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Graeme J.G. — Photodiode Amplifiers: Op Amp Solutions
Graeme J.G. — Photodiode Amplifiers: Op Amp Solutions

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Название: Photodiode Amplifiers: Op Amp Solutions

Автор: Graeme J.G.


No matter where you are on the learning curve, this one-stop sourcebook delivers the kind of previously hard-to-find practical information you'll appreciate - and the wide range of application circuit alternatives you need - to optimize the noise, offset, bandwidth, and stability performance of photodiode amplifiers. Featuring the insights and accumulated knowledge that could only come from the world's number one authority on the subject, this is no scholarly tome but a hands-on reference - one that provides you with generalized circuit solutions that quickly adapt to specific design and application requirements. Inside, you'll find clear, complete, and largely stand-alone discussions of such topics as how the op amp current-to-voltage converter serves as the basic photodiode amplifier; the role of photodiode capacitance in an amplifier's AC response, along with design equations for optimum phase compensation; noise analysis, identification, and reduction; and wideband, high-gain, and position-sensing photodiode amplifiers. In all, this information-packed guide is without question the photodiode "bible" for anyone dealing with electronic design issues.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1995

Количество страниц: 253

Добавлена в каталог: 16.11.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Assembly precautions      129 166 197 198 212
Avalanche photodiode      9 245
Bandwidth, photodiode amplifier      28
Bandwidth, photodiode amplifier with bias      63
Bandwidth, photodiode amplifier with bootstrap      71 77
Bandwidth, photodiode amplifier, advantage      50
Bandwidth, photodiode amplifier, improvement      63 140 150 157
Bandwidth, photodiode amplifier, op amp limit      33
Bandwidth-versus-noise with a voltage amplifier      141 144
Bandwidth-versus-noise with current gain      161
Bandwidth-versus-noise with voltage gain      152
Bias, photodiode      2 5 63
Bias, photodiode, filtering of      67
Bias, photodiode, improvements to      67 69
Bias, photodiode, leakage produced by      65
Bias, photodiode, noise produced by      65
Bias, photodiode, with a current-to-voltage converter      65
Bootstrap, photodiode      71 77 245
Bootstrap, photodiode, amplifier      71 151
Bootstrap, photodiode, bandwidth of      74 83
Bootstrap, photodiode, buffer for      78 80
Bootstrap, photodiode, in combination with the current-to-voltage converter      77
Bypass, power supply      165
Bypass, power supply, detuning of      186 188
Bypass, power supply, selecting, primary      173 177
Bypass, power supply, selecting, secondary      179 182 183
Bypass, power supply, the requirement for      166
Characteristic curves, photodiode      5
CMR      see "Common-mode rejection"
Coaxial returns      217
Coaxial returns with a ground plane      218
Common-mode rejection      245
Common-mode rejection of bias errors      69
Common-mode rejection of electrostatic coupling      199
Common-mode rejection of magnetic coupling      212
Common-mode rejection ratio      245
Common-mode voltage      245
Common-mode, input capacitance      245
Common-mode, input resistance      245
Compensation resistor, offset      24 245
Composite amplifier      112 245
Contact resistance, photodiode      14
Coupling, parasitic, electromagnetic      210
Coupling, parasitic, electrostatic      198
Coupling, parasitic, power supply noise      166
Current amplifier      157
Current gain, avalanche photodiode      9
Current gain, photodiode amplifier      157
Current-to-voltage converter      23 30 77 245
Current-to-voltage converter, bandwidth of      33
Current-to-voltage converter, differential-input      199 207
Current-to-voltage converter, response of      31
Damping factor      53 246
Dark current      6 246
Decoupling, phase compensation      121 123 246
Decoupling, power supply      191
Decoupling, power supply, alternatives      191
Decoupling, power supply, selecting      195
Detuning, L-C resonance      36 75 175
Detuning, power supply bypass      186 188
Difference amplifier      246
Differential-input amplifier      246
Differential-input amplifier, basic      199
Differential-input amplifier, filtering with      224
Differential-input amplifier, improved      207
Differential-input amplifier, position sensing with      227
Differential-input, capacitance      246
Differential-input, resistance      246
Digital position sensing      239
Digital position sensing, setting logic levels for      241
Digital position sensing, signal processing for      239
Duo-lateral photodiode      15 246
Electromagnetic coupling      210 246
Electrostatic coupling      198 246
Feedback      38
Feedback, analysis      38
Feedback, demand      39
Feedback, factor      38 246
Feedback, net factor      75
Filtering of bias source      67
Filtering with $C_{f}$ bypass      108
Filtering with a composite amplifier      112
Filtering with a differential amplifier      224
Filtering with a voltage amplifier      142
Filtering with decoupling      121
Filtering, active      120
Filtering, passive      121
Flux      3 246
Gain error in position sensing      222 231
Gain error, signal      33 246
Gain peaking, noise      90 97 107 165
Gain peaking, signal      50 53
Gain, added, current      157
Gain, added, optimum value of      142 145 155 161
Gain, added, voltage      150
Gain, added, with a current amplifier      157
Gain, added, with a tee network      141
Gain, added, with a voltage amplifier      140
Gain-bandwidth-product, op amp      51
High-gain amplifiers      129
I-to-V gain      246
Impact ionization      10 246
Input, op amp, bias current      24 246
Input, op amp, noise current      89 246
Input, op amp, noise voltage      89 246
Input, op amp, offset current      24 247
Input, op amp, offset voltage      27 247
Instrumentation amplifier      207 247
Integrator      247
Intercept frequency      40 247
Junction, semiconductor      1 see
Junction, semiconductor, avalanche      9
Junction, semiconductor, capacitance of      5 247
Junction, semiconductor, depletion region of      1
Junction, semiconductor, photo response of      3
Junction, semiconductor, PIN      7
L-C tank, amplifier equivalent      36 75
L-C tank, power supply line      176
Lateral photodiode      11 247
Leakage current      6 25 65
Linearity      21
Loop gain, op amp      40 247
Magnetic coupling      210
Magnetic field generation      216
Magnetic loop      212
Magnetic loop, identifying      212
Magnetic loop, matching of      215
Maximum selector      239 247
Model, photodiode, basic      4
Model, photodiode, duo-lateral      16
Model, photodiode, lateral      13
Model, photodiode, tetra-lateral      18
Mutual capacitance      198
Mutual inductance      210
Noise      87
Noise analysis, photodiode amplifier, simplified      95
Noise analysis, photodiode amplifier, summary      99
Noise analysis, photodiode amplifier, voltage component      97
Noise analysis, photodiode amplifier, with $C_{f}$ bypass      110
Noise analysis, photodiode amplifier, with a composite amplifier      118
Noise analysis, photodiode amplifier, with a decoupling filter      126
Noise analysis, photodiode amplifier, with a differential amplifier      202 209
Noise analysis, photodiode amplifier, with a tee network      138
Noise analysis, photodiode amplifier, with a voltage amplifier      146
Noise analysis, photodiode amplifier, with current gain      163
Noise analysis, photodiode amplifier, with differential inputs      202 209
Noise analysis, photodiode amplifier, with voltage gain      155
Noise bandwidth with $C_{f}$ bypass      110
Noise bandwidth with a composite amplifier      112
Noise bandwidth with a decoupling filter      121
Noise bandwidth, versus signal bandwidth      112
Noise effects, combining      99
Noise effects, general      87
Noise effects, op amp      94
Noise effects, predominant      102
Noise gain      67 88
Noise gain with $C_{f}$ bypass      108
Noise gain with a composite amplifier      115
Noise gain with a decoupling filter      122
Noise gain with a tee network      130 134
Noise gain, peaking      90 97 247
noise reduction      107
Noise reduction in the presence of multiple effects      216
Noise reduction of magnetic field generation      216
Noise reduction with $C_{f}$ bypass      108
Noise reduction with a composite amplifier      112
Noise reduction with a decoupling filter      121
Noise reduction with a differential amplifier      199 207 224
Noise reduction with electrostatic shielding      198
Noise reduction with magnetic loop reduction      212
Noise reduction with magnetic shielding      210
Noise reduction, trial-and-error approach to      216
Noise, 1/f      95
Noise, current      90 93
Noise, density      88 247
Noise, external      197
Noise, external, electrostatic coupling      198
Noise, external, magnetic coupling      210
Noise, floor      95
Noise, power supply      166
Noise, power-supply coupling      166
Noise, power-supply coupling, and frequency stability      170
Noise, power-supply coupling, frequency response of      168
Noise, power-supply coupling, mechanism      167
Noise, power-supply coupling, reduction      165
Noise, region      96
Noise, resistor      89 93
Noise, rms      92
Noise, rms integral      93
noise, signal-to-noise ratio      89
Noise, total output      100
Noise-versus-bandwidth optimization with a composite amplifier      117
Noise-versus-bandwidth optimization with a decoupling filter      123
Normalization      231
Normalization with a divider      232
Normalization with a multiplier      234
Normalization, digital alternative to      239
Normalization, dynamic range of      233
Normalization, simplified      237
Offset      24
Offset in position sensing      221
Offset, reduction      24 25 130
One-dimensional sensing      222
Oscillation      31 41 157 172
Parasitic, capacitance      32
Parasitic, feedback loop      171
Parasitic, inductance      166 167
Parasitic, resistance      174 179
Peaking      see "Gain peaking"
Permeability      211
Phase compensation      247
Phase compensation with a composite amplifier      117
Phase compensation, alternatives      53 55
Phase compensation, decoupling      121 124
Phase compensation, effect of      42
Phase compensation, realizing small values of      59
Phase compensation, requirement for      36 75 84
Phase compensation, selection of      49 57 77 84
Phase margin      247
Phase margin analysis      47
Photoconductive      7 247
PhotoDiode      1 247
Photodiode model, basic      4
Photodiode model, duo-lateral      16
Photodiode model, lateral      13
Photodiode model, tetra-lateral      18
Photodiode, avalanche      9
Photodiode, capacitance      5 64
Photodiode, characteristic curves      5
Photodiode, contact resistance      14
Photodiode, dark current      25
Photodiode, duo-lateral      15
Photodiode, lateral      11
Photodiode, leakage current      25 65
Photodiode, multiple-element      10
Photodiode, PIN      7 248
Photodiode, step response of      3
Photodiode, tetra-lateral      17
Photodiode, time constant of      3
Photovoltaic      7 248
PIN Photodiode      7 246
Position sensing      10 221
Position sensing, differential      225 227
Position sensing, diodes      10
Position sensing, direct-displacement      222
Position sensing, gain error of      221 231
Position sensing, normalized      231
Position sensing, offset error of      221
Position sensing, single-axis      222
Position sensing, two-axis      229
Positioning distance      13
Positioning resistance      13
Power-supply bypass      165
Power-supply bypass, detuning      186 188
Power-supply bypass, selecting, primary      173 177
Power-supply bypass, selecting, secondary      179 182 183
Power-supply bypass, the requirement for      166
Power-supply decoupling      191
Power-supply decoupling, alternatives      191
Power-supply decoupling, selection      195
Power-supply noise coupling      166
Power-supply noise coupling and frequency stability      170
Power-supply noise coupling, frequency response of      168
Power-supply noise coupling, mechanism      167
Power-supply noise coupling, reduction of      165
Power-supply sensitivity      168
Primary-supply bypass      173 177
Rate-of-closure      41 248
Resonance      37 174
Resonance, amplifier      39
Resonance, bypass capacitor      179
Resonance, detuning of      37 186 188
Resonance, dual bypass capacitor      186
Resonance, intuitive evaluation of      176
Resonance, power-supply line      173
Responsivity, photodiode      3 248
RF detector, parasitic      215
RFI coupling      210 215 248
Second-order response      53
Secondary bypass      179 182 183
Shielding, electrostatic      198
Shielding, magnetic      210
Slewing rate      248
Stability      42 171
Tee network      25 59 130
Tee network, design      137
Tee network, noise gain      130 134
Tee network, optimization      134 135
Tee network, resistance noise of      135
Tee network, signal gain      130
Tee network, voltage noise gain      134
Tetra-lateral photodiode      17 248
Transimpedance amplifier      see "Current-to-voltage converter"
Two-dimensional sensing      229
Virtual ground      33 248
Voltage gain      140 150
Wideband amplifiers      63
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