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Excimer Lasers C.K. (ed.), Brau C.A., Egger H. — Excimer Lasers |
Предметный указатель |
Hartree — Fock method, rare-gas alkali systems 23
HBr 78 200
HCl 94 197
HeI 17 89
Hg-halide excimers 171
HgBr 172
HgCd 30 162
HgCl 172
HgI 172
HgXe 155 157
HI 69 72 78
High brightness rare-gas halogen lasers 230
High spectral brightness ArF* laser 222ff.
High spectral brightness ArF* laser, divergence 223
High spectral brightness ArF* laser, linewidth 223
High spectral brightness ArF* laser, power 226
High spectral brightness ArF* laser, pulse duration 226
High spectral brightness ArF* laser, pulse energy 226
High spectral brightness ArF* laser, tunability 223
High spectral brightness KrF* laser 220ff.
High spectral brightness KrF* laser, divergence 221
High spectral brightness KrF* laser, linewidth 221
High spectral brightness KrF* laser, tunability 221
Homogeneous broadening 147
Homonuclear halogens 67ff.
Hund's case (c), state of metal systems 28
Hund's case (c), rare-gas dimer ions 9
Hund's case (c), rare-gas — group VI-A systems 21
Hund's case (c), Tl-rare-gas system 27
I* 77—80
IBr 72
ICl 72
InHg 169
Injection locking of high energy unstable resonator oscillators 219 220
inversion 1 4 42
Inversion, 50
Inversion, rare-gas-halides 67
InZn 169
Ion-ion recombination, diatomic halogen formation 73
Ion-ion recombination, rare-gas mixtures 108
Ion-ion recombination, rare-gas-halide formation 99
Ion-ion recombination, upper state production in diatomic halogens 78 79
Ion-pair states 1 7
Ion-pair states, 29
Ion-pair states, 29
Ion-pair states, rare-gas Hg systems 27
Ion-pair states, rare-gas — group IV systems 22
Ion-pair states, rare-gas — group VI systems 19 21 22
Ion-pair states, rare-gas-halides 14 15
Ion-pair states, triatomic rare-gas-halides 184
Ion-pair states, Xe-alkali interaction 29
Ionic-covalent mixing, rare-gas-halides 13
Kinetics, 191
Kinetics, 188
Kinetics, 199
Kinetics, argon buffered 189
Kinetics, homonuclear diatomic halogens 68 74ff.
Kinetics, molecular iodine system 75
Kinetics, pure rare-gases 48ff. 102ff.
Kinetics, rare-gas excimers 47
Kinetics, rare-gas mixtures 106ff.
Kinetics, rare-gas-halides 96 110
Kinetics, RgRg'X* 188
Kinetics, triatomic rare-gas-halides 187ff.
Kinetics, XeCl* 199
KrAr 10 12
KrCl 16 91
KrF 13 15 18 87 91
KrI 89
KrO 20 58 62 63
Laser fusion 47 57
Laser isotope separation 129
Laser purification of chemicals 129
Laser resonator modification for pulse shortening 218
Laser resonator modification for spectral narrowing 218
Laser resonator modification for wavelength tuning 218
LiHe 23 150 151
Lineshape, steeply repulsive lower state 36 37
Lineshape, weakly repulsive lower state 38—40
Linewidth, rare-gas oxide transitions 20
LiXe 150
Lorentzian line shape 35
Matrix fluorescence, laser excited rare-gas 22
McLennan bands, 72
McLennan bands, I 40 41
Metal vapor excimers 139ff.
MgAr 25
MgNe 25
Mixed rare-gas-halide trimers 109
Mode locking 128
Multiquantum ionization collision-free (193 nm) 243
Multiquantum processes 231
Multiquantum processes, two-quantum excitation of 232 233
Multiquantum processes, using ps RGH source 232
NaHe 23
NaHg 32 160—162
NaXe 149 162
Nef 16 18
Neutral collisional transfer, diatomic halogen upper state formation 77
Nonlinear coupling, collision-free 242
Nonlinear processes, atomic 241ff.
Nonlinear processes, molecular 239ff.
Nonlinear processes, scaling law 230
Nuclear pumping of rare-gas-halide lasers 111
OCs 64 65 82
OCSe 64 65
Optical pumping of by 207
PB 23
Penning ionization 106 119
Photoabsorption, rare-gas-halides 94 95 121
Photodetachment, rare-gas-halides 94 122
Photodissociation lasers, pumped with excimer lasers 251
Photodissociation, Hg-dihalides 173
Photodissociation, rare-gas-halides 94 96
Photoionization 9 10
Photoionization, estimates for rare-gas excimers 52
Photoionization, group IV excited states 66
Photoionization, nonlinear media 231
Photoionization, rare-gas-halides 94 96 122
Photolysis, 77
Photolysis, group IV compounds 65
Photolysis, nonlinear, of 239
Photolysis, oxygen compounds 64
Photolytic pumping of diatomic halogen lasers 77ff.
Photolytic pumping of group VI-A lasers 63ff. 65
Picoscond laser pulses in ArF* systems 225
Picoscond laser pulses in KrF* systems 225
Polyatomic excimers 33
Predissociation, homonuclear diatomic halogen lower states 71
Predissociation, ionic states of ArBr and KrI 89
Preionization, rare-gas-halide lasers 130
Quenching, 192
Quenching, 190
Quenching, 197
Quenching, XeCl* 197
Radiation trapping 50
Radiative lifetimes, 189
Radiative lifetimes, excimer states 50 51
Radiative lifetimes, HgCd 164
Radiative lifetimes, HgCl 173
Radiative lifetimes, rare-gas excimers 105
| Radiative lifetimes, rare-gas-halides 39
Radiative lifetimes, triatomic excimers 182
Radiative lifetimes, two-quantum excited 236
Radiative transitions, 166
Radiative transitions, HgCl 173
Radiative transitions, ion-pair states of rare-gas-halides 16 17
Radiative transitions, rare-gas-halides 185
Raman scattering, wavelength shifting of rare-gas-halide lasers 127
Raman scattering, wavelength tuning 235
Rare-gas dimers 1 4 47
Rare-gas dimers, Rydberg states 7
Rare-gas oxides 1 47
Rare-gas oxides, population of upper levels 61
Rare-gas oxides, Rydberg level structure 22
Rare-gas-halides 13ff.
Rare-gas-halides, electronic structure 18 19 88
Rare-gas-halides, emission 87
Rare-gas-halides, ground states 13
Rare-gas-halides, ion-pair states 15 16 90
Rare-gas-halides, ionization potentials 17
Rare-gas-halides, Rydberg states 16ff.
Rate constants, 76
Rate constants, 191
Rate constants, 192
Rate constants, 201
Rate constants, 198
Rate constants, 196
Rate constants, charge transfer in rare-gas-halides 108
Rate constants, energy transfer in rare-gas-halides 107
Rate constants, KrF reaction system 131 132
Rate constants, rare-gas dissociative recombination 105
Rate constants, rare-gas excimer recombination 102 103
Rate constants, rare-gas ion recombination 104
Rate constants, rare-gas-halide displacement 109
Rate constants, rare-gas-halide quenching 100
Rate constants, rare-gas-halide recombination 101
Rate constants, rare-gas-halides 98
Rate constants, XeBr* 201
Rate constants, XeCl* 198
Rate constants, XeF* 196
Rb 153
RBF 89
Remote sensing 249ff.
Remote sensing, using excimer lasers 250
Repulsive energy curves, effect on Rydberg states 8
Repulsive energy curves, excimer ground states 6
Rittner, analysis of systems 33
Rittner, model for rare-gas-halide ion-pair states 14
Rydberg states 1
Rydberg states, metal systems 31
Rydberg states, rare-gas dimers 48
Rydberg states, rare-gas-metal system 25 26
Saturable absorbers 226 249
Scalability of high brightness ArF* and KrF* systems 225
Scalability of rare-gas-halide lasers 125
Semiconductors, laser annealing of 247
Semiconductors, laser processing of 246
Semiconductors, studies using xuv and x-rays 246
Singlet-triplet mixing 52 54
Sn 23
Solid state lasers, excimer pumping 246
Spectral brigthness 216 218 222 225
Spin-orbit coupling, effect on, ions 33
Spin-orbit coupling, effect on, energy curves of rare-gas dimer ions 8
Spin-orbit coupling, effect on, group VI atoms 21
Spin-orbit coupling, effect on, Hg-halide excimers 172
Spin-orbit coupling, effect on, ion-pair states of rare-gas-halides 15
Spin-orbit coupling, effect on, rare-gas dimers 9
Spin-orbit coupling, effect on, rare-gas-halides 91
Spin-orbit coupling, effect on, Rydberg states of rare-gas dimers 10
Spin-orbit coupling, effect on, Tl-rare-gas systems 27
SR 160
Stimulated emission coefficients, 167 171
Stimulated emission coefficients, 163
Stimulated emission coefficients, 151
Stimulated emission coefficients, CsXe 154
Stimulated emission coefficients, HgXe 157
Stimulated emission coefficients, LiHe 152
Stimulated emission coefficients, LiXe 152
Stimulated emission coefficients, NaHg 161
Stimulated emission coefficients, NaXe 151
Stimulated emission coefficients, RbXe 154
Stimulated emission coefficients, TlXe 158
Stimulated emission coefficients, weakly bound states 141
Stimulated emission cross-sections 225
Stimulated emission cross-sections, excimers 202
Stimulated emission cross-sections, rare-gas-halides 93
Super-elastic electron collisions, mixing of excimer states 51
Super-elastic electron collisions, quenching of excited states 130
Thermal capacity, rare-gas lasers 54
Three-body association, formation of rare-gas excimers 49 50
Three-body quenching, KrF 192
Three-body quenching, XeBr 200
Three-body quenching, XeF 194
Three-body recombination of ions, molecular halogens 109
Three-body recombination of ions, rare-gas-halide formation 97—99
TIXe 170
TIZn 169
TL 157
Tl-noble gas excimers 157
TlCd 169
TlHg 169 170
Transauroral transition, group IV-A elements 58 60
Transauroral transition, rare-gas — group VI excimers 19
Transition moment, 167
Transition moment, rare-gas dimers 9
Transition moment, rare-gas-halides 93
Transition moment, Rydberg states of rare-gas dimers 11
Transition moment, two-photon coupling 236
Translational partition function 42
Triatomic rare-gas-halide excimers 181ff.
Triatomic transitions 33
Two-body recombination, rare-gas-halide formation 99
Two-quantum excited transitions 233 234
U 242
Van der Waals interaction, states of rare-gas-halides 14
Van der Waals interaction, closed shell systems 5
Van der Waals interaction, flat repulsive curve formation 6
Van der Waals molecule, absorption spectra 13
Van der Waals molecule, ground state of group II homonuclear molecule 29
Van der Waals molecule, ground state of rare-gas molecules 10
Vibrational relaxation 140 141
Vibrational structure, rare-gas-halides 91
Wavelength tuning, triatomic excimers 182
WKB stationary phase method line shape evaluation 37
Xe 61 105 108
Xe* 98 103 105 107
Xe-halogen trimers 194ff.
XeAr 10
XeBr 16 95 128
XeCl 14 87 95
XeCl* 183 186 197
XeF 13—17 87 92
XeF* 98 100 101 183 195
XeKr 10 12
Xel 16 91—93 95
XeO 20 58 61—63
xuv generation, harmonic generation 230
xuv generation, multiquantum excitation 230 232
xuv generation, tuning by frequency mixing 232
ZnAr 25
ZnNe 25
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