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Cabinetmaking |
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Adhesives back endpaper
Bar clamps front endpaper
Belt sanders 15 57
Beveled panels 53—56
Biscuit joints See "Plate joints"
Blind nailers, Shop Tip 34
Board-and-batten doors 102 108 110
Build It Yourself, Carcase construction, carcase-squaring blocks 33
Build It Yourself, Carcase construction, glue racks 24
Build It Yourself, Drawers, dado-routing jigs for drawer supports 89
Build It Yourself, Frame-and-panel construction, jigs for cutting raised panels 55
Build It Yourself, Frame-and-panel construction, pocket hole jigs 68
Burns, Michael 8—9
Butt hinges 115 117
Buttons (rabbeted blocks) 47 64—65
C clamps front endpaper
Cabinetmaker's clamps front endpaper
cabinets See "Carcases" "Frame-and-panel
Cabriole legs 121 122 124—127
Cabriole legs, Copying the design of a cabriole leg (Shop Tip) 125
Cabriole legs, Sanding a cabriole leg (Shop Tip) 127
Carcases 17—19 See "Edge-glued "Shelves"
Carcases, Assembly 31—32 35 37 43
Carcases, back panels 38
Carcases, Carcase-squaring blocks 33
Carcases, Checking a carcase for square (Shop Tip) 33
Carcases, Joinery, dovetail joints 17 19 27—32
Carcases, Joinery, plate joints 16 17 19 36—37
Carcases, Joinery, rabbet joints 19 34—35
Clamping, Carcases 32 35 37 43
Clamping, Carcases, checking a carcase for square (Shop Tip) 33
Clamping, Doors 107 109 114
Clamping, Drawers 86 98
Clamping, Edge-glued boards 22
Clamping, Edge-glued boards, preventing clamp stains (Shop Tip) 23
Clamping, Frame-and-panel construction 45 58 59
Clamping, Glue racks 24
Clamping, Moldings 70—71
Clamping, Moldings, an alternative method for clamping on moldings (Shop Tip) 71
Clamping, Springboards for clamping edge banding (Shop Tip) 40
Clamps front endpaper See
Clock-case hinges 115 118—119
Concealed dado and tongue joints 76 78—79
Cope-and-stick joints 44 46 48 51—52
Craftsmanship 6—11 See
crosscutting 14
Dado joints, Drawers 75 76 78—79
Dado-routing jigs 89
Decorative techniques, inlays 120 131—132
Decorative techniques, Moldings, doors 107
Decorative techniques, Moldings, legs 128 129 131 132
Decorative techniques, Moldings, shelves 63
Depth gauges, Inserting dowels with a depth gauge (Shop Tip) 26
Doors 101
Doors, Board-and-batten 102 108 110
Doors, Decorative moldings 107
Doors, Frame-and-panel 101 102 104—107
Doors, Glass 101 103 111—112
Doors, Hinges 101 115—119
Doors, Mounting 103 115—119
Doors, Tongue-and-groove 102 108—109
Doors, Tongue-and-groove, preventing sanding scratches (Shop Tip) 109
Doors, Veneered-panel 103 113—114
Double dado joints 76 78—79
Double-sided clamps front endpaper
Dovetail joints, Carcases 17 19 27—32
Dovetail joints, Drawers 75 76 80—84
Dovetail joints, hand-cut 27—32 82—84
Dovetail joints, Hand-cut, dealing with a defective dovetail (Shop Tip) 32
Dowel joints 123 135—136
Dowels, Edge-glued boards 25—26
Dowels, Edge-glued boards, inserting dowels with a depth gauge (Shop Tip) 26
Drawers 17 72—75
Drawers, Assembly 85—86
Drawers, Bottom panels 73 74 85—86
Drawers, False fronts 74 97—98
Drawers, Fitting 91 94
Drawers, Flush fronts 74
Drawers, Joinery 73 75 76
Drawers, Joinery, dado joints 75 76 78—79
Drawers, Joinery, dovetail joints 75 76 80—84
Drawers, Joinery, rabbet joints 75—77
Drawers, Lipped fronts 74 87
Drawers, Mounting 86
Drawers, Mounting, bottom-run 75 90—91
Drawers, Mounting, positioning jig for slide runners (Shop Tip) 93
Drawers, Mounting, side-mounting 75 87—89 92
Drawers, Mounting, slide runners 73 75 87 93
Drawers, Mounting, slides 73—75
Drawers, Pulls and handles 97 99
Drawers, Pulls and handles, single pulls for drawers already built (Shop Tip) 98
Drawers, Repair, fixing a bowed drawer side (Shop Tip) 91
Drawers, Repair, fixing a loose drawer bottom (Shop Tip) 86
Drawers, Stops 95—96
Drill presses, Pocket hole jigs 68
Edge banding 19 39—40
Edge banding, Springboards for clamping edge banding (Shop Tip) 40
Edge-glued boards 20—26
Edge-glued boards, Clamping 22
Edge-glued boards, Clamping, glue racks 24
Edge-glued boards, Clamping, preventing clamp stains (Shop Tip) 23
Edge-glued boards, Dowels 25—26
Edge-glued boards, Dowels, inserting dowels with a depth gauge (Shop Tip) 26
Edge-glued boards, Sanding 15
Edge-glued boards, Two ways to spread glue (Shop Tip) 21
European cabinet hinges 115—116
Face-gluing 121
Frame-and-panel construction 45—47 53
Frame-and-panel construction, Assembly 57—59
Frame-and-panel construction, Cabinets, alternative method for clamping on moldings (Shop Tip) 71
Frame-and-panel construction, Cabinets, bottom panels 47 60
Frame-and-panel construction, Cabinets, drawers 92 96
Frame-and-panel construction, Cabinets, moldings 47 69—71
Frame-and-panel construction, Cabinets, shelves 47 61—63
Frame-and-panel construction, Cabinets, top panels 64—68
Frame-and-panel construction, cope-and-stick joints 44 46 48 51—52
Frame-and-panel construction, doors 101 102 104—107
Frame-and-panel construction, Haunched mortise-and-tenon joints 46—50
Frame-and-panel construction, raised panels 53—56
Glass doors 101 103 111—112
Glossary 140—141
Glue racks 24
Glues back endpaper
Gluing, carcases 32 35 37 43
Gluing, Carcases, carcase-squaring blocks 33
Gluing, Doors 107 109 114
Gluing, Drawers 86 98
| Gluing, edge-glued boards 21—24
Gluing, Edge-glued boards, preventing clamp stains (Shop Tip) 23
Gluing, Edge-glued boards, spreading glue (Shop Tip) 21
Gluing, Face-gluing 121
Gluing, Frame-and-panel construction 58 59 107
Half-blind dovetail joints 75 76 82—84
Hand-crafting, dovetail joints 27—32 82—84
Hand-crafting, Mortise-and-tenon joints 133—135
Handscrews front endpaper
Hardware, Doors 101 115—119
Hardware, Drawers 74
Hardware, Drawers, pulls and handles 97 99
Hardware, Drawers, pulls for drawers already built (Shop Tip) 98
Hardware, Drawers, slide runners 73 75 87 93
Hardware, Legs 121—123 137—139
Hardware, Metal top fasteners 64
Haunched mortise-and-tenon joints 46—50
Hinges 101 115—119
Ingersoll, Ian 6—7
Inlays, Legs 120 131—132
Invisible nailers, Shop Tip 34
Jigs, Drawer slide runners, positioning jigs for slide runners (Shop Tip) 93
Jigs, Drill presses, pocket hole jigs 68
Jigs, Routers, dado-routing jigs for drawer supports 89
Jigs, Shelf-drilling jigs 41
Jigs, Table saws, raised panels 55
Joinery, Plywood 17—19 113 See "Dovetail "Mortise-and-tenon "Plate "Rabbet
Jointing 13
Ledger strips 47 60 64 67
legs 121
Legs, Cabriole legs 121 122 124—127
Legs, Cabriole legs, copying the design of a cabriole leg (Shop Tip) 125
Legs, Cabriole legs, sanding a cabriole leg (Shop Tip) 127
Legs, Decoration 128
Legs, Decoration, inlays 120 131—132
Legs, Decoration, moldings 128 129 131
Legs, Detachable legs 121—123 137—139
Legs, Joinery 121—123 133—139
Legs, Octagonal 128 130
Legs, Tapered 128—129
Lipped rabbet joints 76 77
Lumber See "Wood"
Miter gauges 14 52
Moldings See also "Decorative techniques moldings"
Moldings, Frame-and-panel construction 47 69—71
Moldings, Glass doors 101 111—112
Moore, Terry 10—11
Mortise-and-tenon joints, frame-and-panel construction 46—50 59
Mortise-and-tenon joints, Hand-cut 133—135
Mortise-and-tenon joints, Legs 122 123 133—135
Nails, Concealment, invisible nailers (Shop Tip) 34
Nails, Concealment, wood plugs 35
Octagonal legs 128 130
Panels See also "Edge-glued boards"
Panels, Carcases 18
Panels, frame-and-panel construction 45 46 53
Panels, frame-and-panel construction, raised panels 53—56
Panels, Veneered-panel doors 103 113—114
Pipe clamps front endpaper
Planing 13
Plate joiners 16
Plate joints 16 17 19 36—37
Plate joints, Veneered-panel doors 103 113 114
Plywood, Edge banding 39—40
Plywood, Joinery 17—19 113
Plywood, Veneered-panel doors 103 113—114
Pocket holes 64 66—68
power tools See also "Routers" "Table
Power tools, Belt sanders 15 57
Power tools, Drill presses, Pocket hole jigs 68
Power tools, plate joiners 16
Power tools, Safety precautions front endpaper
Pulls and handles 97 99
Pulls and handles, Single pulls for drawers already built (Shop Tip) 98
Quick-action clamps front endpaper
Rabbet joints, Carcases 19 34—35
Rabbet joints, Drawers 75—77
Rip fences 14
ripping 14
Routers, Dado-routing jigs for drawer supports 89
Routers, Dovetail joints 80—81
Routers, raised panels 56
Routers, Shop-built miter gauges (Shop Tip) 52
Safety precautions front endpaper
Sanding 15
Sanding, Cabriole legs (Shop Tip) 127
Sanding, Frame-and-panel construction 57
Sanding, Preventing sanding scratches (Shop Tip) 109
Screws, Concealment, invisible nailers (Shop Tip) 34
Screws, Concealment, wood plugs 35
Shelf-drilling jigs 41
Shelves 18—19 41—43
Shelves, adjustable 41—42 61—63
Shelves, Edge banding 39—40
Shelves, Frame-and-panel cabinets 61—63
Shop Tips, Carcase construction 21 23 26 32—34 40
Shop Tips, Doors 109
Shop Tips, Drawers 86 91 93 98
Shop Tips, Frame-and-panel construction 52 71
Shop Tips, Legs 125 127
Slide runners 73 75 87 93
Spring clamps front endpaper
Square construction, checking 33 59
Surface-mount hinges 115 119
Table saws 14
Table saws, raised panels 53—55
Tapered legs 128—129
Through dovetail joints 27—32 75 76 80—81
Tongue-and-groove doors 102 108—109
Tongue-and-groove doors, Preventing sanding scratches (Shop Tip) 109
Tools See also "Power tools"
Tools, Clamps front endpaper
Tools, Safety precautions front endpaper
Trigger clamps front endpaper
Veneered-panel doors 103 113—114
Web clamps front endpaper
Wood See also "Panels" "Plywood"
Wood plugs 35
Wood, Anatomy of a board front endpaper
Wood, Defects 12
Wood, Face-gluing 121
Wood, Grain, carcases 17 20
Wood, Preparation of stock 12—15
Wood, selection 12
Wood, Selection, carcases 20
Wood, Selection, legs 121
Wood, Shrinking and swelling 101
Wood, Types back endpaper
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