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Holtz R.D. — Geosynthetic Design & Construction Guidelines. Participant Notebook
Holtz R.D. — Geosynthetic Design & Construction Guidelines. Participant Notebook

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Название: Geosynthetic Design & Construction Guidelines. Participant Notebook

Автор: Holtz R.D.


This manual ii an updated version of the Geotextile Design & Construction Guidelines, used for the FHWA training course Geosynthetic Engineering Workshop. The update was performed to reflect current practices and codes for geotextile design, and has been expanded to address geogrid and geomembrane materials. The manual was prepared to enable the Highway Engineer to correctly identify and evaluate potential applications of geosynthetics as an alternative to other construction methods and as a means to solve construction problems. With the aid of this text, the Highway Engineer should be able to properly design, select, lest, specify, and construct with geotextiles, geocomposite drains, geogrids and related materials in drainage, sediment control, erosion control, roadway, and embankment on soft soils applications. Steepened slope and retaining wall applications also are addressed, but designers are referred to the FHWA Demonstration Project No. 82 references on mechanically stabilized earth structures for details on design. Application of geomembranes and other barrier materials to highway works are summarized within. This manual is directed toward geotechnical, hydraulic, roadway, bridge and structures, and route layout highway engineers.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Науки о земле/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 1998

Количество страниц: 484

Добавлена в каталог: 19.09.2009

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