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Bird R.B., Curtiss C.F., Armstrong R.C. — Dynamics of Polymeric Liquids. Vol. 2. Kinetic Theory |
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Couette viscometer, viscous heating in (1)551
Couette viscometer, wide-gap (1)552
Coupling tensors (2)187 194 288 294 301 313
Covariant components (1)597 600
Covariant differentiation (1)604
Cox — Merz rule (1)150
creep (1)113 128
Creep compliance (1)128
Creep recovery (1)131
Creep, elongational (1)133 137
Creep, linear viscoelastic fluid (1)270
Creeping flow (1)23 316
Criminale — Ericksen — Filbey (“CEF”) equation (1)233 397 503 521 (2)397
Criminale — Ericksen — Filbey (“CEF”) equation, use in describing squeezing flow (1)539
Critical molecular weight (1)144
Critical shear rate (1)146
Cross product of base vectors (1)600
Cross product of tensor with vector (1)568
Cross product of unit dyads (1)565
Cross product of unit vectors (1)560
Cross product of vectors (1)558 562 602
Crosslinks (1)56 (2)354 365
Curl (1)572
Currie potential (1)454
Curtiss — Bird theory of melts (1)468 (2)309 316
Curtiss — Bird theory of melts, hole-pressure effect and (1)462
Curtiss — Bird theory of melts, rod-climbing and (1)330
Curtiss — Bird theory of melts, third-order fluid constants from (1)302
Curvilinear coordinates (1)577—596
Cylinder, transverse flow around (1)40
Cylindrical coordinates (1)578
Cylindrical coordinates, Christoffel symbols in (1)603
Cylindrical coordinates, del operations in (1)582 585 588
Cylindrical coordinates, equation of motion in (1)612 613
Cylindrical coordinates, kinematic tensors in (1)614—620
Cylindrical coordinates, metric components in (1)603
Cylindrical tank with rotating lid (1)69
Damping function (1)106 (2)384
Deborah number (1)92
Deborah number for generalized Newtonian fluids (1)234
Deborah number for retarded motion expansion (1)301 316
Deborah number in fiber spinning (1)383
Deborah number in journal-bearing flow (1)392
Deborah number in spherical film inflation (1)461
Deborah number in torsional flow (1)402
Deformation history (1)481
Del operator (1)571
Del operator in curvilinear coordinates (1)582 583
Del operator in nonorthogonal coordinates (1)602
Del operator in spherical coordinates (1)583 597
Del operator, identities involving (1)574
Del operator, tables of del operations (1)586—593
Delayed swell (1)73
Delta see "Dirac delta function" "Kronecker
Density of polymer melts (1)209
Die swell (1)72
Differential constitutive equations (1)345 350 408—413
Differential operators, curl (1)572 604
Differential operators, del operator (1)571 582 583 584 586—593 597 602 604
Differential operators, divergence (1)571 573 604 606
Differential operators, gradient (1)571 572
Differential operators, Laplacian (1)573 604 606
Differential operators, operator (2)119 125 230 406
Differential operators, operator (2)403
Differential operators, operator (2)114 406
Diffusion equation in configuration space in melts (2)313 317 328
Diffusion equation in configuration space, bead-rod-spring models (2)193 194 290 294
Diffusion equation in configuration space, bead-spring chains (2)154 168
Diffusion equation in configuration space, elastic dumbbells (2)59—62 96
Diffusion equation in configuration space, multibead-rod (2)195
Diffusion equation in configuration space, multirod-rod (2)300
Diffusion equation in configuration space, rigid dumbbells (2)114—117 119 127 134 see
Diffusion tensors (2)165 185 188 286
Diffusion tensors, multibead-rod (2)195
Diffusivity see "Rotatory diffusivity" "Translational
Dilatancy (1)61 105 173
Dilatational viscosity (1)10
Dimensionless groups (1)12 92 207 212 213
Dirac delta function (1)261 (2)14 405
Displacement functions (1)428 484
Displacement functions in eccentric disk viscometer (1)513
Displacement functions, definition (1)425 (2)394
Displacement gradient tensors (1)485
Displacement gradient tensors in eccentric disk rheometer (1)513
Displacement gradient tensors in linear viscoelasticity (1)257
Displacement gradient tensors in shear flows (1)623
Displacement gradient tensors in shearfree flows (1)623
Displacement gradient tensors in turntable problem (1)289
Displacement gradient tensors, components in curvilinear coordinates (1)620
Displacement gradient tensors, definition (1)426 (2)394
Displacement gradient tensors, incompressibility and (1)476
Displacement gradient tensors, time derivatives of (1)486 507
Distribution function see also "Configurational distribution function" "Momentum "Phase "Single-link "Velocity
Distribution function for interbead vector (2)45
Distribution function for segments (2)356 371
Distribution function, contracted (2)44 261
Distribution function, equilibrium (2)38
Distribution function, pair (2)261
Distribution function, time-evolution of (2)271
Distributive law (1)556
Divergence (1)571 573 595 596 604 606
Doi — Edwards theory of melts (2)307 311 314 316 322
Doi — Edwards theory of melts, constitutive equation (1)453
Doi — Edwards theory of melts, Currie's approximate potential for (1)454
Doi — Edwards theory of melts, relation to generalized Maxwell model (1)262 287
Doi — Edwards theory of melts, relation to K-BKZ model (1)440
Doi — Edwards theory of melts, relaxation modulus from (1)287
Doi — Edwards theory of melts, rod-climbing and (1)330
Doi — Edwards theory of melts, third-order fluid constants from (1)302
Domain perturbation approach (1)387
Dot product of base vectors (1)600
Dot product of tensors (1)567 601
Dot product of unit dyads (1)565
Dot product of unit vectors (1)560
Dot product of vectors (1)557 562 601
Double-dot product (1)565 567
Drag force on bubble (1)30 323
Drag force on sphere (1)28 464
Drag reduction (1)88
Draw ratio in fiber spinning (1)379 384
Drift velocity see "Center of mass"
Dumbbell model (2)19 see "FENE "Hookean "Rigid
Dyadic product (1)566
Dynamic moduli, bead-rod models (2)232 238
Dynamic moduli, definitions (2)399
Dynamic viscosity (1)122 see
Eccentric annuli, axial flow, power-law fluid (1)204
Eccentric annuli, axial flow, second-order fluid (1)311
Eccentric annuli, tangential flow, CEF equation (1)397
Eccentric annuli, tangential flow, convected Maxwell fluid (1)387
Eccentric annuli, tangential flow, Deborah number (1)93
Eccentric annuli, tangential flow, Newtonian fluid (1)48
Eccentric annuli, tangential flow, second-order fluid (1)314
Eccentric annuli, tangential flow, Weissenberg number (1)94
Eccentric annuli, tangential flow, White — Metzner equation (1)397
Eccentric disk rheometer (1)163 166 417 512 (2)57
Eccentric disk rheometer, convected Maxwell model (1)418
Eccentric disk rheometer, retarded-motion expansion and (1)328
Eccentric disk rheometer, Rivlin — Sawyers model (1)471
Eccentric disk rheometer, schematic diagram (1)164
Effective forces see "Forces in kinetic theory"
Effective-velocity-gradient assumption (2)100 374
Elastic dumbbell (2)20
Elastic dumbbell, anisotropic effects (2)96
Elastic dumbbell, configurational distribution function (2)62
Elastic dumbbell, diffusion equation for (2)62
Elastic dumbbell, effective-velocity-gradient assumption (2)100
Elastic dumbbell, end-to-end distance (2)28
Elastic dumbbell, equations of motion for (2)59
Elastic dumbbell, equilibrium properties of (2)47
| Elastic dumbbell, force laws (2)21
Elastic dumbbell, forces in (2)58
Elastic dumbbell, stress tensor (2)64—71
Elastic effects (1)56 69 72 see
Elastic effects in line-sink flow (1)458
Elastic effects in squeezing flow (1)191 539
Elastic effects, second-order fluids and (1)301 318
Elastic effects, stress ratio and (1)110
Elastic modulus (1)257 (2)365 389
Elastic rhombus model (2)209 215 239
Elastic solids, configurational distribution for (2)361
Elastic solids, constitutive equation (2)364
Elastic solids, elastic modulus (2)365
Elastic solids, modeling of (2)355
Elliptical tube (1)327
Ellis model (1)228 229 236
Ellis model, axial annular flow (1)231
Ellis model, slit flow (1)243
Ellis model, temperature dependence (1)210
Ellis model, tube flow (1)243
Elongation (2)364 367
Elongation rate (1)101
Elongation, uniaxial (1)437
Elongational flow (1)38 101 (2)400
Elongational viscosity see also "Material functions"
Elongational viscosity, definition (1)38 132 (2)400
Elongational viscosity, FENE dumbbell (2)85—88
Elongational viscosity, Kirkwood — Riseman chain (2)229
Elongational viscosity, Kramers chain (2)219
Elongational viscosity, measurement of (1)530
Elongational viscosity, melt kinetic theory for (2)345
Elongational viscosity, non-affine Lodge network model (2)377
Elongational viscosity, rigid dumbbell (2)125 145
Elongational viscosity, sample experimental data (1)133
Elongational viscosity, second-order fluid (1)300
Embedded vectors (2)182 410
End effects in tube flow (1)528 551
End-to-end distance, elastic dumbbells (2)28 72
End-to-end distance, FENE dumbbells (2)89 107
End-to-end distance, Hookean dumbbells (2)73 75 101 107
End-to-end distance, Kirkwood — Riseman chain (2)13 228
End-to-end distance, Kramers chain (2)12
End-to-end distance, Rouse chain (2)18 163
End-to-end vector (2)12
End-to-end vector, distribution function (2)13 28
End-to-end vector, Kramers chain (2)49
End-to-end vector, random-walk chain (2)49
End-to-end vector, Rouse model (2)19
Energy dissipation see also "Viscous dissipation heating"
Energy dissipation in Hookean dumbbell solutions (2)106
Energy dissipation in rigid dumbbell (2)144
Entanglements (2)354
entropy (2)108 241
Epprecht viscometer (1)548
Equation of change for angular momentum (1)8
Equation of change for enthalpy (1)40
Equation of change for kinetic energy (1)8
Equation of change in kinetic theory, bead-spring chains (2)154
Equation of change in kinetic theory, elastic dumbbells (2)62
Equation of change in kinetic theory, general (2)256
Equation of change in kinetic theory, networks (2)359
Equation of change in kinetic theory, rigid dumbbells (2)114
Equation of continuity in fluid dynamics (1)4 (2)400
Equation of continuity in fluid dynamics for incompressible fluids (1)12 206
Equation of continuity in fluid dynamics for mixtures (2)400
Equation of continuity in fluid dynamics, kinetic theory derivation (2)257 269
Equation of continuity in kinetic theory (2)61 116 152 168 193 255 271 272 274 358
Equation of energy (1)9
Equation of energy for generalized Newtonian fluids (1)206
Equation of energy for incompressible fluids (1)12
Equation of energy, alternative form for (1)40
Equation of motion in fluid dynamics (1)6 (2)400
Equation of motion in fluid dynamics for generalized Newtonian fluids (1)206
Equation of motion in fluid dynamics for incompressible fluids (1)12
Equation of motion in fluid dynamics in terms of stream function (1)24
Equation of motion in fluid dynamics, kinetic theory derivation (2)258 269
Equation of motion in fluid dynamics, tables in curvilinear coordinates (1)612 613
Equation of motion in kinetic theory (2)272 274 277 295
Equation of motion in kinetic theory in melts (2)313
Equation of motion in kinetic theory, bead-rod-spring models (2)193 194
Equation of motion in kinetic theory, bead-spring chains (2)152 164 168
Equation of motion in kinetic theory, elastic dumbbells (2)59 92
Equation of motion in kinetic theory, network segments (2)357 374
Equation of motion in kinetic theory, rigid dumbbells (2)114
Equation of state (1)10
Equations of change in fluid dynamics (2)400
Equations of change in fluid dynamics for generalized Newtonian fluids (1)206
Equations of change in fluid dynamics for incompressible fluids (1)11 12 206
Equations of change in fluid dynamics in terms of fluxes (1)3
Equations of change in fluid dynamics in terms of transport properties (1)10
Equations of change in fluid dynamics, integrated forms of (1)36
Equilibration in momentum space (2)279 291 314 355 see
Essential boundary conditions (1)194
Euler angles (2)182 410
Euler angles, functions of (2)412
Euler — Lagrange equations (1)194
Euler — Maclaurin expansion (1)286
Eulerian technique (1)455 461
Excluded volume (2)81 172
Extensional viscosity see "Elongational viscosity"
External force, translational diffusivity and (2)95 140 174 299 327 see
Extrudate swell (1)72
Eyring model (1)228 229
Factorization, in linear viscoelasticity (1)263
Factorized K-BKZ model see "K-BKZ model"
Fading memory (1)263
Falling cylinder viscometer (1)45 248
Falling film see "Film flow power-law
Falling-ball viscometer (1)536
Falling-sphere viscometer (1)521
FENE dumbbell (2)76—92 99
FENE dumbbell, anisotropic effects (2)98
FENE dumbbell, constitutive equation (2)79 90 98 104
FENE dumbbell, distribution function (2)21 29 48
FENE dumbbell, end-to-end distance (2)28 107
FENE dumbbell, force law (2)21
FENE dumbbell, retarded-motion constants for (1)302
FENE springs (2)16
FENE-P model (1)410 (2)88
Fiber-spinning (1)235 469
Fiber-spinning, Newtonian fluid (1)51
Fiber-spinning, stability of (1)79
Fiber-spinning, White — Metzner fluid (1)377
Fick's law of diffusion (1)7 (2)299
Filament drawing see "Fiber-spinning"
Film flow, power-law model (1)179
Finger tensor (1)427 see
Finger tensor, invariants of (1)435 624
Finite beads (2)246 252 284 289 300
Finite linear viscoelasticity (1)431
Finite strain tensors see "Relative (finite) strain tensors" "Strain
Flory — Fox equation (2)178
Flow enhancement by pulsatile pressure drop (1)187 371
Flow enhancement in helical annular flow (1)184
Force balance in kinetic theory see "Equation of motion in kinetic theory"
Forces in kinetic theory (2)58 191 250
Forces in kinetic theory, stress tensor and (2)64
Forces in kinetic theory, tables of notation (2)192 266 273 277 283 see "Connector "External "Hydrodynamic "Intramolecular "Spring
Fourier's law of heat conduction (1)7 11
Fraenkel dumbbell, force law (2)21
Fraenkel dumbbell, rigid dumbbell and (2)104 143
Fraenkel dumbbell, zero-shear-rate viscosity (2)104
Free recovery (1)131
Free recovery after elongational flow (1)133
Free-draining assumption (2)92
Freely jointed bead-rod chain see "Kramers model"
Freely rotating chain see "Kirkwood — Riseman model"
Friction coefficient (2)60 188 311
Friction coefficient, rotational (2)289 304
Friction coefficient, translational diffusivity and (2)95
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