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Saffman P.G. — Vortex Dynamics |
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(Line vortex, continued) rectilinear 35 38—9 41—2 48 64 254
(Vorte: rings, continued) uniform finite cored 194—5
Appaiint momentum 74 88
Arno d’s variational principle 276
Beltrumi flows 19
Bemiulli constant 19
Bernoulli equation extension 19
Biot — Savart law 34
Biot — Savart law wilh surfaces 40
Biot — Savart law, singular behaviour 36
Birkhaff — Rott equation 142 146—8
Birkhaff — Rott equation, finite thickness modification 160
Brags — Hawthorne equation 72 289
Burgtrs vortices, not axisymmetric 266
Burgtrs vortices, stability 267
Co-operative instability, effect of axial flow 249
Co-operative instability, Fredholm alternative 245
Co-operative instability, physical explanation 238
Co-operative instability, staggered double low 239
Comp ex lamellar 19
Crow instability 235
D'Alembert's paradox 82
Elliptical patches in simple shear 175
Elliptical patches, Kid a unsteady vortex 167
Elliptical patches, Kinchoff rotating vortex 167
Elliptical patches, Moore — Saffman equilibrium vorlex 168
Elliptical patches, stability 173 4
Elliptical vortex approximaiion 170 189
Energy dissipation 69
Foeppl vortices 43 121
Frenet — Serret formulae 34
Gyroscopic analogue 7
Helical vortex 213 240
Hill's spherical vortex 23 25 72 195 199
Hill's spherical vortex with swirl 72
Hill's spherical vortex, stability 25
Image vorticity 41 47 74 88 119
Image vorticity for a cylinder 42
Image vorticity for a plane 41
Image vorticity for a sphere 43
Impulsive forces 51 57
Impulsive pressure 52 60
Impulsive pressure, boundary condition 58
Induced drag 107 113 260 273
Induced drag, elliptical loading 272
Induced drag, light-loading approximation 271
Induced drag, Prandtl’s lifting-line theory 272
Induced drag, Trefftz plane. 272
Karman street wake model 136
Kasper wing 122 160
Kirchhoff — Routh function 124 138
Klein's KaffeelOffelexperiment 95 105
Kutta condition 109 111 121
Kutta lift 8 48 80 106 205 218—19
Lamb surfaces 19
Lamb — Oseen vortex 253—4
Line vortex 34 43—4 70 119
Line vortex, curved 36—7 310
Lundgren’s transformation 268—70
Mixing layer model 170
Point vortex array instability, double row 134—5
Point vortex array instability, finite amplitude pairing instability 132 135
Point vortex array instability, single row 131—3
Point vortices 64
Poisson brackets for patch moments 279
Prandtl — Batchelor flows 160
Rankine vortex 22 167
Rankine vortex, rate of strain tensor 6 13
Rankine vortex, rectilinear vortex filament (see Rankine vortex)
Sadovskii vortices 160 179
Schrodinger equation 210
Solid angle 35
Stuart vortices 189
Stuart vortices, stability 190
Symplectic integration 285
Thin cored vortex rings 192
Thin cored vortex rings with elliptical cross-section 205
Thin cored vortex rings, compressible 205
Thin cored vortex rings, energy 104
Thin cored vortex rings, hollow or stagnant 195
Thin cored vortex rings, speed 104
Thin cored vortex rings, viscous 204
| Torque on moving body 6 82—4 90
Trailing vortices 215 257 293
Trailing vortices, axial flow 259
Trailing vortices, Batchelor’s far field flow 259—60
Trailing vortices, effects of viscosity 259
Trailing vortices, Moore — Saffman profiles 261—3
Trailing vortices, spiral structure 263
Turbulent line vortex 255—6
Turbulent line vortex of a dipole 49
Turbulent line vortex of a line vortex 34
Turbulent line vortex, vector potential 3—5 63 68
Velocity produced by 28
Virtual mass tensor 81 83—4
Viscous effects 67 259 261
Vortex breakdown, bending modes 232
Vortex breakdown, fluted modes 233
Vortex breakdown, hollow cored 234
Vortex breakdown, quasi parallel approximation 289
Vortex breakdown, regular solutions 286
Vortex breakdown, Rossby number 286
Vortex breakdown, sausaging modes 231
Vortex breakdown, stagnant cored 234
Vortex filaments 10 45
Vortex filaments with internal structure 223
Vortex filaments, cut-off parameter 21
Vortex filaments, helicity 70
Vortex filaments, reconnection 25
Vortex filaments, Rosenhead’s modification of cut-off 213
Vortex filaments, tension in curved 205
Vortex patches 160
Vortex patches in uniform strain 168
Vortex patches, co-rotating pair 179 181
Vortex patches, corners 173 176
Vortex patches, counter-rotating pair 179—80
Vortex patches, evolution 165
Vortex patches, existence 166
Vortex patches, Hamiltonian 178
Vortex patches, hidden symmetries 275
Vortex patches, in simple shear 175
Vortex patches, Lamb’s touching pair 182
Vortex patches, non-uniform 171
Vortex patches, pairing instability 185 187—9
Vortex patches, stability of Karman vortex street 187—90
Vortex patches, stability of Kirchhoff rotating vortices 173
Vortex patches, stability of Moore-Saffman strained vortices 174
Vortex patches, stability of single row 184 7
Vortex patches, tearing mode instability 184
Vortex patches, touching 179 182
Vortex patches, waterbag model 164
Vortex rings 84—5
Vortex rings, approaching a hole in a wall 130
Vortex rings, creation 104—5
Vortex rings, existence 194
Vortex rings, leap frogging 208
Vortex sheet roll-up 100—3 257
Vortex sheet roll-up, Bet; model 150 159
Vortex sheet roll-up, Prardtl model 103
Vortex sheet roll-up, viscous core structure 255
Vortex sheets, dynamics 29
Vortex sheets, equivalent dipole distribution 28 35
Vortex sheets, in rotational flow 26
Vortex sheets, instability of expanding 144
Vortex sheets, Moi re singularity 146—7
Vortex, definition 10 63
Vortex, knottedness 70
Vortex, lines 8
Vortex, null 9
Vortex, pair approaching a slit 127
Vortex, pair in a channel 119
Vortex, sheet lines 25 33
Vortex, tube strength 9 13 22
Vortex, tubes 10 13 15 40 285
Vorticity, definition of 1
Vorticity, extension 39
Vorticity, free 47
Vorticity, Fridman’s evolution equation 11
Vorticity, partial extension 40
Vorticity, tensor 6
Vorticity, two-dimensional centroid 66 126
Wagner effect 115
Weak solution 38
Weis — Fogh lift mechanism 106
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