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Irvine K.R. — Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers
Irvine K.R. — Assembly Language for  Intel-Based Computers

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Íàçâàíèå: Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers

Àâòîð: Irvine K.R.


his text is designed for students and professionals interested in learning the basics of operating systems, architecture, and programming in the context of a microprocessor. In his eagerly anticipated fourth edition, Kip Irvine concentrates on the combined Windows/MS-DOS operating system and thoroughly covers 32-bit assembly language applications for Intel-based computers.
Focusing on how to approach programming problems with a machine-level mindset, Assembly Language for Intel(r)-Based Computers includes the following features:

* Detailed tutorials on numbering systems and data storage fundamentals.
* All programs tested with the Microsoft(r) MASM 6.15(tm) assembler.
* Inline assembly code, as well as linking assembly language to C/C++ in both Real and Protected modes.
* Extensive instruction set reference that includes instruction formats and CPU flag usage.
* Interrupt vectoring and device I/O.
* CD-ROM that includes the full professional version of the Microsoft(r) MASM 6.15(tm) Assembly Language Development System, a programmer's editor, a macro library, and the book's source code.
* New to the fourth edition: Win32 programming, including the console API and a graphical application.
* Expanded coverage of procedures, recursion, stack parameters, structures, and unions.
* Boolean expressions, truth tables, and flowcharts.
* Basic string handling, sorting and searching algorithms.
* Bit-mapped graphics in both Real and Protected modes.
* IEEE floating-point binary representation.
* Virtual machine architecture; IA-32 Protected mode segmentation and paging.
* Introductory explanations of the instruction execution cycle,memory I/O, multitasking, pipelining, and superscalar architecture.
* Disk fundamentals, including disk geometry, FAT32 and NTFS file structures.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 4th edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2003

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 708

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 15.11.2009

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.ELSE directive      217—218
.ELSEIF directive      217
.ENDIF directive      217
.IF directive      217—223
.WHILE directive      222—223
16-bit MS-DOS programming      457—493
16-bit Parity, XOR instruction      185
16-bit programs, assembling and linking      78
16-bit real-address mode      3 614—615
16-bit registers      124
16-bit starting cluster number field      506
16550 UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter)      57
20-bit linear address calculation      49—50
32-bit programs, assembling and linking      78
32-bit protected mode      3
32-bit protected mode, assembling and linking programs      612—614
32-bit Windows programming      379—430
AAA (ASCII adjust after addition)      252 619
AAD (ASCII adjust before division)      253—254 619
AAM (ASCII adjust after multiplication)      253 619
AAS (ASCII adjust after subtraction)      253 619
Absolute address      49—50
Access Levels      382
Access three levels      537
Activation record      275
ADC (add with carry)      620
ADC instruction      248
ADD (add)      70 620
ADD example      73
Addition and subtraction      107—114
Addition and subtraction example program      113—114
Addition and subtraction flags      110—113
Addition and subtraction implementing arithmetic expressions      109—110
Addition and subtraction INC and DEC instructions      107—108
Addition and subtraction instructions      108—109
Addition and subtraction NEG instruction      109
Addition and subtraction, binary      15
Additive inverse      19
ADDR operator      265—266
Address      48—50
Address bus      33
address space      41
AddSub program      74
AddSub program, adding variables to      87
AddSub program, alternative version      74—75
AddThree procedure      285
AddTwo procedure      278—280
Advanced procedures      259—299
ALIGN directive      116
Align, align type      587
Align, segment syntax      586
Allocate adequate stack space      262—263
American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)      21
AND (logical AND) instruction      181—183 620
Application Programming Interface (API)      380
archive bit      507
Arguments      155 164
Arguments initializers, default      360
Arguments types, INVOKE      264—265
Arguments, C++programs      439
Arguments, checking for missing      359—360
Arithmetic expression implement      245—247
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU)      32
arithmetic operators      65
Arithmetic shifts vs. logical shifts      229
Arithmetic status flags DIV and IDIV      243—244
Array multiplication example      308—309
Array of doubleword values      84—85
Array of word values      84
Array size, maximum number of comparisons      322
ArrayFill Example      281—282
Arrays of structures      336
Arrays, calculating the sizes      90—91
Arrays, indirect addressing      120—121
Arrays, time      319—320
Arrays, two-dimensional      315—318
ArraySum procedure      172 268 432
ArraySum procedure, flowchart      166—167
ArraySum program      291—296
ASCII and packed decimal arithmetic      251—254
ASCII control characters      464—465
ASCII digit string      22
ASCII strings      22
ASCII table      23
ASCII, decimal      251—252
ASM code generation, Visual C++ command-line options      448
Assemble-link-execute cycle      77—78
Assembler      2 3—4
Assembler, installing and using      611—615
Assembling and linking batch file      295—296
Assembly language      11 63—96
Assembly language Optimize C++ code      448—455
Assembly Language Sources      380
Assembly language vs. C++      5
Assembly language vs. Java      5
Assembly language vs. machine language      5
Assembly language, access levels      59
Assembly language, applications      7—8
Assembly language, assembling. linking, and running programs      77—80
Assembly language, basic elements      64—72
Assembly language, defining data      80—88
Assembly language, example      72—77
Assembly language, high-level languages comparison      7—8
Assembly language, real-address mode programming      93—95
Assembly language, rules      7
Assembly language, symbolic constants      89—93
ASSUME directive      588
Attribute byte      540
Attribute byte constructing      541
Automatic code generation      261—262
Auxiliary carry flag      44
Average seek time      497
Background color (attribute)      538—539
Base address field      51 425
Base-index displacement      317—318
Base-index operands      315—317
Batch files, assembling and linking      295—296
Batch files, commands      613 614—615
Big endian order      86
Binary addition      15
Binary bit position values      14
Binary equivalents      17
Binary file creating      487—491
Binary multiplication      237
Binary numbers      13—15 22
Binary search      321—328
Binary search, test program      324—328
BIOS (Basic Input-Output System)      54 58 59—60 458 649—659
BIOS DATA AREA      528—529
BIOS data area, segment 0040h      528—529
BIOS level access      537—538
BIOS level programming      527—582
Bit extraction      182
Bit string isolating      238—239
Bit testing instructions      198—199
bits      13—14
Blinking attribute      539 540—541
Block-structured IF statements      202—204
Boolean algebra      25—26
Boolean and comparison instructions, conditional processing      180—189
Boolean expressions      26—27
Boolean expressions, relational operators      360
Boolean function      27—29
Boolean operations, AND operation      26—27
Boolean operations, NOT operation      26
Boolean operations, OR operation      27
Borland C++ data types in 16-bit applications      441
Borland C++ linking      440—441
BOUND (check array bounds) instruction      621
Break_handler procedure      603
BSF (bit scan forward)      621
BSR (bit scan reverse)      621
BSWAP (byte swap)      621
BT (bit test) instruction      198—199 622
BTC (bit test and complement) instruction      199 622
BTR (bit test and reset) instruction      199 622
BTS (bit test and set) instruction      199 622
Bubble sort      319—321
Bubble sort, test program      324—328
Bus      33
Bus Interface Unit (BIU)      35
BYTE align type      587
Byte, defining byte data      81—83
Byte, storage sizes      16
C Specifier      278
C++ vs. assembly language      5
C++, linking to      439—455
Cache memory      37
CalcSum program      286—288
CalcSum program, stack frame      287
Calculating 16-bit sum      317
Calculating a factorial      288—290
CALL (call procedure) instruction      74 161—164 622
Calling ArraySum      165
Calling convention      432
Capitalization, approaches to      74
Carry flag (CF)      44 110—111
Carry flag (CF), boolean and comparison instructions      180—189
Carry flag (CF), recovering a bit from the Carry flag      233
Cartesian Coordinates, converting to screen coordinates      562—563
Cartesian Coordinates, demonstration program      559—562
CBW (convert byte to word) instruction      243 622
CDQ (convert doubleword to quadword (IA-32))      623
CDQ instruction      243
Central processor unit (CPU)      32—35
Central processor unit (CPU) flags      181
Central processor unit (CPU) flags, Carry flag      110—111
Central processor unit (CPU) flags, Overflow flag      111—112
Central processor unit (CPU) flags, setting and clearing      188
Characters, character constants      67
Characters, character storage      21—23
Characters, converting characters to upper case      182—183
Characters, converting to pixel coordinates      571
Characters, scan for matching characters      307
Characters, string example      212—213
Check keyboard buffer (11h)      533
Checksum      597
Chipset      54—55
Cipher text      195
class type      588
CLC (clear carry flag) instruction      232—233 623
CLD (clear direction flag) instruction      623
ClearKeyboard procedure      535—536
CLI (clear interrupt flag) instruction      601 623
clock      33
Clock cycle      33—37
Clock Generator      54
Close file handle (3Eh)      479—480
CloseHandle function      395
Clrscr procedure      141 554—555
Clusters      500—501
CMC (complement carry flag) instruction      624
CMOS RAM      56
CMP (compare) instruction      186—187 624
CMPS (compare strings) instruction      305 329 624
CMPSB (compare bytes) instruction      304—307 624
CMPSD (compare doublewords) instruction      304—305 624
CMPSW (compare words) instruction      304—305 624
CMPXCHG (compare and exchange) instruction      625
Code directive example      73—74
Code labels      69—70
Code optimization      452
Code Prefetch Unit      35
Code segment      74 584—586
CodeView command-line options      668—669
CodeView debugger      668—669
Color controlling      539—541
Color displaying a color string      552—554
Color indexes (Mode 13h)      563—565
COM programs      593—595
Combine type      587—588
Combining segments      590—591
Command processor      458
Command tail, MS-DOS      485—487
Comments      71 76
Comparing two strings      306—307
Complex Instruction Set (CISC)      46—47
Compound expressions      204—205 220—221
conditional processing      179—226
Conditional processing, .IF directive      217—223
Conditional processing, application      211—217
Conditional processing, Boolean and comparison instructions      180—189
Conditional processing, finite-state machines      211—217
Conditional processing, jumps      189—200 629—630
Conditional processing, loop instructions      200—202
Conditional processing, structures      202—211
Conditional transfer      127
Conditional-assembly directives      358—370
Console definition      140
Console functions      384—386
Console handles      383—384
Console input      386—389
Console output      389—392
Console window manipulation      398—402
Control bus      33
Control flags      44
Control unit (CU)      32
Conventional machine language      10
COORD structure      334
Copying a doubleword array      304
Copying a string      130—131
Create or open file (716Ch)      478—479
Create subdirectory (39h)      521
CreateFile function      392—395
Creating local variables      282—283
Creating multimodule programs      290—296
Crlf procedure      141
Ctrl-Break Handler example      602—604
Current location counter      60—91
Cursor controlling      402—403
Cursor showing and hiding      545—546
Custom interrupt handler      601—604
CWD (convert word to doubleword) instruction      243 625
Cylinders (disk)      496—497
DAA (decimal adjust after addition) instruction      254 625
DAS (decimal adjust after subtraction) instruction      254 625
Data area (BIOS)      458
Data bus      33
Data definition statement      81
data labels      70
Data representation      12—25
Data segment      74
Data transfer      98—107
Data transfer, direct memory operands      99—100
Data transfer, direct-offset operands      104—105
Data transfer, example program      105—106
Data transfer, LAHF and SAHF instructions      103
Data transfer, MOV instruction      100—101
Data transfer, operand types      98—99
Data transfer, XCHG instruction      104
Data transfer, zero/sign extension of integers      101—103
Data-related operators and directives      115—120
Date stamp field      507
Date/time function      472—476
DB directive      82
Debugging protected mode programs      612
Debugging tip      168
Debugging, Borland C++      441
DEC (decrement) instruction      107—108 626
Decimal arithmetic      251—254
1 2 3 4 5
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