Hematite 405 525
Hemi-domes 210
Hemihedral 16 149 180
Hemihedral class (oblique) 177
Hemihedral class (prismatic) 197
Hemihedral with inclined faces class (cubic) 276
Hemihedrism 259
Hemimorphic axes 175 see
Hemimorphic class (oblique) 173
Hemimorphic class (prismatic) 209 197
Hemimorphic class (rhombohedral) 344
Hemimorphic-hemihedral class (hexagonal) 426
Hemimorphic-hemihedral class (tetragonal) 224
Hemitrope 461
Hemitropic twins 462
Herschel, J.F.W. 143 146
Hexad axis 19 120 127 131 136 426
Hexad axis, conditions for 112
Hexagonal axes of reference 430 579
Hexagonal bipyramid 400 448
Hexagonal crystals, drawing 62
Hexagonal crystals, optical characters 141
Hexagonal prisms 345 367 432 444 452
Hexagonal pyramid 428 581
Hexagonal pyramid, acleistous 444 452
Hexagonal symbols, transformation of 436 441 580
Hexagonal system 426 139
Hexagonal system, twins 527
Hexagonal zone 345
Hexagonal-bipyramidal class 426
Hexagonal-hemimorphic class 426
Hexagonal-pyramidal class 426
Hexagonal-trapezohedral class 427
Hexakis-octahedral class (cubic) 303 275
Hexakis-octahedron 304 340
Hexakis-tetrahedral class (cubic) 333 276
Hexakis-tetrahedron 335 341
Hidden, W.E. 491
Holohedral 16 180 259
Holohedral class (cubic) 275
Holohedral class (hexagonal) 426
Holohedral class (oblique) 178
Holohedral class (prismatic) 197
Holohedral class (tetragonal) 224
Homologous faces 21
Horizontal dispersion 143
Hornblende 530 181
Hydrogen potassium dextro-tartrate 203
Hydrogen trisodic hypophosphate 178 196
ICE 403
Icositetrahedron 296
Icositetrahedron, pentagonal 298
Idocrase 251 248
Imbedded crystals 4
Inclined dispersion 143
Indices of faces 25
Indices of faces, optical refraction 142
Indices of faces, zone-axis 34
Indices, law of rational 26 562
Intercepts 25
Intercrossing twins 463
Interpenetrant twins 462 463 474
Inverse and direct rhombohedra 378
Inverse scalenohedron 394
Iodyrite 454
Isogonal zones 121
Isometric system 139
Isotropic crystals 140
Juxtaposed twins 462
Kayser, G.E. 554
Klein, C. 479
Labradorite 554
Laevo gyral 176
Laevo gyral twins of quartz 521
Laevo-dextrogyral twins of quartz 521
Laevo-tartaric acid 176
Langemann, L. 543
Lead nitrate 327
Lead-antimonyl dextro-tartrate 447
Lead-antimonyl dextro-tartrate + potassium nitrate 460
Levy's notation 586
Line, direction-ratios of 564
Line, inclination of, to axes of reference 565
Line, length of 565
Linear elements 161
Linear projection 70
Lithium potassium sulphate 446
Liveing, G.D. 135
Macle 461
Macro-axis 198
Macro-diagonal 198
Macro-dome 201
Macro-pinakoid 202
magnetite 309 466
Mallard, E. 510
Manebach-Baveno twins of orthoclase 535
Manebach-twins of orthoclase 531
Marbach, H. 146
Maskelyne (N.S.-) 119
Mean lines, optic 142
Measuring crystals 596 603 604
Median edges of rhombohedron 360
Meionite 261
Merohedral 16 149
Merohedrism 259
Metastrophic 18
Meyer, O. 491
Microcline 543 546 553
Miers, H.A. 302 592
Miller, W.H. 26 50 76 90 102 105 107 139 148 582 601
Millerian axes in hexagonal crystals 427
Mimetic twins 464 478 501 506 510 543 553
Mimetite 451 506
Mispickel 507 207
Mitscherlich, E. 145
Model of axes 25 36 151
Mohs, F. 55 139
Monoclinic system 138
mR, mRn, Millerian equivalents 380 389 577
Multiple twins 464 488
Naumann's axes 65
Naumann's notation 379 387 585
Naumann, G.F. 140 485
Nepheline 446
Neumann, F.E. 76 143 145 190
Nigrine 490
Noerrenberg, J.G.C. 143
Normal-angle 9
Normal-angle, equations of 29 567
Normal-angle, inclination of, to axes 568 571
Normals 9
Normals, angle between two 568
Oblique crystals, drawing 59
Oblique crystals, optical characters 143 175 188 192
Oblique system 172 138
Oblique system, formulae 181
Oblique system, twins 528
Obtuse bisectrix 142
Octahedral system 139
octahedron 285 6 13 15
Octant, first 342
Octants 24
Octants, adjacent, alternate and opposite 299
Oligoclase 169
Open form 179
Opposite octants 299
Optic axis 141
Optical see "Circular polarization"
Optical anomalies 479
Optical characters 140
| Optical examination of crystals 145
Optical extinctions 144
Optical phenomena, variation with temperature 145 189 192
Origin 1 23
Origin-plane 35
Origin-plane, equation of 557
Orthoclase 190 531 60 99 143 145 181
Orthogonal projections 49
Orthographic drawings 55 49
Orthorhombic system 138
Parallel-faced hemihedral class (cubic) 275
Parallel-faced hemihedral class (rhombohedral) 344
Parallelism of faces 1
Parameters 24
Parametral plane 24
Parametral ratios 28
Pediad class (anorthic) 148
Pedion 148 174 210
Penfield, S.L. 147 178 241 420
Penta-erythrite 270
Pentad axis inadmissible 19 121 134 136
Pentagonal dodecahedron, dihedral 316
Pentagonal dodecahedron, regular of geometry 319 326
Pentagonal dodecahedron, tetrahedral 324 343
Pentagonal icositetrahedron 298 342
Pentagonal-icositetrahedral class (cubic) 275
Pericline 548 552
Pericline-twins 548
Phacolite 526
Phenakite 363
Phillipsite 539
Piezo-electricity 146
Pinakoid 155 174 210 226 367
Pinakoidal class (anorthic) 154
Pirssonite 211
Plagihedral class (cubic) 284 275
Plagioclastic felspars 543
Plane perpendicular to zone-axis, equation of 571
Planes of symmetry see "Symmetry-planes"
Plans and elevations 49
Plinthoid class (oblique) 178
Polar axes 175
Polar diagonal of rhombohedron 866
Polar ditrigonal class (cubic) 276
Polar ditrigonal class (rhombohedral) 418
Polar edges 112
Polar tetragonal class 254
Polar triangles 151
Polar trigonal class (cubic) 275
Poles of faces 76
Poles of zone-circles 81
Polysynthetic twins 464 545 515
Possible edge 2
Possible face 2
Potassium-antimonyl dextro-tartrate 203
Potassium-antimonyl sulphate 503
Potassium-antimonyl tetrathionate 178
Pratt, J.H. 211 491 541
Primitive circle 77
Primitive form 10
Principal axis 112 344
Principal axis, optical 141
prism 180 201
Prism, dihexagonal 345 369 452
Prism, ditetragonal 228 50
Prism, ditrigonal 410 419
Prism, hexagonal 345 367 432 444 452
Prism, tetragonal 226
Prism, trigonal 345 351 353 409
Prismatic class (oblique) 178
Prismatic crystals, drawing 59 198 203 221
Prismatic crystals, optical characters 143
Prismatic system 197 138
Prismatic system, formulae 211
Prismatic system, twins 497
Projections, clinographic 49 65
Projections, linear 70
Projections, orthogonal 49
Projections, stereographic 76
Pseudo-symmetry see "Mimetic twins"
Pseudomorphs 2
Pyramid see "Bipyramid"
Pyramid, acleistous see "Acleistous"
Pyramidal class (prismatic) 197
Pyramidal class (tetragonal) 224
Pyramidal system 139
Pyramidal-hemihedral class (hexagonal) 426
Pyramidal-hemihedral class (tetragonal) 225
Pyrargyrite 527 420
Pyrites 332 476
Pyro-electricity 146
Pyro-electricity, cubic 328 333
Pyro-electricity, hexagonal 445 451 460
Pyro-electricity, oblique crystals 175 178
Pyro-electricity, prismatic 210
Pyro-electricity, rhombohedral 359 409 416 418 421 424 520
Pyro-electricity, tetragonal 255 259 268
Pyro-electricity, twin-crystals 465 520
Pyromorphite 451
Pyroxene 181
Quadratic system 139
Quartet 464
Quartz 413 519 9 17 146 463
Quercite 177
Ratio of two tangents 97
Ratio, anharmonic see "A.R."
Rational indices, conditions for 562
Rational indices, law of 26
Redruthite 509
Regular system 139
Rhombic dodecahedron 286 315 8 13
Rhombic section of plagioclases 549
Rhombic system 138
Rhombohedral axes of reference 346 366 427
Rhombohedral class 344
Rhombohedral crystals, drawing 52 62 371 405 413
Rhombohedral crystals, optical characters 141
Rhombohedral system 344 139 573
Rhombohedral system, analytical relations 573
Rhombohedral system, equivalent Millerian and Naumannian symbols 380 389 574
Rhombohedral system, formulae 354 395
Rhombohedral system, relations between indices 354
Rhombohedral system, twins 513
Rhombohedral-holohedral class 344
Rhombohedron, direct, and inverse 378
Rhombohedron, drawing 376 384
Rhombohedron, equations to faces 573
Rose, G. 489 521 537 545 554
Rotation of plane of polarization see "Circular polarization"
Ruby 404
Rutile 482
Sadebeck, A. 472 494
Salt 302
Sanidine 143
SAPpHiRe 400 404
Scacchi, A. 505
Scalenohedral class (rhombohedral) 344 365
Scalenohedral class (tetragonal) 224 225
Scalenohedron, rhombohedral 12 387 576
Scalenohedron, tetragonal 233
Scapolite 261
Scheelite 261 496
Secondary faces 11
Seignette salt 203
Silver fluoride 269
Simple crystal 461
Smith, G.F.H. 604
Smithsonite 211
Sodalite 475
Sodium ammonium dextro-tartrate 203