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Kronig R. — The optical basis of the theory of valence |
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Absorption, of light by atoms and molecules 7 57 98 189
Absorption, of light by atoms and molecules of X-rays 45 61
Activation energy 234
Active normal vibration 158
Adel, A. 161 162 163 164 165 166 168 169 204 205
Albertson, W. 71 78
Almy, G. M. 100 101 103 141
Amaldi, E. 140 141 179 180 204
Angus, W. R. 177 205
Antibondmg electron 133 135
Antisymmetrical noimai vibiation 149 153
Armstrong, A. H. 18 50
Arnot, F. L. 37 50
Arvin, M. J. 103 142
Atomic form factor 13 16 22 35
Atomic models 9
Atomic number 3
Atomic weight 3
Badami, J. S. 71 78
Badger, R. M. 168 169 171 77 179
Bailey, C. R. 166 168 169 175 177
Balmer series 56
Band head 111
Band system 112
Barker, E. P. 161 166 167 168 169 176 177 180 204 205 206 207
Barnes, R. B. 180 205
Bartholome, E. 99 104 141 171 205
Barwald, H. 103 141
Baumann, W. 174 177 205
Bearden, J. A. 18 50
Bender, D. 169 205
Benedict, W. S. 177 180 205 206
Bennett, W. H. 182 205
Bethe, H. 22 34 50
Bewilogua, L. 22 24 29 30 38 50
Bhagavantam, S. 166 169 177 205
Biittenbender, G. 224 237
Binder, J. L. 168 169 184 205
Birge, R. T. 85 88 141
Bodenstein, M. 233 237
Bohr, N. 4 5 7 10 11 12 56 62 74 78
Bonding electron 133 135
Bonhoeffer, K. F. 190 205 221 226 237
Bonner, L. G. 177 205
Born, M. 215 237
Bowen, I. S. 71 78
Bradley, C. A. 171 182 190 207 208
Bragg, W. H. 16 36 50
Bragg, W. L. 31 50
Braune, H. 40 41 50
Brindley, G. W. 18 51
Brockway, L. 0 40 41 43 50 51
Broglie, L. de 6 34
Brons, F. 223 237
Brons, H. H. 104 141
Brown, W. G. 102 141
Bruin, T. L. de 71 78
Bulthnis, H. 104 141
Cartwright, C. H. 179 180 205
Cas&ie, A. B. D. 166 168 169 176 177 205
Catalan, M. A. 71 78
Central force model of molecule 150
Charge distribution from method of screening constants 21 76
Charge distribution from method of self-consistent field 21
Charge distribution from statistical method 20
Charge distribution in atoms 11 12 16
Charge distribution in molecules 24 91 94 197
Childs, W. W. T. 169 171 205
Choi, K. N. 168 169 205
Chow, T. C. 176 190 205
Clements, J. H. 190 205
Closed shell in atoms 56 70 192
Closed shell in molecules 119
Collision processes 2 6
Combination band 160
Combination frequency 158
Condon, E. U. 10 112 113 141 213 214
Continuous spectrum 209 210 212
Cooley, J. P. 182 205
Cordcs, H. 102 141
Correlation of atomic and molecular states 114 120 124
Correlation of atomic and molecular states for diatomic hydrides 125 133
Correlation of atomic and molecular states for homonuclear diatomic molecules 130 134
Coster, D. 46 47 49 51 62 74 78 104 141 221 237
Covalence 193
Crawford, F. H. 104 141
Cross, P. C. 175 177 205
Curry, J. 103 104 141 190 205
Dadieu, A. 168 169 205
Dawson, D. H. 101 142
Debye, P. 25 30 50 51
Deformation forces 151
Deformation vibration 151 157
Degenerate normal vibration 147 155
Degree of degeneracy 147
Degree of dissociation 209
Deming, L. S. 40 51
Dennison, D. M 150 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 170 172 179 180 182 204 205
Dhavale, D. G. 71 78
Dickinson, R. G. 166 169 179 184 205
Dieke, G. H. 181 192 205
Diftuse spectrum 209
Dillon, R. T. 166 169 179 184 205
Dirac, P. A. M. 55 78
Directed valences 144 194 199
Dissociation by rotation 226
Dissociation constant 209
Dissociation energy, chemical 81
Dissociation energy, physical 81 86 100 105 222
Dissociation equilibnum 1 22
Dixon, J. K. 190 205
Dobbie, J. C. 71 78
Dornte, R. W. 41 45 51
Double valence bond 42 108 136 193
Duncan, A. B. F. 190 206
Eastwood, E. 169 171 207
Edlen, B. 71 78
Ehrhardt, F. 30 31 32 33 51
Eisenschitz, R. 217 237
Electro valence 193
Electron 2
Electron configuration of atoms 65 69
Electron configuration of ions 75
Electron configuration of molecules 118 5 124 133
Electronic band spectrum 99 110 188
Electronic states of molecule 77 108
Elert, W. 154 206
Energy curves of diatomic molecules 79
Energy curves of diatomic molecules, attractive 79 83 105 112 121 124
Energy curves of diatomic molecules, repulsive 79 121 124 210 214
Errera, J. 32 51
Evans, S. F. 71 78
Even states of atom 65
Even states of molecule 109 115
Ewald, P. P. 50
Exclusion principle 55 119
Farkas, A. 237
Farkas, L. 190 205 221 226 237
Farnsworth, M. 208
Fermi, E. 20 21 22 23 27 37 51 162 166 197 206
Fine structure of X-ray absorption edges 47
Finkelnburg, W. 140 212 216 237
Fox, J. T. 180 207 16—2
Franck — Condon principle 112 212 220
Franck, J. 112 113 141 213 214 220 224 226 237
Franz, K. 192 206
Free rotation of carbon bond 32 42 44 144 203 212
Freudenberg, K. 174 177 206
Froman, D. K. 18 51
Fues, E. 84 141
| Fundamental band 97 159
fundamental frequency 92 15
Fung, L. W. 180 206
Funke, G. 100 141
Gajewski, H. 29 51
Gartlein, C. W. 71 78
Gaydon, A. G. 101 141 190 206
Genard, J. 103 141
Genuine normal vibration 147
Gerhard, S. L. 177 192 206
Gibbs, R. 0 71 78
Gibson, G. E. 233 237
Gilbert, W. P. 71 78
Goldschmidt, V. M. 41 31 76 77 78
Gordon, W. 35 51
Gradstein, S. 206
Grinfeld, R. 102
Grotrian, W. 78
Ground state of molecule 81 114
Guntsch, A. 100 141
Hanawalt, J. D. 46 51
Hardy, J. D. 166 179 180 205
Harmonic band 97 159
Harmonic frequency 92 158
Harris, L. 177 206
Hartree, D. R 20 21 22 23 28 48 51 197
Havighurst, R. J. 17 51
Hedfeld, K. 169 171 179 180 206 207
Heimer, A. 100 141
Heimer, T. 100 101 141
Heisenberg, W. 10 19 24 51 215 237
Heitler, W. 120 121 122 123 124 127 136 137 140 141 193 194 195 196 198 199 201 204 206 210 216 217 218 233 237
Henning, H. J. 189 206
Henri, V. 192 206 221 226 237
Henrici, A. 182 206
Hermann, A. 176 190 206
Herzberg, G. 101 103 104 117 124 125 130 132 141 142 168 169 170 171 177 182 189 190 192 205 206 220 222 224 237
Herzberg, L. 103 141 142
Herzog, G. 19 20 51
Heteropolar binding 2 18 50 81 86 89 91 99 136 215
Hettner, G. 177 206
Hoff, van’t 31 32
Holst, W. 101 142
Homopolar binding 2 50 81 86 91 99 216
Hori, T. 100 142
House, CL D. 100 141
Houston, W. V. 164 166 206
Howe, J. P. 190 206
Huckel, E. 204 206
Hulthcn, E. 228 237
Humphreys, C. J. 71 78
Hund, F. 65 73 78 89 108 109 114 117 124 125 130 141 142 154 178 179 194 201 202 203 204 206
Inactive normal vibration 158
Ingram, S. B. 182 205
Intemuclear distances in molecules from electron scattering 38
Intemuclear distances in molecules from fine structure of X-ray absorption bands 49
Intemuclear distances in molecules from X-ray scattering 27
Internuclear distances in molecules 12 79
Internuclear distances in molecules from band spectra 89 100 105 144 184
Ion 2 74
Ionic charge 74
Ionic radius 41 75
Ionisation energy of atoms 59 68 71
Ionisation of atoms 57
Isoelectronic molecules 117
Isomers 1 30 44 144 203
Isosteric molecules 117 202
Isotope effect 99
Isotopes 3 98
Ittmann, G. P. 155 206
j 21 122 123 124 127 136 137 141 193 194 195 196 198 399 201 206 210 216 217 218 237
James, R. W. 18 19 51
Jefferson, V. M. 39 51
Jenkins, F. A. 102 142 166 189 206
Jeppesen, C. R. 100 142
Jevons, W. 105 141
Johnston, H. 190 208
Johnston, H. L. 101 142 177 206
Johnston, M. 182 205
K-shell 60
K-state 60
Kaiser, R. 33 51
Kandall, H. M 177 179 180 208
Kaplan, J. 223 237
Kastler, C. R. 169 206
Kiess, C. C. 71 78
Kiess, H. K. 71 78
King, G. W. 177 206
Kirchner, F. 50
Kistiakowsky, G. B. 181 189 192 205 206
Klamer, G. H. 47 49 51
Klein, O. 90 142 155 206
Knoke, S. 40 41 50
Kohlrausch, K. W. F. 140 141 168 169 180 182 204 205
Koontz, P. G. 103 142
Kossel, W. 46 51 194
Kramers, H. A. 155 206
Kronig, R. de L. 47 48 51 109 141 142 154 206 220 221 222 227 237
Ku, Z. W. 176 190 206
Kuhn, H. 212 216 237
Kuhne, J. 175 177 206
Kusch, P. 103 142
L-shell 60
L-state 60
Lang, R. J. 71 78
Langmuir, I. 193
Langseth, A. 162 166 169 182 206
Laporte 0 71 78
Laszlo, H. de 44 51
Leifson, S. W. 189 190 206
Levin, A. 98 171 184 207
Lewis, C. M. 164 166 171 180 194 205 207
Lewis, G. N. 192 193 194 195 196 201
Lindstrom, C. F. 182 207
Lochte — Holtgreven, W. 169 171 207
London, P. 120
Long periods 73
Loomis, F. W. 103 142
Lotmar, W. 88 89 142 190 207
Lueg, P. 169 171 179 180 184 206 207
Lyman series 56
Lyman series, blissing line 97 111
M-shell 60 31
M-state 60
Madariaga, P. de 71 78
Mai tin, P. E. 166 207
Mark, H. 37 50 51
Massey, H. 8
Matossi, F. 180 182 204
Maxwell, L. R. 39 40 51
McKellar, A. 171 190 207
Mecke, R. 150 153 157 169 171 172 174 175 177 180 182 204 205 206 207 208
Meggers, W. P. 71 78
Meyer, C. F. 98 171 182 184 205 207
Miller, G. R. 71 78
Mischke, W. 175 177 207
Moorehead, J. G. 182 207
Morse, P. M. 10 36 51 86 88 89 128 142 165 179 180 207
Mosley, V. M. 39 40 51
Mott, N. F. 10 34 37 50 51
Muller, G. 228 237
Mulliken, R. S. 103 104 117 124 125 128 130 132 133 141 142 166 189 194 201 202 203 207
Multiplet levels, of atoms 67
Multiplet levels, of atoms of molecules 112
Multiplicity, of atomic states 65
Multiplicity, of atomic states of molecular states 109
Murakawa, K. 71 78
Nielsen, H. IL 175 177 181 207
Nielson, J. R. 162 166 169 206
Non-bonding electron 132
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