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Reis R. (ed.), Lubaszewski M. (ed.), Jess J.A.G. (ed.) — Design of Systems on a Chip: Design and Test
Reis R. (ed.), Lubaszewski M. (ed.), Jess J.A.G. (ed.) — Design of Systems on a Chip: Design and Test

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Название: Design of Systems on a Chip: Design and Test

Авторы: Reis R. (ed.), Lubaszewski M. (ed.), Jess J.A.G. (ed.)


Design of Systems on a Chip: Design and Test is the second of two volumes addressing the design challenges associated with new generations of the semiconductor technology. The various chapters are the compilations of tutorials presented at workshops in the recent years by prominent authors from all over the world. Technology, productivity and quality are the main aspects under consideration to establish the major requirements for the design and test of upcoming systems on a chip. In particular this second book include contributions on three different, but complementary axes: core design, computer-aided design tools and test methods. A collection of chapters deal with the heterogeneity aspect of core designs, showing the diversity of parts that may share the same substrate in a state-of-the-art system on a chip. The second part of the book discusses CAD in three different levels of design abstraction, from system level to physical design. The third part deals with test methods. The topic is addressed from different viewpoints: in terms of chip complexity, test is discussed from the core and system prospective; in terms of signal heterogeneity, the digital, mixed-signal and microsystem prospective are considered.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Издание: 1st edition

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 233

Добавлена в каталог: 06.09.2009

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