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Angrist S.W., Hepler L.G. — Laws of Order and Chaos |
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Negentropy 197 202 208 209
Negentropy and information 198 199
Negentropy and poetry 198
Nernst, W.H. 189
Netschert, B.C. 86
Newton, Isaac 34 57
Nitric acid 182—184
Nitric oxide formation 181—183
Nitrogen fixation 181—184
Nobel prize 25 27 119 127 213
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics 218—221
Nuclear fuels 87
Ohm, G.S. 219
Oil shale 86
Onsager, Lars 24 220
Opthalmoscope 19
Organism, entropy of 211 212
Orgone energy 209 211
Ostwald, Wilhelm 4
Paris Arsenal 7
Parlay cards, football 158
PATH function 104
Pauling, Linus 27 119 120
Perpetual motion machine 55—57 72 195 216
Petit, Alexis T. 9
Phase rule 39
Philo 32
Photosynthesis 137 138
Pied fourchu 8
Pig, guinea 81
Pike’s Peak 112
Planck, Max 189 217
Plants, wild 4
Plato 58
Plutarch 31
Poincare, Henri 222
Poncelet Prize 19
Population, world 140—142
Power, sources of 82
Power, units of 223
Probability and entropy 159 170 171
Probability, calculations 157 158 159
Probability, maximum 174
Proteins 127—129
Pyrometer, optical 50 51
Q, definition 83 223
Radioactive wastes 88
Rainfall, daily estimate 97
Randall, Merle 28 159 227
Randomness, microscopic 188
Reich, Wilhelm 209 211
Resonance theory 120—122
Respiration 124
Reuss, F.F. 219—221
Reversibility, concept of 161
Rey, Jean 33
Richards, Theodore William 27 189
Roberts, John 121
Roller, D. 225
Romer, Ole 35
Round Table, Knight of the 121
Royal Institution 10 13 18
Royal Society of Edinburgh 21
Royal Society of London 19 58 62 68
Rubner, Max 129
Rukeyser, M. 225
Rumford Gold Medal 23 24
Rumford, Count 10—15 62 63
Sallust, Gaius 203
Sandburg, Carl 201
Santorio 33
Saudi Arabia 80
Savery, Thomas 83
Schrodinger, Erwin 213
Seawater, abundance 97
Seawater, desalination 98—100
Seawater, gold from 184
Second law and civilization 200
Second law and society 200
Second law, statement 151 154 156 159 161 162 171 199
Second law, supreme position 146
| Seebeck, Thomas Johann 46
Seguin, Marc 64
Shakespeare, William 135 150 151 203
Shannon, Claude 28
Simon, Francis 190
Socrates 198
Solar batteries 89
Solar energy 137
Sommerfeld, Arnold 215
Specific heat 67 188
Spontaneous process 152 153
Standard of living 79—81
State function 103
Statistical mechanics 186
Statistical thermodynamics 217 218
Statistics and language 202 203
Stromer, Marten 36
Sublimation 170
Sumerians 35
Sun, energy from 89 137
Surplus energy 78—80
Switzerland 80
System, definition 74
Tax Farm 7 8
Temperature scales 36—39
Temperature sense 31
Temperature, absolute scale of 37
Temperature, absolute zero 21 37 38 189—192
Temperature, body 42
Temperature, lowest reached 192
Temperature, range of 42 43
Theodor, Elector Karl 10—12
Theology 57 59 213
Thermistors 48
Thermocouples 46 47
Thermodynamics, irreversible 218—221
Thermodynamics, laws 5 18 73 103
Thermography 52
Thermometer, Florentine 34
Thermometer, gas 45 46
Thermometer, infrared 51
Thermometer, liquid in glass 45
Thermometer, noise 48 49
Thermometer, properties of 44
Thermometer, pyrometric 49
Thermometer, resistance 47
Thermometer, resonance frequency 48
Thermometric property 44
Third law 185 192
Third law, statement of 189
Thompson, Benjamon see “Rumford Count”
Thomson, William see “Kelvin Lord”
Thoreau, Henry David 76
Time’s Arrow 160 165 170
Tisza, L. 24 215
Tools, development of 4
Tribus, Myron 188 193
Triple point 39 40
Twain, Mark 105 163
Tyndall, John 18 19
Uncertainty principle 199
Universal aliment 125
Unstable state 207—209 211
van’t Hoff, Jacobus Henricus 180
vapor pressure 168—170
Vital force 20
Vostok 42
Water, cost of pumping 98
Water, per capita use 98
Water, vapor pressure 168 169
Watt, James 81
Wells, H.G. 206
White, Leslie A. 3 226
Windmills 89
Work, constant pressure 106
Work, constant volume 105
Work, mechanical 105
Work, sign convention for 75
Work, thermodynamic 105
Yale University 22—24
Zero, absolute 21 37 38 189—192
Zeroth Law 40—42
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