 61 42—47
Muller, A. A. 70
Multiple scattering 160 165
Nagaosa, Y. 5 39 190 193 431
Neel (ordered) antiferromagnetism 4 13 34 35 179 428
Neutron scattering 7 9 13 55 57 99 107 123 401—421 429
NMR 7 13 35 57 97—106 107 111 122 229 426 428 430 see
NMR, 99ff 111 156
NMR, absence of Hebel — Slichter peak 119 229
NMR, at high T 424
NMR, Knight shift 100 111 113 428
Non-diffractive (forward) scattering 164
Non-Fermi liquid 5 43—49 98 132 163 265—290 427 433 see
Norman, M. 8
Nozieres, P. 26 151 433
Odd-gap solution 223
ODLRO (Strong — Talstra) 163 203 365—384
Ogata — Shiba wave function (Large U) 134 147 154
Ogata, M. 132 134. 161
Olson, C 6 7 90 93 226
One-band model ( antibonding) 33ff
Ong., N.-P 5 7 55 63 64.66. 74 76 107 120 129 202 232 233 424 433—434
Optical spectroscopy 35 86
Orenstein, J. 81 82
Organic metals 6 22 206 267
Orthogonality catastrophe 48 131ff 173 279—90
Ott, H. R. 7
Ovshinsky, S. 423
Pair fluctuation as spin-gap mechanism 107
Pair susceptibility, (local) P.S. of ID Hubbard model 146 162
Pair susceptibility, P.S. of Lutt. Liq—in I.L. Mech. 206 209—212
Pair tunneling see “Josephson effect”
Pairing Hamiltonian, BCS-type 52—53
Pairing Hamiltonian, interlayer 51 126
Pauling, L 423
Peierls, R. 18
Penetration depth 223 232 239
Penetration depth, c-axis 41 43 125—128 208
Penetration depth, in-plane, T-dependence 122 232 239
Penney, T. 7
Peschel 1 138 158
Petroff, Y. 7 115 224 226
phase diagram see also “Generalized P.D.”
Phase diagram, 2D Hubbard model 70
Phase shift 132ff 167ff 249—264 279—306
Phillips, J.C. 423
Phillips, N.E. 7
Phillips. P. 158
Phonon bumps 36
Phonon drag 192
Phonon-assited tunneling 70
Phonons, (as mech. for superconductivity) 118 424
photoemission 5 7 18 35 57 83—96 224—226
Photoemission, angle-averaged 95—96 115—116 224ff 427
Photoemission, angle-resolved (ARPES) 36 37—40 45 53—55 89—95 116—119
Photoemission, ARPES gap measurement 123 226
Photoemission, cusp structure 91 116
Photoemission, in 2D: incr. resolution 89
Photoemission, line shapes 187—188 226
Plasma frequency see “Josephson P.F.”
Plasma frequency, = interlayer 124—128
Plasma frequency, c-axis 41
Polaron 19 see
Polyacetylene 6 see
Polymers (conducting) 189 266
Pressure coefficient of Tc 42
Projective transformation 21 165 179 181—183 291—294
Projective transformation, P. constraints 182f
Pseudopotential see “Scattering length”
Pseudopotential, anomalous 175
Pseudopotential, Lee — Yang 167 170
Quantum Hall effect 205 428
Quasi 1D materials 189
Quasiparticles, conductivity (in SC state) 213 424
Quasiparticles, in superconductrng state 119—121 229
Quasiparticles, in superconductrng state, (explained) 212—214 226
Quasiparticles, mean free path 55 430—431
Quasiparticles, pair creation 55
Quasiparticles, peak (ARPES) 55 91 119 226 430
| Ramakrishnan, T.V. 384 399
Raman background (confirms IR) 38 84—85
Raman spectrum 5 20 36 45
Raman spectrum, "4-spinon" 84
Randeria, M. 8
Random-phase approximation (RPA) 185 99—100 427
Ranninger, C 427
Read. N. 18
Recoil (of scatterers) 165—169
Regel. A. R. 61
Ren. Y. 3 7 103 131—157
Renormalization 165 166 175f
Renormalization group 22 72 141 159
Renormalization, Dyson scheme 165 166
Residual interactions 206 215ff see
Resistivity, anisotropy of 36ff 189
Resistivity, c-axis 5 40 50 58 69—74 107 194—196 207f 345—352 359—364 430 434
Resistivity, experiments 34 57 58—69
Resistivity, in plane 34 37 112 155 189ff 353—358 385 392 434
Resistivity, residual 56 62—63 107
Resistivity, theories, of 5 158 434
Resonating valence bond = RVB 3 4 22 39 179—180 428 431
Resonating valence bond = RVB, (short-range, chiral) RVB 1814:48 01.02.20120
Rice, T. M. 3 8 13 21 38 100 138
Righi — LeDuc (thermal Hall effect) 107 120 434
Rokshar, D. 4. 8 40 180
Rowell, J. M. 7 58
Ruckenstein, A. 177
Rutter, L. 85
Saloman, M. 7 232 233
Sarker, S. 7 399
Sawatsky, G. 7 13 15 226
Scalapino, D. J. 202
Scattering length 167ff
Scattering matrix (T-matrix) 165 174
Schlesinger, Z. 7 33 81 82 83 203 228 234
Schluter, M. 13 23 35 63
Schrieffer, J. R. 37 61 192 194 428
Schulz, H. J. 131 158
Self-energy 27 38 173
Self-trapping 19 see
Semicovalent bond 34
Semion 4
Sethna. J. 4. 40
Shankar, S. 8
Shastry, S. 3 7. 100. 131 136 200
Shen, X.-X. 7 56 118 226
Shiba.H. 132. 134 138 154
Short-range repulsion U see “Mott — Hubbard interaction”
Shraiman, B. 97 200
Siggia, E. 3 97
Siman, B. 7 234
Singular interaction 183—84 249—254 295—306
Singular interaction, commutes with B 198
Slave bosons 39 177—181
Slave bosons, S. Fermions 39 177—181
Slichter, C. P. 119 424
Smith, J. 7
Smith, N. V. 226
Solyom, J. 141
Sorella, S. 138
Specific heat 229
Specific heat, dependence on magnetic field 229
Specific heat, spin-gap effects on 112—113
Specific heat, T-dependence 122
Spicer, W. E. 7
Spin bags 428—430
Spin fluctuations 32
Spin fluctuations, as mech, for superconductivity 116 425 426 430 see
Spin fluctuations, ferromagnetic S.F. 425
Spin fluctuations, spin gap (chiral) 180
Spin gap (= "Fermi surface eaters") 43 46 49 52 56 82—4 99 103 107 111—115 203 238—239 393—400 401—410 431 433
Spin gap (= "Fermi surface eaters"), spin gap (RVB) 180
Spin susceptibility 20 100 107 111 180
Spin susceptibility, Curie — Weiss S.S. 99 426
Spin susceptibility, Pauli, SS 39 98 180
Spin velocity 39 143
Spin waves 36
Spin, impurities 45 66—68
Spin, scattering 75—76 189 234—235 429—430
Spin-charge separation see “Charge-spin separation”
Spinon 4 5 39ff 48ff 177—181 433
Spinon, localized s. 67—68 433
Spinon, s. carries current 433
Spinon, s. drag 78
Spinon, s. pairing 365—384 401—410
Spinon, spinon-spinon scattering 75 151
Stafford, C 7 49 81 82 156. 159 192 201
Stamp, P. 3
Stechel. E. 13 23
Stripe phase 98 431
Strong, S. 7 49 50 52 56 72 85 107 111 114 187 203 232 237 433
SU(s) gauge symmetry 180—181
Sudbo, A. 7 111
Sum rules, (Kohn) 205—208
Sum rules, conductivity 42 44
Sum rules, Friedel 63
Sum rules, photoemission 45 115—118 224—225
Superconducting cuprates, (1) 4 13 19 20 37 43—44 46 63 70 97 99 107 124—128 194 196 231 237 239
Superconducting cuprates, (2) 4 13 19 30 39 47 52 63 69 70 74 83—85 92 97 99 103 122 128 196 203 208 228 229 231 239
Superconducting cuprates, (2a) Ni, Zn doped YBCO 76—77 236
Superconducting cuprates, (3) 18 30 47 52 95 239
Superconducting cuprates, (4) 30 33 37 42 52 196 227—229 231 239
Superconducting cuprates, (4) (a) 1-layer n = 1 42 63 107 189 219
Superconducting cuprates, (4) (b) 2-layer n = 2 40 47 66 70 89—96 107 128 203 208 224
Superconducting cuprates, (4) (c) 3-layer n = 3 226—228 238
Superconducting cuprates, (5) 42 52 196 227 238
Superconducting cuprates, (5) 1-layer 42 43
Superconducting cuprates, (5) 2-layer 208
Superconducting cuprates, (5) 3-layer 238
Superconducting cuprates, (6) (1, 2, 3-layer) 42 226—228 238
Superconducting cuprates, (7) 56
Superconducting cuprates, (8) 47 238
Superexchange 13 20 50—51 70 182 393—410 425
Superexchange, due to interlayer hopping 238 401—410
susceptibility see “Spin S.”
Sutherland, W. 136 164
Symmetry orbitals 14 15
T-J model 21 22 23 38 100 147 177—180 181—183
Takagi, H. 7
Takigawa, M. 7 230
Talstra, Y 203
Tanner, B.H. 7 58 81 85 86
Teller, E. 423
thermal conductivity 76—80 129 201
Thermal conductivity, anisotropy of 76—80 213 230 233
Thermal conductivity, in superconducting state 119—120 232—233
Thermopower 77—80 201
Thermopower, anisotropy of 79
Thermopower, anomalous T 49 78
Thomas, G. 7 81
Thouless, D. J. 37 42 61
Timusk, T 7 40 58 124
Tomographic Luttinger liquid 5 48 163—202 210—237 243—248 249—254 255—264 295—306
Tomonaga (chiral) model 176
Tomonaga — Luttinger model 132 137 139 141ff
Transition temperature (superconducting) 41
Transition temperature (superconducting), calculation of 208—212
Transition temperature (superconducting), effect of spin gap on 113
Transition temperature (superconducting), heuristics of 41 226—228
Transport theory 5 45 162 201
Transport theory, experiment 57
Trugman, S. 43
Ts'velik, A. 7 49 161 204
tt' tight binding band structure 47
Tunneling 81 96—98 213 230—231
Tunneling density of states 62
Tunneling spectroscopy 36 88
Tunneling, asymmetry 230 231
Tunneling, conductivity 96
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