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Koechner W. — Solid-State Laser Engineering
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Íàçâàíèå: Solid-State Laser Engineering
Àâòîð: Koechner W.
Àííîòàöèÿ: Written from an industrial perspective, Solid-State Laser Engineering discusses in detail the characteristics, design, construction and performance of solid-state lasers. Emphasis is placed on engineering and practical considerations; phenomenological aspects using models are preferred to abstract mathematical derivations. Since its first edition almost 30 years ago this book has become the standard in the field of solid-state lasers for scientists, engineers and graduate students.
This new edition has been extensively revised and updated to account for recent developments in the areas of diode-laser pumping, laser materials and nonlinear crystals. Completely new sections have been added dealing with frequency control, the theory of mode-locking, femtosecond lasers, high efficiency harmonic generation, passive and acousto-optic Q-switching, semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors (SESAM) and periodically poled nonlinear crystals.
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ed2k: ed2k stats
Èçäàíèå: Sixth Revised and Updated Edition
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2006
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 747
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 17.11.2009
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Optical parametric oscillator, wavelength/linewidth control 647—649
Optical phase conjugation 669—679
Optical phase conjugation, basic principles 669—671
Optical phase conjugation, design issues 673—679
Optical phase conjugation, materials 671—673
Optical resonator see "Resonator"
Organic dye see "Saturable absorber"
Oscillator, threshold condition 103—108
Output coupling 111 117 119 121
Output fluctuations 128—132 271—273 623 624
Output vs input calculations 118—127
Overlap integral 116
Oxides, laser host 41—43
Oxysulfide, laser host 43
Parasitic modes 199
Passive mode locking 542—560
Passive Q-switch 522—529
Pentaphosphates 43 44
Periodically poled crystals 652—655
PFN see "Pulse forming network"
Phase coherence, stimulated emission 17
Phase conjugation see "Optical phase conjugation"
Phase matching 602—611 634 652—655
Phase mismatch 593 594 638
Phosphate, laser host 43
Photoelastic effects 440—442
Picosecond lasers 568—575
Piezoelectric transducer 274 276—278 520 572
Piezooptic effect 509—511 567 570
Planck's law 12
Plane wave impedance 595
Plane-parallel resonator 219 221
Plano-concave resonator 220
Pockels cell Q-switch 499—516
Population inversion 25—27 159
Porro prism resonator 252—254 457 512 513
Postlasing 508—511
Potassium titanyl phosphate see "KTP"
Power supplies, cw arc lamps 339 340
Power supplies, diode arrays 363—366
Power supplies, flashlamps 315—334
PPLN 637 652—661
Praeseodymium 49
Prelasing 198 199 508 509
Pulse forming network 323—331
Pulse shape distortion 193 194
Pulse-bandwidth product 539—541 562 563
Pump arrangements, laser diodes, end pumping 407—418
Pump arrangements, laser diodes, face pumped disks 421 422
Pump arrangements, laser diodes, side pumping, rods 393—401
Pump arrangements, laser diodes, side pumping, slabs 401—407
Pump band 28 29
Pump cavity, arc lamps, face pumped disks 418—420
Pump cavity, arc lamps, mechanical design 381—392
Pump cavity, arc lamps, pump light distribution 378—381
Pump cavity, arc lamps, radiation transfer 368—378
Pump configurations 366—368
Pump source efficiency 112 113 301 337 338 355
Pumping rate 33 34 119
Q-switch devices, acoustooptic 514—552
Q-switch devices, electrooptical 499—516
Q-switch devices, mechanical 498 499
Q-switch devices, passive 522—529
Q-switch, theory 117 118 488—498
Quality factor Q, definition 105
Quantum efficiency 33 36
Quantum noise 272 273
Quantum well 343 344 557
Quartz, optical transmission 306
Quasi phasematching 652—655
Quasi three or four level lasers 125 126
Radiation lifetime 15
Radiation transfer efficiency 113
Raman laser 662—669
Raman laser, configurations 666
Raman laser, examples 667—669
Raman laser, theory 662—666
Raman scattering see "Stimulated Raman scattering"
Raman — Nath scattering 516
Rare earth ions 46
Rate equations 32—36 159 488 489
Rayleigh range 215 217 226
Rectangular slab laser 461—469
Regenerative amplifiers 180—188
Relaxation oscillations 128—132 271—273 567
Resonant reflector 264
Resonator, longitudinal modes, amplitude/frequency control 271—278
Resonator, longitudinal modes, linewidth reduction 263—271
Resonator, longitudinal modes, mode structure 259—263
Resonator, longitudinal modes, wavelength selection 297—299
Resonator, transverse modes, configurations 217—222
Resonator, transverse modes, design software 254 255
Resonator, transverse modes, hardware 278—282
Resonator, transverse modes, internal lens 232—234 248—250 293
Resonator, transverse modes, losses 104 105 124 125 223—225 228
Resonator, transverse modes, misalignment sensitivity 235—238
Resonator, transverse modes, mode patterns 210—214
Resonator, transverse modes, stability diagram 222 235 243 247
Resonator, unstable see "Unstable resonator"
Ring laser 152—155
Risley pair 253
Ruby laser 51—54
safety see "Laser safety"
Samarium 50
Sapphire, laser host 42
Saturable absorber 522—529
Saturation fluence/flux, definition 159 172 173 188
Second harmonic generation crystal properties 611—618
Second harmonic generation intracavity 618—624
Second harmonic generation phase matching 602—611
Second harmonic generation systems 629—633
Second harmonic generation theory 590 592—602
Self focusing 200—209
Self mode locking see "Kerr lens mode locking"
Sellmeier equation 648
Semiconductor saturable absorber mirror see "SESAM"
Sensitizer, doping 49 64 75 94 95
servo loop see "Electronic feedback loop"
SESAM 527 528 543 556—560
Shot noise 272
Side pumping 134—147 366—406
Signal distortions, amplifier 190—194
Silicate, laser host 43
Slab laser 178 179 401—407 458—469
Slope efficiency, definition 120
Small scale ripple growth 206 207
SOAP, laser host 43
Soliton pulse shaping 579
Spatial filter 171 172 208
Spatial hole burning 265
Spatial overlap 115 116 408—411
Spectral characteristics, laser output 259—262
Spherical resonator see "Concentric resonator"
Spike suppression 132 133
Spontaneous emission 15 31
Spot size, definition 215 226
Stability diagram, resonator 222 232 235 243 247 551
Steady state amplification see "Amplifier steady
Stefan — Boltzmann equation 13
Stimulated Brillouin scattering 587 590 592 669—679
Stimulated emission, definition 16 17 24 25 see
Stimulated Raman scattering 587 590 591 662—669
Stokes factor 115 424
Stokes lines 587 664 665
Stress fracture limit 439 459 479—481
Super Gaussian beam 192
Surface damage 681—684
Symbols, definition 711—715
System efficiency 123 151 170 171 394
Telescopic resonator 248—250
Temporal distortions, amplifier 193 194
Thermal distortions, laser beam 193 442—457
Thermal distortions, laser beam, compensation 449-451
Thermal effects, disk laser 469—473
Thermal effects, end pumped laser 473—481
Thermal effects, laser rod, birefringence 445—449
Thermal effects, laser rod, lensing 231—233 442—445 451—453
Thermal effects, laser rod, photoelastic effect 440—442
Thermal effects, laser rod, stress 437—440
Thermal effects, laser rod, temperature distribution 426—437
Thermal effects, slab laser 458—469
Thermal lensing compensation 293 294 451 452
Thermal line broadening 20
Thermal shock parameter 440 480 481
Third harmonic generation 625—629
Three level laser 27—29 126 127
Threshold condition see "Oscillator threshold condition"
Threshold input 120
Thulium 49 50
Ti:Sapphire laser 83 88—91 575 580—582
Titanium 50
Tm:YAG laser 94—97
Tm:YLF laser 97
Transform limited pulse 539—541
Transition metals 50
Transverse modes 210—254
Travelling wave oscillator see "Ring laser"
Trigger circuit, flashlamp 331—334
Tunable lasers 79—97
Tungstate, laser host 44
Tungsten filament lamp 300 301
Uniaxial crystal 603—608
Unstable resonator 271 282—296
Unstable resonator, alignment sensitivity 295 296
Unstable resonator, negative branch 287—289
Unstable resonator, positive branch 284—287
Upper state efficiency 112 115
Vanadate, laser host 44
Variable reflectivity mirror 270 287 289—292
Vibronic lasers see "Tunable lasers"
Waist, Gaussian beam 215
Wavefront distortion 190—193 200—209 442—449 669—671
Wavelength control see "Frequency control"
Wavelength selection 297—299
Whisper modes 199
Whole beam self focusing 201—203
Wien's displacement law 13
Xenon arc lamp see "Flashlamps"
YAG laser host 42 see "Er:YAG "Yb:YAG
YAP, YALO, laser host 42
Yb:KGW laser 583
Yb:YAG laser 97—101 180 421 422 424 472 583
YLF, laser host 45
Ytterbium 49
Zig-zag slab laser 402 404 461 462