Авторизация |
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Lauwerier H.A. — Calculus of variations in mathematical physics |
Предметный указатель |
Arzela — Ascoli criterion 38
Banach space, definition of 35
Banach space, functions on 41—43
Bernoulli, James 20
Bernoulli, John 20
Bessel, inequality of 46
Brachistochrone problem 20—24 61 68
Catenary problem 25—28
Direct methods 89—98
Eigenvalue problem 91 92
Euler's equations 16—19
Euler's equations, brachistochrone problem 22 23
Euler's equations, catenary problem 26
Euler's equations, functions of higher order 58
Euler's equations, geodesic 55
Euler, L. 20
Extremals, broken 24 81—83
Extremals, definition of 16
Fourier series, coefficients of 45
Fourier series, general case of 90
Fourier series, special case of 33 34
Functional(s), bilinear 38
Functional(s), linear 38
Functional(s), of higher order 58 59
Functional(s), on a Banach space 41—43
Functional(s), on a Hilbert space 49—53
Functional(s), quadratic 38
Functional(s), twice differentiable 42
Geodesies 55 56
Hamilton's principle 56 57 67—71
Hilbert space 44—48
Hilbert space, definition of 45
Inner product 44
Kepler's second law 57 88
L'Hospital 20
Lagrange equation of motion 68 70
Lagrange multipliers 7 8
Lagrange multipliers for catenary problem 26 27
Laplace equation 65 66
Least action, principle of 69
Legendre, condition of 32
| Legendre, theorem of 32
Linear normed space 35—40
Linear normed space, definition of 35
Lower semi-continuous sfunctional 94
Minimal surface 22—24
Natural boundary conditions 60 61 65
Neighbouring curve 15
Newton, I. 20
Noether's theorem 84—88
Norm, definition of 35
Operator, linear 49—53
Operator, symmetric 50
Orthogonal complements 44
Orthogonal elements 44
Orthogonal set 44
Parseval relation 45 46
Pendulum 71
Quadratic form 5 6
Riess, F., theorem of 47 48
Saddle points 5
Second variation 29—34
Sequence, convergence of 35—37
Sequence, fundamental 35
Sequence, minimizing 93—98
Set (in linear normed space), compact, definition of 37
Set (in linear normed space), equicontinuous 37 38
Stationary points, definition of 2
Torricelli, point of 9
Variable end points 60 61
Variation, first 15—17
Variation, first, definition of 30 41
Variation, general 85
Variation, general, definition of 38
Variation, second 29—34
Variation, second, definition of 30 43
Variational problem (see contents), for more than one variable 62—66
Variational problem (see contents), simplest 15—19
Vibrating membrane 78 79 90
Vibrating rod 79 80
Vibrating string 75—78 92
Weierstrass theorem 1 39
Weierstrass — Erdmann condition 82 83
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