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Axens — HP's Petrochemical Processes 2005
Axens — HP's Petrochemical Processes 2005

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Название: HP's Petrochemical Processes 2005

Автор: Axens


Hydrocarbon Processing's Petrochemical Processes 2005 handbooks reflect the dynamic advancements now available in licensed process technologies, catalysts and equipment. The petrochemical industry continues to apply energy-conserving, environmentally friendly, cost-effective solutions to produce products that improve the quality ot everyday life. The global petrochemical industry is innovative—putting knowledge into action to create new products that service the needs of current and future markets.
HPS Petrochemical Processes 2005 handbooks are inclusive catalogs ot established and emerging licensed technologies that can be applied to existing and grassroots facilities. Economic stresses drive efforts to conserve energy, minimize waste, improve product qualities and, most important, increase yields and create new products.
A full spectrum of licensed petrochemical technologies is featured. These include manu-facturing processes tor olefins, aromatics, polymers, acids/salts, aldehydes, ketones, nitrogen compounds, chlorides and cyclo-compounds. Over 30 licensing companies have submitted process flow diagrams and informative process descriptions that include economic data, operating conditions, number of commercial installations and more.
To maintain as complete a listing as possible, the Petrochemical Processes 2005 handbook is available on CD-ROM and at our website to certain subscribers. Additional copies ot the Petrochemical Processes 2005 handbook may be ordered from our website.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 209

Добавлена в каталог: 02.10.2009

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