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Cohen E.S. — Atlas of cosmetic and reconstructive periodontal surgery
Cohen E.S. — Atlas of cosmetic and reconstructive periodontal surgery

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Название: Atlas of cosmetic and reconstructive periodontal surgery

Автор: Cohen E.S.


This surgical atlas was originally published with the intent of being the most complete periodontal surgical atlas and in 1988 it was. Since that time, there have been many important advances. The emphasis in periodontics has clearly shifted toward reconstructive periodontics. Guided tissue regeneration, biomechanical root preparation, predictable bone regeneration procedures, and cosmetic root coverage have made reconstructive periodontics a reality.
This surgical atlas was originally published with the intent of being the most complete periodontal surgical atlas and in 1988 it was. Since that time, there have been many important advances. The emphasis in periodontics has clearly shifted toward reconstructive periodontics. Guided tissue regeneration, biomechanical root preparation, predictable bone regeneration procedures, and cosmetic root coverage have made reconstructive periodontics a reality.
This edition will reflect these changes with new chapters on biomechanical root preparation, guided tissue regeneration, cosmetic gingival reconstruction, cosmetic treatment of the maxillary anterior teeth, and ridge augmentation, and expansion of the chapter on inductive osseous surgery. A new chapter has also been added on sutures and suturing. All other chapters have been brought up to date, again with the intention of again making this the most complete periodontal surgical atlas.treatment of the maxillary anterior teeth, and ridge augmentation, and expansion of the chapter on inductive osseous surgery. A new chapter has also been added on sutures and suturing. All other chapters have been brought up to date, again with the intention of again making this the most complete periodontal surgical atlas.

Язык: ru

Рубрика: Медицина и здравоохранение/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Издание: Second Edition

Год издания: 1994

Количество страниц: 424

Добавлена в каталог: 09.11.2009

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