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Naber G.L. — The geometry of Minkowski spacetime: an introduction to the mathematics of the special theory of relativity |
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Orthogonal transformations, and fractional linear transformations 74—87
Orthogonal transformations, and homeomorphisms 225
Orthogonal transformations, associated matrices 13
Orthogonal transformations, invariant null directions 85
Orthogonal transformations, orthochronous 66
Orthogonality 7
Orthogonality of null vectors 10
Orthogonality of spacelike and null vectors 63
Orthogonality of spacelike vectors 63
Orthogonality with timelike vectors 16
Orthonormal basis 8
Outer product 175
P-continuous curve 219
P-continuous curve, characterized as Feynman paths 220
P-continuous curve, vs E-continuous curves 219
P-continuous curve, vs timelike curves 219
P-open set 215
P-open set, not E-open 216
Paradox, barn 45
Paradox, twin 40 60
Parity nonconservation 209
Particle, charged 100
Particle, free 93
Particle, free charged 100
Particle, material 87
Passive transformation 79
Past null cone 17
Past null direction, 80
Past time cone 17
Past-directed, null curve 52
Past-directed, null vector 17
Past-directed, timelike curve 52
Past-directed, timelike vector 17
Path 230
Path connected 221 230
Path topology 215
Path topology, base for 216
Path topology, homeomorphisms of 224 225
Path topology, topological properties of 218 219 221
Path, inverse of 230
Path, products 230
Pauli spin matrices 75 178
Phase factor 191
Photon 1 90
Photon, direction 3-vector of 90
Photon, energy 90
Photon, frequency 90
Photon, propagation of 3
Photon, wavelength 91
Photon, world momentum of 90
Photon, worldline 90
Pions 39
Planck's constant 91
Poincare group 21
Point event 1
Poynting 3-vector 119
Principal null directions 115 117 121 198 206
Product path 230
Proper mass 88
Proper spatial separation 61
Proper time function (parameter) 55
Proper time length 52
Proper time separation 48
Pythagorean Theorem 63
Quadratic form 7
quantum mechanics 143 150 208 209
Raising indices 172 176
Rank, contravariant 148—150 169
Rank, covariant 148—150 169
Real projective n-space 234 235
Real projective n-space, fundamental group of 234 23
Region in 126
Regular electromagnetic field 201
Relative 3-momentum 88
Relativistic electron 143 238 239
Relativistic energy 89
Relativistic mass 88
Relativity of 25 34—38
Relativity of simultaneity 25 34—38
Relativity principle 6
Representations 143 146 147
Representations, carriers of 146 147
Representations, equivalent 151
Representations, irreducible 151 169
Representations, reducible 151 169
Representations, spinor 153
Representations, two-valued 150 152
Reversed Schwartz inequality 48
Reversed triangle inequality 49 50
Riemann sphere 79—81
Rigidity 43
Robb's Theorem 62
Rocket twin 51 60
Rotation group 236
Rotation in 22
Rotation subgroup of 22
Schur's lemma 151
Schwartz Inequality for 10
Schwartz Inequality, reversed 48
Signals 3
Simply connected 231
Simultaneity 25
Simultaneous 6 25 34—38
Skew-symmetric 177 178
Skew-symmetric bilinear form 128
Skew-symmetric linear transformation 101
Skew-symmetric linear transformation, null 107 201
Skew-symmetric linear transformation, regular 107 201
Skew-symmetrization 178
Smooth assignment 126
Smooth real-valued function 126
Smooth vector field 127
| Spacelike displacement 61
Spacelike vector 12
Spatial coordinates 1
Special linear group 75
Special Lorentz transformation 27
Special Lorentz transformation, hyperbolic form of 29
speed of light 3
Speed of material particles 29
Spin 143 208
Spin covector 164
Spin frame 161 162
Spin space 161
Spin transformation 75
Spin vector 161
Spinor 143 152 160 161 168
Spinor equivalent of a bilinear form 202
Spinor equivalent of a bivector 189
Spinor equivalent of a covector 185
Spinor equivalent of a vector 180
Spinor equivalent of a world tensor 207
Spinor equivalent of differential operators 207
Spinor equivalent of Levi—Civita symbols 207
Spinor equivalent of the dual of a bivector 207
Spinor equivalent of the Lorentz inner product 203
Spinor map 75 77 151 238 239
Spinor representations 153
Spinor representations, type of 153
Spinor, components of 168 174
Spinor, conjugate 177
Spinor, contravariant indices of 169
Spinor, covariant indices of 169
Spinor, dotted indices of 168
Spinor, electromagnetic 196
Spinor, equivalents See spinor equivalent
Spinor, essential two-valuedness of 19 226 227
Spinor, form of Maxwell's equations 208
Spinor, Hermitian 177
Spinor, lower indices of 168
Spinor, symmetric 177 178
Spinor, undotted indices of 168
Spinor, upper indices of 168
Spinor, valence of 168
Spinor-covector 181
Spinorial object 150 226 239
Standard configuration 27
Stress tensor 119
Subgroup 146
Subgroup of C 28
Subgroup of transformations 21
Summation convention x-xi
Symmetric linear transformation 118
Symmetrization 178
Synchronization 2 3
Synchronization, lack of 40
Temporal order 4 18 61
Tensor product 148—149
Tensorial objects 237
Terminal point on a worldline 94
Time axis 47
Time cone 17
Time coordinates 10
Time dilation 24 39
Time in units of distance 3
Time orientation 17 18
Timelike curve, E-continuous 212
Timelike curve, smooth 52
Timelike straight line 47
Timelike vector 12
Timelike vector, future-directed 17
Timelike vector, past-directed 17
Timelike worldline 52
Topological manifold 230
Topological manifold, products of 231
Topology, Euclidean (or E-) 211 212
Topology, fine 211
Topology, path (or P-) 215
Total relativistic energy 89
Total world momentum 93
Trace 118
Trace free 118
Transformation equations 4 5
Transformation matrix 145
Translation 5 66
Translation of a light ray 67
Translation of a light ray, lifts of 68
Twin paradox 40 60
Uniformly moving charge 135
Unit vector 8
Unitary matrix 78
Universal covering manifold 233
Vector field 127
Vector field, components of 127
Vector field, smooth 127
Velocity 3-vector 22
Velocity parameter 29
Velocity vector 51
Version 237
Wave equation 141
Wave function 150 227 239
Wavelength of a photon 91
Weak interactions 209
Weyl 1
Weyl, neutrino equation 208
World acceleration 56
World momentum of a material particle 88
World momentum of a photon 90
World tensors 144 148—150 160
World vectors 178
World velocity 56
Worldline 1
Worldline of a material particle 52
Worldline of a photon 90
Zeeman's Theorem 4 20 65 66 74 224 225
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