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Mishchenko M.I. — Scattering, Absorption, and Emission of Light by Small Particles
Mishchenko M.I. — Scattering, Absorption, and Emission of Light by Small Particles

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Íàçâàíèå: Scattering, Absorption, and Emission of Light by Small Particles

Àâòîð: Mishchenko M.I.


This thorough and up-to-date treatment introduces the general formalism of scattering, absorption, and emission of light and other electromagnetic radiation by arbitrarily shaped and arbitrarily oriented particles. It discusses the relation of the radiative transfer theory to single-scattering solutions of Maxwell's equations and describes in detail exact theoretical methods and computer codes for calculating scattering, absorption, and emission properties of arbitrarily shaped particles.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2002

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 462

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 29.06.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Particles spherical monodisperse      238—250
Particles spherical polydisperse      250—273
Particles stochastically shaped      see “particles randomly shaped”
Particles volcanic      329—331 334 336
Particles with inclusions      156—157 201 213—214 347—351
Particles with rough surfaces      325—326 328
Perturbation theories      221
Phase      13 18 20
Phase function      59—60 101
Phase function for irregular particles      322—328
Phase function for monodisperse spherical particles      248
Phase function for polydisperse spherical particles      258—267
Phase function for randomly oriented circular cylinders      301—302 306 315—316
Phase function for randomly oriented spheroids      286—291 297 309
Phase function normalization condition for      60 101
Phase function Rayleigh      208—209 264
Phase function Rayleigh — Gans      264
Phase matrix      49—54
Phase matrix circular-polarization      52 106
Phase matrix circular-polarization average      107
Phase matrix circular-polarization normalized      106—107
Phase matrix circular-polarization reciprocity relation for      53
Phase matrix coherency      50—51
Phase matrix coherency reciprocity relation for      53
Phase matrix modified Stokes      52
Phase matrix modified Stokes reciprocity relation for      53
Phase matrix normalized Stokes      100—102
Phase matrix normalized Stokes Fourier decomposition in azimuth for      105
Phase matrix normalized Stokes symmetry properties of      102
Phase matrix Stokes      51—52 83
Phase matrix Stokes average      70 72 78
Phase matrix Stokes backscattering      54
Phase matrix Stokes expression in terms of the scattering matrix      88—91
Phase matrix Stokes for macroscopically isotropic and mirror-symmetric media      88—91
Phase matrix Stokes inequalities for      52 71
Phase matrix Stokes reciprocity relation for      52—53 71
Phase matrix Stokes symmetry relations for      90—91
phase velocity      13 14
Photon correlation spectroscopy      7
Physical optics approximation      220
Plane wave      3 12 16—17 37 116
Plane wave expansion in spherical waves      360—361
Plane wave expansion in vector spherical wave functions      117 376—377
Point matching method      196—197
Point matching method generalized      197 204
Point matching method generalized multiple-expansion      197 204—205
Polar angle      16
Polar stratospheric clouds      352 354
Polarization      54
Polarization analyzer      225
Polarization circular      21 23 54
Polarization circular degree of      28
Polarization complete      see “polarization full”
Polarization degree of      28
Polarization ellipse      20—24
Polarization ellipse, ellipticity of      20
Polarization ellipse, orientation of      20
Polarization elliptical      21 23
Polarization elliptical degree of      28 54
Polarization full      27 54
Polarization left-handed      20
Polarization linear      21 23 54
Polarization linear degree of      28 29 271
Polarization modulation technique      226 228
Polarization modulator      225
Polarization natural      27
Polarization right-handed      20
Polarizer      225
Polydisperse particles      158 165 250—273 282—310 345 354 356
Polyhedral particles      146 213 320—323
Position vector      10
Poynting vector      11
Poynting vector complex      12
Poynting vector time-averaged      12 14—15 47 123—124
Probability density function      72
Probability density function, normalization condition for      72
Quarter-wave plate      225
Quasi-monochromatic light      5 26—29 52 56 58 63 71 77
Radars      233 352
Radiance      see “specific intensity”
Radiation condition      116—117 194 199
Radiation force      60—62 96—97
Radiation force emission component of      62 65 98
Radiation pressure      60
Radiation torque      62—63
Radiation torque emission component of      66
Radiative transfer equation      6—7 76 78
Radiative transfer equation for macroscopically isotropic and mirror-symmetric media      105 108—109
Radius effective      161 285—7
Radius equivalent-sphere      73 172
Radius surface-equivalent-sphere      171—172
Radius vector      10
Radius volume-equivalent-sphere      172
Rainbows      258—60 264
Randomly and sparsely distributed particles      68—71 75 77
Randomly oriented particles      73 87 100 132—9
Randomly shaped particles      322
Ray optics approximation      see “approximation geometrical optics”
Ray-tracing approximation      see “approximation geometrical
Rayleigh approximation      206—209 264
Rayleigh hypothesis      117 146 196 221
Rayleigh scattering      247 250 264 271—273 309 310
Rayleigh — Debye approximation      see “approximation Rayleigh
Rayleigh — Gans approximation      35 209—210 256 264 271
Rayleigh — Gans scattering      264 271—273
Reciprocity relation      41 52—53 71 84
Reference plane      24
Reference rotations of      24—25
Refractive index      5 14
Refractive relative      33
Resonance structure      241—250 279—282 338
Resonances      241—250 273
Ripple structure      239 241 245 250—251
Rotation matrix for circular-polarization representation      25—26
Rotation matrix for modified Stokes vector      25
Rotation matrix Stokes      25
Rotationally symmetric particles      46 93 102 121 125 129 133 135 138 148—150 165 169 171—172 180
S matrix      122—125
S matrix unitarity condition for      124—125
Scale invariance rule      147 230
Scattered field      3 31 33 36—7 47 116—7
Scattering      3
Scattering angle      60 83 87
Scattering diffuse      6
Scattering dyadic      37 41 117—118
Scattering dyadic reciprocity relation for      41
Scattering dynamic      7
Scattering elastic      3
Scattering electromagnetic      3
Scattering far-field      5 35—8 66—67
Scattering forward      6 49 54 91—94 99
Scattering incoherent      6 74
Scattering independent      6 74 75
Scattering independent condition for      74
Scattering matrix expansion in generalized spherical functions      107—108 136 141
Scattering matrix symmetry properties of      107
Scattering matrix, average      87
Scattering matrix, circular-polarization, normalized      106—107
Scattering matrix, effects of nonsphericity on      99—100
Scattering matrix, for backward scattering      94—95
Scattering matrix, for forward scattering      93—94
Scattering matrix, for macroscopically isotropic and mirror-symmetric media      87
Scattering matrix, for randomly oriented particles      133—137
Scattering matrix, for rotationally symmetric particles      93—94
Scattering matrix, for spherically symmetric particles      98—99
Scattering matrix, inequalities for      87—88
Scattering matrix, normalized      100—103
Scattering matrix, normalized expansion in generalized spherical functions      103—105 136—137 141 166 172—173 180—181
Scattering matrix, normalized expansion in Wigner d-functions      103—105
Scattering matrix, normalized for clusters of spheres      341—347
Scattering matrix, normalized for irregular particles      323—339
Scattering matrix, normalized for randomly oriented circular cylinders      215—218 301—307 315—318
Scattering matrix, normalized for randomly oriented spheroids      180 182 285—294 297—298 309—311 313—314
Scattering matrix, normalized for rotationally symmetric particles      102
Scattering matrix, normalized for spherically symmetric particles      102 140 160 167 229—230 245—249 258—267 271—276
Scattering matrix, normalized properties of      101—103
Scattering matrix, Stokes      83 85—86 94
Scattering matrix, symmetries of      85—86
Scattering medium macroscopically isotropic      87
Scattering medium macroscopically isotropic and mirror-symmetric      87 100
Scattering medium macroscopically mirror-symmetric      87
Scattering multiple      6 75 344
Scattering plane      83 88
Scattering single      68—71
Scattering static      7
Scattering tensor      39
Scattering tensor reciprocity condition for      40
Schelkunoff equivalent current method      115
Secondary wave      3
Separation of variables method      113—114 179 192—193 202—205
Separation of variables method multi-sphere      156 201
Shape averaging      72—73 334—337
Shape distribution      72—73
Single-scattering albedo      58 228 255—256 284 293—296 299 303 340 344
Single-scattering albedo average      97
Single-scattering approximation      6
Size averaging      72—73 159—161 172—173 335
Size averaging effects of      250—252 279—282 341
Size distribution      72—73 160—161 173 177 250—252 283—286
Size distribution gamma      160 252 283—286
Size distribution log normal      160 283—286
Size distribution modified bimodal log normal      161
Size distribution modified gamma      160 283
Size distribution modified power law      161 283—287
Size distribution power law      160 285
Size parameter      74 147 192
Size parameter effective      250 286
Size parameter major-axis      178
Size parameter surface-equivalent-sphere      178 308
Size parameter volume-equivalent-sphere      308
Specific intensity      77
Specific intensity column vector      77—78
speed of light      14
Spherical harmonics scalar      360
Spherical harmonics vector      373—376
Spherical particles      98—99 102 122 139—142 158 214—216 238—278
Spherical particles anisotropic      222
Spherical particles Faraday-active      221
Spherical particles monodisperse      238—250
Spherical particles polydisperse      250—273
Spherical wave      36
Spherical wave functions scalar      371
Spherical wave functions vector      115 116 372—378
Spheroids      171—172
Spheroids optical properties of      180—182 185 203—204 210 213 280—298
Spheroids with extreme aspect ratios      307—314
Statistical approach      334—337
Stochastically shaped particles      322
Stokes column vector      17 51
Stokes column vector circular-polarization      19 23 105—106
Stokes column vector circular-polarization additivity of      28
Stokes column vector circular-polarization rotation transformation rule for      25—26
Stokes column vector for quasi-monochromatic light      27
Stokes column vector for quasi-monochromatic light additivity of      27 28
Stokes column vector modified      18 23
Stokes column vector modified additivity of      28
Stokes column vector modified rotation transformation rule for      25
Stokes column vector rotation transformation rule for      24—25
Stokes parameters      6 7 15 17—18
Stokes parameters ellipsometric interpretation of      19—24
Stokes parameters for quasi-monochromatic light      26
Stokes parameters for quasi-monochromatic light additivity of      27—28
Stokes parameters for quasi-monochromatic light quadratic inequality for      27
Stokes parameters quadratic identity for      18
Stokes parameters rotation transformation rule for      24—25
subtraction method      226 228
Superposition method      156 201—202 204
Superposition principle      37
Surface integral equation methods      200 205
Surface integral equation methods time-domain      205
Systeme International      384
T matrix      115 117 146
T matrix for aggregated particles      154—158 201
T matrix for rotationally symmetric particles      148—150 167—171
T matrix orientation-averaged      127—129 131
T matrix rotation transformation rule for      119—121
T matrix symmetry relations for      121—122
T matrix translation transformation rule for      125—127
T matrix unitarity property of      122—125 152
T-matrix computer code for a rotationally symmetric particle in an arbitrary orientation      180—186
T-matrix computer code for randomly oriented two-sphere clusters      186—189
T-matrix computer code for randomly oriented, rotationally symmetric particles      165—180
T-matrix computer code multi-sphere superposition      190
T-matrix method      114 115—190 202—205
T-matrix method superposition      154—158 201
T-matrix method superposition recursive      158
Temperature, absolute      3 63
Time      5 9
Time factor      5 15
Time-harmonic field      10
Total field      31 35 54—55 197
Transition matrix      see “T matrix”
Translation addition theorem      126 156 157 201 378—379
Transverse wave      13 36
Unimoment method      194
Unitarity condition      124
Unpolarized light      27
Venus clouds      274—278
Volume integral equation      31—35 197
Volume integral equation method      197—199
Wave equation, vector      33 113
wave number      14
Wave vector      12
Wavelength      15
Weak photon localization      see “coherent backscattering”
Wentzel — Kramers — Brillouin approximation      210
Wigner 3j symbols      141 379 381
Wigner d-functions      103—104 362—369 371 377
Zenith angle      see “angle polar”
1 2
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