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Поиск по указателям |
Smyth C.P. — Dielectric behavior and structure: dielectric constant and loss, dipole moment and molecular structure |
Предметный указатель |
Dunitz, J. D. 387 389
Dunning, W. J. 393
Dunsmuir, R. 216
DuPrS, F. K. 70 180
Durenes 327
Dyes, polymethine 347-354
Earl, J. C. 347
Eckstein, B. 48
Eddy, C. R. 82
Edestin 395 400
Edsall, J. T. 392 399
Egg albumin 393 397 401
Eguchi, M. 198 199
Ehrenfest, P. 141
Eisenlohr, F. 407
Electric moment 2 (see also “Dipole moment)
Electro ts 198-201
Electrolytes 90-95 406 407
Electronegativity 230 239 245-247
Elle, D. 92
Ellefeen, G. 275
Elliott, N. 379
Ellipsoidal molecule 113
Emde, F. 37
Empty-guide wavelengths 218
Engel, E. W. 134 413
Engel, L. 326
Entropy of fusion 160 170 171
Entropy of transition 170
Entropy, of activation 63
Epoxybutene 298
Errera, J. 81 96 98 134 136 174 231 418 419
Esau, A. 102
Esters 121 123 166 304-309
Estok, G. K. 328
ethane 261
Etherates 378
Ethers 297-300 319
Ethoxyacetylene 298
Ethyl -aminobenzoate 328
Ethyl alcohol 76 81 82 89 106 109 110 133 302
Ethyl benzoate 125
Ethyl Bromide 9 80 124 133
Ethyl chloride 133 270
Ethyl ether 76 88 89 297 419
Ethyl iodide 80 133
Ethyl isocyanate 284
Ethyl isocyanide 283
Ethyl isothiocyanate 285
Ethyl undecylate 154
Ethylacetylene 268
Ethylbutadiene 265
Ethylcyclobutane 262
Ethylcyclohexane 262
Ethylcyclopropane 262
ethylene 76 277
Ethylene bromide 126 358
Ethylene chloride 126 355 356 358
Ethylene chlorobromide 358
Ethylene cyanide 366 (see also “Succinonitrile”)
Ethylene oxide 298
Ethylpentane 412
Eubank, L. D. 82
Eucken, A. 239
Eugenol 76
Evans, H. T. 198
Exaltation 408
Eykitian, J. F. 404
Eyring equation 234
Eyring, H. 21 61 119 128 160 234 242 312 359 387
Eyster, E. H. 284
F rth, R. 90 91 202
F&irbrother, F. 389
Fajane, K. 403 406 407 412 413
Falckenberg, G. 77
Falkenhagen, H. 91
Fanelli, R. 387
Farmer, R. H. 326
Fatty acids 84 (see also “Monocarboxylic acids”)
Ferguson, A. L. 239 376
Ferric chloride 389
Ferroelectric effect 20 191-198
Ferry, J. D. 187 398
Few, A. V. 328
Field, internal 38 50
Field, Lorentz 8 37 50
Field, Onsager 23
Field, Powles 60
Field, R. F. 213
Finn, A. E. 417
Fischer, E. 110-114
Fitzgerald, E. R. 187
Fluoride ion 412
Fluorine 413
Fluoro-2-chloroethane 365
Fluorobenzene 277
Fluorosilane 381
Foley, H. M. 241
force constant 4 420
Formaldehyde 289 291
Formamide 87
Formic acid 85 305
Fowler, R. H. 21 141 169 192
Fr hlich, H. 4 6 29 38 54 67 137 169 175 176
Francke, C. 77
Franeau, J. 217
Frank equation 46 47 49 50
Frank, F. C. 43 46 48 61 111 169 175
Franklin, A. D. 70 125 127 220 224 393
Fraser, R. G. J. 221
Fredenhagen, K. 87
Frei, H. 200
Freiser, H. 344 346
Frenkel, J. 28
Frenkel, Y. 141
Freundlich, H. 96
Fricke, R. 97 98
Friediger, A. 344 347
Frood, D. G. 36
Fuchs, O. 82 222 241
Fulvenes 267
Fuoss and Kirkwood equation 65
Fuoss, R. M. 54 65 181 182 184-186 189 374
Furan 300
Gallium chloride 380
Garliek, G. F. J. 139
Gauche structures 361
Gaussian error distribution 66
Geddes, I. A. 377
Gelatin 401
Gemant, A. 104 199 200
Gent, W. L. G. 242
Gevers, M. 70 180
Gibbs, J. H. 210 273 372 419
Giebe, E. 213
Gillette, R. H. 284
Gilman, H. 337
Ginsburg, S. R. 382 388
Girard, P. 105 107 109
Gladstone, J. H. 404
Glasses, inorganic 179-181
Glasstone, S. 61 119 128 173 312 326
Glucose 179
Glycerol 76 88 100 101 111 179
Glycine 90 392-394 401
Glycine ethyl ester 392
Glycol dialkyl ethers 372
Glycols 372
Goebel, H. L. 292
Goethals, C. A. 342
| Goldammer, R. 102
Golding, E. W. 211
Gordy, W. 215 220 221 283
Gormley, J. F. 87
Goss equation 43 45
Goss, P. R. 42 43
Govinda Rau equation 41
Green, R. L. 180
Greene, E. W. 358
Greenwood, N. N. 79
Grenacher, M. 77
Groetzinger, G. 200
Groos, O. 102
Gross, B. 199 201
Gross, P. M. 85 274 303 319
Gross, P. M., Jr. 90 205 211 399
Grossman, A. J. 382 386 388
Group moments 252-254
Groves, L. G. 253 256 258 262 269 270 286 315
Guggenheim equation 40 225
Guggenheim, E. A. 39 40 225
Gundermann, H. 89
Gunther, P. 156
Gutmann, F. 198 201
Gutoweki, H. S. 132 156
Gwinn, W. D. 360 361 364-366
H felin, J. 108 109
H jendahl, K. 81
Hablutzel, J. 194
Hackel, W. 102 110
Haga, T. 366
Haggis, G. H. 94 95 401
Hague, B. 211
Halford, R. S. 133
Halowax 101
Halverstadt and Kumler equation 224 227
Halverstadt, I. F. 28 79 224 227
Hamann, S. I). 76
Hammick, D. L. 295
Hamon, B. V. 165
Hampson, G. C. 250 295 326 328 336 338-340 417
Hannay, N. B. 12 189 190 247 264 265 278 292 295 302 388
Harris, F. K. 211
Hartshorn, L. 183 204 208 211 214
Hassei, O. 275 389
Hasted, J. B. 89 92 94 95 127 128 217 401
Haven, Y. 138
Havens, R. 241
Havestadt, L. 97
Heat, of fusion 160
Heat, of transition 160
Heat, per cycle 73
Heat, per second 72
Heaviside, O. 198
Hedberg, K. 387 389
Hedestrand, G. 22 28 79 224
Helium II 78
Hemoglobin 400
Hendricks, S. B. 331
Hennelly, E. J. 27 32 57 68 70 78 114-118 120 219 220 224 393
Henrion, J. 102 114
Henriquez equation 39
Henriquez, P. C. 39
Henvis, B. W. 138
Heptachloropropane 274
Heptanes 418
Herold, W. 82
Herrmann, K. 199
Hertel, E. 329
Herweg, J. 88
Herzberg, G. 311
Herzfeld, K. F. 233 236 331 332
Heston, W. M, Jr. 27 32 57 68 70 78 114-118 120 125 130 206 219 220 224 393
Heterocharge 199
Heterodyne beat method 209
Hexachloropropene 278
Hexadecyl alcohol 163 164
Hexadecyl bromide 116
Hexadecyl chloride 114
Hexadecyl ether 166
Hexamethylbenzene 134
Hexamethyldisiloxane 382
Hexane 88 419
Hexyl alcohol 76
Heymann, E. 96
Heyne, G. 380
Higasi equation 43-46 48
Higasi, K 40 43 46 357 364
High-frequency methods 214
Hill, R. A. W. 347
Hirschfelder, J. O. 160
Hitchcock, C. S. 78 127 134 140 158 160 171 172
Hobbs equation 47
Hobbs, M. E. 47 51 85 210 274 303 319
Hoecker, F. E. 83
Hoffman, j. D. 124 164 166
Holden, A. N. 194
Holland, R. S. 382
Holm, K. 156
Holzm ller, W. 102
Homocharge 199
Hooper, G. S. 209
Horner, F. 216
Hornig, D. F. 156
Horse methemoglobin 401
Hudson, B. E. 210
Huettig, H., Jr. 364
Huggins, M. L. 232
Hughes, R. H. 385
Hughes, W. 193
Hugill, J. A. C. 256 274
Hukins, A. A. 296
Hund, A. 215
Hunter, E. C. 302
Hunter, J. S. 246 249 250 385
Hurd, C. D. 296
Hurdis, E. C. 51 189 211 253 257 274 282 287 289 322
Hutton, P. 95
Huxley, L. G. H. 215
hybridization 230
Hydrates 174
hydration 94
Hydrocarbons, atomic polarizations of 418 419
Hydrocarbons, cyclic 262
Hydrocarbons, halogenated 268-280
Hydrogen 75 154 375
Hydrogen bond 87 94 173 193 329
Hydrogen bromide 154 157-159 229
Hydrogen chloride 92 157 229 230 376
Hydrogen cyanide 87 280 281
Hydrogen disulfide 386
Hydrogen fluoride 87 156 229
Hydrogen halides 375 376
Hydrogen iodide 159 229 230
Hydrogen peroxide 386
Hydrogen peroxide solutions 90
Hydrogen sulfide 160 231 375
H—C bond 241-243
ICE 94 171-174
Impedance 203
Index of refraction see “Refractive index”
Indole 344
Inductive distortion 250 273
Inductive effect 235-239 249 256 269 270 272-274 321 331 340 381
Ingham, C. E. 328
Insulating oils 102
Insulin 399
Internal friction, coefficient of 59
Inverse-equare law 202
Iodine 154 388
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