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Bergaya F. (ed.), Lagaly G. (ed.), Theng B.K.G. (ed.) — Handbook of Clay Science (vol. 1)
Bergaya F. (ed.), Lagaly G. (ed.), Theng B.K.G. (ed.) — Handbook of Clay Science (vol. 1)

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Название: Handbook of Clay Science (vol. 1)

Авторы: Bergaya F. (ed.), Lagaly G. (ed.), Theng B.K.G. (ed.)


The first general texts on clay mineralogy and the practical applications of clay, written by R.E. Grim, were published some 40-50 years ago. A large volume of literature has accumulated since then but this information is scattered and not always accessible. The Handbook of Clay Science assembles the vast literature on the divers aspects that make up the discipline of clay science. The topics covered range from the fundamental structures and properties of clays and clay minerals, through environmental , health and industrial applications, to analysis and characterization by modern instrumental techniques. There are also chapters on clays and microorganisms, layered double hydroxides, zeolites, cement hydrates, and the genesis of clay minerals, as well as the history and teaching of clay science. No available modern book in the English language is as comprehensive and wide-ranging as this Handbook.

In providing a critical and up-to-date assessment of the accumulated information, the Handbook of Clay Science will serve as the first point of entry into the literature for both newcomers and graduate students, while for research scientists, university teachers, industrial chemists, and environmental engineers the book will become a standard reference text.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Науки о земле/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 1246

Добавлена в каталог: 10.09.2009

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