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Rice J. — Introduction to statistical mechanics for students of physics and physical chemistry |
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a priori probability 6
action 79
Action-integrals 140
Avogadro’s hypothesis 51
Bohr’s postulates 147
Bose’s statistics of light-quanta 270
Characteristic temperatures 210
Chemical kinetics 311
Chomical constant 215
Clapeyron’s equation 120
Collision-frequency 296
Complexions of a molecular system 21 24
Condensation 104
Contour integration applied to statistical calculations 284
Darwin and Fowler’s statistical method 282
Debye’s theory of specific heats of solids 209
Degeneracy in a conditionally periodic system 158 161
Distribution constant 47 49
Distribution constant, modulus of 263
Einstein’s fluctuation formula 327
Einstein’s fluctuation formula, statistics of an ideal gas 275
Einstein’s fluctuation formula, theory of specific heat of solids 207
Elastic spectrum 175 189
Energy of vibrating lattice 181 195
Energy, average 45
Energy, equipartition of 57 60 266
Energy, hypersurfaces 153 156
Ensemble of systems 234 246
Ensemble, Canonical 261
Ensemble, micro canonical 263
entropy 69
Entropy of a perfect gas 77
Entropy, constant 80 213 221 258 279
Entropy, kinetic 75
Equation of state of a perfect gas 47
Equilibrium, chomical 82
Error, mean square 19
Errors, normal law of 11 14 331
Fermi — Dirac statistics 277
Fluctuations 102
Fourier’s theorem 175 176
Free-energy 75
Full radiation 205 275
Gas reactions 82
Gibbs’ canonical ensemble 261
Gibbs’ canonical ensemble, microcanonical ensemble 263
Gibbs’ canonical ensemble, phase-space 254
Gibbs’ canonical ensemble, thermodynamic analogies 266
H-Theorem 306
Hamilton’s equations 246
Intermolecular forces 92
Lattice, cubical 123 189
Lattice, energy of 181
Lattice, linear 175
Lattice, superficial 186
Lattice, vibration of 176
| Lattices, cubical, statistics of a system of 198
Lattices, linear, statistics of a system of 183
Light-quantum 141 270
Liouville’s theorem 248
Maxwell — Boltzmann law 43 277
Mean-squared velocity 56
Microscopic states 252
Mixture of gases 49
Modulus of distribution 263
Molecular phase-space 254
Molecules, finite size of 92
Nernst’s heat theorem 213
Normal state of a system 68
Nul-point energy 141 281
Oscillator 57 131
Parameters of a system 38
Partition fimctions of Darwin and Fowler 282 290
Pauli’s exclusion principle, Fermi’s adaptation of 277
phase diagram 26
Phase-cell 25 77
Phase-cell, finite magnitude of 136 221
Phases 24
Planck-oscillator 131
Planck’s constant 80 130 134
Planck’s constant for full radiation 205 275
Planck’s constant, law of distribution 134 137 141 156 273 293
Pressure of a fluid 53
Pressure of a fluid, intrinsic or internal 54 94 96
Pressures, law of partial 62
Probability, and intermolecular action 97
Probability, d priori 6 34 151
Probability, state of maximum 39
Propagation of a disturbance in an elastic solid 190
Quantisation of paths 134 147 158
Quantum hypothesis 126
Quantum hypothesis, states 136 138
Rayleigh — Jeans law for full radiation 205
Rotational specific heat 166
Saturated vapour, theory of 118
Second law of thermodynamics 68 114
Smoluchowski’s theory of fluctuations 106
Solid state 123
Specific heat 65 123 164 166 277
Standing waves in a lattice 200
Stationary states 143
Steepest descents, method of 284
Stem’s treatment of the entropy-constant problem 226
Stirling’s theorem 24 28
Temperature, and distribution constant 45
Temperature, characteristic 210
Thermodynamic equilibrium 68
Trajectory 26
Unstable homogeneous states of a fluid 96
Van der Waal’s equation 95 101
Vapour-pressure constant 215
Wave-function 189
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