Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Baez J.C., Segal I.E., Zhou Z. — Introduction to algebraic and constructive quantum field theory |
Предметный указатель |
Absolute continuity 25
Adjoint 258
Adjunction 19 76 258
Affiliation 103 258
Algebraic topology 22
Annihilates 185
Annihilation operator 48 77
Anti-free-field 166
Antidual 262
Antientire function 67
Antiholomorphic polynomial 66
Antiholomorphic spinor 92
Antimonomial 68
Antisymmetric product 50
Antisymmetrization 48
Autocovariance function 47
Banach algebra 258
BoreI function 259
Borel set 259
Boson field: covariant 40
Boson field: free 3 60
Boson field: general 147
Boson field: regular 66
Brownian motion 23 116 206
C*-algebra 259
C*-algebra, graduated 233
c-number 12
Canonical commutation relations 11
Canonical pair 9 11
Canonical system 118
Cauchy data 106
Cauchy problem 259
Causality 233
Characteristic function 20
Clifford algebra 76 83 259
Clifford algebra, holomorphic antiholomorphic element of 89
Clifford algebra, modefinite 150
Clifford algebra, trace on 83
Clifford relations 76
Clifford system 76
Clifford system, complex 78
Clifford system, dual 82
Closure 260
Cocycle 122 140
Cocycle, essential 140
Coherent state 73
Commutor 260
Complex structure, I OS 260
Complex wave representation 60 64 71
Complex wave representation, of fermion Geld 89
Complexification 35 101
Conditional expectation 30
Configuration spice 12
Conjugation 41
Covariance 18
Creation operator 48 71 77
Creator 185
Degree 175
Differential 262
Dirac equation 162
Dirac spinors 162
Direct product 126
Direct sum 262
Direct sum, of distributions 124
Directed system 262
distribution 17
Distribution, algebraically equivalent 26
Distribution, bounded 23
Distribution, continuous 23
Distribution, derivative of 25
Distribution, ergodic 37
Distribution, ergodically quasi-invariant 38
Distribution, isonormal 18 266
Distribution, metrically equivalent 120
Distribution, normal 17
Distribution, of parameter c 18
Distribution, quasi-invariant 28
Distribution, strict 17
Dual couple 9
Dual couple, multiplicative 216
Dual space 4
Duhamel's principle 263
Entire function 67
Ergodicity 24 37 103
Essential linearity 121
Expectation 17
Extension 263
Fatou's lemma 263
Fermion field, free 78
Field energy 59
Finite propagation velocity 236
Fock — Cook representation 60
FORM 198
Fourier — Wiener transformation 43
Free boson representation 41
Functional integration representation 60
Gauge 170
Generating function 34 141
Graduation 161 233
Grassman algebra 82
Grounded Hilbert space 126
Group 264
Group, conformal 261
Group, extended symplectic 39
Group, general linear 264
Group, Heisenberg 14
Group, orthogonal 271
Group, Poincare 264
Group, symplectic 39
Haag's theorem 248
Harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian 42
Harmonic representation 140
Hausdorff — Young inequality 264
Heisenberg pair 10
Heisenberg relations 5
Heisenberg system 6
Hermite polynomials 265
Hoelder's inequality 266
Holes 163
Integration algebra 19
Interacting field 209 238
Irreducibility 11 266
Isotropic subspace 176
Kernel 197
Klein — Cordon equation 159 200 254
Lagrangian subspace 176
Lie algebra 268
Lie — Trotter formula 26&
Locality 245
Mass 200
Mass hyperboloid 256
Maximal abelian algebra 269
Mean 23
Measurable 17
Measure space 269
| Mehler kernel 42
Minkowski space 269
Momentum cutoff 243
Monomial 177
Multiplicative unitary transformation 120
Multiplier 122
n-particle subspace 100
Net 269
Newion — Wigner localization 173
Nonsingular transformation 37
Normal product 189
Number operator 58 100
One-form 123
Operator topology 270
Operator: closed 260
Operator: compact 260
Operator: essentially self adjoint 273
Operator: Hermitian 265
Operator: Hilbert — Schmidt 265
Operator: inverse compact 232
Operator: invertible 266
Operator: positivity-preserving 27 232 271
Operator: selfadjoint 273
Operator: trace-class 18 279
Operators, strongly commutative 275
Orthogonal Space 75
Particle representation 8 58
Particle representation of fermion field 80
Polynomial 175
Polynomial, complex-analytic 65
Polynomial, complex-antianalytic 65
Polynomial, real-analytic 65
Positive energy 254
Pre-Hilbert space 5
Predistribution 17
Predistribution, equivalent 17
Probability measure space 269
Proper one-para meter group 234
Pseudo-derivation 90
Pseudo-interacting field 229
q-number 12
Quantization 107
Quantized nonlinear equation 244
Quasi-invariant measure 9
Random variable 16 21 271
Re normalization 174
Real part 41
Real wave representation 60 82
Real wave representation of fermion field 82
Rech — Schieder theorem 172
Regular state 147
Renormalization map 177
Renormalized power system 216
Reproducing kernel 68
Riesz interpolation theorem 273
Scale of spaces 273
Schroedinger equation 155
Schroedinger representation 5
Schroedinger system 5 13
Schwarz reflection principle 273
Second quantization 154
Semirepresentalion 39
Separable space 273
Sequential topology 274
Single-particle energy 59
Single-particle space 3
Skew product 98
Sobolev inequality 274
Spatial cutoff 235
Spectral function 219
Spectral theory 274
Speed 161
Spin representation 140
Stability 107
State 276
State, equilibrium 40
State, invariant 40
Stein interpolation theorem 277
Stochastic independence 31
Stone — Von Neumann theorem 278
Stone — Weierstrass theorem 278
Stone's theorem 277
Strict commutativity 10
Strict positivity 278
Strong operations 121
Symmetric product 50
Symmetrization 48
Symplectic group representation 39
Symplectic transformation, unitarily quantizable 140
Symplectic vector space 4
Tachyons 146 169
Tame function 18
Tame linear mapping 177
Tensor multiplication 48
Tensor multiplication, amisymmetrized 81
Tensor multiplication, symmetrized 48
Tensor, algebraic 50
Tensor, antisymmetric 47
Tensor, covariant 47
Tensor, finite rank 49
Tensor, pure 49
Tensor, symmetric 47 50
Unitarizability 107
Unitarized action 14
Unitarizer 28
Unitary implementability 118 135
Vacuum vector 41
Vacuum vector, physical 209 238
Vacuum, normal 185
Vector, analytic 258
Vector, cyclic 22 261
Vector, differentiate 272
Vector, entire 272
Vector, regular 272
Vector, separating 274
W*-algebra 28
Wave equation 207
Wave representation 58
Weyl algebra: infinitesimal 175
Weyl algebra: modefinite 144
Weyl algebra: space-finite 144
Weyl pair 9
Weyl pair, normal 35
Weyl pair, simple 218
Weyl relations 5
Weyl relations, nonlinear 216
Weyl relations, restricted 9
Weyl system 4
Weyl system, covariant 39
Weyl system, normal 35 41
While noise 206
Wick product 186
Wick's theorem 187—190
Wiener measure 30
Wiener space 134
Wiener transformation 44
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