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Berman G.P., Doolen G.D., Mainieri R. — Intnoduction to Quantum Computers |
Предметный указатель |
Antinode 102
Auxiliary level 80
Average spin 77
Binary system 13
Bit 2
Boolean addition 39
Boolean algebra 7 14
Cavity, high-Q 139
Cavity, QED 138
Commutator 131
Complex amplitude 27
Computer chip 1
Constructive interference 3 28
Control qubit 64
Coulomb blockade 1
Cryptography 4
Decoherence 5 91
Degenerate state 109
Destructive interference 3
Digital computation 2
Dipole moment 141
Dirac notation 62
Discrete Fourier Transform 6 25 118
Effective field 123 131
Efficient algorithm 21
Ensemble of atoms 92
Ensemble of spins 98
Entangled states 5
Error correction 6 143
Factorization algorithms 4 102
Frequency of one-spin transition 165
Frequency, difference 162
Frequency, eigenfrequency 122
Frequency, hyperfine frequency 137
Frequency, Rabi frequency 74 102
Frequency, radio frequency 127
Frequency, resonant frequency 140
Frequency, vibrational frequency 110
Gate, and 39
Gate, CCN 67
Gate, Cirac — Zoller 109
Gate, CONTROL-NOT 4 51
Gate, CZ 111
Gate, FREDKIN 56
Gate, nand 48
Gate, nor 48 51
Gate, NOT 38
Gate, or 39
Gate, quantum phase 140
GC-sequence 174
gyromagnetic ratio 69 131
Hamiltonian 73 111 120 168
Hermitian matrix 59
Heteropolymer 126
Hyperfine levels 136
Interaction, constant 162
Interaction, dipole-dipole interaction 120
Interaction, Ising 120 164
Inverse transformation 63
Ion trap 116
Lamb — Dicke limit 101
laser beam 101 112
Matrix, density 92 98 162
Matrix, deviation 165
Matrix, diagonal 168
Matrix, elements 59
Matrix, equilibrium density 162
Matrix, representation 70
Matrix, unitary 86 102
Memory cells 1
Metastable state 102
Molecular devices 1
Nanometer 1
nanotechnology 1
| Operator, operator 78
Operator, operator 83
Operator, annihilation operator 67
Operator, CN operator 64
Operator, creation operator 67
Operator, F-gate operator 67
Operator, Hubbard operator 61
Operator, N-operator 76
Operator, one-qubit operator 32
Operator, two-qubit operator 32
Optical transition 101 109
Paul trap 101
Periodic function 22
Phase shift 139
Polarization 109 110 113
Population 162
Precession of average spin 73
Precession, frequency 73
Probabilistic computation 21
Pulse, -pulse 100 116
Pulse, -pulse 100
Pulse, -pulse 76 124
Pulse, -pulse 110
Pulse, Raman -pulse 138
Pulse, rectangular laser pulse 102
Pulse, sequence of -pulses 124
Quantum cavity electrodynamics 138
Quantum, "pure" system 90
Quantum, bit 2
Quantum, coherence 5
Quantum, computation 2
Quantum, computer 2
Quantum, dot 1 141
Quantum, logic gates 6
Quantum, quantum-mechanical averages 70
Quantum, superposition 99
Radiative lifetime 102
Ramsey atomic interferometry 139
Redundancy 143
register 22
Relaxation process 6
Resonant, external resonant field 75
Resonant, field 74
Resonant, magnetic field 75
Resonant, transition 4 163
Reversible computation 4
Rotating, magnetic field 79
Rotating, reference frame 79
Schroedinger equation 69
Shor's algorithm 4 147
Single-electron devices 1
Spin, chain 6 125
Spin, four-spin molecules 6
Spin, non-resonant spin 134
Spin, nuclear spin 129
Stationary states 168
Steane's scheme 148
String of bits 20
Sub-ensemble 164
Superposition of numbers 23
Superpositional states 2
System of circuits 16
Target qubit 64
Temperature, finite temperature 92
Temperature, infinite temperature 96
Temperature, room temperature 164
Thermal bath 91
transistor 1 19
Triplet 143
Turing machine 7
Two-level atom 91
Uniform superposition 22
Unitary transformation 113
Vector-diagram 25
Vibrational motion 102
Vibrational state 136
Wave function 25
Zeeman levels 137
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