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Benson D. — Mathematics and music |
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function 38
(complex exponential) 346
(engineers) 347
50 60 336
function 64
function 399
(Chebyshev polynomials) 277
(complex number) 345
(delay) 233 243
, time between samples 228
, Dirac delta function 71 228
(integers) 292
216 303
219 303
(density) 83 101 113 122
11-limit 190
3-limit 190
5-limit 190
Aaron's meantone temperament 170
Aaron, Pietro (ca. 1480—1550) 0
ABC2MTeX 360
Abelian group 291
abs (CSound) 274
Absolute convergence 32
Absolute integrability 64
Absolute value 40 345
Academic computer music 361
Acceleration 14
Acid Wav (shareware) 357
Acoustic pressure 97 108 130
Acoustical Society of America 380
Acoustics 106 126 130 381 420—423 426—432 434
Acoustics, nonlinear 61
Additive synthesis 241
Adjoint operators 400
Admissibility condition 79
ADSR envelope 239
Adufe 106
Aeolian 378
Aeolsklavier 81
Aerophones 81
Africa 120
Agamemnon 280
Agricola's monochord 159
Agricola, Martin (1486—1556) 0
AIFF sound file 226 261
Air 1
Air, bulk modulus 97 130
Aleatoric composer (shareware) 361
Aleatoric music 434
Algorithm, DX7 256 258
Algorithm, Euclid's 148 201 300
Algorithm, inductive 194
Algorithm, Karplus — Strong 245 261
Aliasing 231
Alpha scale (Carlos) 187 209 364
Alternate tunings group 356
Alternating group 316
Alternative, Fredholm 401
Aluminum 118
Alves, Bill 390
AM radio 248
American Math Monthly 379
Amplification 234
Amplifier 10 241
Amplifier, response 44
Amplitude 2 12 19—21
Amplitude, instantaneous 78
Amplitude, modulation 248
Amplitude, peak 16 19
Amplitude, RMS 19
AMSLaTeX xii
Analog modeling synthesizer 61
Analog signal 222
Analog synthesizer 61 240 393
Angular velocity 16 26
Animals, hearing range of 9
answers to exercises 322
Antanairesis 148
Anvil 3
Apical 5
Apotome, Pythagorean 148 164 364
Approximation, rational 193—201
Approximation, Weierstrass, theorem 401
Archytas of Tarentum (428—365 B.C.) 182
Arctan function 196
Area density 101 122
Area in polar coordinates 65
Argument 345
Aristotle (384—322 B.C.) x
Aristoxenus (ca. 364—304 B.C.) 187
Arithmetic, clock 298
Aron see Aaron
Art Song (shareware) 361
Artifacts 231
Arzela — Ascoli theorem 411
Ascending and descending (Escher) 144
Ascending node 200
ASCII 262 265
Asselin, Pierre-Yves (1950- ) 420
Associative law 75 291
Astronomy 136
Atari 357
Atonal music 186 311
Attack 239
AU sound file 226
Auditory canal 3
Augmented triad 305
Aulos 155 348
Auricle 3
Authentic mode 377
Auxiliary equation 22
AVI movie file 225
Babbitt, Milton 311
Bach, Goldberg Variation 25 359
Bach, J.S. (1685—1750) 0
Bach, Jesu, der du meine Seele 168
Bach, Musical Offering 282
Bach, Organ Music (Fagius) 178 390
Bach, P. D. Q. (1807—1742)? 288 321
Bach, Partitia no. 5, Gigue 167
Bach, Toccata and Fugue in D 280
Bach, Toccata in minor 174
Bach, Well Tempered Clavier 173
Backus, John (1911—1988) 420
Badings, Henk 207
Bagel 204
Baggi, Denis 420
Bailhache, Patrice 420
Balafon 81
balance 4
Balinese gamelan 187
Bamboo marimba (Partch) 189
Band Pass Filter 138
Bandwidth 28
Bandwidth, critical 137 138
| Barbour, J. Murray (1897—??) 421
Barca, Alessandro 176
Barker, Andrew 187
Barlow, Clarence 206 390
Barnes, John 177 178
Baroque music 165
Bartok, Bela (1881—1945) 0
Bartok, Fifth string quartet 280
Bartok, Music for strings, percussion and celesta 286
Basal end of cochlea 5
Base of natural logarithms 196
Basilar membrane 5 14 138
Basis for a lattice 216
Bass clef 355 373
Bass singer 11
Bassoon 273
Baud rate, MIDI 228
bc -l 343
Beam equation, Euler — Bernoulli 115
Beat, dead 23
Beats 16 180 363
Beauty in the Beast (Carlos) 186
Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770—1827) 186 279 392
Bekesy, Georg von (1899—1972) 6 421
Bel (= 10 dB) 9
Bell 126
Bell, (FM & CSound) 269
Bell, change ringing 294
Bell, tubular 112
Benade, Arthur H. 421
Bendeler's temperaments 174 175
Bendeler, P. (1654—1709) 0
Bending moment 113
Benedetti, Giovanni Battista (1530—1590) 156
Berg and Stork 421
Berg, Alban (1885—1935) 310
Bernoulli solution of wave equation 89
Bernoulli, Daniel (1700—1782) 30 115
Bessel function 49—58 60 253 336
Bessel function, book about 433
Bessel function, computation of 343
Bessel function, graph of 51
Bessel function, horn 111
Bessel function, hyperbolic 123
Bessel function, Neumann's 56
Bessel function, power series for 56
Bessel function, zeros of 103 341
Bessel's equation 55
Bessel, F.W. (1784—1846) 0
Beta scale (Carlos) 187 210 364
Bewitched, The (Partch) 393
Bible 195
Bibliography 420
Bifurcation 258
Bijective function 296
Binary representation 222
Birdsong 428
birnd (CSound) 275
Blackwood, Easley (1933- ) 206 390 421
Blake, William (1757—1827) 286
Blend factor 247
Block diagram (DX7) 253
Block, periodicity 215 218 307
Bocher, Maxime (1867—1918) 44
Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus (ca. 480—524 A.D.) 155 386
Bohlen — Pierce scale 147 211 363
Bologna State Museum 208
Bolzano — Weierstrass theorem 410
Bombelli, Rafael (1526—1572) 193
Boo I (Partch) 189
Books xi
Borrmann, Rudiger 357
Bosanquet, Robert H. M. (1841—1912) 202
Bottle, plucked 247
Boulanger, Nadia (1887—1979) 211
Boulanger, Richard Charles (1956— ) 214 275 421
boundary conditions 86 395
Bounded sequence 410
Bowed string 40 92
BP intervals 212 213
BP-just scale 213
brass 110 259 382
Brightness 241
Brombaugh, John (organ builder) 172
Brouncker, William (1620—1684) 196
Brown noise 69
Brown, Colin 164
Brownian motion 38 69
Brun, Viggo (1885—1978) 201
bulk modulus 97 130
Bullroarer 81
Burnside's Lemma 308 318
Burnside, William (1852—1927) 0
Buser and Imbert 422
Buxtehude, Dietrich (ca. 1637—1707) 390
Byrd, William (1543—1623) 172 288 391
C programming language 261
C++, Bessel calculator 343
C++, Synthesis Toolkit 358
Cakewalk (software) 360
Calculus, Fundamental Theorem of 368
Calculus, vector 107
Calm temperaments 179
Calvin and Hobbes 45
Campanology 294
Campbell and Greated 422
Canal, auditory 3
Canal, semicircular 4
Cancrizans 282
Canon 348
Canon, retrograde/crab 282
Canonici 348
Capacitor 249
Cards, shuffling 320
Carlos, Wendy (1939— ) 186 190 209 364 391
Carpenter, Charles 215 391
Carrier frequency 249
Carry feature (CSound) 268
Carter, Elliott 311
Cartesian coordinates 345 388
Cartesian product 303
Cascade modulation 256
Casio 358
Castine, Peter 422
Cataldi, P.A. (1548—1623) 193
Category theory 429
Cathode ray tube 44
Cauchy principal value 64
Cauchy sequence 399
Cauchy's integral formula 58
Cauchy, Augustin Louis (1789—1857) 0
Caus's monochord 159
Caus, Salomon de (ca. 1576—1626) 0
Causality 76
CD-ROM, Neuwirth 430
Cello 170
Centroid 115
Cents 11 150 364 371
Cepstrum 77 382
Cesaro sum 39 42 46
Cesaro, Ernesto (1859—1906) 0
Chain rule, multivariable 85 388
Chain, ossicular 3
Chalmers, John (1940— ) 191
Champion de Chambonnieres, Jacques (1602—1672) 393
Change ringing 294
Chao Jung-Tze 195
Chaos 39 258 261 381 384 385
Character theory 417
Chaw, Ousainou 92
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