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Young M. — Optics and Lasers: Including Fibers and Optical Waveguides
Young M. — Optics and Lasers: Including Fibers and Optical Waveguides

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Название: Optics and Lasers: Including Fibers and Optical Waveguides

Автор: Young M.


Optics and Lasers is an introduction to applied optics, covering elementary ray and wave optics as well as lasers, holography, fibers, optical waveguides, integrated optics, and quantum noise. Further chapters deal with the physical principles of optical instruments, light sources, and detectors. Numerous examples and exercises with complete solutions help the readers to deepen their knowledge.
This completely revised and enlarged edition is intended for advanced undergraduates in laser physics and engineering but will also be helpful for active scientists.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 1st edition

Год издания: 1992

Количество страниц: 498

Добавлена в каталог: 17.11.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Input plane      7.2.1
Insertion-loss measurement      11.2.1
Instrumental line width      6.1.2 6.3.1 6.3.2
Integrated circuit      3.6 5.6.4
Integrated optics      1 12 12.1
Integrating sphere      4.1.6
Intensity      3.2.1 5.1.1
Intensity, defined      5.1.1 see
Interdigitating transducer      12.1.6
Interference      1 5 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5.2 6.2 7.1.1 7.2.1 see “Diffraction”
Interference filter      1 6.4.3
Interference microscope      6.2.2 11.5.2
Interferometer      1
Interferometer by division of amplitude      5.4 5.6
Interferometer by division of wavefront      5.3
Interferometer by finite slits      5.5.2
Interferometer, confocal      6.3.3
Interferometer, constructive      5.2 5.3.1 5.4.1 8.1 8.3.1 10.2
Interferometer, destructive      5.2 5.3.1 5.4.1
Interferometer, double-slit      5.3.1 5.6.2
Interferometer, Fabry — Perot      6.3 8.3.1
Interferometer, Fiber      6.2.2
Interferometer, Mach — Zehnder      6.2.2
Interferometer, Michelson      6.2
Interferometer, multiple-reflection      5.4.2 8.1
Interferometer, multiple-slit      5.3.2 5.5.2
Interferometer, two-beam      5.4.1 7.1.1
Interferometer, Twyman — Green      6.2.1
Interferometry      6.2 6.3
Interlace      7.4.1
Intermodal distortion      10.2.6
Internal reflection      2.1.4 9.1.5
Internal reflection, frustrated total      9.1.5 9.2.3
internal refraction      2.1.4
Inverse transform      7.2.3 see
Inverse-square law      4.1.3
Ion      4.2.3
Ion laser      see “Laser”
Ion milling      12.2.4
Iris      3.1
Iris Iris diaphragm      3.1 3.2.2 3.8.4
Irradiance      3.2.2 4.1.1 5.1.1 8.5 see
Johnson noise      4.3.3
Junction      4.2.4 4.3.1
Junction, cold      4.3.2
Junction, hot      4.3.2
Junction, pn      4.2.4
Junction, reference      4.3.2
KDP      9.3.2 9.4.2
Kernel (convolution)      7.4.3
Kerr cell      8.4.1 9.4.1 9.4.2
Kerr constant      9.4.1
Kerr effect      9.4.1
Kohler illumination      3.8.4
Krypton-ion laser      see “Laser”
Lagrange invariant      2.2.11 4.1.8 7.2
Lambert's law      8.1.1
Lambertian reflector      4.1.5
Lambertian source      4.1.4 4.2.1
Lamp, arc      4.2.1
Lamp, gas-discharge      4.2.3
Lamp, tungsten      4.2.1
Lase      8
Laser      1 4.2.3 8
Laser mode      8.2.4
Laser safety      8.5
Laser wavelengths (table)      8.4.7
Laser, argon-ion      8.2.4 8.4.5
Laser, carbon-dioxide      8.4.6
Laser, classes, I-IV      8.5
Laser, coherence of      5.6 5.6.3 8.3.5
Laser, diode      8.4.2
Laser, distributed feedback      12.1.4
Laser, dye      8.4.3
Laser, excimer      8.4.7
Laser, four-level      8.4.2
Laser, gallium arsenide      12.1.4
Laser, gas      8.4.7 see also “Specific material”
Laser, glass      8.4.2
Laser, HCN      8.4.7
Laser, helium-cadmium      8.4.7
Laser, helium-neon      8.3.5 8.4.2 8.4.4 8.4.7 9.1.2
Laser, hydrogen and deuterium-fluoride      8.4.7
Laser, injection      8.4.8
Laser, ion      8.4.5
Laser, junction      8.4.8
Laser, krypton-ion      8.4.5
Laser, laser-pumped      8.4.3
Laser, mode-locked      8.2.4 8.4.2 8.4.3 8.4.5 9.4.3
Laser, multimode      8.3.2
Laser, neodymium      8.2.4 8.4.2
Laser, nitrogen      8.4.7
Laser, optically pumped      8.2 8.2.3 8.2.4 8.4.3
Laser, organic-dye      8.4.3
Laser, output power of      8.2.2
Laser, Q-switched      8.2.3 8.4.1 8.4.2 8.4.6 9.4.2
Laser, quasicontinuous      8.4.2
Laser, ruby      8.2.2 8.2.3 8.4.1
Laser, semiconductor      8.4.2 8.4.8 10.1 12.1 12.1.4 see
Laser, single-mode      5.6.3 8.3.2 8.4.4
Laser, surface-emitting      12.2.5
Laser, TEA      8.4.6
Laser, three-level      8.2
Laser, titanium:sapphire      8.4.3
Laser, transversely excited      8.4.6 8.4.7
Laser, tunable      8.4.3
Laser, vertical cavity      12.2.5
Laser, water-vapor      8.4.7
Laser, YAG      8.4.2
Lasers, classification of      8.5
latent image      3.2.1
Launching conditions      1 11.1 11.3.4
Launching conditions, beam-optics      11.1.1
Law of reflection      2.1.2 see
Law of refraction      2.1.1 see
Lead glass      9.4.5
Lead glass sulfide      4.3.1 4.3.3
Lead glass telluride      4.3.1
Leakage current      4.3.3
Leaky mode      10.2.4
Leaky ray      1 10.2.4 10.3.4
Leaky ray in near-field scanning      11.5.3
Lens      2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.7
Lens aberrations      2.2.12
Lens equation      1 2.2.4 5.5.3
Lens equation and thick lenses      2.2.7
Lens equation, Newton's form of      2.2.10
Lens of eye      3.1 8.5
Lens, aberration-limited      3.8.1
Lens, Barlow Problem      2.5
Lens, camera      2.2.11 2.2.12
Lens, close-up      2.2.12
Lens, collimating      2.2.12
Lens, concave      2.2.5
Lens, convex      2.2.5
Lens, copying      2.2.12
Lens, diffraction      12.2.4
Lens, enlarging      2.2.12
Lens, erecting      3.7.3
Lens, Fraunhofer diffraction in focal plane of      5.5
Lens, geodesic      12.2.3
Lens, graded-index      12.2.2
Lens, hand      3.4
Lens, high-aperture      2.2.12
Lens, Luneburg      12.2.2
Lens, macro      2.2.12
Lens, meniscus      2.2.5
Lens, mode-index      12.2.1 12.2.2
Lens, negative      2.2.5 3.1
Lens, photographic      2.2.12
Lens, planar      12.2
Lens, plano-convex      2.2.12
Lens, positive      2.2.5 3.1
Lens, specialized      2.2.12
Lens, telephoto Problem      2.5
Lens, thick      2.2.7
Lens, thin      2.2.4
Lens, two thin, in contact      2.2.4
Lens, waveguide      12.2
Lens-maker's formula      2.2.4
Lifetime      8.2.1
Lifetime, cavity      8.2.3
Light source      see “Source”
Light-Emitting Diode      4.2.4 8.4.8 10.1
Limit of resolution      see “Resolution limit”
Limited phase space      see “70-70 excitation”
Limiting aperture      see “Aperture stop”
Line radiation      see “Line source”
Line source      4.2 4.2.3
Linewidth standard      7.4.5
Linewidth, instrumental      6.1.2 6.3.1 6.3.2
Liquid crystal      9.2.6
Liquid crystal television      9.2.6
Liquid crystal, ferroelectric      9.2.6
Liquid crystal, nematic      9.2.6
Liquid crystal, smectic      9.2.6
Lithium niobate      9.4.2
Lloyd's mirror Problem      5.3
Local Area Network      11.3.1 12.2.5
Local numerical aperture      10.3.2 11.5.5
Longitudinal magnification      2.2.9
Lorentzian function      12.2.4
Lumen      4.1.2
Luminance      1 4.1.2 4.1.8
Luminance of aerial image      4.1.8
Luminous efficacy      4.1.2
Luminous efficiency of eye      4.1.2
Luminous energy      4.1.2
Luminous flux      4.1.2
Luminous intensity      4.1.2
Luminous power      1 4.1.2 see
Luneburg lens      12.2.2
Lux      4.1.2
Mach — Zehnder interferometer      6.2.2 12.1.6
Macula lutea      3.1
Macular degeneration      8.5.1
Magnesium fluoride $({MgF}_{2})$      6.4.1
Magnetic-field vector      9
Magneto-optics      9.4.5
Magnification      2.2.9 3.5
Magnification, empty      3.8.3 3.8.4
Magnification, in holography      
Magnification, longitudinal      2.2.9
Magnification, useful      3.5 3.8.3 3.8.4
Magnifier, simple      see “Magnifying glass”
Magnifying glass      3.4
Magnifying power      3.4 3.5 3.7 3.7.1 3.8.2—4
Magnifying power, empty      3.8.2
Magnifying power, useful      3.5 3.7.1 3.8.2—4
Malus's Law      9.2.2
Mandrel wrap      11.1.1 11.4
Matched filter      7.2.6 7.4.1 7.4.3
Mechanical tube length      3.5
Mercury cadmium telluride      4.3.1
Meridional ray      10.2.4
MgO (diffuser)      4.1.5
MICA      9.2.1
Michelson interferometer      6.2 see
Michelson stellar interferometer, Problem      5.14
Microbend      10.3.5
Microscope      1 3.5 7.3.3
Microscope condenser      3.8.4
Microscope objective      3.5 3.8.3 7.2.1 7.4.4
Microscope, Abbe theory of      7.2.1
Microscope, coherence of      5.6.4
Microscope, interference      6.2.2
Microscope, magnifying power of      3.5
Microscope, resolving power of      3.8.3 3.8.4
Microscope, scanning confocal      3.6 7.3.3
Microscope, scanning confocal, impulse response of      7.3.3
Microscope, simple      see “Magnifying glass”
Microscope, video      3.5 7.4.4
Microscopy      3.5 7.2.1 7.4.4
Microscopy, Abbe theory of      7.2.1
Microscopy, phase      7.2.1
Microscopy, phase-contrast      7.2.5
Microscopy, video      3.5
Mirror      2.1.3 2.2.6
Mirror, concave      2.2.6
Mirror, convex      2.2.6
Mirror, focal length of      2.2.6
Mirror, multilayer      1 6.4.2
Mirror, radius of curvature of      2.2.6
Mirror, spherical      2.2.6
Mirror, thick, Problem      2.4
Misalignment (of fibers)      see “Connector”
Missing order      5.5.2 6.1.1
MODE      1 8.3.1 8.3.5
Mode coupling      10.3.5
Mode field diameter      11.7
Mode filter      11.1.2 11.4
Mode in circular waveguide      10.2.4
Mode in optical waveguide      10.2 10.4.2
Mode matching      8.3.3
Mode stripper      11.1.3
Mode unbound      10.2
Mode, 00      8.3.2 8.3.3 8.4.4
Mode, air      12.2.4
Mode, axial      8.3.1
Mode, bound      10.2
Mode, number of, in waveguide      10.2.5
Mode, single      8.3.2
Mode, single axial and transverse      8.3.2
Mode, spectral      8.2.4 8.3.1
Mode, substrate      12.2.4
Mode, transverse      8.3.2
Mode-index lens      12.2.1 12.2.2
Mode-locked laser      see “Laser”
Modulation transfer function      7.3.5
Modulation transfer function of film      7.3.8
Modulator      8.4.5 9.4.4 12.1.6
Modulator, acousto-optic      9.4.4 12.1.6
Modulator, electro-optic      9.4.3 12.1.6
Modulator, loss      8.4.5
Modulator, traveling-wave      12.1.6
Monochromatic radiation      4.2.3
Monochromator      6.1
Monolithic devices      12.1
Monomode waveguide      10.2.6 see
Motion-picture projector      3.3
MTF      7.3.5 see
MTF of film      7.3.8
Multilayer mirrors      1 6.3
multimode fiber      see “Optical fiber” “Optical “Optical
Myopia      3.1
Nd:glass laser      see “Laser”
Nd:YAG laser      see “Laser”
Near point      3.1 3.4
Near-field diffraction      1 5.5.4 see
Near-field scanning      1 3.9 11.5.3
Near-field scanning in core-diameter measurements      1 11.5.5
Near-field scanning of single-mode fiber      11.5.3
Near-field scanning, leaky rays in      11.5.3
Near-field scanning, refracted      see “Refracted-ray method”
Near-sightedness      3.1
Negative      3.2.1
Neodymium laser      see “Laser”
NEP      4.3.3
Neural inhibition      3.1
Newton's form of the lens equation      2.2.10
1 2 3 4 5 6
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