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Chandrasekhar S. — Liquid Crystals |
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Fluctuations, director fluctuations in smectic C 367
Fluctuations, lattice fluctuations in the columnar phase 397—398
Fluctuations, layer fluctuations in smectic A 312—314
Fluctuations, Peierls-Landau instability 312—314 398
Fluctuations, pretransitional fluctuations, near the cholesteric-isotropic transition 289—293
Fluctuations, pretransitional fluctuations, near the nematic-isotropic transition 66—68
Fluctuations, pretransitional fluctuations, near the smectic A-cholesteric transition 349
Fluctuations, pretransitional fluctuations, near the smectic A-nematic transition 342
Fluctuations, pretransitional fluctuations, near the smectic C smectic A transition 371
Fluctuations, pretransitional fluctuations, near the smectic C-nematic transition 378
Frank constants see “Under elastic constants”
Free energy of elastic deformation see “Continuum theory”
Free standing monodomain smectic films, studies on 360—364
Freedericksz effect in nematics, dynamical theory 161—167
Freedericksz effect in nematics, static theory 98—101
Freedericksz effect in smectic C 365
Freely suspended monodomain discotic strands, studies on 389—393
Ginsburg criterion 371
Ginsburg-Pitaevskii equation 373
Goldstone mode in ferroelectric (smectic C*) liquid crystals 382—384
Grandjean-Cano pattern 219 257—258 349
Hard particle theories, Andrew's method 37
Hard particle theories, Flory's lattice model 36
Hard particle theories, hard rods with semiflexible tails 37
Hard particle theories, Onsager's theory 31
Hard particle theories, scaled particle theory 36—37
Hard particle theories, stiffening of the tails as a mechanism for reentrance 357—358
Hard particle theories, summary of theories 37 411
Hard particle theories, Zwanzig's model 31—36
Helfrich deformation in cholesterics (square grid pattern) 281—289
Helfrich deformation in columnar liquid crystals 400
Helfrich deformation in smectic A 314—315
Helfrich walls 135
Helfrich's model of permeation 270—271 321
Helfrich's theory of electrohydrodynamic instabilities in nematics 181—187
Hexatic phases 6
Hexatic phases, normal and tilted types 301
Hexatic phases, X-ray studies of the degree of bond-orientational ordering 360—364
Homeotropic orientation 6 106
Homogeneous (or planar) orientation 6 104—105
Homogeneous (or planar) orientation, orienting effect of grooves 104—105
Hybrid models: hard rods with a superposed attractive potential 60—61
Hydrodynamics of liquid crystals general formulation by Martin, Parodi and Pershan 319 367—368
Hydrodynamics of nematics, cholesterics, smectics and discotics see “Continuum theory” “Flow
Induced discotic phases 12
Induced smectic phases 358
Isotherms 22—24 37 73
Landau-de Gennes model 613
Landau-Ginsburg free energy 342
Landau-Ginsburg parameter 358
Laser light beating spectroscopy 177 319 321 367
Lennard-Jones potential 21 22
Leslie coefficients 97—98 260
Lifshitz point 374—375
Light scattering, columnar liquid crystals 400
Light scattering, nematics, dependence on temperature 59—60
Light scattering, nematics, depolarization 171
Light scattering, nematics, determination of elastic constants 172 347
Light scattering, nematics, determination of viscosity coefficients 176
Light scattering, nematics, eigenmodes and power spectrum 172—177
Light scattering, nematics, intensity and angular dependence 170—172
Light scattering, nematics, orientational vs density fluctuations 171
Light scattering, nematics, scattering from the free surface 82—83
Light scattering, nematics, scattering from the isotropic phase 66—68
Light scattering, smectic A, contribution of the undulation modes 317—322
Light scattering, smectic A, determination of the damping rate 320—322
Light scattering, smectic C, angular dependence of the intensity and damping rate 366—367
Liquid crystal display devices see “Applications”
Living systems 14
Lyotropic systems, aerosol-OT-water system 12
Lyotropic systems, plant virus preparations 8
Lyotropic systems, poly-y-benzyl-glutamate in organic solvents 13 113—114 217—218
Lyotropic systems, sufractant-water compositions, soaps 8 12
Lyotropic systems, types of molecular packing 12—14
Magnetic birefringence (Cotton-Mouton constant) 62—67
Magnetic coherence length 101 135 194 278 312
Magnetic field effects in cholesterics cholesteric-nematic (unwinding) transition 277—280
Magnetic field effects in cholesterics square grid pattern 281—6 see also “Electric field induced distortions”
Magnetoclinic effect 371—372
Maier-Saupe theory of nematics 38—51 70—71
Maier-Saupe theory of nematics, applications, binary mixtures 51
Maier-Saupe theory of nematics, applications, dependence of elastic constants on the order parameter 57—60
Maier-Saupe theory of nematics, applications, dielectric anisotropy 51—56
Maier-Saupe theory of nematics, applications, odd-even effect 47—51
Maier-Saupe theory of nematics, extension of the theory to cholesterics 298
Maier-Saupe theory of nematics, extension of the theory to discotics 394—397
Maier-Saupe theory of nematics, extension of the theory to smectic A (McMillan's model) 302—309
Maier-Saupe theory of nematics, limitations of the theory 47—49 70—71
Mauguin-Oseen-de Vries model 237—241
MBBA, backflow effects 165
MBBA, disclination patterns 122
MBBA, electrohydrodynamic distortions 180 183—184
MBBA, flexoelectric coefficients 207—209
MBBA, flow birefringence 71
MBBA, heats of transition 26
MBBA, light scattering studies, in nematic phase 60
MBBA, light scattering studies, in the isotropic phase 67—68
MBBA, magnetic birefringence 64
MBBA, mixtures with cholesterics, dependence of pitch on composition 298
MBBA, molecular orientation at free surface 83
MBBA, oblique rolls in electrohydrodynamic patterns 211
MBBA, roll instability threshold 198
MBBA, thermal instability 202 205
MBBA, torque in a rotating magnetic field 148
MBBA, transverse pressure and secondary flow 158
MBBA, viscosity (or Leslie) coefficients 155
MBBA, volume change at transition 26
McMillan's model of smectic A 302—309
Melting of inert gas crystals, Lennard-Jones and Devonshire model 17—19
Melting of molecular crystals, Pople-Karasz model 19—27
Mesomorphic groups, Hermann's classification 8
Mesomorphism, thermotropic and lyotropic 1
Metallomesogens 389 414
Miesowicz's viscosity coefficients 144—145 155
Miscibility criterion 300
Molecular field 38
Molecular flexibility 37 41 48—52 see
Molecular statistical theories, cholesterics 298
Molecular statistical theories, discotics 394—397
Molecular statistical theories, nematics 17—61 71—80
Molecular statistical theories, smectic A 302—309
Molecular statistical theories, smectic C 364
Monotropic transition 14 16 379
Multicritical point, nematic-smectic A-smectic C (NAC) 374—378
Multicritical point, nematic-smectic A-smectic C (NAC), Chen-Lubensky model 375—378
Multicritical point, nematic-smectic A-smectic C (NAC), high resolution X-ray calorimetric and light scattering studies 378
Multicritical point, nematic-smectic A-smectic C (NAC), topology of phase diagram in the temperature-concentration and pressure-temperature planes 374 376
Near neighbour correlations, antiparallel (or antiferroelectric) correlation 75—78
Near neighbour correlations, Bethe approximation 71
Near neighbour correlations, correlation lacking a centre of inversion 289
Near neighbour correlations, Krieger-James approximation 72—73
Near neighbour correlations, short range order parameter 75
Nematic liquid crystals 1—3 8—10
Nematic-isotropic transition, Bethe approximation 71—80
Nematic-isotropic transition, effect of pressure 27—30 46—47
Nematic-isotropic transition, Landau-de Gennes model 61—63
Nematic-isotropic transition, latent heat 15—16 26 47
Nematic-isotropic transition, Maier-Saupe theory 38—48
Nematic-isotropic transition, molecular statistical theories 17—48
Nematic-isotropic transition, pressure-induced mesomorphism 28—30
Nematic-isotropic transition, short range order effects 61—70
Nematic-isotropic transition, volume change 26 45
Nematics as solvents 39 146
Nematics, dynamic effects 161—167
Nematics, effect on electrohydrodynamic, hydrodynamic and thermal instabilities 179 194 196 201 205
Nematics, rotating magnetic field 144—148
Nematics, static effects 98—104 106—109 152—155
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies 39 61 308—309 392
Odd-even effect 48 51
Onsager's reciprocal relations 69 94
| Onsager's theory of dielectric polarization 52
Onsager's theory of the hard rod fluid 31
Optical properties of cholesterics, absorbing systems 220—222 232—236
Optical properties of cholesterics, analogy with Darwin's dynamical theory of X-ray diffraction 222—232
Optical properties of cholesterics, Borrmann effect 232—236
Optical properties of cholesterics, equivalence of the continuum and dynamical theories 241—245
Optical properties of cholesterics, exact solution of the wave equation: the Mauguin Oseen-de Vries model 237—241
Optical properties of cholesterics, oblique incidence 245—247
Optical properties of cholesterics, propagation along the helical axis 213—245
Optical properties of cholesterics, propagation normal to the helical axis 247—248
Optical properties of cholesterics, rotatory power, reflectivity and circular dichroism as functions of wavelength, pitch and sample thickness 217—220 227—232 239—241
Optical textures, cholesterics, droplets with a -line of strength 2 442
Optical textures, cholesterics, fingerprint texture 255—256
Optical textures, cholesterics, Grandjean-Cano pattern 258
Optical textures, cholesterics, helical configurations of disclination pairs 143 249—251
Optical textures, columnar liquid crystals, texture showing two orthogonal disclinations 410
Optical textures, nematics, disclination loops 127—128
Optical textures, nematics, schlieren textures (structures a noyaux) 6 30 117—120 365 412
Optical textures, nematics, singular points 129—132
Optical textures, nematics, threads 7—8
Optical textures, nematics, umbilics 136—138
Optical textures, smectic A, batonnets 30 333
Optical textures, smectic A, fan-shaped and polygonal textures 9 331
Optical textures, smectic A, focal conic textures 9 30 327—333
Optical textures, smectic A, stepped drop (goutte a gradins) 332
Optical textures, smectic A, toric domains 329
Optical textures, smectic C, edge dislocations 370
Optical textures, smectic C, toric domains 329
Order parameter, complex order parameter, smectic A 340
Order parameter, complex order parameter, smectic C 370
Order parameter, orientational order parameter, from polarized Raman studies 48—49
Order parameter, orientational order parameter, curves 40 45 75 77 303—305 308—309
Order parameter, orientational order parameter, definition 38—41
Order parameter, orientational order parameter, experimental determination of 39—40 308—309
Order parameter, orientational order parameter, short range order parameter 74—75 77
Order parameter, orientational order parameter, variation near an interface 82 211
Order parameter, positional order parameter in melting theory 23—24
Order parameter, translational order parameter, amplitude of one-dimensional density wave (smectic A) 303—305 307 340
Order parameter, translational order parameter, density wave in two dimensions (columnar phase) 395
Orientation distribution function in MBBA derived from Raman studies 49
Oseen's equation of motion for the director 87
Oseen-Zoecker-Frank elasticity equations 94—97
p-azoxyanisole see “PAA”
p-azoxyphenetole see “PAP”
PAA, comparison of properties with hard rod and hybrid model calculations 37 60
PAA, dielectric constants 53
PAA, dielectric dispersion 56
PAA, dipole moment 55
PAA, electrohydrodynamic distortions 178
PAA, flow birefringence 69—71
PAA, heat of transition and volume change 26
PAA, Leslie coefficients 150
PAA, light scattering studies 59 66—68 83 172 176
PAA, lines of constant order parameter vs. ln V and ln T 46
PAA, magnetic and electric birefringence 62—65
PAA, Miesowicz coefficients 146
PAA, molar volume at the transition 44
PAA, molecular orientation at the free surface 83
PAA, molecular structure 15
PAA, orientational order parameter 27 40
PAA, P-T diagram and other pressure studies 28 46
PAA, PA A + cholesteryl nonanoate, Borrmann effect in 236
PAA, Poiseuille flow 150—153
PAA, surface tension 81
PAA, torque in a rotating magnetic field (Tsvetkov's experiment) 148
PAA, transitions 15
PAA, twist elastic constant 104 see also “4 4'-di-n-alkoxyazoxybenzenes”
PAP, heat of transition and volume change 26
PAP, light scattering studies 59
PAP, Miesowicz coefficients 146
PAP, orientational order parameter 27
PAP, twist elastic constant 104 see also “4 4'-di-n-alkoxyazoxybenzenes”
Parodi's relation 93 98
Penetration depth 314 322 342 398
Phase diagrams 28—29 291 295 306 353—356 376 397
Planar structure see “Homogeneous orientation”
Plastic crystals 22
Poiseuille flow 148—152 157—159 268—269 270—273
Polymorphism in smectic A 350—352
Polymorphism in smectic C 364—365
Polymorphism in thermotropics 14—16
Pressure studies 27—29 46—47 297 356 372 374—376
Pretransition effects in the vicinity of cholesteric-isotropic transition: anomalous optical rotation in the isotropic phase 289—293
Pretransition effects in the vicinity of cholesteric-isotropic transition: coherence lengths 293
Pretransition effects in the vicinity of nematic-isotropic transition: Bethe approximation 71—80
Pretransition effects in the vicinity of nematic-isotropic transition: coherence length 68
Pretransition effects in the vicinity of nematic-isotropic transition: flow birefringence 69—71
Pretransition effects in the vicinity of nematic-isotropic transition: Landau-de Gennes model 61—63
Pretransition effects in the vicinity of nematic-isotropic transition: light scattering studies 66—68
Pretransition effects in the vicinity of nematic-isotropic transition: magnetic and electric birefringence 63—66 see also “Near neighbour correlations”
Pretransition effects in the vicinity of smectic A-cholesteric transition: analogy with the behaviour of a superconductor in a magnetic field 348—349
Pretransition effects in the vicinity of smectic A-cholesteric transition: critical divergence of the pitch 349—350
Pretransition effects in the vicinity of smectic A-nematic transition: critical divergence of twist and bend elastic constants 343
Pretransition effects in the vicinity of smectic A-nematic transition: critical divergence of viscosity coefficients 345
Pretransition effects in the vicinity of smectic A-nematic transition: critical exponents 347
Pretransition effects in the vicinity of smectic A-nematic transition: high resolution X-ray, light scattering, specific heat and other studies 347
Pretransition effects in the vicinity of smectic A-nematic transition: Landau-Ginsburg description 341—342
Pretransition effects in the vicinity of smectic A-nematic transition: longitudinal and transverse coherence lengths 343
Pretransition effects in the vicinity of smectic C*-smectic A transition: critical variation of the frequencies, dielectric strengths and viscosities associated with the soft mode and Goldstone mode 384
Pretransition effects in the vicinity of smectic C*-smectic A transition: generalized Landau theory 386
Pretransition effects in the vicinity of smectic C*-smectic A transition: temperature dependence of tilt angle, polarization, pitch, electroclinic effect, dielectric constant 381—383
Pretransition effects in the vicinity of smectic C-nematic transition: Chen-Lubensky model 374—378
Pretransition effects in the vicinity of smectic C-nematic transition: critical divergence of the splay, twist and bend constants 378
Pretransition effects in the vicinity of smectic C-smectic A transition: Landau mean field description 370—372
Pretransition effects in the vicinity of smectic C-smectic A transition: transition induced by layer compression 372
Pretransition effects in the vicinity of smectic C-smectic A transition: variation of tilt angle, specific heat, magnetoclinic effect near the transition 370—372
Raman scattering studies, determination of the orientational order parameter 48—49
Reentrant phenomenon: in binary mixtures of polar compounds 355
Reentrant phenomenon: in discotics 394
Reentrant phenomenon: in non-polar materials 358
Reentrant phenomenon: in pure polar compounds at elevated pressures 356
Reentrant phenomenon: molecular models 357
Reentrant phenomenon: multiple reentrance 357
Rotational transitions in crystals 19
Second sound 324—326 402 404
Shear flow 69 152—157 195—201 274—277 383
Shear waves, reflexion of 159—161
Short-range order see “Near neighbour correlations” “Pretransition
Smectic A 6 301 341
Smectic A* or the twist grain boundary phase: example of a compound which shows this phase 359
Smectic A* or the twist grain boundary phase: structure of smectic A* 359
Smectic A* or the twist grain boundary phase: X-ray and optical studies 359—360
Smectic A, absence of true long range translational order 321
Smectic A, high resolution X-ray scattering studies 313—314
Smectic A, polymorphic forms of smectic A and transitions between them 351—355 see “Defects” “Optical
Smectic A-nematic transition: complex order parameter 340
Smectic A-nematic transition: influence of twist and bend distortions on the transition 358—359
Smectic A-nematic transition: McMillan's molecular model 302—309
Smectic A-nematic transition: phenomenological theory 340—341
Smectic A-nematic transition: review of theoretical situation and its comparison with experiment 347
Smectic A-nematic transition: tricritical point 309 341
Smectic C*-smectic A transition, generalized Landau theory 386 see
Smectic C*: applications optical modulators 386—387
Smectic C*: applications surface stabilized ferroelectric LCDs 386—387
Smectic C*: applications tunable colour filters 386—387
Smectic C*: description of the structure and the origin of ferroelectricity 378—380
Smectic C*: director modes, the soft mode and the Goldston mode 382
Smectic C*: electric field effects 380
Smectic C*: electroclinic effect 380
Smectic C*: measurements of the tilt angle, spontaneous polarization, pitch, dielectric constant and dispersion 381—383
Smectic C*: optical properties 379
Smectic C*: rotational viscosity measurements 382—383
Smectic C-smectic A transition: complex order parameter and the helium analogy 370
Smectic C-smectic A transition: Landau mean field theory 370—371 see also “Under pretransition effects”
Smectic C: molecular models 364
Smectic C: optical biaxiality 363
Smectic C: polymorphic forms in polar systems 365
Smectic C: structure and symmetry 362
Smectic C: temperature dependence of tilt angle 363
Smectic C: tilt and bond orientational order 363—364 see also “Under continuum theory” “Defects” “Textures”
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