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Рассел С., Норвиг П. — Искусственный интеллект: современный подход |
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1-совместимость 223
1-совместимость 223
2-совместимость 223
2-совместимость 223
3-совместимость 223
3-совместимость 223
3SAT ThreeSAT 213
3SAT ThreeSAT 213
AAAI, American Association for AI 72
AAAI, American Association for AI 72
ABO, Asymptotic Bounded Optimality 1240
ABO, Asymptotic Bounded Optimality 1240
ADL, Action Description Language 519
ADL, Action Description Language 519
ADP, Adaptive Dynamic Programming 990 1011
ADP, Adaptive Dynamic Programming 990, 1011
AFSM, Augmented Finite State Machine 1184
AFSM, Augmented Finite State Machine 1184
AISM, Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour 73
AISM, Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour 73
AUV, Autonomous Underwater Vehicle 1154
AUV, Autonomous Underwater Vehicle 1154
BDD, Binary Decision Diagram 559
BDD, Binary Decision Diagram 559
BNF, Backus — Naur Form 1023, 1252
BNF, Backus-Naur Form 1023 1252
BO, Bounded Optimality 1239
BO, Bounded Optimality 1239
CCD, Charge-Coupled Device 1115
CCD, Charge-Coupled Device 1115
CDP, Composite Decision Process 202
CDP, Composite Decision Process 202
CFG, Context-Free Grammar 1106
CFG, Context-Free Grammar 1106
CMAC, Cerebellar-Model Articulation Controller 1014
CMAC, Cerebellar-Model Articulation Controller 1014
CMU, Carnegie — Mellon University 55, 265
CMU, Carnegie-Mellon University 55 265
CNF, Conjunctive Normal Form 310 413
CNF, Conjunctive Normal Form 310, 413
CSP, Constraint Satisfaction 211 411
CSP, Constraint Satisfaction Problem 211, 411
CWA, Closed-World Assumption 486
CWA, Closed-World Assumption 486
DARPA, Defence Advanced Research Project Agency 70
DARPA, Defence Advanced Research Project Agency 70
DART, Dynamic Analysis and Replanning 70
DART, Dynamic Analysis and Replanning 70
DB, Data Base 173
DB, Data Base 173
DBN, Dynamic Bayesian Network 739
DBN, Dynamic Bayesian Network 739
DCG, Definite Clause Grammar 1040
DCG, Definite Clause Grammar 1040
DDN, Dynamic Decision Network 823
DDN, Dynamic Decision Network 823
DEC, Digital Equipment Corporation 65 402
DEC, Digital Equipment Corporation 65, 402
DL, Decision List 876
DL, Decision List 876
DT, Decision Tree 876
DT, Decision Tree 876
EBL, Explanation-Based Learning 898
EBL, Explanation-Based Learning 898
EI, Existential Instantiation 386
EI, Existential Instantiation 386
EKF, Extended Kalman Filter 1164
EKF, Extended Kalman Filter 1164
EM, expectation-maximization 1081
EM, expectation-maximization 1081
EMNLP, Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing 1110
EMNLP, Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing 1110
EMV, Expected Monetary Value 776
EMV, Expected Monetary Value 776
Entscheidungsproblem 44
Entscheidungsproblem 44
EPAM, Elementary Perceiver And Memorizer 880
EPAM, Elementary Perceiver And Memorizer 880
FIFO, First-In-First-Out 127
FIFO, First-In-First-Out 127
FPM, Fine-Motion Planning 1177
FPM, Fine-Motion Planning 1177
FSA, Finite-State Automaton 1095
FSA, Finite-State Automaton 1095
G-множество 893
G-множество 893
GA, Genetic Algorithm 183
GA, Genetic Algorithm 183
GLIE, Greedy in the Limit of Infinite Exploration 997
GLIE, Greedy in the Limit of Infinite Exploration 997
GOFAI, Good Old-Fashioned AI 1209
GOFAI, Good Old-Fashioned AI 1209
GPS, General Problem Solver 57 556
GPS, General Problem Solver 57, 556
GPS, Global Position System 84 1156
GPS, Global Position System 84, 1156
GRL, Generic Robot Language 1188
GRL, Generic Robot Language 1188
HMM, Hidden Markov Model 67
HMM, Hidden Markov Model 67
Homo sapiens 34
Homo sapiens 34
HPP, Heuristic Programming Project 63
HPP, Heuristic Programming Project 63
HTN, Hierarchical Task Network 520
HTN, Hierarchical Task Network 520
IE, Iterative Expansion 202
IE, Iterative Expansion 202
IJCAI, International Joint Conference on AI 72
IJCAI, International Joint Conference on AI 72
IKBS, Intelligent Knowledge-Based Systems 65
IKBS, Intelligent Knowledge-Based Systems 65
ILP, Inductive Logic Programming 900 1063
ILP, Inductive Logic Programming 900, 1063
Internet 67
Internet 67
k-совместимость 223
k-совместимость 223
KB, Knowledge Base 286
KB, Knowledge Base 286
KBIL, Knowledge-Based Inductive Learning 900
KBIL, Knowledge-Based Inductive Learning 900
Ko-NP-полный 30 337
Ko-NP-полный 30, 337
LFG, Lexical-Functional Grammar 1066
LFG, Lexical-Functional Grammar 1066
LIFO, Last-In-First-Out 130
LIFO, Last-In-First-Out 130
LP, Linear Programming 204
LP, Linear Programming 204
LRTA*, Learning Real-Time A* 197
LRTA*, Learning Real-Time A* 197
LT, Logic Theorist 56
LT, Logic Theorist 56
MA*, Memory-bounded A* 166
MA*, Memory-bounded A* 166
MAC, Maintaining Arc Consistency 221
MAC, Maintaining Arc Consistency 221
MAP, Maximum A Posteriori 930
MAP, Maximum A Posteriori 930
MCC, Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation 65
MCC, Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation 65
MCL, Monte Carlo Localization 1163
MCL, Monte Carlo Localization 1163
MDL, Minimum Description Length 881
MDL, Minimum Description Length 881
MDP, Markov Decision Process 46 806 986 1176
MDP, Markov Decision Process 46, 806, 986, 1176
MEMS, Micro-ElectroMechanical System 1234
MEMS, Micro-ElectroMechanical System 1234
| MGU, Most General Unifier 391
MGU, Most General Unifier 391
MIT, Massachussets Institute of Technologies 55
MIT, Massachussets Institute of Technologies 55
ML, Maximum Likelihood 931
ML, Maximum Likelihood 931
MPI, Mutual Preferential Independence 784
MPI, Mutual Preferential Independence 784
MRV, Minimum Remaining Values 219
MRV, Minimum Remaining Values 219
MST, Minimum Spanning Tree 207
MST, Minimum Spanning Tree 207
Newell A. 37
Newell A. 37
NLP, Natural Language Processing 36
NLP, Natural Language Processing 36
NP, Nondeterministic Polynomial 1245
NP, Nondeterministic Polynomial 1245
NP, Noun Phrase 1023
NP, Noun Phrase 1023
NP-полнота 44
NP-полнота 44
NP-полный 118 213 305 307 337 503 678 1135 1149 1245 1246 1251
NP-полный 118, 213, 305, 307, 337, 503, 678, 1135, 1149, 1245, 1246, 1251
P-контроллер 1180
P-контроллер 1180
PAC, Probably Approximately Correct 873
PAC, Probably Approximately Correct 873
PAC-обучение 873 881 905
PAC-обучение 873, 881, 905
PCFG, Probabilistic Context-Free Grammar 1078
PCFG, Probabilistic Context-Free Grammar 1078
PD-контроллер 1181
PD-контроллер 1181
PDDL, Planning Domain Definition Language 520
PDDL, Planning Domain Definition Language 520
PDP, Parallel Distributed Processing 978
PDP, Parallel Distributed Processing 978
PEAS, Performance Environment, Actuators, Sensors 83
PEAS, Performance Environment, Actuators, Sensors 83
PID-контроллер 1182
PID-контроллер 1182
POMDP, Partially Observable MDP 819 1176
POMDP, Partially Observable MDP 819, 1176
POP, Partial-Order Planning 530
POP, Partial-Order Planning 530
PP, Prepositional Phrase 1029
PP, Prepositional Phrase 1029
PSPACE-полный 544 556
PSPACE-полный 544, 556
PUMA, Programming Universal Machine for Assembly 1195
PUMA, Programming Universal Machine for Assembly 1195
Q-обучение 986 1000
Q-обучение 986, 1000
Q-функция 986
Q-функция 986
QALY, Quality-Adjused Life Year 780
QALY, Quality-Adjused Life Year 780
RAPS, Reactive Action Plan System 1188
RAPS, Reactive Action Plan System 1188
RBFS, Recursive Best-First Search 164
RBFS, Recursive Best-First Search 164
RBL, Relevance-Based Learning 899
RBL, Relevance-Based Learning 899
RelClause, Relative Clause 1029
RelClause, Relative Clause 1029
rete-алгоритм 401
rete-алгоритм 401
rete-сеть 402
rete-сеть 402
ROC, Receiver Operating Characteristic 1087
ROC, Receiver Operating Characteristic 1087
RST, Rhetorical Structure Theory 1087
RST, Rhetorical Structure Theory 1087
S, Sentence 1029
S, Sentence 1029
S-множество 893
S-множество 893
SIGART, Special Interest Group in Artificial Intelligence 73
SIGART, Special Interest Group in Artificial Intelligence 73
Simon H.A. 37
Simon, H.A. 37
SLAM, Simultaneous Localization And Mapping 1165
SLAM, Simultaneous Localization And Mapping 1165
SLD, Straight Line Distance 156
SLD, Straight Line Distance 156
SMA*, Simplified MA* 166
SMA*, Simplified MA* 166
sos, set of support 425 426
sos, set of support 425, 426
SRI 379
SRI 379
SRI, Stanford Research Institute 58
SRI, Stanford Research Institute 58
SSD, Sum of Squared Differences 1127
SSD, Sum of Squared Differences 1127
SVM, Support Vector Machine 881
SVM, Support Vector Machine 881
TAG, Tree-Adjoining Grammar 1066
TAG, Tree-Adjoining Grammar 1066
TD, Temporal Difference 992
TD, Temporal Difference 992
TREC, Text REtrieval Conference 1092
TREC, Text REtrieval Conference 1092
TSP, Traveling Salesperson Problem 121 146 207
TSP, Traveling Salesperson Problem 121, 146, 207
UAV, Unmanned Air Vehicle 1154
UAV, Unmanned Air Vehicle 1154
UI, Universal Instantiation 385
UI, Universal Instantiation 385
ULV Unmanned Land Vehicle 1154
ULV Unmanned Land Vehicle 1154
UNA, Unique Names Assumption 486
UNA, Unique Names Assumption 486
VC, Vapnik — Chervonenkis 881
VC, Vapnik-Chervonenkis 881
VC-размерность 881
VC-размерность 881
VPI, Value of Perfect Information 790
VPI, Value of Perfect Information 790
WAM, Warren Abstract Machine 408
WAM, Warren Abstract Machine 408
Web-узел 68
Web-узел 68
Web-узел, сопровождающий 25
Web-узел, сопровождающий 25
World Wide Web 68 1074 1082 1086 1089 1112
World Wide Web 68, 1074, 1082, 1086, 1089, 1112
Абстрагирование 115
Абстрагирование 115
Абстрагирование действий 115
Абстрагирование действий 115
Абстрагирование описаний состояний 115
Абстрагирование описаний состояний 115
Австралия 211 212 219 229 516
Австралия 211, 212, 219, 229, 516
Автомат 1224 1229
Автомат 1224, 1229
Автомат AFSM 1184
Автомат AFSM 1184
Автомат конечный 1024
Автомат конечный 1024
Автомат конечный дополненный 1184 1186
Автомат конечный дополненный 1184, 1186
Автомат ситуационный 1198
Автомат ситуационный 1198
Автомат шахматный 272
Автомат шахматный 272
Автомобиль гоночный 1241
Автомобиль гоночный 1241
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