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Goerzen J. — Foundations of Python Network Programming
Goerzen J. — Foundations of Python Network Programming

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Íàçâàíèå: Foundations of Python Network Programming

Àâòîð: Goerzen J.


To guide readers through the new scripting language, Python, this book discusses every aspect of client and server programming. And as Python begins to replace Perl as a favorite programming language, this book will benefit scripters and serious application developers who want a feature-rich, yet simple language, for deploying their products.
The text explains multitasking network servers using several models, including forking, threading, and non-blocking sockets. Furthermore, the extensive examples demonstrate important concepts and practices, and provide a cadre of fully-functioning stand alone programs. Readers may even use the provided examples as building blocks to create their own software.

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DNS (Domain Name System), using PyDNS for advanced lookups, installing PyDNS      77
DNS (Domain Name System), using PyDNS for advanced lookups, querying specific name servers      79—81
DNS (Domain Name System), using PyDNS for advanced lookups, resolving lookup results      82—85
DNS (Domain Name System), using PyDNS for advanced lookups, simple PyDNS queries      77—79
DNS module      77
dnslook      65
dnspython      65 77
DocBook      145 148
Docstring      358
Document type definition (DTD)      145 148
DocXMLRPCServer      364—365
DOM, full parsing with      151—154
DOM, generating documents with      154—157
DOM, type reference      157—158
domain attribute      389
Domain Name System      see "DNS (Domain Name System)"
dothefork()      422
downloaddir()      292
downloadfile()      292
downloadinfo()      259 260
Downloading ASCII files (FTP)      278—279
Downloading binary files (FTP)      279—281
Downloading messages (IMAP)      243—249
Downloading messages (POP)      216—218
Downloading recursively (FTP)      290—293
do_...()      342
do_GET()      345 348
DSO (Dynamic Shared Objects) support      395
DTD (Document Type Definition)      145
dup()      19
dup2()      19 484
Dynamic Shared Objects (DSO) support      395
e-mail      see also "IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) "
e-mail composition and decoding      169—195
e-mail composition and decoding, MIME, composing alternatives      185—187
e-mail composition and decoding, MIME, composing attachments      182—184
e-mail composition and decoding, MIME, parsing      190—195
e-mail composition and decoding, MIME, understanding      180—81
e-mail composition and decoding, nested multiparts, composing      188—190
e-mail composition and decoding, non-English headers, composing      187—188
e-mail composition and decoding, overview      169
e-mail composition and decoding, traditional messages, composing      173—176
e-mail composition and decoding, traditional messages, parsing      176—180
e-mail composition and decoding, traditional messages, understanding      169—173
Echo client      62 63
Echo server      61—62 63
EHLO command      205
EHLO method      210
ehlo()      204 205 209
EHLO, getting information from      202—204
Element objects      150
email module      169 176 190 192
email package      173
email.Header module      193
email.message_from_file()      177
email.Utils module      178
email.Utils.formatdate()      174
email.Utils.make_msgid()      174
encode()      194
END CERTIFICATE block      332
end_headers()      342
entries.append()      286
Envelope value      260
Errback notion      232
Error handling, forking      438—441
Error handling, FTP      283—284
Error handling, network clients      23—31
Error handling, network clients, errors with file-like objects      29—31
Error handling, network clients, missed errors      26—28
Error handling, network clients, socket exceptions      24—26
Error handling, network servers      41—43
Error handling, SMTP      199—202
Error handling, Web client access      121—125
Error handling, Web client access, connection errors      121—123
Error handling, Web client access, data errors      123—125
Error handling, XML-RPC      165
errorevent()      475 476
errorhappened()      234 235 236
error_all.py example      125
escape()      412
Escaping mod_python      412—413
ESMTP      202—203 204
Ethernet      9
Ethernet LAN      37
Event notification, with poll() or select()      104—109
Event-based parser      148
event-based programming      225
examine()      239 240 245
Except clause      60
exec()      424
exec...() type functions      422 484
execute()      302 308 310
executemany()      307—310
Executing commands      301—302
execvp()      484
EXISTS summary item      240
expunge()      252 255
f.dir()      286 288
Facility argument      57
factory class      227
Factory object      231 448
Failure object      234 235 236
failure()      363
Fake server (traffic redirection)      324
fcntl()      216
fd2socket()      474
FETCH command      243
fetch...()      310 315
fetchall()      310—311
fetchBodyStructure()      256 260
fetchFlags()      250
fetchmany()      311—312
fetchone()      312—313
fetchSimplifiedBody()      256 259 260
fetchSpecific()      245 248 249 256 260
fetchUID('l:*')      248
FieldStorage class      409 412
FieldStorage instances      385
File attribute      387
file descriptor      19
File descriptor leak      484
File Not Found (404) error      401
File Transfer Protocol      see "FTP (File Transfer Protocol)"
File-like objects      23
file.cgi script      388
Filename attribute      387
Files, binary, downloading (FTP)      279—281
Files, moving (FTP)      294
Files, renaming (FTP)      294
Files, uploading (CGI)      386—388
finally clause      292 437 449 460
Finding messages (IMAP)      262—267
Finding messages (IMAP), composing queries      263—265
Finding messages (IMAP), running queries      265—267
finishprocessing()      81 137 142
Flag-related search keywords      263
Flags option      49
FLAGS summary item      240
Flags, reading (IMAP)      250—251 252
flock()      216 437 448
flush()      30 46
Folders, creating, FTP      294
Folders, creating, IMAP      270
Folders, deleting, FTP      293
Folders, deleting, IMAP      270
Folders, examining (IMAP)      239—243
Folders, folder list, scanning (IMAP)      236—239
Folders, moving messages between (IMAP)      270
Folders, scanning (FTP)      284—290
For loop      377
fork()      54 88 425 438 439 441 481
Forked pool      424
forking      419—442
Forking, error handling      438—441
Forking, first steps      424—430
Forking, first steps, overview      424—425
Forking, first steps, zombie problem      425—430
Forking, fork()      421—424
Forking, fork(), duplicated file descriptors      422—423
Forking, fork(), overview      421—422
Forking, fork(), performance      424
Forking, fork(), zombie processes      423
Forking, locking      433—438
Forking, overview      419
Forking, processes      419—421
Forking, servers      430—433
ForkingMixIn class      363
form data, submitting      118—121
Form data, submitting, with GET      118—120
Form data, submitting, with POST      120—121
FORM tag      383
Format style      306 307
FreeBSD search engine      118
From cgi import escape command      413
From header (MIME)      173
fromfd()      51
fromtimestamp()      180
ftp (file transfer protocol)      117 275—294
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), authentication and anonymous FTP      276—277
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), communication channels      276
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), creating directories      294
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), deleting files and directories      293
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), downloading ASCII files      278—279
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), downloading binary files      279—281
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), downloading recursively      290—293
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), handling errors      283—284
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), moving and renaming files      294
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), overview      275
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), scanning directories      284—290
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), scanning directories, discovering information without parsing listings      288—290
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), scanning directories, parsing UNIX directory listings      286—288
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), uploading data      281—283
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), using in Python      277—278
FTP protocol      114
FTP URL      125
ftplib module      277 279 283 284 293
ftplib.all_errors tuple      283
ftplib.error_perm exception      290
Function query type      81
fwrite()      466
Gadfly      297
get method      342 343 383
GET method and mod_python      407—410
GET method, CGI      378—380
GET method, submitting form data with      118—120
getaddrinfo()      70 75 98—100 101
getAttribute()      153
getCapabilities()      227
getCookie()      391
getDate()      180
getdsn()      298
getElementsByTagName()      153
getfilename()      288
getfirst()      380
gethandlerfunc()      404
gethostbyname()      67
getlastaccess()      437
getlist()      380 385
getName()      445
getpeername()      51
getrecordsfromnameserver()      81
getruntime()      367
getscriptname()      409
getservbyname()      21
getsockopt()      37 38
getstats()      363
gettype()      288
geturl()      115
Gopher handler      125
Gopher Protocol      10—11 114
gopherlib module      15
gotcapabilities()      227
gotmessage()      249 255
gotmessages()      245
H string format      93
Half-open sockets      87—88
Handle()      351
handlechild()      456—457
handleconnection()      459 462
handler()      400 404 405
handleuids()      248 254
handle_request()      367
Handling input (mod_python)      405—412
Handling input (mod_python), extra URL components      405—407
Handling input (mod_python), GET method      407—410
Handling input (mod_python), overview      405
Handling input (mod_python), POST method      410—412
HEAD method      342
Header-related search keywords      264
Header.decode_header()      194
Headers (MIME)      169
HELO command      203
helo()      204
hex()      357
hierquery()      81
High-level interface      15—16
Hijacking, session      323
host command      68
Host parameter      299
hosts file      66
htbin directory      349
HTML      118 187
HTML and XHTML, parsing      127—143
HTML and XHTML, parsing, handling unbalanced tags      133—137
HTML and XHTML, parsing, overview      127—130
HTML and XHTML, parsing, translating character references      132—133
HTML and XHTML, parsing, translating entities      130—132
HTML and XHTML, parsing, working example      137—143
HTML code      114
HTML file      370
HTML form      410
htmlentitydefs class      132
htmllib      128
HTMLParser module      127 128 130 137 142 148
HTMLParser's feed() method module      129
htonl()      94
HTTP      15 39 113 115 116 117 122 388
HTTP authentication      388
HTTP headers      125 389
HTTP protocol      114
HTTP status code      401
HTTPBasicAuthHandler handler      117
HTTPError exception      122 123
httplib module      15
HTTPServer class      341 348
HTTP_COOKIE environment variable      389 391
Human engineering      324
HUP signal      48
h_errno C exception      25
I format      93
IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority)      7
Ident parameter      57
If statement      424
if test      426
IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)      223—272
IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) in Twisted      225—236
IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) in Twisted, error handling      231—236
IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) in Twisted, logging in      228—231
IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) in Twisted, overview      226—228
IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol), adding messages      268—270
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