Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Ward R.S., Wells R.O. — Twistor geometry and field theory |
Предметный указатель |
Killing, W.K.J. 37
Klein correspondence 7 360 376
Klein quadric 26 28 29 51 56
Klein — Gordon equation 242 254
Klein — Gordon field 255 256 258
Klein — Gordon Lagrangian 256
Klein, F. 1 7 18 27
Ko, M. 294
Kobayashi, S. 142 144
Kodaira vanishing theorem 192
Kodaira, K. 185 185 438 444 452
Komatsu, H. 359 368
Konstant, B. 460 473
Krantz, S.G. 342
Kronecker delta function 242
Kronheimer, P. 457
Kuiper, N. 258 260
Kunneth formula 161 162 165 236
Lagrangian 69 253 255 256 258 265—267 271 280 468
Laplace equation 277 296 428
Laplacian 283 446
Laurent expansion 87 190 317 384
Laurent series 91 191—193 315 316 400
Laurent series coefficients 91 322 408
Law, P.R. 448
Lawson, B. 209 274 275
Lebesgue measure 97
LeBrun, C. 433
Lee, C. 276
Left-handed fields 250 338
Left-handed Maxwell field 347
Leibniz' formula 161
Leiterer, J. 397
Leites, D.A. 460 473
Lens space 297
Leray cover 179 182 189 191
Leray direct image theorem 366
Leray spectral sequence 162 332 233 335 345 346 348
Leray theorem 190
Leray, J. 2 166
Lerner, D.E. 454
Levi-Cevita connection 145 146 249 286 443
Leznov, A.N. 284
Li, L.F. 285
Lie algebra 37 38 73 89 136 137 140 264 266 267 276 277 281 421
Lie algebra structure 85 142
Lie algebra-valued fields 483
Lie algebra-valued forms 142
Lie bracket 94 142 434 441
Lie derivative 353 436
Lie group 36 37 39 41 47 63 66 67 84 89 90 139 189 206 208 211 213 258—260 264
Lie, S. 36
Light cone 47 48 49 50—52
Light rays 48
Line bundle 72 74 86 90 198 205 279 309 316 371 383 386 398 399 404 422 441
Linear differential operator 303
Linear field equation 242 418
Linear field theories 2 3 21 241
Linear Penrose transform 325 377
Linearly independent vector fields 15 198
Liouville's theorem 377 380 395
Local coordinates 8 14 22 78 82 85 105 143 305 306 320 322 339 428 453 478 482
Local model 477—479
Local representation 87 91 105 136
Local rings 475 411
Local trivialization 76 75 77 78
Local twistor transport 438
Local twistors 441
Locally constant section 304
Locally constant sheaves 182
Locally free C-modules 184 191
Locally free sheaf 174 342 382 465 466 483
Long exact cohomology sequence 196 355
Long Exact Sequence 161 195—197 213 317 318 345 383
Loop space 164
Lorentz group 47 60 67 287 473
Lorentz metric 215
Lorentz transformation 259 261 262 472
Lorentz, H.A. 45
Lorentzian manifold 122 212 218 473
Lorentzian signature 244 271 293 371
Lower half plane 55 62 356 358
MacCallum, M.A.H. 258 260 261 290 302 349 353 433 438
MacKichan, B. 363
Madore, J. 415
Magnetic charge 279 280 282 422
Magnetic charge density 280
Magnetic currents 279
Magnetic field 244 279 282 422
Magnetic monopoles 164
Magnetic pole 280 285 371 372 398 422 426 429
Magnetic pole solutions 279 409 429
Man ton, N.S. 423
Manifold 38
Manifold structure 39 75
Manin, Yu. I. 415 417 459 460 467 468 469 473 480 481 483 484
Martin, W.T. 54 55
Massless field 233 241 244 245 250 257 261 289 301 338 340 348 349 351 353 371 383 393- 404 418 434 446 447
Massless field equation 301—303 325 334 340 354 360 361 362 371 448
Massless free field 261 301 393 405 407 434 454
Massless free-field equations 292 293 351 397 454
Massless particles 47
Massless scalar field 242 421
Matrix group 40
Maximal ideal 475 478
Maxwell case 422
Maxwell equations 1 47 241 244 257 289
Maxwell field 250 254—257 265 279 404
Maxwell field strength 468
Maxwell Lagrangian 254 256
Maxwell potential 468
Maxwell spinor field 252
Maxwell theory 263—265 279 282
Maxwell — Dirac equations 256
Maxwell — Dirac field 255
Maxwell — Dirac Lagrangian 256
Maxwell — Dirac theory 263
McCarthy, P.J. 422
Metric 115 286 457
Metric rescalings 291
Metric tensor 287
Meyers, C. 422
Michelson, M.L. 209
Microlocal analysis 367
Miller, F.R. 454
Milnor, J.W. 213 235
Min-Oo 275
Minitwistor space 426 428 458
Minkowski conformal groups 52
Minkowski geometry 67
Minkowski inner product 46 47 66
Minkowski metric 61 271 449 450
Minkowski norm 47
Minkowski space 3 21 45—49 125 208 354 370 382 460 464 466 472 473 484
Minkowski space-time 258 260 264 267 269 270 288 353 387
Minkowski, H. 45
Mittag-Leffler, G. 166 188 189
Mitter, P.K. 275
Mixed spinor-tensor 247
Moduli space 410 414
Moebius transformation 51 52 59 62
Momentum space 1
Monad 415
Monad method 372 421 422 430
Monopole number 282 283
Monopole solution 282
Morphism 69 475
Morrow, J. 185 452
Multi-Taub-NUT metrics 296
Murray. M.K. 430
| Nahm equations 431 432
Nahm's construction 431 432
Nahm, W. 430
Negative flags 42 43
Negative frequency massless fields 367
Negative helicity 338—340 342 352
Negative helicity field 347
Negative helicity massless field equations 347
Negative helicity massless fields 352
Neutrino equation 450
Newlander — Nirenberg theorem 389
Newlander, A. 114
Nilpotent elements 162 411 460 476 479
Nirenberg, L. 114
Nohl, C. 276 278
Nomizu, K. 142 144
Non-Kaehler manifolds 449
Non-self-dual problems 459
Nonabelian gauge group 264
Nonabelian gauge theory 279
Nonabelian n-monopole field 282
Nonlinear graviton construction 434
Nonlinear plane wave 472
Nonnegative helicity 362
Nonsingular quadric surface 28
Nontrivial line bundles 195
Nonvacuum space 451
Nonvanishing n-form 386 387
Normal bundle 339 340 349 436 438 441 457 461 464
Nuclear forces 285
Null cone 30 47 51 259 260 353 367
Null cone structure 56 58 260
Null direction 377 379 387 470 472
Null lines 31 32 34 56 460 483
Null Maxwell spinor field 252
Null plane 32 34
Null vectors 44 377 453
Numerical indexed quantity 121 129
Numerical indices 121 128 129 132
O'Raifeartaigh, L. 430
Oiftbfd product 209
Oka, K. 193 194
Okonek, C. 402
Olive, D. 279 284
One-instanton solution 278
One-point compactification 10 272
Orbit 42
Ordinary differential equation 377 429
Orthogonal groups 208 236 237 391
Orthonormal frame 122 129 208
Orthonormal frame bundle 165 212
Osborn, H. 418
Panagopoulos, H. 431
Paracompact Hausdorff space 176 179 183
Parallel field 374
Parallel transport 144
Parity change 474 482
Partial differential equations 166 283 342 354 371
Particle Physics 473
Partition of unity 98 122 146 183 184 186 329 480
Path-ordered exponential integral 376
Pauli matrices 89 267 276 284 405 421
Penrose transform 3 171 233 301- 305 325 331 338 346—349 352 354 360 362 364 366 469 370 382 383 386 398 444 459 460 464 466 468 473 483
Penrose, R. 115 118 121 125 241 246 250 257 258 260 261 286- 294 302 310 311 321 343 347—350 353 366 393 422 433 434 438 441 448 470 472
Perry, M.J. 295
Perturbation analysis 270 271
Phase invariance 263
Physical fields 245
Planck's constant 242
Plucker embedding 26 27 29 32 56 460
Plucker, J. 1 7
Poincare group 47 258 259 261 271
Poincare Invariance 241 258 267
Poincare lemma 108 170 171
Poincare transformations 260—262
Poincare, H. 45 98 150 153 260
Polarization 200
Polking, J. 361 363
Polyakov, A.M. 283
Polyhedral surface 148
Pontrjagin classes 199
Pool, R. 463 466 468 470
Pope, C.N. 295
Positive flag 42
Positive frequency massless fields 367
Positive helicity 338
Potential 254 347 387
Prasad — Sommerfield solution 283 284 423 424
Prasad, M.K. 284 424 431
Presheaf 67
Prime ideals 478
Primed indices 247 406 448 450 453
Primed spin-bundle 405 443
Primed spin-space 246 442
Primed spinor 434 442 445 447
Principal bundle 68 88 89 90 139 140 208 212 217 265 278
Projective algebraic manifold 16 185
Projective line 65 67 338 345 378 460
Projective linear spaces 17
Projective primed spin-bundle 444 445
Projective space 1 3 7 9 10 11 12 18 19 23 65 86 112 163 186 192 196 310
Projective spinor 445
Projective twistor space 20 23 24 371 372 438
Pseudo-Riemannian manifolds 122 145 214 241 259 286
Pseudoparticle solution 278
Pullback bundle 208 304
Pullback mapping 97 328 360
Pullback sheaf 304 311 313
Pullback vector bundle 203 324
Quantum electrodynamics 263 285
Quantum field theory 1 46 263 270 271 284 285
Quantum gravity 294
quantum mechanics 19
Quantum-mechanical fluctuations 270
Quaternionic conjugation 210
Quaternionic structure 65 67
Quaternionic-Kaehler spaces 449
Quaternions 419—421
Quotient bundle 75 340
Quotient sheaf 172 339
Quotient stalk 340
Quotient topology 10
R-gauge 403 409
Rajaraman, R.J. 285
Range, R. 342
Rational curve 430 436 445
Rational holomorphic curves 457
Rational mappings 61
Rawnsley, J.H. 393 417
Real cohomology groups 160
Real compactified Minkowski space 361
Real conformal weights 309
Real form 387 389 390 391 392 417
Real gauge field 409
Real lines 65 388 416
Real manifold 208 275 410
Real Minkowski space 21 301 302 361 362
Real points 65
Real projective space 10 162 163
Real space-time 311
Real structure 416 428 433 457
Real submanifold 9 61
Real tangent bundle 101 102 114
Real-analytic Dolbeault group 361
Real-analytic function 355 356 360
Real-analytic germs 72
Real-analytic manifold 36 359
Real-analytic p-forms 360
Real-analytic solution 354 361 362
Real-analytic tangential Dolbeault group 362
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