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Becker K.H., Dörfler M. — Dynamical Systems and Fractals : Computer Graphics Experiments with Pascal |
Предметный указатель |
Acoustic coupler 320
Adams — Bashforth method 61 68
Algorithm 258
Apple IIe 366
Apple IIGS 366 371
Armament behaviour 242—243
Asteroid 63
Atari 3 19 361
Atlas of the Mandelbmt set 379
Attractor 49 54 92 172
Attractor, Henon 62
Attractor, Lorenz 64—65
Attractor, parabola 57
Attractor, Rossler 69 285
Attractor, strange 49 56
Attractor, Verhulst 58
Backwards iteration 122 124
Basin of attraction 50 75 98 99 105
Berkeley Pascal 309
Bifurcation 39 46 54
Billiards 238
Binary representation 2 18
BinHex 324
Boolean function 94
Borland 329
Boundary 51 80 89 98 108 199
Breakdown of predictability 77 87
Butterfly effect 67 236 237
Button 32
C (programming language) 361
C-curve 206
Cartesian coordinates 85
Cascade 41
Causality principle 4 237
Causality principle, strong 4 77 238
Chaos 2 53 72 87 232—245
Chaos, researcher 244
Chaos, theory 244
Chaotic zone 78
Cohen, Richard J. 241
Colour Graphics Adaptor (CGA) 329
Complex, arithmetic 83
Complex, conjugate 83
Complex, number 81
Complex, plane 84
Computability of the world 233
Computer, art 8
Computer, graphics 180
Computer, graphics experiments 6
Computer-aided design (CAD) 180
Connected set 128 157
Contour line 99 144
CP/M 366
Cube root of unity 93 106
Curry — Garnett — Sullivan 167 170
Cyclic sequence 168
Data compression 3 11
Data transmission 474
Decimal representation 218
Delta (Feigenbaum number) 46 48
Dragon curve 205 209
Dynamical system 5 18 54
Electronic mail (e-mail) 3 19
Euler’s method 61
Excel 22 132
Experimental mathematics 2 54
Fatou, Pierre 104
Feedback 4 34
Feedback, scheme 6 73
Feigenbaum, diagram 39 40 43—44 50 160 162
Feigenbaum, landscape 51
Feigenbaum, Mitchell 40
Feigenbaum, number 47
Feigenbaum, scenario 54 56
Fibrillation 241
Fig-tree 37 44 159
File transfer 3 19
Fingerprint of chaos 237
Fractal 102 104 199 267
Fractal, dimension 103
Fractal, graphics 204—229
Fractal, landscape 211—216 273
Frontier 54
Gaussian plane 72 84
Gingerbread man see “Mandelbrot set”
Gipsy moth 243
Global variable 265
Graftal 216—223 273
Grand Canyon 248
Graphical iteration 34
Graphics procedure 29
GraphMode 32
Grey tone 79 107
Hard copy 303
Heartbeat 240—241
Henon, Michel 62 64
Hercules Graphics Adaptor (HGA) 329
Hilbert curve 204
Huffman method 3 19
IBM-PC, IBM-AT 328 375
Imaginary number 82
| Include-File 332 352 362
Integer encoding 305
inversion 186
Iteration 19 34
Julia set 88 105 110 111—121 129—130 184 288
Julia set with interior structure 201
Julia set, inverted 189—191
Julia, Gaston 88 104
Kam theorem 62
Kermit 319 339 374
Keypressed 47
Koch curve 206 209
Layout of Pascal programs 258 264
Lightspeed C 360
Lightspeed Pascal 353
Limits to predictability 238 244
Look-up table 3 11
Lorenz, Edward N. 64
MacApp 360
MacGet and MacPut 376
Machine-independence 258 264
Macintosh 41 319 347
Magnetism 244
Mandelbrot set 3 128—166 185 198 293
Mandelbrot set with interior structure 200
Mandelbrot set, inverted 188—189
Mandelbrot, BenditB. 102 108 138
May, Robert M. 244
Measles 19
Measuring instrument 25
Meteorology 232
Modem 320
Modula II 360
Modulus 84
Monument Valley 248
MPW Pascal 360
MS-DOS 319 328
Newton’s method 72 80 86 92 104—105
Nonlinear 45
ORCA Pascal 366
Order and chaos 79
Orthogonal projection 194
PAD parameter 320
Papert, Seymour 206
Paradigm 2
Parity 375
Period doubling 41 54
periodicity 159
Phase transition 243
Point of no return 54
Polar coordinates 84 122
Production rule 216
Projection 192
Projection, centre 192
Promptline 338
PS/2 system 328
Pseudo-3D graphics 165 182 300
Quadratic iteration 131 291
Quasi-Feigenbaum diagram 164 297
Quasi-Mandelbrot set 146—147 149
RAMdisk 311
Real number 82
Repetital 224
Repetitive design 224—229
Research Group in Complex Dynamics, Bremen 2 102 138
Riemann sphere 192
Run Length Encoding 304
Saperstein, Alvin M. 242
Screen coordinates 27
Section 41
Self-similarity 42 61 103
Sierpihski curve 205
Snowflake curve 206 210
Soft copy 303
Spreadsheet 22 131—134
ST Pascal Plus 361
Stop bits 375
Strange Attractor see “Attractor”
Structured program 258
Sun 41 309 337 375
TAP 238—240
TextMode 32
Three-dimensional graphics 180—186
TML Pascal 359 366 371
Tomogram 145
Transformation equation 28
Transient 38
Tree graphics 212
Turbo Pascal 330 353 366
Turbo Pascal reference program 331
Turtle graphics 206 267
UCSD Pascal 366
Unit circle 192
Universal coordinate system 27
UNIX 309 322 337 375
Useful subroutine 25 266
V24 interface 374
VAX 41 309 337 375
War 241—243
Weather 4 232—238
Weather, forecast 66 234—236
Window 27 41
Zero 73 86
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