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Veverka V.V., Madron F. — Material and Energy Balancing in the Process Industries: From Microscopic Balances to Large Plants
Veverka V.V., Madron F. — Material and Energy Balancing in the Process Industries: From Microscopic Balances to Large Plants

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Название: Material and Energy Balancing in the Process Industries: From Microscopic Balances to Large Plants

Авторы: Veverka V.V., Madron F.


This book represents the systematic coverage of mass and energy balancing in the process industries. The classical treatment of balances in the available literature is complemented in the following areas:
- systematic analysis of large systems by Graph theory
- comprehensive thermodynamic analysis (entropy and availability)
- balancing on the basis of measured plant data (data reconciliation)
- measurement design and optimisation
- dynamic balancing
- plant-wide regular mass and energy balancing as a part of company's information system.

The major areas addressed are:
- single- and multi-component balancing
- energy balance
- entropy and exergy (availability) balances
- solvability of balancing problems
- balancing with data reconciliation
- dynamic balancing
- measurement design and optimisation
- regular balancing of large industrial systems.

The book is directed to chemical engineers, plant designers, technologists, information technology managers, control engineers and instrumentation engineers in process industries. Major areas of applications are process industries and energy production, such as oil refining, natural gas processing, petrochemistry, chemical industries, mineral processing and utility production and distribution systems. University students and teachers of chemical engineering and control will also find the book invaluable.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Издание: 1st edition

Год издания: 1997

Количество страниц: 637

Добавлена в каталог: 20.08.2009

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