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Davydov A.S. — Theory of Molecular Excitons |
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-Naphthol 49
electrons 33 42 56 58 141 161 162 165
Absorption band shape 93 108 165
Absorption, infrared, crystal 21 24 28 45 46 48 51 53 96 124—126
Absorption, polarized, infrared 24
Absorption, polarized, ultraviolet 6 129 132 135 165
Acoustical lattice vibration 13—15
Aggregates, molecular 12
Agranovich, V. M. 96 161 162 166
Ambrose, E. J. 24
Ammonia, liquid, spectra of metals in 161
anthracene 5 41 79 110 133—135 165
Aragonite crystal 48 51—54 165
Atomic lattice 8 111
Azobenzene, crystal spectrum, electronic 4 5 49 82
Becquerel, J. 3
benzene 142 150 154 155 161
Benzene, crystal spectrum, electronic 4 55—57 138 165
Benzene, vibrational spectrum 123
Bethe splitting 3 32
Bethe, H. 3 32 135
Biphenyl 41 146 147 154 155 161
Blokhintsev, D. I. 5
Borisov, M. D. 162
Born, M. 1 66
Bose-Einstein statistics 88
Bromobenzene 138 139
Bronstein, E. M. 4 138 139
Broude, V. L. 57 166
Buchheim, W. 28
Calcite crystal 45 47
Carbon disulphide 123
Carbonate ion 46—48 52—54
Carotenoid pigments 165
Carr, E. P. 154
Character table, 42
Character table, 46
Character table, 56
Character table, point groups, Civ 50
Character table, Space groups, 15
Character table, Space groups, 47
Character table, Space groups, 55
Character table, Space groups, 52
Chebyshev-Hermite polynomial 104
Combinational (Raman) scattering (C.S.) 3 27 122 123
Commutation relations 11 12
Coulson, C. A. 127
Craig, D. P. 165 166
Curtis, W. 166
Davydov, A. S. 17 32 42 141 161—164
de Lazlo, H. G. 126—128
Decius, J. C 165
Dickson, E. 154
Dimers, spectra of 166
Dipole-dipole interaction 19 25 38 149
Dispersion, of light 161 162
Dispersion, rotatory 165 166
Durene 166
Eichis, A. Y. 135—138 155
El-Bayoumi, M. Ashraf 166
Electric moment, crystal 22 23
Elliott, A. 24
Elyashevich, M. A. 58
Energy, crystal excitation 36 39 59 72 73 83 90 102 107
Energy, of normal state of crystal 34 73
Energy, transfer of 31 63 67 68 74 98 162 165 166
ethylene 41 124 125
Excitation exchange 36
Exciton band, crystal 61 73 74 76 78 90 103 104 166
Exciton concept, definition of 5 35 67 166
Exciton coupling strength 166
Exciton multiplicities 165 166
Exciton splitting 80 82 123 125 129 130 151
Exciton zones see “Exciton band”
Excitons, free 67 68 71 73 79 85 96 107 113 130 134 136 165 166
Excitons, Group velocity of 81 113
Excitons, Intramolecular, electronic 141 143
Excitons, Localized 67 68 82 97 103 104 107 111 115 116 129 132 134
Fitts, D. D. 166
Fock, V. A. 141
Forster, Th. 166
Fox, D. 165
Frenkel, J. I. 5 35 111 113
Fulvene 142
Funabashi, K. 166
Gillam, A. E. 145
Goeppert-Mayer, M. 146 150 155
Gross, E. F. 3 4 16 27
Group theory 39
Group velocity, exciton 81 113
Halford, R. 165
Hamiltonian, crystal, fixed molecule 60
HCI 123
Helical polymers 165 166
Heller, W. K 165
Henri, V. 126
Hermitian relations 10—12 20 102
Herzberg, G. 123
Hexter, K M. 166
Hey, D. H. 145
Hobbins, P. C 165
Hypochromism 165 166
Impurity molecules 162
Inductive resonance 5
Infrared absorption, crystal 21 24 28 45 46 48 51 53 96 124—126
Iodobenzene, crystal spectrum 4 139
Jelley, E. E. 135
Kandler, L. 135
Kasha, M. 166
Kirkwood, J. G. 166
Kovner, M. A. 142
Kronenberger, A. 138
Kurbatov, V. 3
Ladenburg, R. 10
Landau, L. D. 65
Landsberg, G. S-. 3
Lattice vibrations 12—14 24 59 85 86
Lattice vibrations, acoustical 13—15
Lattice vibrations, optical 13—15 100
Lattice, atomic 8 111
Lattice, Effect on molecular vibrations 17 21 27 31 161
Lattice, Molecular 12
Lattice, reciprocal 9 77
Levinson, G. L. 166
| Levshin, V. L. 120
Lifschitz, I. M. 96
Light, dispersion of 161 162
Linear polymers 166
London, A. 142 146 154 155
Longuet-Higgins, H. C 165
Low-frequency spectra 3 4 27
Lubchenko, A. F. 162 163
Luminescence, molecular crystal 110 113 116—120 133 162 165 166
Lyddane, R. H. 153
Lyons, L. E. 166
Magee, J. L. 166
Mandelshtam, L. L 3 122
Marcus, A. 165
Mayants, L. S. 58
McClure, D. S. 166
McConnell, H. 166
McRae, E. G. 166
Medvedev, V. S. 57
Merrifield, R. E. 165 166
methane 125
Moffitt, W. 165 166
Molecular aggregates 166
Molecular crystals 1 58 66 68 111 161 162 165 166
Molecular lattice 12
Molecular vibrations, effect of lattice on 17 21 27 31 161
Molecular vibrations, normal 13 18 19 27 29 58 124 131 165
Monoclinic crystal 23 41 73 80
Motion, molecular, in crystal 68 70 97 165
Multipole moment 24—27 38 78
Murrell, J. N. 165
Naphthacene 135—137
naphthalene 41 42 72 79 110 128 131 161
Naphthalene, crystal spectrum, electronic 4 94 126—129 132 165
Naphthalene, crystal spectrum, infrared 24 42 44
Naphthalene, crystal spectrum, Raman 16 29 42 44 45
Nedungadi, T. M. 16 29 45
Normal vibrations, molecular 13 18 19 27 29 58 124 131 165
Obreimov, I. V. 3 4 5 110 112 120 133—135 137
Oppenheimer, J. R. 66
Optical lattice vibration 13—15 100
Oscillator strength 19 20 38 145
Ovalene 166
Para-polyphenyls 141 143 146 161
Paradichlorobenzene 41
Pauli, W. 66
Peierls, R. 5 111
Petersen, D. L. 166
Phenanthrene 5 49—51 82 110 137
Phonons 12 64 69 86 89 91 95 106 109 118 162
Phosphorescence enhancement 166
Phthalocyanine 166
Pigments, carotenoid 165
Pleochroism 4 5 83 161
Polarization, phonon 92 102
Polarized absorption, infrared 24
Polarized absorption, ultraviolet 6 129 132 135 165
Polyenes 165
Polymers, helical 165 166
Polymers, linear 166
Polynucleotides 166
Polypeptides 165
Prikhotko, A. F. 4 6 57 93 94 110 112 120 124—130 132 134 135 137 166
Pringsheim, P. 138
Pyridocyanine dyes 166
Radiationless transitions 162
Raman effect 3 27 28 122 123
Raman spectra, crystals 6 29 30 45 46 48 51
Raman spectra, lattice lines 16
Raman, C. V. 3 122
Rashba, E. I. 163 166
Raskin, A. I. 16
Reciprocal lattice 9 77
Reducible representation, lattice vibrations 15
Reducible representation, vibrational 124
Resonance interaction, excited state 6 38 84
Resonance interaction, vibrational state 18 24 27 28 31 55 166
Resonance, inductive 5
Rhodes, W. 166
Richards, R. E. 126
Robertson, J. M. 130
Rodnikova, L 124 125
Rotatory dispersion 165 166
Rousset, A. 16
Scheibe, G. 135
Schnepp, O. 165
Seitz, F. 113
Shabaldas, K 124 133 135
Simpson, W. T. 165 166
Sklar, A. L. 146 150 153 155
Space group operations 14 41 49
Space group operations 47
Spectrum, low-temperature 91
Stepanov, B. L 58
Sternlicht, H. 166
Stiicklen, H. 154
Stilbene 49
Sverdlov, L. M. 142
Tanaka, J. 166
Terenin, A. N. 112
Thompson, H. W. 126
Transition probability, crystal excitation 76 78 89 91 92 114
Transition probability, molecular excitation to lattice energy 64 105 106 112 115 116
Transitions, radiationless 162
Transitions, weak 166
Trlifaj, M. 166
Unit cell 59
Unit cell, containing four molecules 48 55 75 82
Unit cell, containing two molecules 23 24 73 79 90 134
Van der Waals interaction 25 28 34
Vavilov, S. I. 5 110 120
Vibrational state of molecules in crystals 62
Volkenstein, M. V. 28 58 84
Vuks, M. F. 3 16 27
Walmsley, S. H. 166
Walsh, J. R. 165
Wave function, crystal excited state 35 58 61 98 101 104 114
wave number 61 (See
Wave vector 5 9 13 20—23 27 37 39 67 73 79 96 102 107
Weak transitions 166
Weisskopf, V. 105
Wigner, E. P. 105
Winston, H. 165
Witkowsky, A. 166
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