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Bassman H., Besslich P.W. — Ad Oculos: Digital Image Processing: Student Version 2.0 |
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4-connected neighborhood 150 159 178
6-connected neighborhood 150
8-connected neighborhood 159 178
Accumulator 197
Actuator 9
Aperture problem 286
Area 118 124
Background 117
Background estimation 219
Bayes 273
Binarization 38 119 307 323
Binary image 10
Bit-plane slicing 38
Blob coloring 122
bounding rectangle 151
Box filter 57 115
Calculus of variations 351
Camera 4 6
CCD camera 8
Center of gravity 118 124
Central pixel 55
Chain of contour points 154 159 167 169
Circle-to-point transform 212
Classification, geometrical classification 271
Classification, minimum distance classification 258
Classification, non-supervised classification 256
Classification, numerical classification 271
Classification, parametric classification 275
Classification, supervised classification 256
Closest of min and max 64
Closing 219
Co-occurrence matrix 241
Color image 10
Compactness 124 257
Component, component labelling 122
Component, component marking 122
Computer graphics 1
Computer network 9
Connectivity analysis 118 122 154 166
Contour, contour approximation 154 168
Contour, contour enhancement 154 158
Contour, contour point linking 154 166
Contour, contour segmentation 153
Contrast, contrast enhancement 29 315
Contrast, contrast histogram 149
Correlation 287
Correspondence problem 286
Crack edges 189
Cross-correlation 74
Current pixel 55
Desktop publishing 1
DFT 79
Digital image 10
Dilation 218
Distance-versus-angle signature 124
Eccentricity 150
Energy 243
entropy 243
Equivalence list 137 140
Erosion 218
Euler equation 356
Feature extraction 118 124 168
FFT 90 103
Fiber slicing 317
Fourier, Fourier analysis 80 250
Fourier, Fourier transform 79
Fourier, Fourier transform, discrete Fourier transform 79
Fourier, Fourier transform, fast Fourier transform see "FFT"
Frame grabber 8
Frame problem 5
Functional 352
fundamental frequency 83
Gauss — Seidel iteration 367
Gaussian low-pass 57
Geometrical classification see "Classification"
Global linking 188
Global operation 79
Gradient, gradient direction 62 153 155 197
Gradient, gradient magnitude 62 153 155
Gradient, gradient operation 62 153 155 197
Gradient, gradient operation, ideal gradient operation 157
Gray scale modification 29
Graylevel, graylevel difference 60 118 153 199
Graylevel, graylevel histogram 29 118
Graylevel, graylevel pattern 42 55 74 296
Graylevel, graylevel step 63 92 120
Harmonics 83
High-pass 92
Histogram equalization 35
Homogeneity 243
| Hough transform 195
Illumination techniques 6
Image, image acquisition 8
Image, image analysis 3
Image, image initialization 56
Image, image manipulation 1
Image, image processing, industrial image processing 6
Image, image processing, morphological image processing 217
Image, image processing, real-time image processing 9
Image, image transmission 1
Inhomogeneous illumination 39
Ink jet 326
Interpixel model 189
k nearest neighbor filter 59
Knowledge engineer 5
Knowledge-based systems 5
Label 118 123
Laplacian operator 60 63
Leakage 83
Light meter 3
Light sensitive device 3
Line scan camera 8
Line-to-point transform 196
Local convolution 71 74
Local operation 55
Look-up table 32
Low-pass 93 154
Mahalanobis, Mahalanobis classifier 277
Mahalanobis, Mahalanobis distance 277
Mark 118 123
Mask 55
Max operator 58
Mean operator 57
Meaning 4
Median operator 58
Min operator 58
Morphing 217
Multivariate normal distribution 369
Non-maxima absorption 158 187
Non-maxima suppression 187
Normal representation 196
Nyquist frequency 83
Opening 219
Orientation 151
Pattern recognition 255
PCB 333
Perimeter 118 124
Picture element 10
Pixel, pixel clock 8
Pixel, pixel value mapping 29
Point operations 29
Polar distance 124
Prewitt operator 62
Pseudo-color representation 10
Rank filter 74
Region growing 149
Region segmentation 127
Rejection level 256
Relaxation 187
retina 4
Robot 5
Salt-and-pepper noise 67
Sampling 12
Scene analysis 3
Segmentation 117 153
Shading 40
Skeleton 223
Smoothing 57 155
Smoothness constraint 298
Sobel operator 158
Spatial, spatial domain 80
Spatial, spatial frequency domain 80
Split-and-merge 149
Structural description 154
structural features 168
Structured light 8
Symmetry 150
Taylor expansion series 363
Texture 239
Thinning 154
Thresholding 38 118
Time domain 80
Total differential 363
Tracking 199
Turn-key system 9
Umbra 234
Velocity field 286
Visual inspection 3 305
Weighted mean 57
Windowing 90
Zero-crossing operator 186
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