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Marmo G., Skagerstam B.S., Stern A. — Classical topology and quantum states |
Предметный указатель |
models 127—129
-alities 231
“primary” constraints 10 194
4 71
, 251
vacua 272—278
Action, Chern — Simons 135
Action, chiral 63
Action, free 2 23
Action, left and right 49
Action, QCD 146
Action, Wess — Zumino 213—216
Adiabatic rotations 137
anomalies 4 202—204
Anomalies, U(1) 146
Antisymmetric potentials 213
Asymmetric rotor 94—96
Axial, anomaly 182—183
Axial, symmetry 264
Baryon, decuplet 193 243—244 247
Baryon, masses 244 246
Baryon, number 136 145 180—184 206 217—218 221
Baryon, octet 193 243—244 247
Baryonic current 180 203 236
Base, manifold 23
Base, space B 24
Belavin and Polyakov solution 118
Bianchi identity 57 131—132
Bogomol’nyi bound 103 118 120 158 162
Borel — Weil — Bott 52
Bosonization 202
Boundary of 201
Braid group 89 297—298
BRST symmetry 15
Bundle automorphism 25
Bundle circle 66
Bundle space 24
Bundle structure 23
Bundle tangent 9
Bundle twisted 2 311
Bundle, 61 67
Bundle, 312
Bundle, cotangent T*M 10
Burnside’s Theorem 304
Canonical approach to gravity 274
Canonical formalism 44—54
Canonical quantization 13—15 193—197
Canonical transformations 11
Casimir invariant 196 226
Central extension 68 71
Central extension of G 71—75
Central extension of 50(3) 76—79
Central term 216
Centre of a group 190
Centrifugal term 162
Charge, conjugation 155—156
Charge, monopole system 38—43 55—61 311
Charge, operator 176
Chern — Simons, nonabelian term 298
Chern — Simons, term 130—151
Chern — Simons, three-form 183 284
Chiral, gauge model 250 254
Chiral, group 253
Chiral, model action 63 200—204
Chiral, symmetry 135
Chiral, two flavour model 154 250
Chromodynamics 272
Classically stable 101 265
Clebsch — Gordan 236 241 246
Cohomology group, second 228
Collective, approximation 223 228
Collective, coordinate 137 162 182 185—186 188—193 224 227 230
Collective, model of nuclei 86 94—96
Colour, 189
Colour, group 143 180 190
Colour, SU(3) 232
Commutator subgroup 76
Configuration space, gravity theories 280
Configuration space, M 9
Configuration space, multiply connected 80—96 271—284
Configuration space, nonabelian gauge theories 276—278
Configuration space, Q 1 154 281
Connected sum 286—288 307
Connection 28—35
Connection, one-form 31 131
Connection, smooth 29
Constraints, analysis 9—13
Constraints, first and second class 12 195
Constraints, primary 10
Constraints, secondary 11
Coset space G/H 112 147
Covariant derivative 145 177 252 253 264
Current algebra masses 144 244
Curvature two-form 131
d-functions 51—54 169—170 191—192
Decuplet, mass 197
Decuplet, spin 226
defects 297
Degenerate states 222
Delta, charge 177
Delta, mass 176
Delta, resonance 174—175
Derrick’s theorem 109 118 158
Dibaryon 219—228 231—232 247—248
Diffeomorphism 131 275 279
Diffeomorphism, asymptotically trivial 276
Diffeomorphism, group 275 279
Diffeomorphism, internal 309
Diffeomorphism, orientation reversing 306
Diffeos 299
Dirac — Bergmann, constraint theory 9
Dirac — Bergmann, quantization procedure 44 48
Dirac, brackets 13
Dirac, quantization condition 54 59 65 79
Dirac, sea 180
Dirac, string 18 56
Dirac, vacuum 180
Disconnected, components 154
Disconnected, sets 102
Eightfold way 141
Electric charge 175 178 208 256
Electric current 207—208
Equivalence relation 14 24 27
Ethylene molecule 86
Exchange operation E 301
Fermi statistics 180
Ferromagnetic 114 153
Fibration 27
Fibre 24
Fibre bundle 42
First class constraints 12 47
Flat metric 293
Flavour 144—145 167 184
Flavour, decuplet 193
Flavour, octet 193
Flavour, rotation 163
Flavour, SU(3) 196
Fractional statistics 131 298
Free (U(1)) action 2 23
Free spinning particle 16
Fundamental group, group of Q 79
Fundamental group, nonabelian 91
g-factor 239
G-orbit 24
Gauge, chiral model 250 254
Gauge, fixing 22 26—28
| Gauge, group 25
Gauge, group SU(3) 272
Gauge, invariance 21
Gauge, potentials 32—35
Gauge, symmetry 184 232
Gauge, transformation 21 34 282
Gauss-law constraint 185 272
Gell — Mann — Nishijima 178 200 207 210
Gell — Mann — Okubo 244
Generators, left SU(2) 166
Generators, right SU(2) 166
Geodesies 280
Geons 94 271 285—295 307
Geons, antigeon 313
Geons, identical 308
Geons, phenomenology 313
Geons, spinorial 313
Global, chiral rotation 153
Global, gauge fixing 26 42
Global, phase choice 2
Global, section 25
Gluons 180
Golds tone, bosons 252
Golds tone, mode 147
Goldstone’s theorem 146
Group algebra C(G) 304
Group, 89
Group, 87 95
Group, and 279
Group, 279
Group, 77 311
Group, 291
Group, 144
Group, 252
Group, 144
Group, 143—144 190
Group, 180
Group, 62
Group, 146 253
Group, 88
Group, 146
Group, 145
Group, 252
Group, 230
Group, 290
Group, 71 311
Group, 273
Group, 276
Group, H vector isospin 266
Group, quaternion subgroup 95
Group, structure group G 24
Group, SU(2) 41 154
GSW model 251
GSW model, strong coupling limit 252
Gupta — Bleuler method 49—52
GUT models 297
H-baryon 219—227
H-baryon, mass 249
Haar measure 169—170 190 230
Hamiltonian 11
Hamiltonian, formulation of gravity 277
Hamiltonian, spinning particle 17
Helicity 94
Higgs, field 251—252 256
Higgs, mass 251 256
Higgs, particle 252
Higgs, self-coupling constant 251
High temperature superconductivity 132 298
Homology group 64
Homomorphism, SU(2) to SO(3) 49 163
Homotopy classes 109
Homotopy equivalence 83 108—109
Homotopy groups 111
Homotopy groups, 277
Homotopy groups, 82—85 280 299 312
Homotopy groups, 134 254
Homotopy groups, 172
Homotopy groups, 134
Homotopy groups, 116
Hopf fibration 29
Horizontal lifts 35—37
Hyperbolic spaces 291
Hyperchange 186 189 245
instantons 122 267
Invariant measure, 230
Invariant measure, SO(3) 169
Invariant measure, SU(2) 170
Invariant measure, SU(3) 189
Irreducible representation(IRR), 231
Irreducible representation(IRR), SU(3) 191 225
Isospin 151 167 170 240
Isospin, 176
Isospin, diagonal 192
Isospin, rotations 161
Isospin, subgroup 206
Isospin, vector 253 257 262—263
Isospin, weak 253
Jacobi identity 12 46
Kac — Moody algebras 212
Kernel 71
Kink (antikink) 105
Knots 132
Knots, unknots 299 306
L weakly invariant 21—22
Lagrange multipliers 11
Lagrangian 2
Lagrangian, -model 114
Lagrangian, effective 134
Lagrangian, global 18
Lagrangian, nonlinear model 122—129
Lagrangian, QCD 145
Lagrangian, real scalar field 104 107
Lagrangian, Skyrme 162 186
Lagrangian, spinning particle 19—20
Lagrangian, U(1) gauge theory 111
Large limit 159
Larger space 1
Left generator 49 166
Legendre transformation 18
Levi — Civita symbol 17 39 165 292
links 306
Little group 27
Local section 25 32
Local U(1) gauge symmetry 110
Loop corrections 255
Lorentz force 38
Low energy, dynamics 150
Low energy, mulitpion scattering amplitudes 150 157
magnetic moment 17 230 238 242
Magnetic monopole 38—43 200—201
Magnetic monopole, field 38 56 214
Magnetic monopole, quantization 52—54
Manifold, 274 304 312
Manifold, 274
Manifold, asymptotically flat 282
Manifold, boundaryless 307
Manifold, closed 307
Manifold, compact 307
Maurer — Cartan form 123 148 153
Merons 267
Mesons, higher spin 200
Mesons, masses 238 245
Mesons, pseudoscalar octet 146 204 244
Mesons, pseudoVector 200
Mesons, vector and axial 147
Mesoscopic networks 305
Moment of inertia 85 94 138 224
Motion group 301
Multiply connected 84
Multiply connected, configuration spaces 74
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