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Kacharov L.M. — Fundamentals of Theory of Plasticity |
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Acceleration 23
Analogy, Nadai's 133
Anisotropy 34
annealing 34
Autofrettage 115
Bausciringer effect 34
Bending of beam of circular plate 314
Bending of beam of clastic-plastic beam 104
Bending of beam of hardening material 109
Bending of beam of plastic-rigid beam 443
Bending of beam of plate 354
Bending of beam of short cantilever 209
Bending of beam of strip weakened by notches 201
Bending of beam of strip with one-sided notch 290
Bifurcation point 397
Bound of limit load, lower 192 203
Bound of limit load, upper 192
Buckling of a plate 413
Buckling of a strip 418
Change, neutral 44 77 92
Circle, Mohr's 15
Coefficient of volumetric compression 28
Coefficient, kinematic 337
Coefficient, limit load 336
Coefficient, Lode — Nadai 17
Coefficient, Poisson's 28
Coefficient, static 338
Coefficient, strength 203 287
Compression of layer between rigid plates 223
Compression of thin layer 350
Condition of continuity 77
Condition of continuity at boundary 98
Condition of hardening, energetic 47
Condition of Isotropic hardening 45
Condition of total plasticity 295
Condition, dynamic compatibility 434
Condition, kinematic compatibility 433
Conditions, Saint Venant compatibility 21 25
creep 36
Criterion of constant intensity of tangential stresses 42
Criterion of stability, dynamic 396
Criterion of stability, energy 397
Criterion of stability, static 397
Criterion, Odquist's 48
Criterion, selection 192 324
Criterion, yield 38
Criterion, yield, Tresca — Saint Venant 40
Criterion, yield, von Mises 42
Curve, yield 39
Cutting 241
Deviation, initial 399
Deviatoric, strain 19
Deviatoric, stress 9
Diagram, Mohr's 15
Diagram, unit 248
Direction, characteristic 469
Discontinuity, strong 185 426
Discontinuity, weak 185 426
Distribution, uniform stress 279
Drawing of a strip 242
Element, elastic 454
Element, viscous 454
Elongation, natural 25
Elongation, principal 18
Equations of motion of continuous medium 26
Equations of nonlinear elastic body 59
Equations of thermoplasticity 91
Equations, equilibrium, in displacements 95
Equations, Geiringer's 184
Equations, mechanical constitutive 27
Equations, Prandtl — Reuss 50
Expansion, isotropic 44
Extension of a plane specimen 274
Extension of a strip weakened by notches 195 286
Extension of a strip with a hole 190
Extension of a strip with angular notches 288 347
Extension of a strip with circular notches 344
Field, admissible stress 189
Field, admissible velocity 388
Field, axisymmetric 166 270 2
Field, central 163 269
Field, kinematically possible 192
Field, safe stress 3
Field, statically possible 192
Field, velocity 180
Flow, non-steady plastic 245
Flow, steady plastic 239
Flow, steady, in a tube 462
Fluid, ideal 28
Fluid, viscous 29
Front, wave 426
Function, hardening 83
Hardening 34
Hardening, isotropic 79
Hardening, translational 81
Impact of a rod, longitudinal 440
Indentation by a flat die 217
Indentation by a wedge 245
Intensity, shear strain 20
Intensity, shear strain-rate 23
Intensity, tangential stress 10
Invariants of strain deviatoric 19
Invariants of strain tensor 19
Invariants of strain-rate tensor 23
Invariants of stress deviatoric 9
Invariants of stress tensor 8
Joint, plastic 445
Law, associated flow 73 89
Law, generalized Hooke's 28
Layer, thin plastic 3
Limit of proportionality 32
Limit, yield 33
Line of rupture 129
Line of stress discontinuity 274
Line of velocity discontinuity 189 272
Line, isolated slip 204
Line, slip 125 148 151
Load, critical 397 408
Load, reduced-modulus 406
Load, tangent-modulus 402
Loading 43 92
Loading, complex 37
Loading, impactive 426
Loading, simple 37
Material, incompressible 102
Material, stable 87
Material, unstable 87
| Medium, creep-plastic 459
Medium, relaxing (Maxwell) 457
Medium, visco-elastic (Voigt) 455
Medium, visco-plastic 460
Method of additional loads 97
Method of additional strains 97
Method of variable coefficients of elasticity 97
Method Ritz's 369
Method semi-inverse 150 252
Method, inverse, for elastic-plastic problems 136
Methods, numerical 175
Model, Shanley's 406
Models, mechanical 454
Models, multi-element 457
Modulus of plasticity 34 47
Modulus, reduced (Engesser — von Karmnan) 405
Modulus, shear 28
Modulus, tangent 403
Modulus, Young's 28
Moment, limit twisting 131
Neck 311
Parameter, flexure 401
Parameter, loading 401
Parameter, Odquist's 80
Plane, deviatoric 14
Plasticity, athermal 1
Plate with a circular hole under pressure 283
Postulate, Drucker's 40 86
Potential of work of deformation 57
Potential, plastic 70
Pressing 240
Pressure, limit 115
Pressure, mean 8
Principle of minimum additional work 363
Principle of minimum total energy 358
Principle, local maximum 88
Principles, extremum 324
Principles, extremum, in flow theory 376
Problem, Cauchy's 152 170
Problem, contact 341
Problem, mixed 174
Problem, Riemann 172
Problem, statically determinate 150
Relaxation 36
Relaxation, stress 457
Rheology 454
Rolling 241
Rule, Lagrange — Dirichlet for stability 397
Shakedown 115 381
Shear of thin layer 350
Shear, maximum 18
Shear, principal 18
Solution, complete 193
Solution, Gallin's 230
Solution, Hill's 219
Solution, Prandtl's 217
Solution, Prandtl's, for thin layer 224
Space, stress 13
Sphere, hollow, under pressure 109 46
Stability of a compressed rod 403
Stability of a nonlinear-clastic rod 403
Stability of a strip bent by couples 410
Stability of an elastic rod 400
Stability of compressed plates 413
State, plane stress 256
State, simple stress 163
State, uniform stress 163 267
Strain, elastic 32
Strain, kinematically possible 385
Strain, plane 145
Strain, progressive 382
Strain, reduced 20
Strain, residual 100 434
Strain, residual, around a spherical cavity 116
Strain, secondary plastic 101
Stress, normal 6
Stress, reduced 10
Stress, residual 100
Stress, tangential 6
Surface, loading 44 91
Surface, singular 84
Surface, yield 70 74
System, canonical 160
System, reduced 469
Tensor, strain 17
Tensor, strain-rate 22
Tensor, stress 5
Tensor, unit 12
Theorem, Brett's 142
Theorem, generalized Castigliano 365
Theorem, generalized Clapeyron 356
Theorem, kinematical shakedown 389
Theorem, Koiter's 389
Theorem, Melan's 386
Theorem, statical shakedown 384
Theorems, Hencky's 153
Theorems, on limit load coefficients 336
Theorems, on plastic collapse 325
Theory, Batdorf — Budiansky slip 86
Theory, deformation 54
Theory, plastic flow 48 53
Theory, Saint Venant — von Miscs 50
Time, relaxation 457
Torsion and extension of a rod 392
Torsion and extension of thin-walled tube 63
Torsion of circular rod of variable diameter 349
Torsion of hardening rods 139
Torsion of oval rod 137
Torsion of prism 123
Torsion of rod with square cross-section 373
Torsion of thin open profile 132
Torsion, elastic 127
Torsion, elastic-plastic 137
Tube, cylindrical, under pressure 118
Unloading 43 92
Velocity of propagation, local 424
Wave, central 432
Wave, elastic 427
Wave, elastic-plastic 431
Wave, expansion 432
Wave, negative 426
Wave, positive 426
Wave, shock 426
Wave, simple 430
Wave, unloading 432
Wedge under one-sided pressure 220
Work of shape-deformation 56
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