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Lander J. — Graphics Programming Methods |
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Particle systems (emit.), rendering 11 15
Particle systems (emit.), Runge-Kutta for differential equations 7 12
Particle systems (emit.), simulation of 5 16
Particle systems (emit.), spring-mass (SM) particle systems 81 90
Particle systems (emit.), synchronous simulation evolution in 9
Particle systems, adaptive step size and error control 8 9
Particle systems, appearance of particles 14 15
Particle systems, asynchronous simulation evolution in 9 10
Particle systems, collisions 8
Particle systems, Euler method for differential equations 6 7 12
Particle systems, frame rate vs. decoupling from visualization 10 11 15 16
Particle systems, GPU projection 11 13
Particle systems, midpoint method for differential equations 7
Particle systems, ODE for 6
Paths, locally dominant paths for light 288—289
Paths, mutation of light path samples 252—259
Paths, next event estimation 252
Perlin noise, real-time planet generation and 194 198
Phong shading, fast setup for bilinear interpolation 308
Phong-Blinn light model and shadows 231 234
Phong-Blinn light model, shadows and 231 234
Physically based simulation 5 16
Pixel shaders, Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) of 330—331
Pixel shaders, hardware limitations 330
Pixel shaders, optimizations for terrain rendering 327—335
Pixel shaders, real-time generation of 3D planets 193—198
Planets, Perlin noise functions and generation of 194—198
PN triangles (see Curved PointNormal (PN) triangles)
Point particle emitters 14
Polaclc, Trent, article by 165—174
Polaclc, Trent, bio and contact info xxii
Portals, k-D face portals with solid geometry 201 210
Potential Visibility Sets (PVS), cell merging 208 209
Potential Visibility Sets (PVS), k — D portals and 201 210
Preetham, Arcot J. bio and contact info xxii
Primitives, code generation to create 211 213
Primitives, primitives, adding classes of 224
Primitives, Curved Point-Normal (PN) triangles and modeling 154—162
Primitives, general curve discretization method and 121 131
Primitives, subtractive primitives and portalization 209
Primitives, wind primitives 20 21
Procedural animation 24 25
Procedural animation, transition to physical animation 24 25
Quadrilateral billboards 14 15
Quantization of true-color images with opacity information 367—373
Quantization, alpha channel information 369 373
Quantization, color codebook generation algorithm 368—369
Quantization, defined and described 367—368
Quantization, dithering and 371
Quantization, perceptual distance, calculation 370—371
Quantization, weight vectors, splitting 370—371
Radiance, directional radiance and view importance 244 246
Radiance, equation for 282 283
Radiance, network analysis strategies 283—284
Radiance, radiance gathering 243
Radiance, radiance shooting 242—243
Radiance, radiance source and receiver, connection of 244
Radiance, radiant flux as measure of light 338—339
Radiance, rendering equation for 238—239
Radiative transfer networks 280—282
Radiosity, progressive radiosity 287 (see also Radiative transfer networks)
Random walk algorithm, Metropolis sampling and global illumination 249 259
Randomization, Metropolis sampling and global illumination 249 259
Randomization, Metropolis-Hastings method 261—269
Randomization, Monte Carlo methods and 237—248 271—277
Randomization, stratified and importance sampling 271—272
Raster-Scan algorithms 117—118
Rayleigh scattering 354
Reconstruction of surfaces, smoothing algorithms and 139 146
Reconstruction, antialiasing and reconstruction filters 292 294
Reconstruction, density estimation and illumination reconstruction 263—264
Reed, R. Grant, article by 211—225
Reed, R. Grant, bio and contact info xxii
Rendering with adaptive integration 271
Rendering, bilinear and biquadratic interpolation over triangles 299—312
Rendering, billboards and particle rendering 14 15
Rendering, compressed panoramas in realtime 375—387
Rendering, global illumination and Metropolis sampling 249 259
Rendering, global illumination and stochastic iteration 237 248
Rendering, k — D trees 315—325
Rendering, Metropolis-Hastings method for density estimation 261—269
Rendering, occlusion culling methods 279—288
Rendering, overview 229
Rendering, pixel shaders for terrain rendering 327—335
Rendering, quantization of true-color images with opacity information 367 373
Rendering, radiance rendering equation 238—239
Rendering, shading, bilinear and biquadratic interpolation 303 312
Rieman mapping theorem 107 109
Roam 2 0
ROAM, AGP chunking process 172—173
ROAM, algorithm 170—173
ROAM, diamond creation 171
ROAM, split/merge priority queue 172—173
Rotational springs for animation of trees 29—32
Rungc — Kutta methods 7 12 83
Sampling, importance sampling 240 250 271—272
Sampling, multiple importance sampling 242
Scattering 341 342 344 348
Scattering fog and 354—355
Scattering fog and Metropolis sampling method for BSDFs 261—269
Scattering fog and Mie scattering 354
Scattering fog and Rayleigh scattering 354
Scripted bodies (scripted motion) arc length function 40 41
Scripted bodies (scripted motion) arc length reparameterization 42
Scripted bodies (scripted motion) derivatives, computation of 44—46
Scripted bodies (scripted motion) scripted bodies described 37—38
Scripted bodies (scripted motion) spline-driven animation and 37—49
Scripted bodies (scripted motion) time reparameterization 43
Scripted bodies (scripted motion) trajectories, examples of 47 48
Scripting, code generation 210—225 (see also Scripted bodies (scripted motion))
Shading, Phong-Blinn light model and shadows 231 234
Shading, pixel shaders for terrain rendering 327—335
Shadows, defined and described 353
| Shadows, depth peeling 357—358 364
Shadows, descrihed as volumes 357
Shadows, order independent volumetric shadows 353 364
Shadows, Phong-Blinn light model 231—234
Shadows, rendering dynamic 279—288
Shadows, Shannon sampling theorem 291
Shannon sampling theorem 291
Shannon sampling theorem, stratified sampling 271 272
Skeletons, IK and Jacobian pseudo-inverse for 93—100
Sky colors 350 354
SM (spring-mass) particle systems (see Spring-mass (SM) particle systems)
Smoothing algorithms 139—146
Smoothing algorithms, angle computation 145
Smoothing algorithms, displacement vector 145 146
Smoothing algorithms, edge classification and 142—143
Smoothing algorithms, peak corrections in 143—145
Smoothing algorithms, projection computation 145
Soft bodies 3D models 84 86
Soft bodies, 3D models for animation 84 86
Southwell iteration, progressive radiosity and 286—287
Spatial median, building k-D trees 319
Spline-driven animation, degenerate cases and 46 47
Spline-driven animation, described 38 40
Spline-driven animation, scripted bodies and 37 49
Sporring, Jon, article by 51—68
Sporring, Jon, bio and contact info xxii—xxiii
Spot panicle emitters 14
Spring-mass (SM), cloth 3D models 83 84
Spring-mass (SM), explicit numerical integration and 81 82
Spring-mass (SM), Hooke’s Law and 81
Spring-mass (SM), inverse dynamics constraints 86—89
Spring-mass (SM), Newton’s law and 81
Spring-mass (SM), particle systems 81 90
Spring-mass (SM), simple spring-mass model 81
Startup bias 261 262
Step size, asynchronous simulation evolution 9 10
Step size, selecting for particle system simulation 8—9
Stochastic iteration, nondiffuse global illumination 237—248
Stokes, Conor, article by 201 210
Stokes, Conor, bio and contact info xxiii
Storage, reducing requirements for 367—374
Storage, surface caching algorithm and 391—395
Subdivision surfaces (see Higherolder surfaces real-time
Subtractive primitives and penalization 209
Sunlight, calculating values for 344 345 349
Sunlight, outdoor lighting formula 327—329
Surface caches 389 395
Szecsi, article by 315 325
Szecsi, bio and contact info xxiii
Szirmay-Kalos, Laszlo, articles by 237—248 249—259
Szirmay-Kalos, Laszlo, bio and contact info xxiii
Terrains, 3D bounding frustum and height clipping plane 188—189
Terrains, crack-fixing methods 167 168
Terrains, detail horizon maps 329 334
Terrains, Geomipmapping algorithm 166—170
Terrains, grids, frustum used to determine visible grids 175 191
Terrains, optimizing frustum determined grids 189—191
Terrains, pixel shaders lor terrain rendering 327 335
Terrains, real-time generation of 3D planets 193—198
Terrains, rendering frustum determined grids 184—188
Terrains, ROAM2.0 algorithm 170—173
Terrains, terrain engines, flexible 165—174
Textures and texture mapping automatic parameterization 105—113
Textures and texture mapping automatic parameterization, and 224
Textures and texture mapping automatic parameterization, bi-cubic filters and reconstruction of 292—294
Textures and texture mapping automatic parameterization, detail normal maps and 229—230
Textures and texture mapping automatic parameterization, dynamic surface caching 389—395
Textures and texture mapping automatic parameterization, holes, filling 115—120
Textures and texture mapping automatic parameterization, noise functions and real-time planet generation 194 198
Textures and texture mapping automatic parameterization, pixel shaders and 330 333
Textures and texture mapping automatic parameterization, terrain engines 173—174
Theyer, Mark, 3D planets, real-time generation of 193—198
Theyer, Mark, article by 147 163
Theyer, Mark, bio and contact info xxiv
Tone mapping 338
Traversal algorithm for k-D trees 322—323
Trees (vegetation), algorithms for 29 32
Trees (vegetation), breakable trees 33
Trees (vegetation), code listing 25
Trees (vegetation), deeply hierarchical bodies, realtime multiresolution 27 36
Trees (vegetation), hybrid animation 24 25
Trees (vegetation), leaves for 35
Trees (vegetation), LOD issues 21 22
Trees (vegetation), multiresolution dynamics 33—35
Trees (vegetation), physical model 22 24
Trees (vegetation), procedural animation 20—22
Trees (vegetation), real-time animation 17 26
Trees (vegetation), rotational springs for 29—32
Trees (vegetation), skeleton node models 19—20
Trees (vegetation), wind effects 18—19 20—21 22—24 32
Trees, Axis-Aligned Bounding Boxes (AABB) as 51
Trees, binary trees and dynamic surface caching 389 395
Trees, modeling 28 29 trees
Tremblay, Christopher, article by 175—191
Tremblay, Christopher, bio and contact info xxiv
Van der Berg, John, article by 69 79
Van der Berg, John, bio and contact info xxiv
VEGAS algorithm for adaptive integration 273—275 277
Visibility derermination, k-D tree face portals 201 210
Volumetric shadow’s 353 364
Web addresses, morphing demos 79
Web addresses, Netlib Repository 286
Web addresses, relighting compressed panoramas 387 (see also Specific contributor’s bioand contact information)
Weber, Jason, article by 27 36
Weber, Jason, bio and contact info xxv
Wedge particle emitters 14
Weher. Andrew, article by 27 36
Weher. Andrew, bio and contact info xxiv—xxv
Wind, Inverse Dynamic Constraints and 86—89
Wind, primitives for 20—21
Wind, real-time animation of trees and 18—19 20—21 22-24
Wong, Ticn-Tsift, article by 375—388
Wong, Ticn-Tsift, bio and contact info xxv
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