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Truesdell C — Rational Thermodynamics
Truesdell C — Rational Thermodynamics

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Íàçâàíèå: Rational Thermodynamics

Àâòîð: Truesdell C


These lectures are meant as a sequel to my Six Lectures on Modern Natural Philosophy, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1966, and especially as a replacement for Lecture III therein. They began as the first nine in the series of public lectures delivered in 1966-1967 at the Drexel Institute of Technology, Philadelphia, under the title "Topics in Modern Natural Philosophy" The part of that series devoted to electromagnetism I have withheld here as being unripe for the press; in return, I have completely rewritten Lectures 3 and 4, have recast Lecture 5, and have added a new lecture, here the sixth, all these containing material which did not exist last year. Most of the lectures in their present forms I have delivered in 1968 at one or more of the Universities of Rome, Pisa, and Uppsala, the Technical Universities of Lund and Stockholm, and the Nordita at Copenhagen.

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Èçäàíèå: 1st edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1968

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 208

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 27.09.2009

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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
"Curie's principle"      126 133—138
"Forces and fluxes"      123—127 132 148—149
"Irreversible thermodynamics," linear      91 117—141 148—149
"Laws" of thermodynamics      9—11 13 20 see of "Clausius "Energy balance
"Operational" definitions      20
"Proper choice" of variables      129 148—149
"Quasi-static" process      22
Acceleration      26
Acceleration, peculiar      81
Acceleration, wave      59—62 see "Singular
Acoustic tensor      73
Acoustics      57—79
Acoustics, classical      57—60 77
Adiabatic expansion      159
Adiabatic process      12 15 18
Affinity, chemical      106 108
Amplitude      62
Amplitude, growth and decay of      77—79
Anisotropic fluids      115 125
Archimedes (b.c. 287—212)      4
Aris, Rutherford Anthony (1929- )      100
Atomic substances, permanence of      99—102
atoms      99—100
Axioms      5—6
Axioms of mechanics      6—7 25—28
Axioms of mechanics for mixtures      83—86
Axioms of thermodynamics      6—7 9—10 38
Axioms of thermodynamics for mixtures      88—93
Balance for mixtures      85—87
Balance, principles of      26—28
Bird, Robert Byron (1924- )      125 130 134 138 148
Birkhoff, George David (1884—1944)      4
body      6—8 13 20 25
Body force      14 26 83
Body heating      28 35 83 89—90
Boltzmann's irreversibility lemma      160—161
Boltzmann, Ludwig (1844—1906)      122 155 157 159—163 166 168 172 193
Bound, heating      9—11 19
Bowen's theory of chemical reactions      100—103
Bowen, Ray, M. (1936- )      vii 23 48 49 69 73 87 88 93 94 100 104—106 108
Breuer, Shlomo (1931- )      58
Buerger, Wolfgang (1931- )      78
Caloric      29 193—194
Caloric in the kinetic theory      161—162 193—196 see
Caloric, growth of      88 118 126
Calorodynamic process      10 104
Calorodynamic process for a mixture      92
Calory      11 29 87 122 123 161
Carleman, Tage Gillis Torsten (1892—1949)      179
Casimir, Hendrik Brugt Gerhard (1909- )      119—122 125 138
Cauchy's laws of motion      26—27 66
Cauchy, Augustin-Louis (1789—1857)      26—28 119 126 135 151
Causes and effects      see "Determinism"
Chain rules      46—47 56 67—68
Chapman — Enskog process      166—167 191
Chapman, Sydney (1888- )      130 131 166 191
Chemical affinity      106—108
Chemical kinetics      100—104
Chemical potentials      90—91
Chemical reactions      99—109
Chen, Peter James (1937- )      79
Christoffel, Elwin Bruno (1829—1900)      73
Clausius — Duhem inequality      35—37 40 49 58 97 118 164—165 167—168 193 195—196
Clausius — Duhem inequality for mixtures      89
Clausius — Planck Inequality      11 29
Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emmanuel(1822—1888)      4 11 29—31 162 163
Coldness      29 36—37 88 see
Coleman's theorem      41—58
Coleman, Bernard David (1930- )      23 40 43 44 49 50 54—58 64 69 73 77—79 87 98 104—106 108 109 113 115 127 139 141 145
Collision operator      155 163
Collision operator, total      157
Concentration      82 99
Concentration, molar      101
Conductors of heat, definite      76—77
Constant continuation      50
Constant process      50
Constituent of a mixture      82
Constituent space      101
Constitutive axioms, equations, or relations      6 7 10 13—14 37 92 156 192
Continuation      see "Constant continuation" "Jump "Linear "Quadratic
Continuum mechanics      9 25—28 135
Continuum mechanics of mixtures      81—87
Cowling, Thomas George (1906- )      130 131
Crawford, Bryce Low, Jr. (1914- )      134 149
Crystalline symmetries      112—114 142—147 see
Curie, Pierre (1859—1906)      114 133 135 136
Curtiss, Charles Francis (1921- )      125 130 134 138 148
Cyclic process      33 34
Dalton's law      97
Dalton, John (1766—1844)      97
Davies, R.O.      127
Day, William Alan (1942- )      58 115
de Donder, Theophile Ernest (1872—1957)      100 103
de Groot, Sybren Ruurds (1916- )      121 122 125 126 131 134 138 139 148
de Laplace, Pierre Simon(1749—1827)      58 73
Decay of waves      77—79
Definite proportions, law of      103
density      see "Mass density" "Molecular
Descartes, Rene (1596—1650)      120
Determinism      10 13 38 41 93 167
Determinism, effective      13 38 93 see equations or
Diffusion      81—109 116—118 125 130—132
Diffusion, Fick's theory      116
Diffusion, Self-balancing      102
Diffusion, velocity      81
Diffusive drags      116
Dilute mixtures      90—91 132
Dissipation inequality, reduced      13 38 42—43 104
Dissipation inequality, reduced, for mixtures      90
Dissipation, axiom of      88 see
Dissipation, internal      30—32 34—35 37 48
Distribution function      121—122 see
Dominant Solutions      166—167 171 187
Doria, Michael Louis (1939- )      98
Drag coefficients, diffusive      116
Duhamel, Jean-Marie-Constant (1797—1872)      64 111 114
Duhem, Pierre (1861—1916)      2 32 35 64 73
Dunlop, P.J.      117
Dunwoody, James (1935- )      77 78
Dunwoody, Norbert Thomas (1932- )      78 94
Eckart, Carl Henry (1902- )      39 141
Elasticity      57 74
Energetic      28
Energetic in the kinetic theory      152
Energetic, free      32 41—42 89
Energy, balance of      9 13 27—28 63 86
Energy, flux of      see "Heating flux"
Energy, free      12
Energy, growth of      84—86 94
Energy, internal      9 27 28 85—86 94
Energy, kinetic      9 27
Enskog, David (1884—1947)      166 191
Enthalpy      33
entropy      see "Caloric" "Calory"
Equation of state      2 15—18 31 123—124 158
Equilibrium      1 7—8 16 42 50 58 161
Equilibrium site      52
Equilibrium, false      107—108
Equilibrium, local      159
Equilibrium, state      106 123
Equilibrium, strong      107 109
Equilibrium, trend to      172 176—179 see
Equipresence      19 38 84 92 105
Equivalence theorem in acoustics      73
Ericksen, Jerald Laverne (1924- )      vii 115
Eringen, Ahmed Cemal (1921- )      90 93
Euler — Hadamard theory of fluids      see "Gas dynamics"
Euler's laws of motion      26
Euler, Leonhard (1707—1783)      2 26 57 73 77 155
Experiment      1 20—22
Experiments on diffusion      117
Experiments on heat conduction      114 120—121
Extent of reaction      103
Fading memory      44 51
Falkenhagen, Hans (1895- )      115 125
Fick, Adolf Eugen (1829—1901)      116
Field equations of continuum mechanics      25—28 86 158
Fields of gross physics      138—139
Fieschi, R.      138
Fluids      2 8
Fluids, anisotropic      115 125 see "Navier "Non-simple "Simple
Flux      see "Forces and fluxes" "Heating
Force in mechanics      6 7 9 21 26
Fourier — Duhamel theory of heat conduction      64 111—114 118—122 124—125 142—147 see
Fourier's condition      63 76
Fourier's inequality      34—35 37 76
Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph (1768—1830)      28 34 62 64 111
Frame-indifference      92 95 115 119
Free energy      see "Energy"
Fresnel — Hadamard — Duhem theorem on waves      73
Fresnel, Augustin Jean (1788—1827)      73
Friction, internal      see "Dissipation internal" "Navier
Friction, linear      18—20
Functionals, constitutive      10 13—14 38—39
Galileo Galilei (1564—1642)      111
Galkin, V.S. (Ãàêèí, Â.Ñ.)      182
Gas dynamics      2 31 74 75 77
Gibbs, Josiah Willard (1839—1903)      108 122
Gosting, Louis Joseph (1921- )      117
Grad, Harold (1923- )      88 131 160 166 167
Green, Albert Edward (1912— )      90 93
Green, W.Anthony      78
Greenberg, James Martin (1940- )      79
Gronwall, Thomas Hakon (1877- )      160
Growths      84—86 88 101
Gurtin's theorems      48 53
Gurtin, Morton Edward (1934- )      vii 36 37 40 44 50 55 64 65 71 73 77—79 83 87 95 104—106 114 115
H-Theorem      161—164 193—194 196
Hadamard, Jacques (1865—1963)      2 60 61 73 77
Heat (heating)      9—12 28
Heat (heating), source of      113
Heat conduction      see "Experiments" "Fourier
Heating bound      9—11 19
Heating flux      28 83 91 152 172—173 176
Heating supply      see "Body heating"
Hilbert's method in the kinetic theory      166—167
Hilbert, David (1862—1943)      166
Hirschfelder, Joseph Oakland (1911- )      125 130 134 138 148
History of a function      10 41
Homocaloric      72—76
Homogeneous conductor      112
Homogeneous process      4—20 56—57
Homogeneous velocity field      182
Homothermal      65 72—77
Hugoniot's conditions      62
Hugoniot, Pierre Henri (1851—1887)      2 59 60 62 73
Huygens, Christiaan (1629—1695)      1
Hydrostatics      160
Hyperelastic material      74
Ideal gas      152—153 see
Ikenberry's theorem      175
Ikenberry, Ernest (1913- )      174—176 178 179 184 191
Ingram, J.D.      90 93
Inner parts      83
Instability      see "Stability"
Insulated      30
Irreversible process      9—10 12 18—19 58
Isocaloric process      12 15 18 32
Isolated      30
Isothermal process      12 33
Isotropy      115 126 130 134—137
Jaumann, Gustav Andreas Johannes (1863—1924)      119
Jouguet, Charles Jacques Emile (1871—1943)      100
Jump discontinuity      47 59—60
Kac, Marc (1914- )      179
Kelly, Paul Donald (1936- )      81 82
Kelvin, Lord (William Thomson) (1824—1907)      4
Khinchin, Aleksander Yakolevich (1894—1959)      122
Kinetic theory of gases      129—132 151—190
Kinetic theory of gases, basic definitions      151—153
Kinetics, chemical      100—104
Kirchhoff, Gustav (1824—1887)      28
Kirkwood, John Gamble (1907—1959)      134 149
Kubo, Ryogo (1920- )      140
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis (1736—1816)      73
Linear continuation      16 45 105
Local equilibrium      159
Locally Maxwellian solution      159
Machlup, S.      119
Magnetic fields      119 124 138
Mass      25
mass density      25 82
Mass fraction      82 92
Mass, conservation of      99
Mass, growth of      84—86 99
Mass-points      5—7
Material symmetry      see "Crystalline symmetries" "Isotropy" "Symmetries"
Mathematics, role in physical theory      1—2 6 20—21
Maxwell — Boltzmann equation      155 158 165 171
Maxwell's relaxation theorem      172—173 175 187 195
Maxwell's theorem on singular surfaces      61
Maxwell, James Clerk (1831—1879)      v 61 88 90 93 116 117 122 129 151 154 155 157—159 163 166 168 169 171—175 177 178 184 187 190 193—195
Maxwellian iteration      191—192
Maxwellian kinetic theory      see "Kinetic theory"
Maxwellian molecules      172
Mazur, Peter      121 122 125 126 131 133 134 138 139
McKean, Henry Pratt, Jr. (1930- )      179
Mechanics, classical      5—7 see
Meixner's theorem      127—128
Meixner, Josef (1908- )      127 128 141 149
Microscopic reversibility      119 121—122
Miller, Donald Gabriel (1927- )      117 121 124 126 149
Minimum energy      43 see
Mixtures      81—109 116—118 130—132
Mizel, Victor Julius (1931- )      40 56 105
Molar concentration      101
Molar growth      101
Molecular density      151
Molecular density, Maxwellian      158
Molecules      99—100
Moment of momentum      see "Momentum"
Moments of the molecular density      174—179 184
Momentum      26
Momentum, balance of      26—27 62 85—86
Momentum, growth of      84—86
Morgenstern, Dietrich (1924- )      179
Motion      25
Motion, peculiar      81
Mueller's theory of mixtures      94—98
Mueller, Ingo (1936- )      vii 58 90 94—98 125 131 164
Naghdi, Paul Mansour (1924- )      90 93
Nariboli, G.A.      77
Navier — Stokes — Fourier theory of fluids      14 31—32 43 63—64 77 115—116 153—154 165 183—184
Navier, Claude-Louis-Marie-Henri (1785—1836)      115 151 169
Neumann, Carl Gottfried (1832—1925)      28
Newton's Third Law      116
Newton, Isaac (1643—1727)      1 21 57 73 120
Noll, Walter (1925- )      vii 23 40 44 50 56 77 83 87 92 95 98 108 109 113 115 119 143—145 188 190 193
Non-conductor of heat      75—76
Non-simple fluids      168
Normal solution      see "Dominant solutions"
Number density      151
Onat, Emin Turan (1925- )      58
Onsager relations      119—142 148—149
Onsager relations in the kinetic theory      130—133
Onsager relations, statistical basis of      119—122 126
Onsager relations, their inconsistency for fields      127—129
Onsager, Lars (1903- )      119—122 125 135 149
Onsagerism (Onsagerist)      120
Onsagerism (Onsagerist) in practice      125 148—149
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