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Arrowsmith D.K., Place C.M. — Dynamical systems. Differential equations, maps and chaotic behaviour |
Предметный указатель |
Solution curve 3
Solution of a differential equation 1 12
Solution of a differential equation, existence and uniqueness 2 20 21
Solution of a differential equation, fixed point 8 14
Solution of a differential equation, periodic 46 127
Solution of a differential equation, steady state 177
Solution of a differential equation, transient 177
Spiral attracting/repelling 46
Spiral saddle point 122
Stability, asymptotic 84
Stability, in sense of Liapunov 84
Stability, neutral 86
Stability, structural 185 207 224
Star node, linear 44
Star node, non-linear 80
State of dynamical system 11 162
Strange (chaotic) attractor, Duffing oscillator 271
Strange (chaotic) attractor, Henon 295
Strange (chaotic) attractor, iterated function scheme 282
Strange (chaotic) attractor, Rossler (folded band) 251
Structural stability 185 207 224
Suspension of a diffeomorphism 133
| Symbol sequence 271 278 300
Symbolic dynamics 271
Symbolic dynamics, doubling map 300
Symbolic dynamics, horseshoe map 278
Symbolic dynamics, tent map 272
Symmetry 5 28 32
Symplectic (canonical) transformation 151
Taylor expansion 76
Tent map 272
Topological conjugacy 133
Trajectory, phase portrait/flow 13 26
Trajectory, Poincare map/diffeomorphism 131
Transients 177
Trapping region, flow 106
Trapping region, Poincare map 141
Tumour growth model 232
Twist map 261
Unimodal map 250
van der Pol equation 104 191
Vector field 20
Vector field, linear part of 74
Volterra — Lotka equations 183
Volterra — Lotka equations, structural instability 207
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