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Barone V., Predazzi E. — High-energy particle diffraction
Barone V., Predazzi E. — High-energy particle diffraction

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Название: High-energy particle diffraction

Авторы: Barone V., Predazzi E.


This monograph gives a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of soft and hard diffraction processes in strong interaction physics. The first part covers the general formalism (the optical analogy, the eikonal picture, high-energy kinematics, S-matrix theory) and soft hadron — hadron scattering (including the Regge theory) in a complete and mature presentation. It can be used as a textbook in particle physics classes. The remainder of the book is devoted to the "new diffraction": the pomeron in QCD, low-x physics, diffractive deep inelastic scattering and related processes, jet production etc. It presents recent results and experimental findings and their phenomenological interpretations. This part addresses graduate students as well as researchers.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Квантовая теория поля/Квантовая хромодинамика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2002

Количество страниц: 407

Добавлена в каталог: 23.07.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$k_{\perp}$-factorization      253
$\overline{MS}$ scheme      234
$\rho$-parameter      102 144—146
Absorption coefficients      29
Additive quark model      163
AGK cutting rules      120 121
Aligned-jet configuration      273 274 325
Analyticity      8 52 64 74
Anomalous dimensions      237 251
BFKL eigenfunctions      201 212 213 215
BFKL eigenvalues      201
BFKL equation      194 199 206 262 361
BFKL equation forward      200
BFKL equation in deep inelastic scattering      248 276 281
BFKL equation in NLLA      218
BFKL equation non forward      211
Bjorken scaling      224
CCFM equation      267
CDF      141 300 313 315—318
Center-of-mass kinematics      38 44
Coefficient functions      233 288
Color dipole picture      9 269 276
Color octet exchange      176 185 195 216 377
Color projectors      175
Color singlet exchange      176 187 198 214 376
Color transparency      272 355
Comille — Martin theorem      81 150
Complex angular momentum      8 84 86—89
Compton scattering      20
Compton scattering deeply virtual      345
CPT symmetry      67
Cross sections elastic      22 27 33 103 124 132 147 148 154
Cross sections in optics      16
Cross sections inelastic      27 124
Cross sections total      7 27 33 79 103 119 124 139 148 366
Crossing      8 38 52 67 74 96
Deep impulse scattering at low x      241
Deep inelastic scattering (DIS)      9 221
DGLAP equations      235 236 288
Diffractive deep inelastic scattering (DDIS)      2 283 285 296
Diffractive dissociation      49 107 155 348
Diffractive dissociation double      5 110 160 286 315 371
Diffractive dissociation single      5 36 107 111 157 316
Diffractive parton distributions      288
Diffractive photoproduction at high $|t|$      368
Diffractive structure functions      287 292 293 299 316 332 334 336
Diffusion      206 265
Dimensional regularization      234
Dipole cross section      272 273 275 282 324 325 361
Dipole-dipole scattering      357
Dispersion relations      8 65 70
DO      313 315
Double asymptotic scaling      248
Double leading log approximation      247 249
Double pomeron exchange      318
Duality      135 138
Eikonal picture      29 124 126
Eikonal vertices      170
Elastic scattering      5 36 61 62
Elastic unitarity      62
Factorization in QCD      1 288 289 317
Factorization in Regge theory      103 110 292
Feynman rules for QCD      388
Feynman's $x_{F}$ variable      45 48
Forward peak      3 7 61 149
Fracture functions      288
Fraunhofer diffraction      13 14
Froissart — Gribov representation      72 193
Froissart — Martin bound      8 75 140
Geometrical model      131
Geometrical scaling      133
Glauber theory      350
GLR equation      269
Gluon distribution      235 241 250
Gluon distribution unintegrated      248 254 255 263 265 275 281
Gluon recombination      268
Gluon-gluon scattering      169 204 206 216
h1      2 238 252 283 298 300 303 373
Hard diffraction      2 9 283
Hard processes      1
HERA      2 9 238 242 300 307 315 346
Impact factors      217 255 261 272
Impact picture      132
Inelastic overlap function      125
ISR      129 134 139 148—150 157
Jet production      9
Jet production in diffractive deep inelastic scattering      306 337
Jet production in hadronic collisions      2 283 313—316 318 373
Laboratory kinematics      41
Ladder diagrams in $\varphi^{3}$ field theory      112
Ladder diagrams in QCD      177 247 255
Leading $\ln Q^{2}$ approximation      246
Leading ln s approximation      165
Leading ln(1/x) approximation      247
Leading particle      49 61 156 299
LHC      148 160
Light scattering      19
Light-cone components      381 382
Lipatov vertex      166 180 181
Mandelstam invariants      37 38 40
Mass spectrum in diffractive deep inelastic scattering      291 327
Mass spectrum in hadronic diffraction      157
Mellin transforms      98 385
Moments of parton distributions      236
Mueller — Navelet jets      377
Mueller's theorem      74
Multi-Regge kinematics      114 188 378
Multiple scattering      350 363
Multiplicity      58 114
Multireggeon exchange      119
Non-perturbative effects      165 210
Nuclear shadowing      2 348
Odderon      106 152 210
Okun — Pomeranchuk relations      78
Opacity      125 129 131 134 135
Open charm production      307 339
Optical diffraction      3 11
Optical theorem      17 28 60
Partial-wave expansion      23 55 86 96
Parton model      225
Photon wave functions      272 331
Photon-gluon fusion      235
Photon-photon scattering      366 367
Pomeranchuk theorem      8 79 139 143
Pomeron      1 7 8 10 61 101 104 105 142 160 284
Pomeron flux      157 160 291 293
Pomeron hard (or BFKL, or perturbative QCD)      143 163 203 209 265
Pomeron intercept      106 142 203 301 310
Pomeron soft      142 143 164 209 308
Pomeron structure function      292 294 295 328
Potential scattering      20
Profile functions      14 18 31 124 126 129 130
Quantum electrodynamics (QED)      20 132 165
Quark distributions      229 233 235 241
Quark-quark scattering      166 204 205 214
Rapidity      47
Rapidity gaps      2 6 9 48 49 283 284 297 298 315 316 374 377 379
Regge cuts      8 115
Regge poles      8 84 94 99 111
Regge theory      1 7 83 141 144 157 244 290
Regge trajectories      8 84 86 98 106
Reggeized gluon      166 186 190
Reggeon calculus      116
Reggeons      7 85 106 115 142
Resummations      165 246
RHIC      160
Roman pots      147 299 315
Running coupling      208 220 266
s-channel models      123 131
S-matrix      24
Semiclassical model      346
Shrinkage      4 7 104 292
Signature      94 95 99 102
Single-inclusive processes      36 43 48 56
Singularities of the scattering amplitudes      65 66
Skewed (or off-forward) distributions      343
Soft color interactions      346
Soft diffraction      139
Soft processes      1
Splitting functions      235 236 248 251
SPS      139 150 157
Stochastic vacuum model      153
Structure functions      223—225 230 231 240 242 252 262 267
Sudakov parametrization      381
Survival probability      315
Tevatron      9 141 148 150 158 283 300 315 316 319
Three-gluon exchange      153 155
Totem      141 161
Triple pomeron      109 157 290 291 327 333
Two-gluon exchange model      164 210 328 341
UA8      2 283 313
Unitarity      24 28 29 52 58 60 74 120 125
Unitarity elastic      28
Unitarization      281 363 366
Vector meson dominance model      307 348
Vector meson production      307 341
Vector meson production at high $|t|$      369
Veneziano model      123 137
Virtual photoabsorption cross sections      225 253 272 282
Virtual photoproduction cross section      255
Watson — Sommerfeld representation      8 91 92 96 98 194
ZEUS      2 238 244 283 298 300 303 304 310 317
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