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Wilkinson L., Wills G., Rope D. — The Grammar aof Graphics
Wilkinson L., Wills G., Rope D. — The Grammar aof Graphics

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Название: The Grammar aof Graphics

Авторы: Wilkinson L., Wills G., Rope D.


This book was written for statisticians, computer scientists, geographers, researchers, and others interested in visualizing data. It presents a unique foundation for producing almost every quantitative graphic found in scientific journals, newspapers, statistical packages, and data visualization systems. While the tangible results of this work have been several visualization software libraries, this book focuses on the deep structures involved in producing quantitative graphics from data. What are the rules that underlie the production of pie charts, bar charts, scatterplots, function plots, maps, mosaics, and radar charts? Those less interested in the theoretical and mathematical foundations can still get a sense of the richness and structure of the system by examining the numerous and often unique color graphics it can produce. The second edition is almost twice the size of the original, with six new chapters and substantial revision. Much of the added material makes this book suitable for survey courses in visualization and statistical graphics.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 1st edition

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 690

Добавлена в каталог: 15.11.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Absolute scale      91
Abstraction      4
Actor      23
Acyclic graph      377
Ada      4
Additive constant      368
Additive tree      396
Address      55
Adjacency matrix      377
Affine mapping      192
Aggregation hierarchy      10
Algebra      29 63
Algebraic form      71
Algol      4
Algorithm      63
Analysis of variance      490
Anisotropic distances      384
Annotation      541
antisymmetric      505
APL      4
AR(1) process      415
Arcsine scale      105
Area chart      162 172 214
Arithmetic sequence      507
Aspect ratio      194
Attractor, strange      419
Auto-correlogram      288
Autocorrelation function      414
Autoregressive time series model      415
Average linkage      395
Averaged shifted histograms      563
Axis      350
Axis, limits      219
Axis, scale break      352
Bag      26
Ball (in metric space)      365
Bandwidth      117
Bar chart      163 210 306 342
BASIC      4
Basis, topology      363
Bayes theorem      454
Beta distribution      332
Bijective map      366
binary operators      29
Binary relation      27
Binning, hexagon      142
biplot      301
Black noise      415
Blocking      230
BLOCKS      26
Bonferroni inequality      480
Bootstrap      464
Bootstrapping      47
Bounded regions      155
Box plot      166
Box plot, bivariate      167
Brown noise      415
Brush      7 253
Bubble plot      259 294 386
C++      4
Cache, programming      572
Cardinality      26
Cartesian product      27
Categorical scale      94 261
Categorical variable      30
CCF plot      433
Cellular automaton      376
Central limit theorem      457
Centroid linkage      395
Chain      506
Chaining      371
Chaotic time series      408
Chartjunk      270
Charts      2
Choropleth map      315
Circadian      425
Circuit      377
Circular serial correlation coefficient      522
Circumplex      305
City-block metric      370
Classic MDS      368
Classical probability      458
Clustered bar charts      174
Co-domain of a function      28
Cognitive landscape      378
Cognitive map      378
Coherence in 3D      232
Coherent probability judgments      459
Color, afterimages      286
Color, categorization      262
Color, choropleth maps      315
Color, legending blends      310
Color, naming      286
Color, shading      309
Color, splitting      309
Command language      13
Common factor model      483
Commutativity      70
Comparable      505
Comparisonwise error rate      480
Complement of set      25
Complete graph      377
Complete linkage      395
Complex conjugate      216
components      53
Composite function      28
Composition of functions      28
Conditional probability      453
Conditional statistical estimation      119
Confidence interval      460 461
Confidence intervals, mean      131
Configurality      229
Confusion matrix      472
Conjoint measurement      185 336
Conjunction probability error      466
Connected graph      377
Connected space      364
Consistency of estimator      460
Continuous map      366
Continuous scale      95 256
Continuous variable      30
Control      535
Control Panel      540
Convex      154
Convolution      412
coordinates      179
Correspondence analysis      525
Countable set      26
Counterfacts      431
CPM graph      515
Critical duration      425
Critical path      515
cross      72
Cross-correlation function      433
Cross-tabs      329
Curse of dimensionality      228
CYCLE      377
Cyclopean eye      233
DATA      41
Data cube      16 52
DATA DESK      554
data flow      23
Data Mining      16
Data store      23
Data, ACLS      172 207 210
Data, airline fares      226
Data, Arizona temperatures      185
Data, bank salaries      336
Data, barley      266 329
Data, bone alkaline phosphatase      127 482
Data, borings      236 245
Data, cars      129 158 163 167 295 353
Data, cars and dogs      148
Data, cat      48 108
Data, cigarettes      165
Data, combat      45 46 483
Data, countries      8 47 49 58 59 60 90 120 123 126 131 135 138 150 158 161 162 163 164 167 174 184 191 228 230 234 251 306 307 349 476 483 543 587 589
Data, Darwin      312 331
Data, death month      340
Data, diastolic blood pressure      198
Data, dinosaur      206 221
Data, divorce      150
Data, electricity      167
Data, EPA car emissions      337 498
Data, Estes      311
Data, eureka      222
Data, Europe      169
Data, faces      305
Data, FBI      57
Data, fiddler crabs      143 146
Data, GSS      175 296 308 474 477
Data, Iris      175 176 309 314 385
Data, king crabs      297 328
Data, magnetic declination      245
Data, mental rotations      355
Data, microarray      143
Data, Monarch butterfly      629
Data, Morse code      189
Data, musical pitch      246
Data, Napoleon’s march      623
Data, planets      294
Data, prosthesis      334
Data, psychology admissions      128
Data, satellite      306
Data, self-diagnosis      293
Data, Shakespeare      77 313
Data, sleep      101 139 219 279 296 327 471 571
Data, soil carbon      243
Data, SPSS stock price      100 125 132 213
Data, sunspots      194
Data, survival      129
Data, Titanic survivors      342 403
Data, US age-sex distribution      339
Data, US cities      151 196 212 267 271 299 588
Data, US counties      315
Data, US states      130 144 170 214 298 303 338 344 612
Data, wind      203 209 215 341
Data, world cities      73
Dead reckoning      439
Degree      377
Degree of an n-tuple      27
Delaunay triangulation      148
Density, bivariate      139
Density, dot      136
Density, gap      136
Density, histogram      133
Density, kernel      138 139
Dependent product      82
Dependent variable      490
Derived measurement      87
Design, hierarchy      113
Design, orthogonality      113
Deterministic time series      408
Diffuse prior      462
Diladic operators      29
Dilation      181
DIMENSION      369
Dimension hierarchy      403
Dimension, $2\frac{1}{2}D$      369
Dimension, topological      369
Dimensionless measurement      88
Direct scaling      258
Directed graph      377
Discrete gaussian convolution      118
Discrete space      364
Disjoint setsset, disjoint      26
Disjoint union of sets      26
Display space      359
Distance, Mahalanobis      384
Distance, quasi      371
Distance-weighted least squares (DWLS) smoother      118 237 631
Distances, anisotropic      384
Distances, graph-theoretic      377
Distances, isotropic      384
Divided area chart      172
Dodging, bar chart      210
Domain check errors      86
Domain of a function      28
Dominance metric      370
Dot plot      73 124 136 209 312 313 338 587
Drill, down      7 52
Drill, through      16 52
Drill, up      52
drill-down      552
Dual scales      352
Dynamic time warping      224
Dynamical systems      418
Edges (graph)      377
Efficiency of estimator      460
Eigenfaces      268
Element      25
Elemental measurement      87
Embedding      366
Emotion, facial      267
Empirical cumulative distribution function      91 129
Empty set      25
Encapsulation      3
Entrainment      425
entropy      283
Entry, n-tuple      27
EQUIVALENCE      26 81
Equivalence relation      81
Error bars      131
Estimator      460
Euclidean metric      370
Expectation maximization (EM)      465
Experimentwise error rate      480
Expression, algebraic      71
Expression, facial      267
Extensible Markup Language      589
Extreme programming      516
Facet      319
Factor, in expression      71
Factors, analysis of variance      490
Fechner’s law      258
Fibonacci sequence      507
Finite set      26
First order recurrence relation      507
Fisher’s z transformation      108
FLMP      264
FORTRAN      4
Fourier theorem      413
Fourier transform      288
Fractal      373
Frame      30 359
Frame drop-down list      548
Frame target area      542
Frameless rendering      444
frameworks      5
Function      27
Function, composite      28
Function, transformation      29
Fundamental, pitch      410
Gantt Chart      516
Gap histogram      114 135
General intelligence      522
Genetic evolutionary algorithm      531
Geodesic, spatial      368
Geometric graphs      155
Geometric sequence      507
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