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Conway J.H., Smith D.A. — On Quaternions and Octonions: Their Geometry, Arithmetic, and Symmetry |
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-ions 8
, general orthogonal group 6
-stabilizer 80
, projective general orthogonal group 6
, projective special orthogonal group 6
12 89
, and multiplication maps 92
, special orthogonal group 6 24
, set of complex numbers 5 11
, set of quaternions 5
, set of real numbers 3
, set of octonions 5
, set of rational numbers 3
, set of rational integers 3
, set of octavian integers 10
2-dimensional space 18
2-to-1 map 24 33 42 95
3-dimensional point 18 23
3-dimensional space 49
4-dimensional space 48
Achiral 14 33
Albert, A. 77
Algebra, Clifford 9
Algebra, composition 5 10 41 67
Algebra, composition, over other fields 76
Algebra, Dickson Double 69 70 72 73 75 80
Algebra, Jordan 143
Algebra, normed division 7
Allcock, D. 145
Altmann, S. 10
Amphichiral 33
Arithmetic 5 100
Artin, E. 76 88
Aslaksen, H. 145
Associative 8
Associative, 2-generator Moups 88
Associative, di 76
Associative, power 73
Aut( ) and 133
Aut( ) is 120
Aut( ) order of 125
Aut( ), transitivity of 125
Automorphism 5
Automorphism, of octavians 119
Automorphism, of octonions 98
B low, R. 48
Baez, J. 5 7
Baker, A. 18
Blichfeldt, H. F. 105
Brown, H. 48
Bruck, R. H. 102
Cartan, E. 5
Catalan 59
Catalan Triangle 59
Catalan, number 116
Catalan, polynomial 59
Catalan, polynomial, truncated 59 115
Cayley number 9 99
Cayley, A. 8
Chiral 14 33
Chirality, potato 49
Chirality, shoe 49
Chirality, types of 49
Chiro 30 (see also Group)
Clifford, W. K. 9
Companions 86 88 90 96 97
Companions, for multiplication maps 97
Companions, multiplication rule for 97
complex numbers 5
Congruence, Euclidean 11 23
Conjugation 68
Conjugation, by , 98
Conjugation, complex 12
Conjugation, quasi 80
Conjugation, quaternionic 42
Coordinates for quaternions and octonions 75
Coxeter, H. S. M. 10 45 46 99 102
Cross polytope 106
Degen, C. F. 9
Determinant 6
Diagonal symmetry 80
Diassociativity 76
Diassociativity, of 2-generator Moups 88
Diassociativity, of octonions 76
Dickson Doubling rule 10 69 73 80 103 126
Dickson Doubling rule, modified la Pfister 78
Dickson Doubling rule, non-orthogonal 77
Dickson, L. E. 10 69 100 102
Diploid 33 (see also Group)
Division with small remainder 55 99 106 111
Double cover 24
Double Hurwitzian 103
Doubling see Dickson Doubling rule
Du Val, P. 48 50
Duplex form of hexad 83
Duplex form of isotopy 84 91
Duplex form of relation 84
Eisenstein integer 16
Eisenstein, F. G. 11 16
Euclid 3
Euclidean algorithm 111
Euclidean line 3
Euler - Rodrigues parameters 9
Euler, L. 9 24
Factorization, Hurwitzian 59
Factorization, Lipschitzian 63
Factorization, modelled on another 57
Factorization, octavian 111 114
Factorization, quaternionic, of an ordinary prime 58
Factorizations, counting 59 63 114
Feaux, C. 116
Frame, 138
Frame, - and 134 138 139
Frame, even and odd 138 155
Freudenthal 143
Freudenthal, his Magic Square 143
Freudenthal, metasymplectic geometry 144
Gauss, C. F. 11 15
Gaussian prime 15
Gaussian unit 15
Generalized -gon 125
Generalized hexagon 121
Gibbs, W 8
Gosset, T. 105
Goursat, E. 44 48 50
Graves, J. T. 8 99
Group, 120
Group, 120
Group, 133
Group, 139
Group, achiral 14 33 43 47 53
Group, achiral diploid 34
Group, achiral haploid 34
Group, automorphism of octavians 119
Group, automorphism of octonions 76 96
Group, axial rotation 30
Group, chiral 14 33-35 43
Group, chiral diploid 34
Group, chiral haploid 34
Group, chiro 36
| Group, chiro-icosahedral 36
Group, chiro-octahedral 36
Group, chiro-prismatic 36
Group, chiro-pyramidal 36
Group, chiro-tetrahedral 36
Group, crystallographic 48
Group, cyclic 30 32 35
Group, cyclo-cyclic 35
Group, cyclo-dihedral 35
Group, dihedral 30 32 35
Group, dihedro-dihedral 35
Group, diplo-cyclic 35
Group, diplo-dihedral 35
Group, diplo-icosahedral 35
Group, diplo-octahedral 35
Group, diplo-tetrahedral 35
Group, diploid 33-35 43
Group, doubling a 48
Group, elliptic 34 48
Group, exceptional Lie 143
Group, general orthogonal 6 34
Group, haploid 33 43
Group, holo 36
Group, holo-antiprismatic 36
Group, holo-icosahedral 36
Group, holo-octahedral 36
Group, holo-prismatic 36
Group, holo-pyramidal 36
Group, holo-tetrahedral 36
Group, hybrid 34 35
Group, icosahedral, 30 32 35
Group, Lie 76 96 120 143
Group, Lie, exceptional 143
Group, Lie, pro-prismatic 36
Group, Lie, projective 34 43
Group, Lie, projective general orthogonal 6 34
Group, Lie, projective special orthogonal 6 34
Group, Lie, pyritohedral 36
Group, Lie, reflection 14 27 29
Group, Lie, rotation 14 27 29 30
Group, Lie, special orthogonal 6 24 34
Group, Lie, spin 24 42 91 95
Group, Lie, symplectic 143
Group, Lie, tetra-octahedral 35
Group, Lie, tetrahedral, 30 32 35
Group, Lie, unitary 143
Group, metachiral 44 49
Group, octahedral, 30 32 35
Group, of quaternions 33
Group, opposite 48
Group, orthochiral 46 49
Group, orthogonal 6 12 143
Group, parachiral 46 49
Group, permutation 30
Group, polyhedral (rotation) 30
Group, polyhedral, 4-dimensional 45
Group, pro-antiprismatic 36
Halving set 100
Halving set, -set 102
Halving set, -set 101 104 103
Halving set, inner and outer -sets 103
Hamilton, Sir W. R. 7 75
Haploid 33 (see also Group)
Heaviside, O. 8
Heegner, K. 18
Hexad of isotopies 84 87
Hexad of relations 83
Holo 30 (see also Group)
Hurley, A. C. 48
Hurwitz, A. 5 10 55 67 99
Hurwitzian 5 55
Hurwitzian, double 103
Hurwitzian, prime 56
Hyperhexagon 121
Ideal 4 58 99
Ideal, in , triviality of 109
Ideal, principal 4 58 109
Identity, -square 77
Identity, 1-square 77
Identity, 16-square 78
Identity, 2-square 67 77
Identity, 4-square 9 77
Identity, 8-square 8 77
Imprimitive octavian factorizations of 115
Integer, - 102 103
Integer, - 102
Integer, double Hurwitzian 103 104
Integer, Eisenstein 5 11 16 100
Integer, Gaussian 5 11 15 55
Integer, Gravesian 100 104
Integer, Gravesian, factorization of 116
Integer, Hurwitzian 5 55 111
Integer, imprimitive 57
Integer, Kirmse 102
Integer, Kleinian 103 104 134
Integer, Lipschitzian 5 55
Integer, Lipschitzian, factorization of 61
Integer, octavian 5 10 99 105 108 109
Integer, octavian, divisor sets of 113
Integer, primitive 57
Integer, quaternion 5
Integer, rational 3
Integrality 10 55 99
Isochirality 49
Isometry 3 5 11
Isotopy 49 67 72 78 84
Isotopy, and 89
Isotopy, orthogonal 91
Isotopy, similar to automorphism 86
Jordan algebra 143
Jordan algebra, exceptional 145
Jordan product 145
Jordan, P. 143
Kaplansky, I. 77
Kelvin, Lord 8 33
Kernels, left and right 44
Kirmse, his mistake 102
Kirmse, J. 102
Korkine, A. 105
Kuipers, J. B. xii
Lamont, P. J. C. 110 111 116
Lattice, 62
Lattice, 62
Lattice, 99 105 107
Lattice, , mod 2 135
Lattice, cubic 62
Lattice, orthoplex 106
Lattice, simplex 106
Lattice, square 15
Lattice, triangular 16
Law, alternative 73 74
Law, associative 74 89
Law, biconjugation 68
Law, braid 68 70
Law, commutative 89
Law, composition 68
Law, composition doubling 69
Law, conjugation doubling 69
Law, exchange 68
Law, inner-product doubling 69
Law, inverse 72 74
Law, Moufang 5 73 79 95 97
Law, Moufang, and transitivity of monotopies 87
Law, Moufang, bi-multiplication 74 87 88
Law, Moufang, left-multiplication 74 88
Law, Moufang, right-multiplication 74 88
Law, product conjugation 69
Law, scaling 68
Liebeck, M. 87
Lipschitz, R. O. S. 5 99
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