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Maillet S.M., Sharaiha, Y.M. — Binary Digital Image Processing: A Discrete Approach |
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transform 51
Aliasing 108 119
Aliasing in a graph 78
Aliasing, length 80
Aliasing, number of 78
Aliasing, weight 80 214
Area of a polygon 192
Background 11 98
Base segment 204
Beautifying step 216
Blum's ribbon 202
Blum's skeleton 202 206
Border 10 98
Boundary, encoding see "Compression"
Bucket 90 149
CCP see "Chord property compact"
Ceiling function 14
Cellular image 111
Centre of maximal disc see "Disc maximal"
Chain 81
Chain-code 38 183
Chord property 40 120 220
Chord property, 16-compact chord property 54
Chord property, compact chord property 43 75
Chord property, relaxed 221
Chord property, Rosenfeld's 41
Chord property, Rosenfeld's chord property 75
Chord property, strong chord property 49
Closing 186
Compression 223
Compression, boundary encoding 135
Compression, JBIG 136
Compression, run length encoding (RLE) 133
Compression, white block skipping (WBS) 131
Connected component 6 82
Connected component, bounded 7
Connected component, centre 84 193
Connected component, centroid 194
Connected component, compactness 195
Connected component, diameter 84 193
Connected component, eccentricity 84 193
Connected component, labelling 173
Connected component, moment 194
Connected component, radius 84 193
Connected component, saturation 195
Connected component, simple 7
Connected component, skewness 194
Connected component, x-histogram 196
Connected component, y-histogram 196
Connectivity see "Neighbourhood"
Connectivity number 189
Contour, curvature 197
Contour, processing 158
Contour, smoothing 182
Convex hull, continuous 57
Convex hull, discrete 62—65
Convexity 56
Convexity, -convexity 67
Convexity, 4-convexity 60
Convexity, 8-convexity 60
Convexity, cellular convexity 58
Convexity, compatibility 65
Convexity, continuous convexity 56
Convexity, equivalence 61
Convexity, L-convexity 60
Convexity, T-convexity 60
cp see "Chord property"
Crossing number 189
Curvature 68
Curvature, continuous curvature 68
Curvature, discrete curvature 69 197
Curvature, k-order curvature 69
CYCLE see "Graph cycle"
Data, compression 105 131—137
Data, storage 105
Digital arc 6 102
Digital arc, cardinality 6
Digital arc, chain-code 38
Digital arc, length 13
Digital circle 71
Digital circle, 4-neighbourhood 72
Digital circle, 8-neighbourhood 71
Digital circle, curvature 73
Digital closed curve 7
Digital line image 151 164 211—221 223
Digital orthogonality 75
Digital parallelism 75
Digital set 10
Digital set, border see "Border"
Digital set, cardinality 58
Digital straight segment 36
Digital straight segment, cellular 49
Digital straight segment, chain-code 39 40 102
Digital straight segment, chord property see "Chord property"
Digital straight segment, parametrisation 45 47
Digital straight segment, upper and lower bounds 44 47 123
Digital topology 3 6
Digitisation, box 48 58 66
Digitisation, grid-intersect quantisation 37 71
Digitisation, object boundary quantisation 121
Digitisation, sampling step 67 106 107 189
Digitisation, semi-open tile quantisation 111
Digitisation, set 37
Digitisation, square-box quantisation 48 72 110
Dilation 185
Disc 14—23 99
Disc, 4-disc 17
Disc, 6-disc 14
Disc, 8-disc 18
Disc, bitangent 203
Disc, chamfer 23 33
Disc, Euclidean 33
Disc, hexagonal 20
Disc, knight-disc 19
Disc, maximal 141 202 206 229 230
Disc, octagonal 21
Distance 12—34 99
Distance, 16 18
Distance, 14
Distance, 17 18
Distance, see "Chamfer"
Distance, 18
Distance, 53
Distance, chamfer 21 22 25 142
Distance, Chessboard see " "
Distance, city-block see " "
Distance, compatibility 26 170
Distance, conditions 12 22 23 25
Distance, Diamond see " "
Distance, Euclidean 16 153
Distance, hexagonal 19
Distance, Manhattan see " "
Distance, map 139 140 155 169 214 230
Distance, map, constrained 167
Distance, mask 143 155
Distance, octagonal 21
Distance, super knight's 19
Distance, transform 214
Distance, transformation 140 206
Distance, transformation, Euclidean 153
Domain 47 74 106
Domain, GIQ 119
Domain, OBQ 124
Domain, SBQ 114
Dt see "Distance transformation"
EDT see "Distance transformation"
Erosion 185
| Error, approximation 27 170
Error, geometrical 32
Error, maximum 29 30
Error, parallel strip 218
Error, relative 27
Euler's number 189 190
Farey sequence 24 47
Fingerprint 227
Floor function 14
foreground 11 98
Forest 82
Forward star of a vertex 78
Forward star, dynamic structure 129
Forward star, static structure 128
Freeman's code 38
GIQ see "Digitisation"
Graph 78
Graph, adjacency matrix 79
Graph, analogies 96
Graph, arc in a graph see "Arc"
Graph, complete 78
Graph, connected component 82
Graph, cycle 82
Graph, directed 78
Graph, grid graph 97
Graph, grid graph, complete 97
Graph, shortest path base graph 100
Graph, sparse 78 88 89 91 96
Graph, undirected 78
Graph, vertex in a graph see "Vertex"
Graph, visibility graph 220
Grassfire Transform 204
Grid-intersect quantisation (GIQ) see "Digitisation"
Hit or miss 210
Homotopic 201 213
JBIG see "Compression"
Jordan's Theorem 7 8 10
Lattice 2 105 152
Line image see "Digital line image"
Local width 204 211
Mathematical morphology 127 185—188 208—211
Medial Axis Transform (MAT) 203
Median filtering 181
Metric see "Distance"
Minimum perimeter polygon (MPP) 63
Minimum weighted spanning tree 93 230
Minimum weighted spanning tree, algorithm 93—96
Minimum weighted spanning tree, algorithm, Kruskal's 94
Minimum weighted spanning tree, algorithm, Prim's 95
Minkowski algebra 186
Move 13
Move, a-move 22
Move, b-move 22
Move, c-move 22
Move, length 13 21—25 31 34
Neighbourhood 3—10 96 98
Neighbourhood, 12-neighbourhood 4
Neighbourhood, 16-neighbourhood 5
Neighbourhood, 3-neighbourhood 4
Neighbourhood, 4-neighbourhood 5 17
Neighbourhood, 6-neighbourhood 4
Neighbourhood, 8-neighbourhood 5 17
Neighbourhood, direct 3 5
Neighbourhood, duality 8—10
Neighbourhood, indirect 4 5
Neighbourhood, knight-neighbourhood 5 18
Noise 180 221
Object boundary quantisation (OBQ) see "Digitisation"
Object, area 191
Object, perimeter 191
OBQ see "Digitisation"
OCR 195 200 228
Opening 186
Partitions 1
Path 81
Path, length 82
Path, weight 82
Pick's formula 191
Pixel 1
Pixel, background 11 98
Pixel, border 11 98
Pixel, foreground 11 98
Pixel, interior 11 98
Pixel, neighbour see "Neighbourhood"
Polygonal approximation 217
Preimage 74 106
Preimage, GIQ 119
Preimage, OBQ 124
Preimage, SBQ 114
Quadtrees see "Compression"
Quantisation see "Digitisation"
Raster-to-vector 217
RLE see "Compression"
Rounding function (round(.)) 14
Sampling step see "Digitisation"
Santalo's theorem 43
SBQ see "Digitisation"
Scale factor 27 31
Semi-open tile quantisation see "Digitisation"
Shape, characteristics 173
Shape, factor 188
Shape, segmentation 187
Shift operator 44
Shortest path 85 179 216 226
Shortest path, algorithm 85—93
Shortest path, algorithm, D'Esopo — Pape's 87
Shortest path, algorithm, Dial's 91 148
Shortest path, algorithm, Dijkstra's 89 148
Shortest path, algorithm, generic 85
Shortest path, algorithm, stopping rule 92
Shortest path, shortest path base graph (SPBG) 100
Shortest path, spanning tree 91
Skeleton 199 225
Skeleton, graph-thoeretic 214
Skeleton, model 201
Skeleton, model, Blum's 202
Skeleton, model, width 204
Skeleton, morphological 208
Skeletonisation see "Thinning"
Smoothing 180
Square-box quantisation (SBQ) see "Digitisation"
Straight segment see "Digital straight
Symmetric axis transform (SAT) 203
Thinning 199 205
Thinning, algorithms 205—211
Thinning, morphological 210
Tree of minimum weight see "Minimum weighted spanning tree"
Tree, length 82
Tree, root 82
Tree, shortest path spanning tree 91
Tree, weight 82
Upper-level, graph 190 213 225 226
Upper-level, structure 201 216 226
Vectorisation 217
Vectorisation, relaxed 221 225
Vertex 78
Vertex, adjacent 78
Vertex, forward star see "Forward star of a vertex"
Vertex, number of 78
Vertex, predecessor 78
Vertex, successor 78
Visibility polygon 41 43 49 75 219
Voronoi, cell 140 158 168
Voronoi, diagram 151 165 168 205
Wave propagation 208
Wavefront 208
WBS see "Compression"
Weighting scheme 214 225
Width line 211 224
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