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Pomraning G.C. — The equations of radiation hydrodynamics
Pomraning G.C. — The equations of radiation hydrodynamics

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Íàçâàíèå: The equations of radiation hydrodynamics

Àâòîð: Pomraning G.C.

ßçûê: en

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.06.2005

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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Kinetic theory, particle energy flux      217
Kinetic theory, particle flux      215—16
Kinetic theory, particle momentum density      214—15
Kinetic theory, particle momentum flux      216—17
Kinetic theory, radiation quantities      217—218
Klein — Nishina formula      181—2
Lagrange multipliers      39
Lagrangian derivation of equation of transfer      13— 15
Lagrangian hydrodynamics      245—65
Lagrangian hydrodynamics, Cartesian geometry, nonrelativistic      254—5
Lagrangian hydrodynamics, Cartesian geometry, relativistic      254
Lagrangian hydrodynamics, change of variables from Eulerian picture      245—6
Lagrangian hydrodynamics, cylindrical geometry, nonrelativistic      259—60
Lagrangian hydrodynamics, cylindrical geometry, relativistic      259
Lagrangian hydrodynamics, derivation of equations      246—51
Lagrangian hydrodynamics, divergence of a dyad      253 256 261
Lagrangian hydrodynamics, fundamental Lagrangian relations      249
Lagrangian hydrodynamics, Lagrangian Jacobian      247 258 264
Lagrangian hydrodynamics, Lagrangian time derivative      232 246
Lagrangian hydrodynamics, nonrelativistic limit      252
Lagrangian hydrodynamics, solution of continuity equation      249
Lagrangian hydrodynamics, spherical geometry, nonrelativistic      265
Lagrangian hydrodynamics, spherical geometry, relativistic      264—5
Lagrangian time derivative in equation of transfer      14
Lagrangian time derivative in equations of hydrodynamics      232 246
Lagrangian time derivative, commutation rule      233—4
Laguerre polynomials      207
Legendre polynomials      18
Linearly polarized light      112
Local thermodynamic equilibrium      46—47 158
Lorentz transformation of      155—6 272-4
Lorentz transformation of equation of transfer      267—74
Lorentz transformation of equation of transfer, basic Lorentz transformation      268
Lorentz transformation of, Thomson      131—4 180
Macroscopic absorption coefficient      5
Macroscopic absorption coefficient, Lorentz transformation of      155—6 272-4
Mark boundary condition      53 73
Marshak boundary condition      53 73—74
Mass absorption coefficient      see Absorption coefficient
Maxwellian distribution      187—8
Mean free path      7
Microscopic absorption coefficient      6 (see also Absorption coefficient)
Microscopic absorption coefficient, Cartesian geometry nonrelativistic      239—40
Microscopic absorption coefficient, commutation rule for Lagrangian time derivative and integral over space      233—4
Microscopic absorption coefficient, cylindrical geometry, nonrelativistic      241—2
Microscopic absorption coefficient, cylindrical geometry, relativistic      240—1
Microscopic absorption coefficient, derivation of equations      232—3
Microscopic absorption coefficient, integral form      233—5
Microscopic absorption coefficient, Lagrangian time derivative      232
Microscopic absorption coefficient, nonrelativistic limit      235
Microscopic absorption coefficient, relativistic      238—9
Microscopic absorption coefficient, spherical geometry, nonrelativistic      241—2
Microscopic absorption coefficient, spherical geometry, relativistic      242—3
Modified Eulerian hydrodynamics      232—44
Momentum of photon      1 269
Moving medium effects      see Relativistic effects on the equation of transfer
Multigroup methods      88—105
Multigroup methods, average absorption coefficient      89 94
Multigroup methods, B — N method      93
Multigroup methods, classical multigroup equations      89—93
Multigroup methods, Elsasser band      102—5
Multigroup methods, flux      93
Multigroup methods, generalized Planck and Rosseland means      97— 102
Multigroup methods, Gray equation      89 93—96
Multigroup methods, group constants      90—91
Multigroup methods, new multigroup method      93—105
Multigroup methods, Planck mean      92
Multigroup methods, pressure      93
Multigroup methods, Rosseland mean      91—92
Natural (unpolarized) light      116—17
Non-re-entrant surface      15—16
Nonrelativistic equations of hydrodynamics      see Eulerian hydrodynamics; Lagrangian hydrodynamics; Modified Eulerian hydrodynamics
Numerical methods for Fokker — Planck eigenvalue problem      201—10
One group equation of transfer      see Gray equation of transfer
Oppositely polarized streams of light      118
Optical distance      29
Optical path length      29
Optically thin systems      92
Oscillator strengths      175—7
Oscillator strengths, relation to Einstein coefficients      175—6
Outscattering of radiation      12
Outscattering of radiation, Lorentz transformation of      155—6 272-4
P — N method      see Spherical harmonic
Partially polarized light      113—21
Partially polarized light, decomposition into elliptically polarized streams      119—20
Partially polarized light, equation of transfer for      121—43
Partially polarized light, equivalence of two streams      113—14
Partially polarized light, Stokes parameters for      114
Partition function      165
Path length derivative      14 16 19 22 30 153
Pauli principle      46
Peierls’ equation      31—39
Peierls’ equation, cylindrical geometry      36—38
Peierls’ equation, plane geometry      32—35
Peierls’ equation, spherical geometry      35—36
Phase function      see Kernel for scattering
Phase space, basic cell      45
Photoelectric absorption      see Bound-free absorption coefficient
Photon      1 47—49
Photon, as bosons      44
Photon, energy of      1 269
Photon, Hamilton’s equations for      144—9
Photon, momentum of      1 269
Photon, source of      8—9
Photon, velocity of      1 144—5
Planck function      3—4 47 162
Planck mean      92
Planck mean, generalized Planck mean      97—102
Plane geometry equation of transfer with Thomson scattering for polarized light      135—6
Plane geometry equation of transfer, integro-differential equation      16—19
Plane geometry equation of transfer, Peierls’ equation      32—35
Polarized light      49 106—43
Polarized light, circular polarization      112
Polarized light, decomposition into elliptically polarized streams      119—20
Polarized light, elliptically      107—13
Polarized light, equation of transfer for      121—43
Polarized light, equivalence of two streams      113—14
Polarized light, independent streams of      114—16
Polarized light, linear polarization      112
Polarized light, natural light      116—17
Polarized light, oppositely polarized streams      118
Polarized light, partially polarized      113—21
Polarized light, Stokes parameters for      see Stokes parameters
Polarized light, Thomson scattering of      131—43
Pressure of fluid      212—19
Pressure of radiation      4—5 217—18
Pressure of radiation, in asymptotic diffusion theory      63
Pressure of radiation, in equilibrium diffusion theory      87
Pressure of radiation, in the discrete ordinate (S — N) method      84
Pressure of radiation, in the Eddington approximation      55
Pressure of radiation, in the multigroup method      93
Pressure of radiation, in the spherical harmonic (P — N) method      80
Quadrature methods      84
Radiation constant      3
Radiation field      1—5 217—18
Radiation field, average pressure      5
Radiation field, distribution function      1
Radiation field, energy density      2 217—18
Radiation field, flux      3 217—18
Radiation field, homogeneous      2
Radiation field, isotropic      2
Radiation field, Lorentz transformation of      270—2
Radiation field, Planck function      3—4
Radiation field, pressure      4—5 217—18
Radiation field, specific intensity      2
Raman scattering      159
Ray effects in discrete ordinate (S — N) method      86
Rayleigh scattering      159 180
Red shift in Compton scattering      183—4
Reflection of photons      48
Refraction      see Dispersion
Refractive index      146
Relativistic effects on the equation of transfer      49 154—6 267—74
Relativistic effects on the equation of transfer, Lorentz transformation of equation of transfer      155—6 267—74
Relativistic equations of hydrodynamics      see Eulerian hydrodynamics; Lagrangian hydrodynamics; Modified Eulerian hydrodynamics
Resonance scattering      159 180
Rosseland mean      88 91—92
Rosseland mean, generalized Rosseland mean      97—102
S — N method      see Discrete ordinate method
Saha equation      46 164—5 167
Scattering      179—80
Scattering kernel      see Kernel for scattering
Scattering, classical      179—80
Scattering, coefficient      6 179—80
Scattering, coherent      7 180
Scattering, Compton      181—2 183—210
Scattering, conservative      7
Scattering, differential      6
Scattering, fluorescent      159 180
Scattering, isotropic      7
Scattering, kernel      7 177—9
Scattering, Lorentz transformation of      155—6 272-4
Scattering, Raman      159
Scattering, Rayleigh      159 180
Scattering, resonance      159 180
Scattering, Thomson      131—4 180
Schwartz inequality      102
Slater serening constants      168—9
Source of photons      8—9
Source of photons in terms of Einstein coefficients      161
Specific intensity      2 151
Specific intensity, Lorentz transformation of      270—2
Spherical geometry equation of transfer, integro-differential      19—21 24—25
Spherical geometry equation of transfer,, Peierls’ equation      35—36
Spherical harmonic (P — N) method      71—83
Spherical harmonic (P — N) method, boundary conditions      73—74 78—79
Spherical harmonic (P — N) method, flux      79
Spherical harmonic (P — N) method, general geometry      76—80
Spherical harmonic (P — N) method, initial conditions      73 78
Spherical harmonic (P — N) method, plane geometry      71—75
Spherical harmonic (P — N) method, pressure      80
Spherical harmonic (P — N) method, spherical geometry      80—83
Spherical harmonic (P — N) method, truncation methods      72 74—75 77—78
Spherical harmonics      76
Stefan — Boltzmann constant      3
Stimulated processes      44—46 160
Stokes parameters      110—31
Thomson for elliptically polarized light      110—12
Thomson for partially polarized light      114—21
Thomson scattering      131—43 180
Thomson scattering, diffusion approximation for      136—42
Thomson scattering, equation of transfer for      135—6
Thomson scattering, scattering kernel for polarized light      131—4
Thomson, additivity of      114—16
Thomson, law of transformation      124—6
Thomson, natural light      116—17
Thomson, Surface harmonics      76
Transformation law for Stokes parameters      124—6
Transport coefficient (cross section)      54
Transport equation      see Equation of transfer
Truncation methods for spherical harmonic (P — N) equations      72 74—75 77—78
Uncertainty principle      48
Vacuum boundary condition      16
Validity of the equation of transfer      47—49
Variational boundary conditions      54—74
Variational characterization of equation of transfer      39—44
Velocity of fluid      212
Velocity of photon      1 144—5
Wien distribution      46 184 205 286
1 2
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