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Braams C.M., Stott P.E. — Nuclear Fusion: Half a Century of Magnetic Confinement Fusion Research
Braams C.M., Stott P.E. — Nuclear Fusion: Half a Century of Magnetic Confinement Fusion Research

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Название: Nuclear Fusion: Half a Century of Magnetic Confinement Fusion Research

Авторы: Braams C.M., Stott P.E.


Tracing the course of fifty years of research into fusion energy, this book describes the different courses this scientific pursuit has followed. Physical and technical issues are described in detail, and the development of the current theory is analyzed with regard to the engineering and political factors which have shaped the research. Black and white diagrams, drawings, and photographs support the narrative. A glossary defines scientific terms, abbreviations, and acronyms. Braams taught plasma physics at the University of Utrecht. Stott is affiliated with the Euratom-CEA Fusion Association.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2002

Количество страниц: 327

Добавлена в каталог: 28.06.2005

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Предметный указатель
MHD, Stellarators      146 147
MHD, Waves      11
Migma      86
Mills R G      233
Minimum      5
Mirnov S V      85 140 160
Mirror      16
Mirror machine      18 35—40 56—75
Mirror machine, Axisymmetric      70
Mirror machine, Compression      40 41
Mirror machine, Confinement      36
Mirror machine, End loss      57
Mirror machine, Exponentiation      59
Mirror machine, Flute instability      63 64 84
Mirror machine, Pulsed      40
Mirror machine, Ratio      36
Mirror machine, Reactor potential and Q      57 58 68 75 85 231 262
Mirror machine, Temperature dependence      57
MIT, Massachusetts Institute of, Technology      53 71 72 75 120 147 152 154 158 179 180 227 233 236 239
Mito, Japan Atomic Energy Research, Institute      21 115 119 155 156 181 189 202 208 209 238 239 251 255
Mitterand, President      249
Miyamoto K      143
MMII      60
Molecular ion beams      35 59 60
moment      10
Moment, Configuration, MAGPIE pinch experiment      79
Moment, Pressure      14 15
Moment, Surface      44 143 170
Morozov A I      77 78 114
Morozov A I, Source      77 114
Moscow      (see Kurchatov and Lebedev Institutes)
MST      99 102
Multiple mirror systems      85
Multipole, toroidal      115
Murakami M      161
Nagoya University      21 71 71 72 82 95 99 102 104 107 108 111 112 121 144 145 147 148 151 155 156 188 238
Naka, Japan Atomic Energy Research, Institute      21 115 119 155 156 189 202 208 209 238 239 181 251 255 268
Navier — Stokes equation      199
Nedospasov A V      53 125
Negative, ion beams      212
Neoclassical, comparison of theory and experiment      174 175
Neoclassical, Theory      172—176
Neoclassical, Transport      117
Nernst — Ettinghausen effect      122
Net      248
Neutral beam heating, mirrors      58 59 61 106
Neutral beam heating, Sources      158 211
Neutral beam heating, Stellarators      144
Neutral beam heating, Tokamaks      157—158 177 184 187 189 192 195 207 211
Neutron, Measurement techniques      141—142
Neutron, Thermonuclear origin      22 26 31 34 42 76 78 80 142 261
Next-step experiments      227 247—249
Nieuwegein, FOM Institute for Plasma, Physics      103—105 121 122 181 183
NIFS National Institute for Fusion, Science, Toki      147—148 151
Nihon University      82 108 109
Non — Maxwellian distribution      66
Normalized, beta      225
Normalized, Current      192
Novosibirsk      68 69 70 71 73 75 84 85 89 95 126—128 134
NRL, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC      41
NSTX      227
Oak Ridge National Laboratory      26 35 38 57 58 59 65 115 116 119 121 147 148 151 153 154 158 161 179 233 237 239
OGRA      20 35—38 58 60 65
Ogrenok      60
Ohkawa T      95 115 153 187
Ohkawa T, Current      187
Ohmic, H-mode      196
Ohmic, heated tokamaks      176 189
Ohmic, Heating      21 80 95 97 100 111 116 125 126 144 153 157—158 161 175—177 182—184 189 191—193 203 207 214 225 227
OHTE      99 100
Oliphant M L E      85
Open systems      56—89 (see also Mirrors and pinches)
Ormak      153 158 161 166 179
Osaka University      21 82 108 109 111
OTR      248
Oxford University, Clarendon, Laboratory      17
p-p chain      2
Padua, ENEA      95 97 99 101 102
Palumbo D      147 204
Parker R R      176 251
PBX      191
PDX      153 158 172 179 196 206
Peacock N J      135
Pease R S      24 135
Pellet, -enhanced performance      197 224
Pellet, Fuelling      144 161 170 196 214
Pellet, Killer      159
Pellet, Lithium      214 216
Peng Y — K      225
Penning F M      8
Pennsylvania State University      108
Perhapsatron      18 26 50 94
Peron, President J      18
Perrin F      21
Petula      183
Pfirsch D      14 25 173
Phaedrus — B      71 72
Pharos      104
Phoenix      58 60
Pinch      175 197
Pinch, discharge tube      32
Pinch, Effect      16 17
Pinch, Fibre      79
Pinch, Linear      33
Pinch, Plasma focus      31 75—80
Pinch, Reactor potential      231
Pinch, Sheet or hardcore      34 35
Pinch, Theta      40—43 80—83
Pinch, Toroidal      17 49—52
Plasma, current profile      224
Plasma, Facing wall      236 238
Plasma, Focus      31 75—80
Plasma, frequency      8
Plasma, Gun      76—78 112
Plasma, Origin of word      7
Plasma, Physics      7—16
Plateau regime      116
PLT      153 158 179 187 188 189 204 206 243
Pogutze O P      67 133
Poloidal Bohm diffusion      117
Ponderomotive force      11 72 73 84
Pontecorvo B      19
Post D E      200
Post R F      14 16 18 26 35 40 57 58 63 67 231 234
Power density of fusion reaction      28
Poynting vector and flux      100
PR-2, PR-5, PR-6, PR-7      20 38 61 63 68
Prevot F      58
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, (PPPL)      18 25 43—47 53 88 105 111 112 117—120 125—130 134 147 152-154 158 160 171 179 180 185 191 206 207 227 228 231 233 237 239
Profile resilience (consistency)      197
Proto Cleo      127 128 147
Pseudoclassical theory (scaling)      144 176
Pulsator      153 176
Pulsed poloidal current drive      102
Pumpout      115
Pyrotron experiments      26
Q energy multiplication factor      44 202
Q energy multiplication factor in D — D plasmas      216
Q-machines      126
Quadrupole      115
Quartz tori      95 104
Quiescent period      94 95
Radiation, cooling      167
Radiation, Energy loss      161
Radiative I mode      225
Radio frequency (RF), confinement      72 73 84
Radio frequency (RF), Fields      52—53
Radio frequency (RF), Heating      184—187
Radio frequency (RF), Stabilization      73 91
Ramo — Wooldridge Corporation, Los, Angeles      53
Rational surface      44 161 162
Reagan, President      249 250 264
Rebut P — H      197 204 224 251
Rebut P — H, Lallia scaling      197
recycling      168—170 214
Refuelling      168—170
Relativistic electron layer      106
Repute      102
Resistivity of plasma      14 29
Reversal of magnetic field      50 94
Reversed-field pinch      50 92—103 123
Reversed-field pinch, Scaling to reactor      102
Reversed-field pinch, Schematic      96
Reynolds number, magnetic      114
RFC — XX — M      71 72 73
RFX      99 101 102
Ribe F L      233
Ringboog experiment      122
Robinson D C      95 135
Rogowski coil, belt      32 140
Rokkosho Japan      268
Rose D J      49 152 233 234 236 247
Rosenbluth M N      25 51 52 67 94 116 232
Rotating plasma      38 74
Rotational transform      43 48 49 126 144
RTP      183
Runaway electrons      25 134
Russell H N      2
Rutherford E      14
Rutherford E, Cross-section      14 174 188
Rutherford P H      200
Ryutov D D      70 74 84
S-l spheromak      112
Saclay, Centre d’Etudes Nucleaire      25 50 182
Safety factor      44 49
Sagdeev R Z      173 175
Sakharov A D      19 43 85 118 121 122 230 232 234
San Diego, General Atomics      33 94 95 99 100 115—117 119 153 154 179 180 191 251 255
Saturn      147
Sausage instability      22
Sawteeth      161—164
Scaling, Alcator      158 176 203
Scaling, Artsimovitch      133 176
Scaling, Bohm-like      198
Scaling, Dimensionless      200
Scaling, Empirical      176—178
Scaling, Goldston      192 203 249 253
Scaling, Gyro — Bohm      198—200
Scaling, INTOR      248
Scaling, ITER      193
Scaling, L-mode      193 223
Scaling, Offset linear      193 197
Scaling, Pseudoclassical      144 176
Scaling, Rebut — Lallia      197
Sceptre experiments      50 94
Schenectady, General Electric Research, Laboratory      82
Schliiter A      14 25 147 173
Schltiter diffusion, currents, regime      116 117 147 173 174
Schmidt H U      90 91
Schwartzschild M      18 21
Scrape-off layer      170
Screw pinch      95 103—105
Scylla      42—43 80—82 108
Scyllac      91
Seattle, STI, MSNW Laboratories and, University of Washington      108 109
Second stability regime      148
Shafranov limit      47 52 92 129 133 160
Shafranov V D      23 25 49 129 183
Shaw E N      206
Shear      52 114 115 117 120 126 196
Sheffield J      193
Shimomura Y      251
Shock Heating      21 83
Siegbahn K      33
Siliconization      190
Similarity rules      199
Simon A      19 26 30
Sinelnikov K D      53
Single-particle confinement      127
Sloshing-ions      70 72
South Western Institute of Physics      99 183
Spherator experiments      117 120
Spherical tokamak      182 225—227
Spherical tokamak, Reactor potential      244 266
Spheromak      105 110—114
Spheromak, Formation      113
SPICA      104 105
SPICA, Resistivity      29 30 101
SPICA, Spitzer L      14 16 18 26 30 43 44 48 49 55 94 101 124 126 130 132 146 170 231
st      153 160 161 166 179 187
St. Petersburg      (see Efremov and Ioffe Institutes)
Stabilization, feedback      91
Stabilization, Finite gyro-radius      108
Stabilization, Magnetic well      115 147
STARFIRE      243
Stark effect      140
Starlite      245
start      182 225
Steady-state, Divertor      172
Steady-state, Early post — Geneva      128
Steady-state, Early Princeton      47
Steady-state, ELMy H-mode      219
Steady-state, Energy confinement scaling      144 149
Steady-state, Fields      45
Steady-state, Generic and specific names      146
Steady-state, Heating methods      144
Steady-state, High-beta      90—92
Steady-state, Internal transport barrier      225
Steady-state, Operation      183 187 189 224
Steady-state, Parameters      145 151
Steady-state, Reactor potential      231 266
Steady-state, Stellarator      18 43—49 124—129 143—151
Stellarators      144 149
Stellarators, Reversed (negative central or optimised), regimes      224
Stevens Institute, Hoboken NJ      78
StixTH      185
Stochastic magnetic fields      44 197
Stockholm, KTH (Royal Institute of, Technology)      33 99 118 119 121 122
Stormer C      11
Straus, Admiral L      19
Strickler D J      225
Stupakov G V      70
Stuttgart University      145
Sukhumi, Institute of Physics and, Technology      82
Sun, fusion reactions in the      2—3
Superconducting tokamaks      182 183
Supershot      214 216
Surface interactions      166
Suydam B R      52 94 95
Sweetman D R      58 59
SWIP — RFP      99
Synchrotron radiation      53
Tamm I E      19 43 118 172 230
Tandberg      16
Tandem mirrors      56 68—75
TARA      71 72
Taylor J B      96 175 200
Taylor J B, Conjecture (theory, relaxation)      95—97 100 105
Taylor R J      168
TCA and TCV      183 187
Teller E      11 19 42 54
Texas University, Austin      179
text      179
TEXTOR      164 172 190 225
TFR      75 153 163 165 166 176 182 186 189 204
TFTR      170 179 187 195 202 206—207 210—221 224 227 263
TFTR, Parameters      207
Thermal, barrier      69
Thermal, Conductivity ion      175
Thermal, End loss      80
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