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Lewis H.R., Papadimitriou C.H. — Elements of the Theory of Computation |
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-free regular expressions 329
-approximation algorithm 335
-change neighborhood 347
, or exponential time 296—297
-complete problems 301—350
-recursive function 239
2-change neighborhood 347
2-head finite automaton 91 262
2-SATISFIABILITY 290—292 313—315 323 333
2-tape finite automaton 62—63
3-Coloring 308
3-Satisfiability 313 317 323 326 333
4-change neighborhood 347
Acceptance 57
Acceptance by empty store 136
Acceptance by final state 135
Acceptance by finite automata 57 66
Acceptance by nondeterministic finite automata 66
Acceptance by nondeterministic Turing machines 222
Acceptance by pushdown automata 132
Acceptance by random access Turing machines 216
Acceptance by Turing machines 194
Accepting configuration 194
Aho, A.V. 177
Algorithms 2—4 31—41
Algorithms approximation, or -approximation 335—339
Algorithms backtracking and branch-and-bound 339—345
Algorithms dynamic programming 154 334
Algorithms for context-free grammars 150—158
Algorithms for finite automata 102 110
Algorithms local improvement and simulated annealing 345—349
Algorithms polynomial-time 276 92
Algorithms, efficient 275 292
Alphabet 42 116 181
Ambiguous grammar 128
Antisymmetric relation 15
Approximation algorithm 335—337
Arguments of a function 11
Arithmetic progression 89
Backtracking algorithm 341—343
Bar-Hillel, V. 110 176
Basic functions 234
Bijection 11
Bin packing 332
Binary alphabet 42
Binary relation 10
Binary representation of the integers 196—197 219—220 284—285 316
Bird, M. 111
Blank symbol, 181
Boolean connectives 288
Boolean formula 288—289
Boolean formula in conjunctive normal form 288
Boolean logic 288
Boolean variable 288
Bottom-up parsing 169—172
Bounded Tiling 310—312 315—316
Boustrophedon language 259
Brainerd, W.S. 244
Branch-and-bound algorithm 343—345
Brassard, G. 53
Bratley, P. 53
Busy-beaver function 253
Cantor, G. 27 53
Cartesian product 10
Certificate, or witness 297
Chomsky hierarchy 272
Chomsky N. 175—177 273
Chomsky normal form 151
Church-Turing thesis 245—247
Church-Turing thesis quantitative refinement 276
Clause 288
CLIQUE 283 326—327 333 336
Closure 30 37—39
Closure property 39 75—77 143—145
Cobham, A. 299
Compatible transitions 158
Compiler 2 56 117 162—170
Complement of a set 45
Complement of a set, closed under 76
Complement of a set, context-free languages not closed under 147
Complement of a set, recursive languages closed under 199—200
Complement of a set, recursively enumerable languages not closed under 253
Complement of a set, regular languages closed under 76
Composite number 223 298—299
Composition of functions 234
Computation 1—4
Computation by a random access Turing machine 216—218
Computation by a Turing machine 185 194—200
Computation by grammars and other systems 232
Concatenation of languages 45
Concatenation of strings 42
Configuration of a finite automaton 57 66
Configuration of a pushdown automaton 131
Configuration of a random access Turing machine 211
Configuration of a Turing machine 202—204
Consistent strings 158
context 115 228 232
Context-free grammar 114—115
Context-free grammar, ambiguous 128
Context-free grammar, self-embedding 149
Context-free grammars and pushdown automata 136—142
Context-free grammars weak precedence 173
Context-free grammars, undecidability of problems about 259—262
Context-free language 115—175
Context-free language, deterministic 157
Context-free language, inherently ambiguous 129
Context-sensitive language 271
Cook's theorem 312—313
Cook, S.A. 244 350
Cormen, T.H. 53
Countable set 21
Countably infinite set 21
Counter machine 258
Cycle in a graph 18
Cycle in a graph Euler cycle 281—282
Cycle in a graph Hamilton cycle 282 320—324
Davis — Putnam procedure 342
Davis, M. 243—244
de Fermat, P. 299
Dead-end configuration 160—161
Decides 195 216 222
Definite language 85
Definition by induction 43
Derivation 116 228
Derivation, leftmost 127
Derivation, rightmost 127
Deterministic context-free language 159
Deterministic finite automaton 57
Deterministic finite-state transducer 60
Deterministic pushdown automaton 158
Difference of sets 7
Directed graph 14
Disjoint sets 8
Disjunctive normal form of a regular expression 52
Domain of a function 11
Dominating set 333 349
Dynamic programming algorithm 154 278 334
Earley, J. 176
Edge of a graph 14
Edmonds, J. 299
Element of a set 5
Empty set 5
Empty string 42
Enumerating Turing machine 268
Equinumerous sets 20
Equivalence class 16
Equivalence relation 16
Equivalent finite automata 69
Equivalent strings with respect to L 94
Equivalent strings with respect to M 95
Erasing move of a Turing machine 182
Euler cycle 281—282
Euler, L. 281 299
Eulerian graph 281
Evey, J. 176
Exact cover 318—321 324—325 331
Exponentially bounded Turing machine 296
False, 289
Fanout of a context-free grammar 145
Final states 57 66 131
Finite automaton 55
Finite automaton, 2-head 91 262
Finite automaton, 2-tape 62—63
Finite automaton, nondeterministic 65
Finite automaton, two-way 101
Finite control 56
Finite set 20
Finite-state machine 55
Fully approximate problem 336
Function 10
Function, -recursive 239
Function, basic 234
Function, defined by cases 236
Function, defined recursively 234
Function, primitive recursive 234
Gadget 320
Garey M.R. 351
Generalization of a problem 315
Generates 115
Ginsburg, S. 111 177
Grammar, or unrestricted grammar 228—232
Grammatically computable function 232
Graph 15
Graph coloring 318
Greibach normal form 149
Greibach, S. 177
Halmos, P. 52
Halted configuration 183 211
Halting problem 279—280
Halting problem for Turing machines 251—254
Halting states 181
Hamilton cycle 282—286 292 295 302—304 309 320 323 331 333 338 342—343
Hamilton path 309 331 333
Hamilton, W.R. 282
Harrison, M.A. 53 177
Hartmanis, J. 299
Height of a parse tree 145
Hennie, F.C. 243
Hermes, H. 244
Hitting Set 332
Hochbaum, D. 351
Homomorphism 85 148 316
Homomorphism, nonerasing 299
Hopcroft, J.E. 111 244
Horn clause 349
Ichbiah, J.D. 177
Identity function 234
Image of a function 11
In-place acceptor, or linear-bounded automaton 271
Inapproximable problem 336
Independent set 283 286 292 296 298 301—302 318 326—328 332—336
Infinite set 21
Inherently ambiguous language 129
Initial configuration 194 216
Initial state 56—57 66 131 181
Input alphabet 194
Input symbols 131
Input tape 56
Instructions of a random access Turing machine 211
Integer programming 332
Intersection of sets 6
Inverse of a function 12
Johnson, D.S. 351
k-tape Turing machine 202
Karp, R.M. 350
Kasami, T. 176
Kleene star 45
Kleene, S.C. 110 244
Knapsack 305—307 324—326
Knuth, D.E. 53 111 177
Label 123
Landweber, L.H. 244
Language 44—52
Language generator 51 113
Language recognition device 51 113
Language, accepted by a finite automaton 57 66
Language, accepted by empty store 136
Language, accepted by final slate 135
Language, context-free 114—175
Language, deterministic context-free 159—175
Language, generated by a grammar 115 228
Language, recursive 195 199 267—271
Language, recursively enumerable 199 267—271
Language, regular 47—51 77—80
Languages vs. problems 279—281
Leaves of a parse tree 123
Left factoring 165
Left recursion 166
Left-end symbol, 181
Left-linear grammar 122
Leftmost derivation 127
Leiserson, C.E. 53
Length of a computation 132 145 185
Length of a derivation 116
Length of a path 18
Length of a sequence 10
Length of a siring 42
Levin, L.A. 350
Lewis, P.M. II 177
Lexicographic enumeration 269
Lexicographic ordering 44
Lexicographically Turing-enumerable language 269
Lin — Kernighan algorithm 347
Linear 143
Linear-bounded automaton 271
Literal, positive and negative 288
Liu, C.L. 52
LL(1)-context-free grammar 167
LL{1) grammar 167
Longest cycle 332
Machtey, M. 244
Markov system, or Markov algorithm 232
Markov, A.A. 244
MAX 2-SAT 316—317
MAX SAT 314—316 336 347
McNaughton, R. 110
Mealy, G.H. 110
Member, or element, of a set 5
Miller, G.A. 175
Minimal element of a partial order 18
Minimalizable function 239
Minimalization 238
Minimum equivalent finite automaton 105 330—331
Minimum spanning tree 350
Minsky, M.L. 243
Moore, E.F. 110
Morris, J.H., Jr. 111
Morse, S.P. 177
n-ary relation 10
n-fold Cartesian product 10
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