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Annandale G.W. — Scour Technology: Mechanics and Engineering Practice
Annandale G.W. — Scour Technology: Mechanics and Engineering Practice

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Название: Scour Technology: Mechanics and Engineering Practice

Автор: Annandale G.W.


Structures built in or near rivers and other channels can be vulnerable to scour around their foundations. If the depth of the scour becomes significant, the stability of the foundations may be endangered, with a consequent risk of damage or failure of the structure. There have been several bridge failures, resulting in transport disruption, economic loss and, on occasion, loss of life. The factors influencing scour are complex and vary according to the type of structure. Protection for preventing scour needs to be designed to withstand the flow forces imposed on them and have to be practical to build and install, while minimizing adverse environmental effects. This book covers the entire Scour Technology area and is prepared by one of the leading experts on the subject.

George W. Annandale, D.Ing., P.E., is an internationally known expert on scour and president of Engineering and Hydrosystems, Inc. A civil engineer with 30 years' experience, he has worked on projects involving fluvial hydraulics, sediment transport, scour and sedimentation, and hydrology and hydraulics. He is the developer of the Erodibility Index Method used to assess scour on major projects around the world, including the San Roque Dam in the Philippines, the Karahnjukar Hydroelectric Project in Iceland, and the new Woodrow Wilson Bridge in the United States. His method has also been incorporated into federal and state guidelines, including those of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Colorado Department of Transportation, and Federal Highway Administration. Dr. Annandale has worked on projects on five continents and speaks English, German, and Afrikaans. He is author orcontributing author to six books and close to 100 papers. He lives in Denver, Colorado.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 430

Добавлена в каталог: 03.09.2009

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